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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 164 KB, 660x850, delicious cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3724101 No.3724101 [Reply] [Original]

do me a favor, /lit/, and describe the most beautiful woman.

>> No.3724109


>> No.3724115

Well, she's got a hook in her nose, her eyebrows meet, she wears second hand clothes. She speaks with a stutter and she walks with a hop. Also, she's got two flat feet; her knees knock together walkin' down the street. She cracks her knuckles and she snores in bed.

She got a weird sense of humor that's all her own.

>> No.3724128

she looks just like moot

>> No.3724138
File: 481 KB, 1000x813, Ron Miller Silk and Steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3724147

ass and titties
ass ass titties titties ass and titties

>> No.3724157

in that specific order

>> No.3724166
File: 45 KB, 480x360, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just has to be normal. With a special ass.

>> No.3724172

What's that from?

Verbose as fuck

>> No.3724179

Why don't you look at the stupid filename?

fuck it

>> No.3724182

i'm pretty sure that if you're too dumb to read the filename, you're not qualified to judge literature.

>> No.3724195

she got a wiggle

>> No.3724201

Eyes that could pierce steel
A mind like war
But kind, soft hands
And a basic goodness that makes you forget the crazy exploits she goes on and the fact that she believes in nothing

>> No.3724210

Bigger than big
Stronger than strong
Quicker than quick
The pussy is da bomb

>> No.3724230


>> No.3724270

She got a short hair.

>> No.3724275

She exists.

>> No.3724306

Glowing eyes, of wisdom, not innocence.
Hardened hands, of dedication, not slavery.
i have no idea where to go from here

>> No.3724315

I'll describe the perfect woman to you
If you want it described to you
But it won't do much good
Until you meet her yourself




>> No.3724316

Pretentious hipster faggot detected. Fuck off back into Ayn Rand pussy, you shlindong.

>> No.3724319
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pale and polluted and big with another man's child

>> No.3724323


I was on mobile

I'm pretty sure that is fucking retarded, as every 60+ year old literary professor probably wouldn't be able to see the filename

>> No.3724325

Not him, but I'm curious too and I'm on mobile so I can't see the filename

>> No.3724329

Ron Miller Silk and Steel.jpg, mobile friends.

>> No.3725104

where is this from?
>A mind like war
I like this line

>> No.3725108


>> No.3725109

my twin sister

>> No.3725183
File: 352 KB, 1200x1736, EwYGIxu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one thing she'd have the best ass,
And the rest just pretty, not crass
I'd look up her skirt
Stead of tryin ta flirt
And she better not give me any sass

>> No.3725195

>Flat-footed asian mong ruining your post.

Yeah watch out for that.

>> No.3725199
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>> No.3725235

Lithe in bearing and body. Sharpness manifested in the aforementioned, without brutishness. Carved with age a little from living, while retaining much nubility. Eyes which penetrate things. An outward gentleness, but toughness, but vulnerability without easy pliability. Some display of a creative and living spirit.

So yeah, that should be easy for gals to take as a standard, right?

>> No.3725240
File: 1.14 MB, 1024x856, 2193909590_2b2c1f151a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one got me

>> No.3725248

Hair that is just long enough to hug her chin. Her eyes can be any color as long as she will let me stare at them all day. She doesnt have big breasts but her body must be soft when i hug her. She has to love smiling and must love her body as much as i love hers. I dont care about the ass.

>> No.3725251

Also, this is awful. It's like the writer doesn't really care about her, he's only interested in what he can pretend she is.

>> No.3725254

Everyone knows that weaboo sinophiles are closet paedophiles.

Nothing says "I'm sexually immature" quicker than posting pictures of asian chicks.

>> No.3725274

>'wah lit hates azn'

laugh out loud

>> No.3725304


>> No.3725503

The dice was loaded from the start

>> No.3725507

Where is this from?

>> No.3725518

small and tough, but still feminine. possibly slavic.

>> No.3725519

Dude you could just google it. It's from Richard Brautigan

>> No.3725527

A sort of sexual golem-morph made from pastry. This giant, voluptuous being is taller and broader than a minotaur, with flesh that is either made from chocolate or chocolate-colored pastry, "clothes" made from blue icing (save for a "bra" made from whipped cream topped with cherries), green gumdrops for eyes and white hair like whipped cream tied back in the style of a cinnamon bun. She grows taller and curvier as she takes in sexual fluids from others, and lactates vanilla icing; the more sexual fluids she takes in, the more she produces.

>> No.3725531

Any >5/10 body with the intelligence and mental stability of a male mind. Sadly this will never ever happen. Bitches be crazy, all of them, always. No guy particularly cares about appearance so long as it’s not horrifyingly bad but the crazy can only be tolerated for so long. Three to six months is usually it for me. After that I can no longer put up with the insanity for the sake of a wet hole.

NB: I may have recently broken up with the most recent test of my self-restraint.

>> No.3725541
File: 32 KB, 618x494, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Strong jawline right?

>> No.3725558

Up to thirteen feet in length, though much of her body-size is dominated by her reproductive systems.

Fairly human-like in appearance, save for her wings and bloated abdomen that extends off the back of her body, just above their buttocks. She has small antennae that protrude from her forehead and large almond-shaped eyes. She also has chitinous coverings on her hands, forearms, feet, and lower legs. From a distance the black exoskeleton resembles latex gloves and boots. She rarely if ever wears clothes, though her thighs are covered with downy yellow fuzz. Her skin is unanimously a yellowed but very tan color, with darker black strips near the hips, biceps, thighs, and abdomen.

She must have many vaginas along her abdomen, which ends in a large ovipositor. She also has a retractable ovipositor that is flexible, bulbous, and constantly lubricated. It is located on her abdomen just below her stinger.

She has a venomous stinger that can dispense either a paralyzing toxin, an aphrodisiac, or both.

>> No.3725580

>implying i'm not a faggot

>> No.3725588

"She made me hornier than any woman I'd ever seen"

>> No.3725593
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>> No.3725596
File: 99 KB, 600x450, squatslav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Them genes bipolar man. You can fuck the mosty beautiful slavic woman in the world but if you end up with sons they'll look like this.

>> No.3725603

"She looked like a man."

>> No.3725617

i choose to accept this risk for the good of my hypothetical sex life

>> No.3725627


>> No.3725658


>Them genes bipolar man. You can fuck the mosty beautiful Russian woman in the world but if you end up with sons they'll look like this.


>> No.3725660

haha nice, but ain't that just too cliche now?

>> No.3725795
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>> No.3725897

Are you from Australia or New Zealand?

>> No.3725907
File: 178 KB, 584x800, 1367691511692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>describe the most beautiful woman.

smooth skin, dark hair, petite and dainty, a big third leg.

>> No.3725911
File: 99 KB, 500x519, 1340144548827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3725914

I dont get why Slavs are known for it. Chinese people do it here all the time while theyre having a smoke

>> No.3725941

She looks like a Japanese sport bike, talks like Ellen Degeneres and she espouses the gallantry and chivalrousness of a knight.

>> No.3725945

Innocent, kind, funny.
Pretty, but not gorgeous.

Thin, but with a nice big ass.

>> No.3725992

Cup C tits
Round ass
Blue eyes
Dark blonde long hair
Extraverted (because I'm an introvert)
Alto voice
Sense of humour

Never gonna find her though

>> No.3725997


>expecting to find an extoverted cinephile who is intelligent and well-read who'd settle for you

there is such a thing as dreaming too big anon

>> No.3726002

Her eyes were dark. Dark as chocolate, dark as coffee, dark as the polished wood of my father’s lute. They were set in a fair face, oval. Like a teardrop. Her easy smile could stop a man’s heart. Her lips were red. Not the garish painted red so many women believe makes them desirable. Her lips were always red, morning and night. As if minutes before you saw her, she had been eating sweet berries, or drinking heart’s blood.

No matter where she stood, she was in the center of the room. Do not misunderstand. She was not loud, or vain. We stare at a fire because it flickers, because it glows. The light is what catches our eyes, but what makes a man lean close to a fire has nothing to do with its bright shape. What draws you to a fire is the warmth you feel when you come near.

>> No.3726003

I know, man
That's why I'd also settle for hazel eyes

>> No.3726009

Too much bro

>> No.3726034
File: 45 KB, 251x234, 1364355563385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Not "model" hot, just cute
- Doesn't need to be endlessly entertained and is fine with doing her own thing occasionally without perstering me
- Isn't fridged but isn't too much of a freak in bed, don't want any girl who is venting some sort of fucked up past trauma
- Doesn't need to be funny but needs to find me funny
- Doesn't play mind games
- Doesn't have trust issues
- Won't freak out when I want to get baked once in a blue moon
- Isn't obsessed with material status and isn't taking fifty million fucking facebook photos of every meal she has and every place she goes to

That's all I want. That's it.

>> No.3726052

Sounds like the girl I'm about to dump because I got bored with her.

I want something with more edge.

>> No.3726059


Soon you'll come to the bitter conclusion that you haven't got enough edge to keep a girl with edge. Don't be too hard on yourself when it happens.

>> No.3726063

>beautiful woman

No such thing.

>> No.3726073

knows how to cook
hope she's a gook

>> No.3726090

my mind in a body that's half anna karerina half kate moss

>> No.3726094 [DELETED] 

the nice kinda pale
around 5'3.5"
thin but shapely thighs
thin but shapely arms
cute shapely small feet
very skinny and boyish
a cup breasts
long brown hair
cute nose
cute eyes
eyebrows don't look weirdly thin but not bushy either
dresses very nicely
doesn't really complain too much
emotionally stable and collected
doesn't go out too much
loves seinfeld
doesn't read too much but likes sylvia plath
no drug use
witty and enjoys banter
can talk about banal things for long periods of time and get really into them

>> No.3726101

Yeah I know.
I find the thought a little depressing and I'm thinking of selling all my books...

>> No.3726143
File: 40 KB, 374x374, cicero disapproves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinking of selling all your books so you can get a girl by showing her how completely average you can be
>being this spineless

>> No.3726161
File: 65 KB, 500x373, 1364601486946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a whore in the living room, a perfect lady in the kitchen, and a good cook in bed

>> No.3726173

Absolutely. Women don't especially care about the specifics of men, much more than men do women. Would you stop dating a girl for the contents of her bookshelf? They would have to rather extremely offensive, I would imagine, if you liked her to that point.

>> No.3726189

That pun was sublime.
That is also a very appropriate image: it was Cicero who said "a home without books is like a body without a soul."

>> No.3726206

I just want a Neapolitan peasant girl house servant that doubles as a sex slave.

>> No.3726227
File: 43 KB, 304x697, saintvassily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bothering with women at all

Stop this nonsense and you're halfway to the good life already.

>> No.3726254

Ah, but they're so pleasant. At least, when they're not being catty and gossipy. You don't have to fuck them to enjoy their company. Many women have a tendency to reveal their souls in a way men don't, and being accepting of the same, and there's a certain freedom in such dialog.

Although, really, I might just like the attention they give me because I'm an adult man, when other men could hardly care less what I have to say. You'll get there, son.

>> No.3726270

you know what i kinda agree with >>3726227

i gave up women and took up painkillers and i'm 60% less miserable

>> No.3726275

But I dont want stuff in my butt.

>> No.3726317
File: 70 KB, 500x333, 1352600173982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest mistake of our time is the idea that language carries meaning in itself but not in the differences and oppositions implied by the semantic aggregates which form language. Language is a metaphor of reality; language is a deception. Our mistake is thinking that language may be a translation, a description of reality.

Language is evocative and is unsurpassable. Can language really describe temporality in an effective way? Of course not; language is, fundamentally - as a bridge between the Being and the being-there - holding no temporality, except in its tropes and formulas, which are synthetic; artificial: language merely is a timeless or artificially temporal evocation of inexistence and cannot evoke a real temporality nor present; it is a romanization of the non-being. Language is aletheia.

Then, how can we describe "the most beautiful woman"? Describing her using language implies her inexistence yet implies her unveiling.

In Nietzsche's word "God is dead", german phenomenologists see God as language itself, as the platonic fire in the cavern, as the aforementioned bridge between the Being and the being-there. The evocation of "the most beautiful woman" thus unfolds her to our world, "unforgets" her, if you allow me to use this poor translation.

However, this would only apply to a fundamentally conceptual, "ideal" woman, which is not the case here, since we are discussing Rebecca Black. A witty farmer would answer to this that the evocation of Rebecca Black unveils a different Rebecca Black, and thus language here, would indeed create (this is inaccurate term) this new Rebecca Black (compare her to Van Gogh's shoes).

My point here is that language being evocative, atemporal, an evocation of the Being and metaphorical (meaning in language is being held by the differences between many interconnected semantic aggregates), it is useless to try to use it to describe a living, thus continuous being (see Tolstoy's understanding of history).

>> No.3726333

>being a bottom in this day and age

>> No.3726342

do you love me
or are you playing your language games with me

>> No.3726343

But I love women
Even as a kid all my friends were girls

>> No.3726348

Elle est mignonne mais pas tant que ça. Est-ce que tes amis de la vraie vie sont au courant de ton obsession? Est-ce que tu leur montres tes poèmes?

>> No.3726426

Là je m'essayais plutôt au monologue post-structuraliste délirant.

Sinon, le peu d'amis que j'ai (je tends à distinguer connaissances, fréquentations et amis) apprécient la poésie, donc je leur montre la mienne.

Quand à mon intérêt pour Rebecca Black (je ne le qualifierais pas d'obsession), je ne crois pas que ce soit réellement digne de mention dans une discussion.

>> No.3726428


>> No.3726433

g2bed derrida

>> No.3726462

>language merely is a timeless or artificially temporal evocation of inexistence and cannot evoke a real temporality nor present; it is a romanization of the non-being

care to explain?

>> No.3726577
File: 18 KB, 510x304, 1337372305427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hueh hueh hueh hueh

>> No.3726609

Her logs are whole
and soft. they plonk
instead of plink.
they never dangle nor crumble,
from the constriction
of her pink anus

they are always warm,
and she presents them
in her hands.
Curious of your reaction.

>> No.3726611
File: 72 KB, 500x553, ay blud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't mean not interacting with them at all, I meant stop pursuing them romantically and sexually.

>> No.3727166


>> No.3727264

>Language is evocative and is unsurpassable. Can language really describe temporality in an effective way? Of course not; language is, fundamentally - as a bridge between the Being and the being-there - holding no temporality, except in its tropes and formulas, which are synthetic; artificial: language merely is a timeless or artificially temporal evocation of inexistence and cannot evoke a real temporality nor present; it is a romanization of the non-being.

explain this or your opinion ain't shit

>> No.3727285


>> No.3727337

This is pretty hard to explain, since the lack of understanding here comes from the fact that the vocabulary used is idiosyncratic to this thought system. However, I'll try to sum it up.

>language is evocative
Well, I don't think I really have to defend this.

>language is unsurpassable
It is impossible to formulate an opposition to language without language.

>Language holds no temporality in itself
Language, being evocative (thus a metaphor of reality) does not own temporality in itself, but tries to offer metaphors of temporality to word temporality.

>Tropes and formulas used to describe temporality are synthetic; artificial
They are not a representation of reality, but rather an evocation of reality, thus they do not own meaning in themselves but rather in their opposition to other tropes and formulas.

>Language is a timeless or artificially temporal evocation of inexistence
Language cannot evoke the present; thus it can only evoke non-existence.

>Language is a romanization of the non-being
Same thing; if the present cannot be described using language, then all that can be described by language is something that is lost, that no longer exists (you don't bathe twice in the same river) and thus that is forgotten. This is consequent with my "language is aletheia"; language "unforgets".

>> No.3727381

/lit/ can you tell me if this is post-structuralist babble or seriously interesting stuff about language

>> No.3727392

>implying they're mutually exclusive

>> No.3727404

Female parts, connected and working.

>> No.3727420

That's what I had gotten from your first post. Feels good to be a budding post-structuralist. Maybe your forgot to account the fact that languages opens its own temporality, which is a somewhat distanced temporality and does not stem from what is told, but rather from the fact something is told (or from the fact someone is telling). There is an experience of language, which is not the experience of what language describes. Talk about the re-creational powers of language.

>> No.3727422
File: 105 KB, 1045x535, hacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It gets old guys, it really does

>> No.3727429

You are a hack.

>> No.3727467

It can be interesting if you're willing to think and read about it.

I agree with you, but I wouldn't consider "le temps de la phrase" - "the sentence's temporality" as a real representation of temporality, but rather as a special effect; just like Proust eating madeleines or James Joyce taking a walk in Dublin.

>> No.3727483
File: 71 KB, 450x324, putin snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most beautiful woman in the world is, to me, the woman with whom I can spend my time, and not feel as if I have wasted it.

>> No.3727606

So a prostitute?

>> No.3727618

who are these guys?

>> No.3727649


>> No.3727653

bunch of dudes who said a lot where a little would've sufficed

>> No.3727697

>things plebs say

>> No.3727744

That's exactly what I meant, "le temps de la parole" (I would prefer that to "temps de phrase" even if it specifically refers to spoken language while "phrase" also encompass the possibility of written language) est un temps autre, un temps incommensurable à tout temps du non-dit, de "l'avant-parlé" (time of language isn't comparable to any pre-linguistical language). But it is a time nonetheless.
I'd add this: "le mot prononcé rompt l''unité du monde "(the spoken word breaks the world) dans la mesure où il fixe et et en même temps détourne, dans l'ambiguïté propre au language, ce qui appartient originairement à l'unité, confuse mais univoque, de la perception. Le langage sépare et divise, il pluralise le réel: dès lors qu'une chose est dite, elle cesse d'être objet des sens pour devenir objet de parole et en temps que telle est engagée dans le tunnel (pour ainsi dire) d'un discours. Un chose dite peut dès lors être dite de plusieurs manière, sans qu'aucune de ses expressions ne se réfère de manière univoque à la chose, de sorte que, dans la transformation (on pourrait presque dire transsubstantiation) qui s'opère par la parole, un direction, déjà, un regard pointé est donné, et que d'autres paroles, qui pourtant feraient référence à la même chose que la première, signifierait déjà tout autre chose. Ainsi la chose parlée est engagée de force dans la polysémie intrinsèque au langage et, de fait, se trouve devenir potentiellement plusieurs choses: à l'unité incompromise de l'expérience est substitué la pluralité sous-tendue par la variété des expressions. Chaque synonyme devient une ligne de faille, une fêlure irrémédiable dont le contour trace une unité dont on peut deviner la forme, mais jamais retrouver l'intégrité perdue.

I'm a bit too tired to translate this in English right, if somehow more skilled at this kind of exercises cares enough, he can feel free to do it.

>> No.3727754

*pre-linguistical time. My bad