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File: 24 KB, 460x280, huntersthompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3736755 No.3736755 [Reply] [Original]


Remember when cool people like Hunter S. Thompson tripped on acid at the Kentucky Derby?
Now all we have for gonzo journalism is a bunch of college students taking pictures of meat in a corner

>> No.3736763

>Those comments
>"Finally! Now we can see what Thompson did from the female perspective

>> No.3736767

vice is a fucking joke

>> No.3736787

Vice is not really the best example of Gonzo going.


Yeah they are but they're a good joke a lot of the time.

>> No.3736789


Addition: Not this time though

>> No.3736790
File: 22 KB, 250x296, cthulu fatgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha what the hell they didn't even see the race
If that's all it takes to be on Vice then I should apply as top reporter

>> No.3736796

I do enjoy their international coverage on obscure and insane drugs, but purely for novelty. I have never seen them do anything that affected me other than something like "wow look at those drunk Africans that's hilarious"

>> No.3736808


I thought their piece on Cody Wilson was pretty good. Their piece of Nigerian internet scammers was interesting for me, if only because I was really ignorant as to the hows and whys of that. I remember a piece they did on the militia movement that was fairly interesting as well. Those are a few that come to mind right away.

But I agree that they're usually more "Huh, that's interesting" than "Oh wow, this is fantastic journalism!".

>> No.3736809

i just read a few of these "_____...on acid" articles and christ they're awful. i don't think the writer even does acid at these events. all he does is dose his friends and follow them around and write down some of the goofy things they say. he doesn't ever say anything interesting about the events or show a drugged-out perspective of the things. god damn.

hunter thompson didn't see it either but "KD is decadent and deranged" is fantastic

>> No.3736813

>That shit he pulls on the British artist
THATS real journalism

>> No.3736814

>hunter thompson didn't see it either but "KD is decadent and deranged" is fantastic

And actually hosted on the KD website, if I remember correctly. Which makes me respect their whole enterprise a little more.

>> No.3736944

That's just downright awful.

Nobody wants to read an article where you just recount what your drug-addled friend did.

The fuck is the point. It isn't funny, informative, or insightful.

>> No.3736976

>I knew someone was gonna mention this. So. Fucking. What. That was forty years ago. This was excellent and different and I really enjoyed the female perspective in a modern age.

>> No.3737025

> It isn't funny, informative, or insightful.

you haven't read much Thompson have you

>> No.3737038

>It isn't funny, informative, or insightful
This should be the new motto of Vice magazine.

>> No.3737064

Shit like Scopolamine and Krokodil hits hard, dude. Specially Scopolamine. Paranoid's wet dream.

>> No.3737090

I raged too...

>> No.3737098

Vice produces some good material - sometimes - but fuck me if 90% of it isn't complete shit.


>> No.3737113

It's just so banal. It's like they decided teenagers needed a place to express their opinions and discuss their experiences, and then chose the very least representative or intelligent teenagers available.

I remember some article a year or so back, and it was just a girl talking about how she decided to be a lesbian for a day.

The entire fucking ordeal is just vapid as hell.

>> No.3737115

It's the Skins of journalism.

>> No.3737126
File: 251 KB, 612x352, splittingthedifference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things by Vice to check out

Their travel guides and the new HBO show.

>things by Vice to ignore

Literally everything else.

>> No.3737128

Notice how she's the focus of every picture,

>> No.3737141

The kind of person who thinks that they need to tell the entire world about their day at a horseracing event is pretty much guaranteed to be a vacuous attention-whore, so I don't know why this surprises you.

>> No.3737142

The best thing by Vice I've seen is the Alaskan wilderness man one. That's proper good m8.

>> No.3737152

Is it just me or, in the closeup where she's holding a coffee cup, are her pupils a perfectly normal size?
Last few times I've dropped mine were so large they were almost grey instead of black.

>> No.3737175

Where do you get acid.

>> No.3737200

the girl in the pictures isn't the writer though
my last couple trips my pupils barely dilated. i think it just depends on things.

>> No.3737219

One-eyed Bob.

I'll admit it can vary. Still, the tone of the article is a little try-hard.