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3734248 No.3734248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did the spooks try to ruin your day today, /lit/?

>> No.3734254 [DELETED] 

>implying "having a good day" isn't a spook

>> No.3734262

It isn't. Pls read Stirner.

>> No.3734265 [DELETED] 

>implying "reading Stirner" isn't a spook

nice try, spooklord

>> No.3734267

Tried to trick me into normative morality so as to have objectives and guidelines in life. Didn't work though, retreated into my quietist bunker.

>> No.3734271

Most unfunny tripfag.

>> No.3734279

>write a book saying "do whatever the fuck you want"
>people think it's telling them to not do anything

>> No.3734281 [DELETED] 

>implying "tripfag" isn't a spook

>> No.3734292

Someone tried to unsettle my apatheia by telling me about a child who was abused in a Satanic ritual by being sealed in an animal's womb and rebirthed from it. I distanced myself from all feelings towards it because I could only choose to avert myself from it and colour it negative.

>> No.3734295

The girl in the shop demanded to see my ID when I was buying beer. That counts right?

>> No.3734316

I just got spooked.

>> No.3734375

But spooks are just in your head.

>> No.3734873

about to go on a trip and i was half-joking with some friends about getting pcp to smoke during said trip but it was decided my friend alec was probably just going to bring 'edibles' instead

is not wanting to smoke pcp a spook? i really want to try pcp but not alone

also i somehow ended up watching finding nemo of all movies with a girl... is finding nemo a spook? i hate that fucking movie

>> No.3734911

I'm almost entirely certain Finding Nemo is a spook, yeah.

>> No.3735018

oh and another thing, i always (literally always) while drinking water or any other fluid, measure in my head how many cups/ounces i've consumed and how many are left. i'll usually inconspicuously read the packaging on the 7-up or bottled water or whatever i'm drinking to see how many oz are in it to aid my internal measurements. pretty sure both measurements of liquid and whatever mental disease is causing this are both spooks

>> No.3735059

i try to do that with booze. doesn't work so well. i always end passed out.