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3729667 No.3729667 [Reply] [Original]

How does one stop being a procrastinator?

>> No.3729677


>> No.3729676

By realizing there's a time to think and a time to do.

By realizing that time is limited and that for every action you commit, a better one could have been accomplished.

>> No.3729679

You're not a procrastinator, it's just that you're not interested in the things that others expect you to be interested in..and therefore you really can't bring yourself to commit your time and genius to things that don't interest you.

>> No.3729686

Not procrastinating is an illusion created by putting off procrastination until later.

>> No.3729800


>> No.3729807


1. Leave 4chan
2. Tone it down with the masturbation.
3. ???
4. Profit!

>> No.3729816


Have someone force you out of it.

>> No.3729838

But what if things vaguely interest you? Like writing for instance. Let's say you write something that you are somewhat proud of, regardless of how crap it is. You are almost 'worried' that your next piece of writing might not be as good, or prove to yourself that you ARE actually very bad. This may discourage you.

I feel like this when it comes to many things, I'm not sure why

>> No.3729867

>1. Leave 4chan

>2. Tone it down with the masturbation.
Even more impossible

Guess I'm fucked then

>> No.3729872

Find something that you actually like doing.

>> No.3729879

the only things I enjoy are browsing 4chan and masturbating.

>> No.3729882

how? finding what your passion is like the hardest thing to do in life.

>> No.3729888
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So what are you worried about? That is the mother fucking patrician life, bro!

>> No.3729889

then you are neither wasting time nor procrastinating

>> No.3730012

We have many things in common.

But seriously, I think I have tried almost every hobby out there now. I get OK at some things, like drawing, I still like to do it occasionally, but I know I'll never get really good, I just don't put the time in.
Anyways, it's definitely important to do some different things here and there, for variety. Whatever it is you are procrastinating from, go and put 30 minutes into it right now. I give you permission to stop after that.

>> No.3730018

Find motivation any way you can anything that will motivate you to wake up and get something done
It. Could be for yourself or for others

>> No.3730019

Yea this guy is right. Do what you want to do, but as >>3730012 says, variety is the spice of life.

nice trips btw

>> No.3730027

Have you tried blacksmithing?

>> No.3730041
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While masturbating?


>> No.3730070
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Laziness beyond securing your health is a virtue. It's the hyperactive that ruin the world. Just enjoy loafing about. Don't do something unless you can't help it.

>> No.3730077

Nope. By almost every hobby, I mean more like: Drawing, chess, writing, biking

The only thing I do on a regular basis is look for new hobbies. But I do read, mostly the Bible the lately

>> No.3730094

Opee here, I even procrastinate things I enjoy like reading, watching a film or discovering new music.

Am I depressed?

>> No.3730128

You could just be lazy. Are you EET or NEET?

>> No.3730133

Using your cock as the hammer.

See below:

Not necessarily. You might be in a perpetual state of ennui because your life lacks meaning and excitement. This is my situation. I've self-prescribed a course of literature, recreational drugs, travel and reckless self-endangerment.

>> No.3730141

>reckless self-endangerment.

>> No.3730149

Off-topic but does anyone here know how to get laid? I have a few shindigs I go to every month but I know all the girls there kind of well and I'm pretty sure it would be awkward if I were to bang them and then party with them again. And plus I think they're all looking for a boyfriend and I don't date fat chicks. I turn 21 in 3 months. Wat do?

>> No.3730150


>> No.3730171

I haven't decided yet. I want to do something that doesn't involve endangering others, so reckless driving is out (unless I do it off-road, but I can't even drive anyway). I'd maybe try skydiving, but I don't know how much it costs and I'm on a student's budget. Other things that are exciting but not very dangerous include kitesurfing, which is like windsurfing but you go into the air. You can die from it but I don't think it's very common.

>> No.3730188

I think you've hit the nail on the head here. The good thing about it is, I get to learn a lot.

>> No.3730192

Oh, and enjoy your /lit/.

>> No.3730201

Maybe your EETing is tiring and jading you too much. When I had a job I was full zombie the rest of the time. Now that I'm NEET I still do fuck all but I enjoy it.

>> No.3730267
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Create healthy habits, get rid of old habits, and do both things with courage.

Lets take reading. Choose a new place where you dont do anything else, some chair you never sit in, and sit down, and force yourself to read a book that you think you will enjoy. Keep doing this and create a habit.

Take reforming yourself in small bits. Do one thing at a time, dont try to pull some Olympian strength change. Its harder to do this over and over again, testing your courage and endurance over a long period of time, rather than one big moment.

So work on one habit at a time, and work yourself up. Not sure what your passion in life is? Make your bed first.

>> No.3730317

Man, I can play computer and video games all day. I wonder if that's how great writers had it with writing.

I kinda hope I'll find a "worthwhile" activity that I can do with the same reckless abandon with which I play games.

>> No.3730796
File: 131 KB, 640x427, reading_spot_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lets take reading. Choose a new place where you dont do anything else, some chair you never sit in, and sit down, and force yourself to read a book that you think you will enjoy.
>tfw no pic related

>> No.3730813

the urge to go climb that tree would absolutely murder reading time for me

>> No.3730826

Procrastination is the best. As long as it gets done, who cares?

>> No.3730843

Stop trying to not procrastinate.
Stop trying to do anything.
You'll end up doing whatever you do with a much stronger intensity in a way that's much more in tune with your life and your body.
And you'll do what you actually care about/need rather than what you want to want or think you want.

>> No.3730856

It would be your yard, you can climb the tree so much you would then be able to read happily after you've went full monkey for hours.

>> No.3730865

very good point. and i must say that bookshelf dwarfs my collection. and the lamp is nice.. and the chair looks cozy... goddamnit 5/5 would read cozily in.

>> No.3730867

Because when I have to write essays or something I end up doing it on the last few days before the deadline. Then I think: what if I started two months before the deadline? It would be much better that way. But in the end I end up procrastinating again, so my work and grades stay average

>> No.3730882

This. Imagine putting your feet on that leather seat whilst hearing the fire burn
But then you imagine it's only temporary before you die