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3727272 No.3727272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a pattern with intelligent people to often think of themselves as unintelligent or not intelligent enough, or is being clearly aware of one's definite intelligence a pronounced trait of intelligent people?

>> No.3727275

It's called the Dunning Kreuger effect. This is always discussed here on /lit/...I feel like I'm being tested.

>> No.3727278

In either case, it would only be a sweeping generalisation. You are very probably an idiot.

>> No.3727279

Not sure about that, but good artists and writers are usually never satisfied with their own work.

>> No.3727284

Pseudo-scientific bullshit.

>> No.3727291


I can't see how the fact that people often think of themselves as more intelligent than what they truly are has anything to do with actually intelligent people possibly considering themselves to be less intelligent.

>> No.3727297

Geniuses know they are geniuses.

deal with it

>> No.3727313

>I'm not a retard, I'm just pretending!

>Actual competence may weaken self-confidence, as competent individuals may falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding. David Dunning and Justin Kruger of Cornell University conclude, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others".[2]

>I don't know what the scientific method is. I also am just pretending to be a retard.

>> No.3727316

probably this

>> No.3727320

>muh wikipedia
>muh authority
>muh science
go back to /sci/ you fucking psychologist scum

psychologists are a bunch of sociopaths

>> No.3727327

I've considered that I may be mentally retarded but nobody has the heart to tell me.
Does this mean I'm a genius, or a dumbass?

>> No.3727332


>> No.3727333

It means you're paranoid.

>> No.3727347

twaddle, tingling the hairs on my dickshaft, for the most part.
the thoughts of some door-knobbing retard are never weary with his own self-judgment--this covers about 40 percent of this board. the majority linger around somewhat above-retard levels, and here they are just smart enough to realize their crippling retardation. 55 percent come in at this point; their self-loadhing apparent in many threads.
the remaining 5 percent are us boisterous assholes who recognize our insurmountable intellectual prowess and have the brainpenis to fuck holes into spacetime; i am god's phallic consciousness, the tumescence of my vibrating brain resembles that of my huge cock and balls, ever stiffening as we speak

>> No.3727348

So both.

>> No.3727355

It's difficult to judge one's own capacities honestly, because even the most self self-deprecating individual will find it hard to utterly despise themselves, so invariably we use the people around us as a measure of ourselves.

I think if you want to be healthy, you need to find that fine line between trying to be genuinely and honestly self aware, and constant and overly critical personal scrutiny.

See your faults, and acknowledge them, try to rectify them if you see fit, or learn to live with them.

It's either that or you take a long walk off a short pier.

>> No.3727357

What's it like being 16?

>> No.3727359

ur mom is a short pier

>> No.3727364

I go to extremes from genius to protoplasmic pleb.

It never ends. COEXIST

>> No.3727367

This is how people of that age are perceived?

>> No.3727370

>the brainpenis to fuck holes into spacetime
I like it.

>> No.3727372

I don't know; I'm just trying to communicate the fact that he appears to be incredibly immature.

>> No.3727377


its pretty cool, hopefully when i grow up i won't be the kind of kill-yourself-tier door-knobbing NEET faggot populating this board, wondering if i'm stupid or not in a thread together with my fellow emotionally crippled menchildren.

what's it like being a complete bitch?

>> No.3727378
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>be hardline sceptic jihadist
>dismiss everyone who is less sceptic than me as too dimwitted to posses any philosophical rigour
>always feel superior to everyone

>> No.3727389

Why not a 17 year old? That's still underage... I've never understood why it's always 12/16.

>> No.3727383

You are a NEET.

>> No.3727382

annoying losers

>> No.3727385


Stan is in his early 20s. He's just busy transgressing that's all, don't mind him.

>> No.3727390

And the LORD thy God will put out those nations before thee by little and little: thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee. But the LORD thy God shall deliver them unto thee, and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction, until they be destroyed. And he shall deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven: there shall no man be able to stand before thee, until thou have destroyed them. The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire (Deuteronomy 7:22-25)

>> No.3727391

>early 20s
All the same.

>> No.3727395

But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire. For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. (Deuteronomy 7:5-6)

>> No.3727396
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>don't post under stan's trip for a while
>still get associated with him

>> No.3727398

What's the magical age then? Late 20s? 29?

>> No.3727400


haha, le guess again face

>> No.3727408

You actually have a job?

>> No.3727405

i doubt intelligent people would think of themselves as not intelligent

>> No.3727407



>> No.3727403


>> No.3727412


Um, you're a rich fuck who's inherited a bunch of money. That makes you a Neet.

>> No.3727414

I'm not talking about price and you're not an Indian.

>> No.3727417

I'm a smart guy but I bounce between severe underestimation and gross overestimation - I think the latter relates more to my social standing and influence.

>> No.3727418

i see santa is busy being the best poster on this board

>> No.3727424


i dont need a job ace,

i'm an entrepreneur, the dividends on my portfolio alone cover more income than your yearly salary. plus i'm a student, soon to enter law school.

le overdue stan thread.tiff

>> No.3727425

Stan is such a boring name, you must hate your parents.

>> No.3727426

btw goats,
whats good with you lately?

hospital tiles, zeta, get le fack in heare

>> No.3727430

>plays with stocks
>soon to enter law school
So you're a not in education or employment at the moment. NEET.

>> No.3727435


brilliant attack but my name's not stan,
stan was a nickname deepthroat gave me before i banished him to le nether realm (which i assume to be his mothers basement), because i reminded him of that eminem song

>> No.3727451
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>> No.3727449



>> No.3727454


You're not intelligent.

>> No.3727460


>> No.3727457

Which is strange since it takes very little to understand how competent the person you have in front is. Usually you understand it in one or two well thought questions.

>> No.3727463


nm, i just ate a huge fucking thing of greek yogurt right after duck pate, bad mix

>> No.3727466

>tfw huge brainpenis

>> No.3727473


I hate tripfags so goddamn much. Why such an obnoxious attention whore, you huge faggot?

>> No.3727475

What's your name?

>> No.3727476


who's that girl you always post z?
she's looks strung out as fuck, wouldbangafterdoublewrapping/10

>> No.3727479


that sounds disgusting


why is it the cool thing to fuck with me nowadays?

>> No.3727489

Doesn't take much intelligence it seems.

I’ll be finding out who you are soon enough.

>> No.3727497


what the fuck do you know about gourmet, tiles? lately i've made it my point to try out as much pompously overpriced shit that i find in whole foods as possible. i wasted about 300 dollars on a tablespoons worth of russian sturgeon caviar last week..lel

>cool thing to fuck

because you're the retard of the group, i told you already

>> No.3727503


what doesnt take intelligence ace?

>> No.3727505
File: 76 KB, 575x394, epicurean cynic brotherhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting some of dat ataraxia, bit weary of Dionysian revelry, establishing an equilibrium that radiates tranquil pleasure, become wu wei unrippled rippler ship without wake, entering sagehood etc.

>> No.3727506 [DELETED] 

Clicking the report button :)

>> No.3727513 [DELETED] 

>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...

>> No.3727519
File: 580 KB, 200x200, deal with it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just some girl who posts here, i haven't talked to her much but shes really sweet
i have to wake up at 6 to meet up with a girl before class so i'm gonna be going to sleep like.. now
catch ya later stan, goats
no reason tiles, catch ya later

>> No.3727521

>for this thread
>hurrr they're shitting all over my cesspit

>> No.3727527 [DELETED] 

back off or i'll 0day you

>> No.3727532


and if you wanna know my name so badly, it's adrian


how's that going, almost there?

>> No.3727548

>mom! more hot pockets!

>> No.3727553

Stan would have been better.

>> No.3727557


wrd pre-class shag sesh, try to not go for the coked out looking ones though, they never wash and their snatch smells like sardines, which doesnt really make a difference if you also do a lot of coke and have also neglected yourself to the point where you could knit a fucking sweater with your belly button lint..good night

>> No.3727562
File: 171 KB, 410x342, goaty gautama shiggiy dig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still in test phase but I'm getting better at it, needs a bit more Diogenean shame attacking probably. Also

>getting fucked by sly stallone

>> No.3727563


my mom's currently getting drilled in one of 5000 cities in western europe

>> No.3727575

annoying faggots

>> No.3727589

hannah pls go

>> No.3727591


what's triggering the shame, goats? let's talk through this. have you not fully reconciled yourself with le goatlife welfare hermeneutic? i thought you had that shit down pat(down pat, fucking idiot american idioms, two days ago some vapid old bag told me in the elevator "a little bird told me we're getting a 4th elevator in the west building" and i had to fight to urge to not kick the cunt right in her pussy)

>> No.3727603


How does one accurately measure his or her brainpenis?

>> No.3727611


like with a sans-brain penis, if you have to measure your brainpenis, it's usually a bad sign

>> No.3727621


whatever happened to that girl stan?

>> No.3727637


idk, probably obscenely pregnant and/or dead somewhere, sweet girl though

>> No.3727642
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There's no particular thing I'm ashamed of, I just want to become more immune to it in general as to become completely unphasable by public opinion. I meant shame attacking in the CBT sense that the Cynics practised consistently, that is, putting yourself in deliberately awkward situations to become immune to them and cultivate autarkeia to the point of being able to casually take a shit in the middle of Times Square and such.

>> No.3727652

also bedtime, later stans

>> No.3727662


btw goats, i didnt mean this post sarcastically.
i know i talk shit about neets, but i'm only referencing the powerless kinds of defeatist faggots, not the neet-by-choice lumpen patrician obove soicety's order neets. you know, im the one with the spooks here, so dont get offended and shit

>> No.3727689

>putting yourself in deliberately awkward situations to become immune to them and cultivate autarkeia to the point of being able to casually take a shit in the middle of Times Square and such.

i do that kind of thing sometimes i'll purposefully destroy relationships just so that i can revel in people's hate, and feign jealousy just to start arguments and pretend to be insulted for a kind of violent-passion brave new world surrogate, artificial scenarios im just watering the ghost,

night bro

>> No.3727691
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Nothing but love.

>> No.3727694


you shouldn't have driven away man, i kinda liked her. plus she had good taste in books.

>> No.3727698


goddamn it tiles, shut the fuck up

>> No.3727711
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>> No.3727725
File: 120 KB, 640x460, Goat Gravitations A Post-Proletarian exploration of Picaresque Parsimony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being hated in that sort of villain way is still relatively easy though. The hard part is truly placing yourself in a sort of shitty position where you are not a force to be reckoned with but just dismissed as a horrible fool. Coping with being edgy is easy, but one time I was wearing these horrible torn layered rags and a jacket I found somewhere in the street and I had a braid of a woman's hair hanging from my belt with pigeon feathers in found in the park stuck in it wearing broken sunglasses sipping brandy at the train station in the morning singing 'people are strange' and this sort of puts you in a state where you transcend social relations and profoundly don't give a fuck. The Aghori master this but they're 2hardcore4me.

Now it's truly time for bed, goodnight.

>> No.3727727
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because youre looking for love in all the wrong places bro.
try tootsies

>> No.3727745


i've mastered the villain though. which is why i have a most colorful police record...gotta try that humiliation game once in a while, but i feel like i'd snap and end up choking some slut with my trouser braid if they gave me weird looks

>> No.3727753


i dont know what tootsies is

>> No.3727755

Hi John, hmm. Glasgow Pedant.

>> No.3727760


it's the shittiest strip club in miami, solid drink prices though and the girls don't have too many bruises

>> No.3727986

As someone with an IQ of 140+, does well at school, does math for fun, I would guess I'm an intelligent person. People tend to tell me I'm smart after meeting me and talking for a bit.

As for your pattern, I often don't feel intelligent enough. Perhaps it's because I'm not good at being social, or think I'm not. There are probably lots of factors. Your question seems to be proposing a relationship between intelligence and self-esteem.

From my perspective, you can be intelligent and have low self-esteem.