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3728250 No.3728250 [Reply] [Original]

I hate to admit it, but I think Phillip L. Dick is my favorite author, and I've only read three of his books. Waiting for Ubik and VALIS to arrive. Also, damn Trae covers are sexy.

Your thoughts on PKD?

>> No.3728278

>inb4 PynchonPynchonPynchonPynchonPynchonPynchonPynchonPynchonPynchonPynchonPynchonPynchonPynchonPynchonPynchon

Why should you hate to admit it? PKD is great. His stories are some of the few that I actually re-read every so often. It's not like you're confessing that your favorite author is someone with good stories but bad writing, like Asimov or Heinlein.

Ubik and VALIS are both great. Ubik is one of my favorite books ever. What books of his have you already read?

>> No.3728279

solid genre writer

>> No.3728282

VALIS destroyed my mind.

Fucking Black Iron Prison indeed.

>> No.3728300

great author. flow my tears is my favorite but do androids / ubik / three stigmata etc. are all great too. valis was interesting in that it was a window into PKD himself but not engrossing for me.

>> No.3728332

>I hate to admit it


>> No.3728389

I have only read androids and scanner years ago, loved them both, is flow my tears the essential thing I missed? What is it about?

>> No.3728470

about life bro, about life

>> No.3728486

>is flow my tears the essential thing I missed?
>implying everything PKD isn't essential

>> No.3728872
File: 24 KB, 250x223, 34 - Anne_Frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phillip L. Dick
>Trae covers

>> No.3728891
File: 123 KB, 1003x610, 1332986246110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valis > Flow My Tears > A Scanner Darkly > Ubik > Eye in the Sky > Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep > Dr. Bloodmoney > Man in the High Castle

>> No.3728896


This. Are you not supposed to like him because he's popular?

I'm so tired of people latching on to lesser known media in a vulgar attempt to demonstrate how unique and sophisticated they supposedly are.

>> No.3728912
File: 471 KB, 410x250, nada.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked X before it was popular.

>> No.3728949

>tfw you live in 3rd world shithole and only have "Do Androids..." translated into your language

I am also too poor to have kindle and dl books. There are so many books i'd like to read but simply it's impossible. It's frustrating!

>> No.3728956

Move A Scanner Darkly up one notch.
Otherwise fine.

>> No.3728978

What are your favorite PKD book covers?


>> No.3728995
File: 53 KB, 400x569, pkd valis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly because tits
and japanese

>> No.3729008


I've read twenty of his books so far, your image being my favorite by far. Was my favorite book period for a long time.

>> No.3729942
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>> No.3730004

ubik is mindblowing

>> No.3730076

I think I read The Man In The High Castle when I was far too young to appreciate it. Other than that, no novels.

I've been working my way through the complete short stories (I've read volumes 1, 2 & 3 of 5) and decided to take a break and read volume 1 of Asimov's same. The more PKD I read, the more I like the man. The opposite seems true of Asimov. Asimov's work is lifeless, humourless, unimaginative, poorly thought out and he seems to hate everyone and everything.

In that respect, PKD is everything Asimov isn't. I'm really looking forward to reading the last two volumes, and I'm not sure I'll bother with any more of Asimov's.

On second thought, I think Asimov's good with high concept and religious work, whereas he's such a misanthrope he makes PKD lovable.

>> No.3730093

I agree

>> No.3730126

tfw someone else using your image

>> No.3730148

I read Man in the High castle and I didn't liked it very much, maybe it was too much hype for me. Maybe I was too young...
Then I read The 3 Stigmata, and it was effin awesome, I loved it.
Then I read Ubik which was again a disappointment, again maybe because of the too much hype.

Planning to read Do androids...? now.

>> No.3730163


>oh my fucking god my nuts are in your ass

protip, phil dick invented this move

>> No.3730167


>too poor to dl books

le pirate bay

>> No.3730178

I've never read anything by PKD, where should I start?

>> No.3730181

did anybody read how to build a universe that doesn't fall apart two days later?


you should read a scanner darkly

>> No.3730199

>mfw I thought it to be PKD, the writer for Corruption of Champions and not the original PKD
i must have played this game too much i guess

>> No.3730221

We Can Remember it for You Wholesale was lame.

>> No.3730227

Valis and its sequel are both fantastic.

>> No.3730230

Wrote some interesting stories with mediocre prose. He could not name a book to save his life.

>> No.3730231

Ubik, and Deus Irae.

>> No.3730513

>could not name a book to save his life

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is probably one of the best and most well-known titles of scifi.