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3732196 No.3732196 [Reply] [Original]

Would /lit/ die for a revolution?

>> No.3732201
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of course, only faggots keeps clining to life with no other reason than being afraid.

>> No.3732203


>> No.3732204

the only revolution /lit/ wants involves dance-dancing

>> No.3732205
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Probably not. We're too occupied with our little lives, arguing about the merits of popular fantasy fiction, hating on Ayn Rand, and have the same discussions about God, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, and the worthiness of Kindles ever day. Who needs a revolution when we can fight about Harry Potter and Schopenhauer.

>> No.3732216

No but I would probably die in one.

>> No.3732220

relevant, all the faggots saying no in this thread are the first ones to go.

>> No.3732226
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Yes, for Prince!

>> No.3732232

What kind of revolution? That seems rather pertinent here. Also, whether you would die is only part of the question. Whether you would kill is another. And perhaps a more indicative one.

>> No.3732234

Depends what revolution, obviously.

>> No.3732236
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no. revolution is bullshit. its very name betrays it: to go in a circle. all violent revolutions end up in counter revolutions worse than the conditions which sparked the initial revolution.

all hope is lost when Danton is beheaded, when Girondin loses to the Mountain, when the Mensheviks are gunned down, etc. this always happens.

cf Darkness at Noon for the absurdity of revolutionary logic, and the film Danton by Andrzej Wajda to show its detachment from the people which it is supposed to serve.

>> No.3732245



>> No.3732244

Not the case. American Revolution is one example which did not issue into the kind of permanent revolution or repressive countermeasures you're talking about, as long as you're capable of sorting through the the economic issues & not just dismissing it out of hand as bourgeois & take it on its own terms. Whether it was ultimately successful is another matter, but I think it was a revolution and it did not issue in the kind of violence that you're talking about, and that fact is in and of itself interesting, and demands more thought.

>> No.3732256
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ah i forgot about that. you're right. Arendt thought the American Revolution was successful because it established permanent institutions and a rule of law which prevented degeneration into terror, while the French Revolution was a failure because it wasn't able to do the same thing.

but it seems to be the exception in a long line of failures. it might come down to the personality of Washington, not sure.

on a sidenote, Kant thought the French revolution was important for the objective development of humanity even though he couldn't' support it if it caused a single death. the American Revolution doesn't seem to have the same substantive content as the French, it was just about securing property rights.

>> No.3732260

>implying property rights aren't an integral aspect of modern post-Feudal civilization

>> No.3732265


obviously, but there are a host of problems that have arisen from the over-emphasis on them. e.g. narrow negative conceptions of freedom lead to atomisation of individuals, dog eat dog mentality, disregarding of anything resembling "fraternity" or "equality" in the French conception.

>> No.3732266

I think you mean "property rights were the basis of feudalism".

>> No.3732268

I wouldn't just lay down my life for one (especially considering any revolution that isn't based around individual desire seems fucking dubious to me, so why should it require self-sacrifice), but I would sure as fuck put my life on the line.

>> No.3732285

lol yeah, this is just straight Arendt pretty much, I've actually just been re-reading On Revolution the last couple days. Obviously for her it's a question of political objectives and judgment as much as anything else - American Revolution had an experience and an awareness that the French lacked. She would disagree (and I think I would as well) that the American Revolution was solely about restoring property rights, because I don't think you can reduce history to economic motives in that way, and I think they did accomplish meaningful, substantive things - they just weren't meaningful substantive economic things.

At the end of the day, though, her account of why the French Revolution and subsequent revolutions have failed, where the American Revolution didn't, is because of the French Revolution was dominated by the question of poverty, whereas the American Revolution was dominated by questions of politics - and for a lot of complicated and maybe dubious reasons, the focus on poverty led to incredible violence and meant that none of the accomplishments stayed around long. Which is a problematic conclusion because, I mean, what the fuck do you do with poverty? I mean, are you just supposed to tell the poor to go fuck themselves? It's not a useful analysis, in that sense.

>> No.3732288

Disclaimer: It's late and I'm tired as shit and it might be the case that none of this is comprehensible.

What I'm trying to say, essentially, is that I think Arendt's analysis of the political differences between the two revolutions is fascinating and useful and insightful, and the fact that (as she says) the American Revolution was successful is important and needs to be considered, but ultimately her analysis seems to simply ignore poverty in itself, and I'm not sure that's a good conclusion.

>> No.3732291

>American Revolution
Are you talking about getting rid of British? I wouldn't even call it revolution, it is more a decolonisation, removing external sources.

>> No.3732302

yeah some have even called it a civil war not a revolution

revolution implies class war, which was conspicuously absent from the so called "American Revolution"

>> No.3732306

Revolution does not necessarily imply class war unless you're a Marxist. Which, there's nothing wrong with that, but not everyone is.

>> No.3732328
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>> No.3732336

Idk. How hungry am I?

>> No.3732342
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you're a starving indian during WW2 under the British Raj

>> No.3732345

It depends on what the revolution was against.

>> No.3732397



>> No.3732411
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>> No.3732415


I would gladly die fending off the filthy revolutionary masses though.

>> No.3732437

The problem is that violent revolutions most often creates an organization of violent men who are then perfectly placed to maintain their influence over what comes after.

>> No.3732442

Absolutely not.

>> No.3732490
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I think I would have fought for the Spanish Republic if I had been born in the right time. Some of the international brigades lost over half their number over the course of the war so it seems likely I would end up dying.

>> No.3732521

I's have probably fought there too... Against the fascists and the stalinists.

>> No.3732537

You mean at both sides at the same time?

>> No.3732546

Of course, but only a fascist revolution.

>> No.3732551

Has there ever been a modern fascist state that didn't squander the trust of its populace?

>> No.3732554

Replace 'fascist state' with any form of political organisation and you are right.

>> No.3732556

Would have fought for the anarchists, just to see if the experiment would have worked or not.

>> No.3732564
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1776 wasn't really "revolutionary" in the same sense of 1789. It was more akin to a rebellion - a native upper class throwing off a foreign one.

Apart from who called the shots nothing much changed. Black slaves before 1776 were still slaves after, Native Americans were still being shafted, women held no rights, neither did the poor etc.

In fact the only "revolutionary" act for it's time was the Separation of Church and State. However 200 years later we see that Jefferson shouldn't have even bothered.

>> No.3732565

>comfortably writing online about risking your life in a civil war out of mild curiosity

>> No.3732569

>This thread
>comfortably writing online about risking your life in a civil war

>> No.3732570

>Glorious Revolution

>> No.3732575

>This thread
>comfortably writing online about risking your life

>> No.3732598

Stalinists killed anarchists and practically anyone who didn't want to obey the USSR (even if they were fighting against Franco).

>> No.3732600

It did in Catalonia, but for a short time. It's difficult to survive as an anarchist when you're surrounded by commies and fascists...

>> No.3732619

I wonder if there any books about Spanish Civil War described from the fascist side.

It's difficult to survive as an anarchist in general. I've read about anarchists in Russian Civil War and their troops were completely lawless and fucked up.

>> No.3732632

>I've read about anarchists in Russian Civil War and their troops were completely lawless and fucked up.
What sources were you reading?

>> No.3732642

The novel "Quiet Don".

>> No.3732652

>Quiet Don
>First three volumes were written from 1925 to 1932 and published in Soviet magazine "October" in 1928-1932.
That's why.

>> No.3732692

Fascism is by far a lot more potent as a force than either Communism and Anarchism.

It combines human instinct with nationalism which makes for soldiers with high morale as well as a sense of pride that a man always has to defend, as it is his responsibility as one.

>> No.3732707

It's Don Quixote, not Quiet Don.

>> No.3732715

I like to think so. I like to thing it'd give the rest of my life meaning, a retrospective direction. 'It was all leading up to his eventual involvement in x.' I like the idea of being remembered as a part of history. The violent part, not the 'he had a normal job, watched a lot of TV and died of heart failure at 70' part.

But I'd probably pussy out.

>> No.3732719

>combines human instinct with nationalism
Yeah. Uneducated and dumb people are easy to manipulate through fanatism.

>> No.3732738
File: 1.28 MB, 2048x3038, Reichsparteitag_1935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People in general do well with some proper grand narrative. Fascism with it's almost mythical nationalism offers this in a more enticing way than the stale theories of anarchism and communism. There's a reason why not only plebs but also a lot of artists have a weak spot for fascism and it's derivatives. I mean, look at pic related. Aesthetically speaking the commies don't stand a chance.

>> No.3732744

probably not, I'm too cynical and cowardly

I would send help though

>> No.3732752 [DELETED] 

Aesthetics, mysticism and fanaticism being his main appeal says all about the its theory. Btw, the distinction between artist and pleb died during WWI.

>> No.3732755

>People in general
People in general are stupid.

Aesthetics, mysticism and fanaticism being its main appeal says all about its theory. Btw, the distinction between artist and pleb died during WWI.

>> No.3732756

That's exactly why it was mainly a movement of the middle class and the upper class?

Saying people are stupid implies that you're on a high horse of infallibility.

Stop being so pessimistic about a political system that has created some of the most wondrous economies in the world.

caption: ikedfta mythological

>> No.3732759


10/10 retard

>> No.3732768

>That's exactly why it was mainly a movement of the middle class and the upper class?

The middle and upper classes were sexually repressed. Same for the peasants. Sexual repression leads to Fascism.

t: Wilhelm Reich

>> No.3732773

To me it shows an insight regarding the fact that people need more to fulfil them than the vast cultural and spiritual wasteland that most leftist ideology offers. I think that's the strength of fascism, not what discredits it. I meant pleb mostly in the philistine sense of the world here, by the way. Fascism seems compatible with basic human instincts and needs. Communism and anarchism seem constantly at war with them.

>> No.3732774

Or chanelling sexual energy in something other than blatant release is what creates high culture.

>> No.3732776

LOL. Reich is a joke.

His works have been refuted MANY times, it's even on Wikipedia. Sexual Repression is not a cause for Fascism, that's stupid to even suggest then and is stupid to suggest now.

Mind you, the author is more important than the history being written:
>Raised by Jews
>Slav (hated by fascists [even though the definition of it isn't even clear to this day]

>> No.3732778

Soviet sources about anarchists are always bullshit. Don't trust anything published in a Soviet publication from the years 1917 - 1989.

>> No.3732780

For the Arab Spring Revolutions? No

The fight for the Spanish Republic or the Cuban Revolution? Always.

>> No.3732785
File: 13 KB, 250x400, deadfascist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His works have been refuted MANY times

His work on character analysis is still widely used, even if Wilhelm Reich is disgraced because of his later work with orgone. The Mass Psychology of Fascism was never refuted.

>Sexual Repression is not a cause for Fascism, that's stupid to even suggest then and is stupid to suggest now.

Sexual repression in the family is the germ of Fascism. It's one of the primary incubators of Fascist ideology and mysticism.

>Implying you've read Reich
>Implying you can argue with a Fascist
>Implying your face shouldn't be splattered over the pavement

Smelly, dumb, Fascist scum.

>> No.3732790

Lenin had a lot of respect for Pyotr Kropotkin, and the fight between the Red Army and Anarchist Army in Ukraine is quite hard to decipher. They both fought alongside many times, and cooperated to destroy the White Army, but numerous times each of the groups provoked the others.
Anarchists were not that hated in Lenin's Soviet Union.

>> No.3732791

A Third world country overthrowing a dictator is better than another third world country overthrowing a dictator?

>> No.3732797
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>> No.3732799

I wouldn't fight to get the Islamic Radicals in power sorry. When their Revolution is towards an egalitarian secular and classless society, count me in. That Revolution in specific was doomed from the start, same as Lybia, Syria, Egypt, and the Mali Revolutionaries have already succumbed to the pressure of the Al-Quaeda

>> No.3732800

>implying replacing a dictator with some commie regime is the same as a fundamentalist muslim regime

>> No.3732803

Anarchists were put in jail in the Soviet Union. Any sympathies Lenin had for Makhno or other anarchists were clearly displayed when he ordered the destruction of the Kronstadt Commune and the invasion of the Free Territory.

>> No.3732805

Syrian civil war isn't fought by Islamist Radicals though.

It's the youngsters who want democracy and secularism.

>> No.3732808

>antifa tantrums

Vegan squatter pls go

>> No.3732809

Fascism is not related to mysticism, Nazism is.

>still hasn't addressed his bias
>German Jewish Marxist who's psychotic and also a slav

Yeah, everyone would have loved him.

>> No.3732810

>Lybia, Syria, Egypt, and the Mali Revolutionaries have already succumbed to the pressure of the Al-Quaeda

Are you retarded?

>> No.3732813

Are you, have you not been paying attention?

>> No.3732815

Anarchism is bullshit anyway so who cares.

>> No.3732816

A Fascist complaining about bias? That's fucking hilarious.

>> No.3732817

A Regime applied force to crush a rebellion which wanted to overthrow what they had conquered? Those devils!!

>> No.3732819
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>that calm and collected realistic pragmatic centrist feel

Feels good not to be posturing radical scum with head in the clouds

>> No.3732821

You don't really pay much attention to the world don't you? The Secular Revolutionaries still protest to this day. A Communist that was one of the major figures of the opposition in Tunisia was shot down a couple months ago...

>> No.3732822

I'm not saying anyone should have been surprised. I'm just saying that Lenin was clearly not sympathetic to the anarchists, at least not sympathetic enough not to order them all shot or imprisoned.

>> No.3732829


>Sexual repression in the family is the germ of Fascism. It's one of the primary incubators of Fascist ideology and mysticism.

Sexual repression in the family? Yes, sexual repression like the Nazis encouraging their citizens to have as many children as possible. Or servicing their soldiers with armies of prostitutes. Yep, those Fascists sure hate sex.

>Smelly, dumb, Fascist scum.

Scum from your perspective, perhaps - but you seem like the dumb one.

>> No.3732833
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I'm not fascist, in fact, I'm a centrist. But hey, since we're throwing labels around, you seem like a marxist hippie who works at the shelter for immigrant somalians and has a black boyfriend that has part time residence in Oslo.

>hey Fascism created some of the most powerful economies in the world
>lel sexual repression lel
>Korean, Taiwan, Japanese and German history, not even once

>> No.3732834

They were against his Revolution, he fought against them. The Leninist Period was the only where Anarchists could do demonstrations and make their opinions heard publicly.

>> No.3732836

I would have fought in that revolution, on certain fronts.

Take Egypt as a prime example: the Egyptians are on the one-step-forward, two-step-back plan of attack (proposed first by the great Islamic warrior-poet P. Abdul), and they're going to have as much trouble under one leader as the other. But the mobilization of many millions of people refusing to stay underfoot (as Egyptians have been doing for some time, under various dictators) is a good and noble thing.

I use Bassem Youssef as an example of a modern-day revolutionist: all you need to do to embarass and denegrate a man like Pres. Morsi to the masses is to make an ass of him on the television and fight for your right to do so. This weakens the state's authoritarian power symbolically, and since they're tossing on charges of "tarnishing Islam" or whatever else they can find, its also loosening the fundamentalist stranglehold on the Egyptian people.

Call me naive, but that's inspiring to me. And yes, I include that in the "Die for a Revolution" category: anyone not suspecting death or lifelong imprisonment as a real threat for Mr. Youssef hasn't been keeping an eye peeled.

Eye-peeling also a real threat.

>> No.3732840


The politics of the Muslim world is one of the main things I study; I have to pay attention. If you think that the MB in Egypt or the General National Congress of Libya are "Al-Qaeda", you have no idea what you're talking about.

The only notable group with Qaeda connections in Syria is Jabhat an-Nusra. And that's a rather recent development.

The conflict in Mali grew out of Tuareg secessionism, not a popular uprising.

>> No.3732842

It's kind of funny, considering every rally that has nationalists in it looks like they have men in them, while in communist ones it has little faggots who look like they've never ate meat in their life because they're too busy listening to bands no one gives a shit about or pursuing a future in artistic feministic non-cis transbisexual liberalistic socialism.

>> No.3732843

Centrists and Agnostics. The two groups who are afraid to take a position and prefer to say they are both so as to not upset anyone. Fuck you.

>> No.3732853

The secession was made by armed struggle of its people.
With Al-Qaeda what is meant is extreme-Islamism, and i don't think any of this countries is faring very well today.

>> No.3732854
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Actually, you know so little about politics that you couldn't see the sarcasm.

Fascism, in many circles, is actually recognized as extreme centrist or... third positionist. Either Communism or Capitalism? Now that's just fucking ridiculous.

Agnostic is indecisive? Oh, wow, you really are a dumb one.

>> No.3732855

>Smelly, dumb, Fascist scum
Hahaha antifa got mad.

>> No.3732859

You gotta remember that the Anarchists followed Nstor Mahkno, who fought in Civil War against Bolsheviks with Cossacks and whites in Ukraine.

>> No.3732862

>You don't really pay much attention to the world don't you? The Secular Revolutionaries still protest to this day.

"Secular revolutionaries" not rising the power isn't tantamount to an Al-Qaeda takeover, buddy. Secularists did a piss poor job of organizing themselves into a political party in Egypt, lost the elections, and are now being petulant fools and shooting themselves in the foot by protesting fair election results and refusing to cooperate with the government. Morsi and company have their own major faults, but none of the country's problems will be solved as long as the opposition continues to be unreasonable.

>A Communist that was one of the major figures of the opposition in Tunisia was shot down a couple months ago...

Communism doesn't have a broad enough base of support in any Arab country to be the guiding ideology of a popular government. That doesn't mean that Al-Qaeda is in control of Tunisia.

>> No.3732863

> Taiwan
> Fascit
what the fuck am I reading

Autocracy =/= fascism

>> No.3732865

I believe in transhumanism, so I'm down for never dying never ever never ever never ever.

>> No.3732868

Lel, that's like a person who drinks a screwdriver can't make up his mind between being an alcoholic and a teetotaller. Centrism is a position. It's a position that says the best way to go is somewhere in between both extremes.

>> No.3732870

>not corporatist

>> No.3732872

>Not realising that a nationalist autocratic party can be realised as fascist

Wow, you are one special case mate.

Look man, I know that you, somewhere, know that Reich was kicked out of every respectable organisation he was part of for writing such a fucking retarded book. I mean, he got kicked out of the communist part of Germany. You had to be a nutcase to be a communist and a bigger one to be kicked out of one.

He was kicked out of a psychological society and then created something called an orgone accumulator. Taking Reich seriously is like taking Neitszche too seriously considering he's the modern day Herodotus of bias.

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.
Benito Mussolini
This guy. Tyvm.

>> No.3732874

You are an idiot.

>> No.3732878

On that note, I need sleep Antifa. People like me work, and study. You know, PRODUCTIVE MEMBERS OF SOCIETY know how it feels to not want socialism and stuff. Goodnight sweet prince, my Marx roll in his grave forever onwards.

>> No.3732882

>With Al-Qaeda what is meant is extreme-Islamism

The MB in Egypt aren't extreme. At the moment the party leadership is being too partisan, preventing Morsi or anyone else from taking a more inclusive approach to the opposition. Egypt's Salafis are more hardline, but generally not as radical as AQ. They have significant support, but I don't think it will ever be a majority.

Countries generally require some time to recover from revolutions, particularly popular uprisings that overthrow political systems that have been in power for 50 years or more. And keep in mind that these governments often employed large portions of the population; large public sectors in most Arab countries are a colonial legacy. Tourism has also declined.

>> No.3732886

Anon's rebuttal was strong, it flowed like a river and could be sang like a song, he called me an idiot and it hurt my feelers, probably pissed that he got bad meth off his dealers, little does he know of anything relevant, he believes humanity is loving and benevolent, one day you will grow up king of the edge and dumb, one day you'll stop taking it up your bum. - Adolf Hitler

>> No.3732887

What are you doing on /lit/? What a childish post...You should be ashamed of even saying something along those marks...

>> No.3732888

Can't we all just talk about Paula Abdul you cunts?

>> No.3732889

I'm a NEET parasite and I prefer centrism as well. I prefer my welfare state to be based on market economy so that there is actual wealth for me to leech off instead of being clubbed to death for not mining coal or some shit.

>> No.3732897

Yeah you are right, this post was stupid. We need to have more posts of antifa saying how they will smash the fascists in the streets. They are much more amusing, lol.

>> No.3732898

over and over.

>> No.3732913

>people's needs
>glorification of war
>absolute submission to a supreme leader
Makes sense because I though people's needs were something like basic needs and self-realization.

>> No.3732927 [DELETED] 

>Saying people are stupid implies that you're on a high horse of infallibility.
Saying people in general are stupid implies I look at what the uneducated majority chooses and accepts and the only logical explanation I find is they're stupid.
>Stop being so pessimistic about a political system that has created some of the most wondrous economies in the world.
Yeah, this is why fascism did so well until today.

>> No.3732934


Yep, childish fascists. Why can't they present coherent arguments instead of employing empty rhetoric and nebulous sloganeering!?

Smelly dumb, fascist scum! Back to your basements, neckbeard virgins!


>> No.3732941

>Saying people are stupid implies that you're on a high horse of infallibility.
Saying people in general are stupid implies I look at what the uneducated majority chooses and accepts and the only logical explanation I find is they're stupid.
>Stop being so pessimistic about a political system that has created some of the most wondrous economies in the world.
Yeah, this is why fascism did so well until today.
>That's exactly why it was mainly a movement of the middle class and the upper class?
Yeah, that's exactly why this was a movement created by the bourgeois to maintain their system and continue exploiting the working class until today. Those high and middle class created something for the masses, something to appeal to their feelings and not their reason, something for dumb and uneducated people to swallow.

>> No.3732947

Which is where we arrive at our probably fundamentally different ideas of human nature. I think the vast majority of humanity is of better use and better off themselves obeying.

>> No.3732961

Maybe they are not stupid but just don't care. With the rest I'm not even going to argue, I just wonder where you live that you use the phrase "working class". China, India, Bangladesh?

>> No.3732982

I call sheeple what you call humans according to your idea of human nature. Sheeple are inferior to humans. They need to obey, they need a master, they accept their own inferiority.
>Maybe they are not stupid but just don't care.
You don't care about your future, your status, your dignity...? Then I call you stupid.
Barcelona. I know that term isn't really relevant today, but we were talking about fascism/communism so I was using early 20th century terms.

>> No.3733021

This sheeple is by far the majority of humanity.

>> No.3733024

Yeah, I was implying this like 5 posts ago.

>> No.3733026

The working class deserves to be exploited and is best of being exploited as long as they're reasonably comfortable. They need humane treatment, not self-government. Like cattle.

>> No.3733029

Why are you in favour of egalitarianism then?

>> No.3733040

lol what? Are you sure you didn't misquote? Because I don't remember posting anything in favor of egalitarianism.
Not all the working class, you take this out of your ass. I say most, not all. The working class doesn't deserve exploitation as long as they're willing to fight back the capitalists.

>> No.3733050
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>being this much of a decadent counter-revolutionary

>> No.3733055

>implying you wouldn't have been an indoctrinated international communist who fought for the Stalinists

>> No.3733061

>Implying absurd implications

>> No.3733070

Sure is armchair revolutionary sheeple in here.

>> No.3733326

>armchair revolutionary
Sure is pseudo-intellectual using buzzwords to pathetically attempt to dismiss somebody's opinion and sound smart in here.

>> No.3733744

Depends on a lot of things, but I'd like to think yeah.

I'm depressed and borderline suicidal anyway, so fuck it, may as well go for a 'glorious' death, and maybe even be immortalised in song or on a mural or have a street named after me.

I suspect that's what's motivated a lot of militants throughout history.