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3737111 No.3737111 [Reply] [Original]

I don't really have any friends and I can't decide whether I'm okay with this.

It's just that I have no tolerance for stupidity and bullshit. And something about almost everyone pisses me off, so I just drop them. I realize that I'm far from perfect, but that doesn't change how I view others.

I'm very content in my own company. I mostly just trade derivatives and ForEx, read books, drink brandy, and go mountain biking all day.

I think that in order for me to become a sociable person, I would need to change my attitude and worldview from the very core, and I just don't know whether it's worth it and whether I'm even capable of doing that.

I begin to crave socialization every few months and call up an acquaintance from an old job or school or whatever. We'll go out or go to a party or something. But I find myself growing tired of everyone around me very quickly; and I become exhausted from social contact.


>> No.3737114

>>I have no tolerance for stupidity and bullshit

How do you manage to look at yourself in the mirror every morning without cutting your own throat?

>> No.3737121

friendship is overrated, when you are succesful it is a liability that has to be managed carefully

>> No.3737125

I don't see how this pertains to literature.

>> No.3737127

>I become exhausted from social contact.

This is the definition of an introvert

>> No.3737135


>> No.3737138

>It's just that I have no tolerance for stupidity and bullshit. And something about almost everyone pisses me off, so I just drop them

At least get an original defense mechanism.

>> No.3737146

For instance:

Two acquaintances from undergrad invited me to a three-day music festival today.

I like music and I like the outdoors. Any normal person should WANT to go, right? I find myself convincing myself to go.

My thought process is, "I'm gonna have to be sweaty and uncomfortable all day, talk to a bunch of dumb hippies, etc. while I could just as easily listen to music at home, get drunk, and smoke a bowl. And nobody will bother me."

I mean, this is fucking retarded reasoning, right? I should want to spend time with people and meet new people and experience new things. Why don't I and how can I make myself want this?

>> No.3737148

This OP. You are just extremely extroverted. I'm very much the same. I really only have one friend.

I really do understand how you feel, I find myself irritated by other peoples company. I do, however, think you would do well to get over yourself. There may well come a time when your solitary life really starts to get to you.

You say that every few months or so you crave socialization and call up an old acquaintance. Friendships work two ways, it may well be that these acquaintances don't take too kindly to your fleeting nature, and that one day you might not have anyone to call. This is a situation you don't want to find yourself in.

>> No.3737155

Are you perhaps afraid of leaving your comfort zone?

Also this thread should really be in /adv/.

>> No.3737169

>worried about sweating

So you sweat easily and you don't like going outside when it's hot. At least admit to yourself this is a problem and get on some prescription deodorant or something.

>talk to a bunch of dumb hippies

Or talk to other people who enjoy music and ignore the hippies. If you dislike talking to other people at all it's likely because you're not a good conversationalist, aka you can't dominate people in conversation. There's another thing to put on your checklist.

All insecurities so far, brother. Either band-aid those problems or get more in touch with yourself and don't allow them to bother you.

>> No.3737270

I fucking love mountain biking. What do you ride? I have a hardrock with a couple mods thrown on

>> No.3737289

I just got a GT Zaskar 100 Hans Rey. It's pretty sweet. I had an old Trek before that. I'm in the process of putting extra-fat tires on the old Trek, stripping it, and turning it into a fixed-gear bike. Gonna be very interesting!

>> No.3737300

I often feel the same way, and this is a major root of my love for books. Reading is a conversation with men who I actually admire, even if they're mostly long dead.
Do you mind discussing your trading strategies? I'm considering becoming a full time day trader. Why derivatives and not stocks?
>working rotine

>> No.3737307

Fixed gears for mountain riding? Unless you have tree trunks for quads I don't see that working out. Can't wait until finals are over so I can go riding, it's been so long

>> No.3737330

If you have the money get a therapist.

>> No.3737332

I suspect you're a very insecure person with a bit of introversion thrown in.

>> No.3737354

>while I could just as easily listen to music at home, get drunk, and smoke a bowl. And nobody will bother me."

Do you actually want to get better?

If yes: quite smoking weed and drinking alcohol.

Want to know why?

Alcohol and marijuana are social drugs. They make it easier for people to let down their walls and talk and enjoy the company of others.

This is not what you are doing.

What you are doing is using these drugs as a coping mechanism for your social anxieties. What you have subconsciously done is be the patient, physician, and pharmacist as your are self-medicating for a problem you have self-diagnosed.

>> No.3737364

I agree with this anon.

Friendless ex-crack head here. Stop using substances alone and if you can get a therapist bro.

>> No.3737384

Can you tell me about what it' was like to be a crack head (not trying to be judgmental or anything I'm genuinely curious)?

>> No.3737387

I'll be your friend anon

>> No.3737400
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*dueling banjos*

>> No.3737414

you got a right purdy mouth boy. Now bend over an squeel liker pig

>> No.3737421
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Get on OkCupid, start goin out with lots girls. Feel better.

>> No.3737448

You lead a life you enjoy and you are content. Carry on.

>> No.3737625
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>I begin to crave socialization every few months and call up an acquaintance from an old job or school or whatever. We'll go out or go to a party or something. But I find myself growing tired of everyone around me very quickly; and I become exhausted from social contact.

I feel the exact same way.

>> No.3737637

I have this too but I see nothing wrong with it. Meet up with some people every one or two months and then back to the hermitage. It's a fine way to live.