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3723846 No.3723846 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I do have an inner conflict about nationality.
Born in the country that was occupied for a half of century and now we have our independence for 2 decades.
And still media always emphasize threat to our nation, language. culture and liberty itself.
Not being patriotic is the equalized to an enemy of a nation.
For me all this nationality thing is too subjective, too fragile and not worth taking into my life.
My question: How much nationality should be important for every person? What about not identifying oneself with any particular part of the world? Carrying about your ancestry traditions and values?

>> No.3723883
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Answer: nothing.

Nationality, ancestry, heritage, etc. It is all mumbo jumbo for feeble minds. Those who haven't done a single worth thing in their lives feel "proud" of something they had nothing to do with: being born in a certain time and space.

Persons of substance plant their seed in their soul and blossom through the paths of their own intellect.

>> No.3723904

odseli se.

>> No.3723935

Which country if you don't mind me asking? It sounds like a slavic or balkan country, but that's just my guess. It's really no matter, I'd just like to know because it can help frame what other people are thinking.

Anyhow, my thought is that when you're looking for outside enemies, the ones that truly want to deem themselves your master have full access. I am eternally wary of these kinds of people, because the kernel of wisdom is like the ones from Chairman Mao: "Pray for sunshine, but build dykes."

There's always healthy paranoia about the other guy, but going too far seems to happen too often.

>> No.3723947

Baltic countries

>> No.3723950

>Nationality, ancestry, heritage

Three very different things.

>> No.3723952

> Those who haven't done a single worth thing in their lives feel "proud" of something they had nothing to do with: being born in a certain time and space.
For them, yes...

The ones that actually worked for independence though, they own their work and should be able to control it to some degree. There's a fine balance that needs to be kept.

> Persons of substance plant their seed in their soul and blossom through the paths of their own intellect.
A person of worth is willing to sacrifice other endeavors to protect what they hold dearest, and allow it to flourish when the time comes... and know when that time is.

It's part of the reason I think veterans' ideas on how things should be done in government should be given no more or less weight than anyone else. (which sounded better in my head than in print, tbh. )

>> No.3723972

Ahh okay. I've dealt with some people there with the UN mission.

If it makes you feel any better, those undercurrents were there before occupation, and are not going to go away on their own, easily. I see it as a similar sort of thing as in cyprus with the turks and greeks.

Both deeply distrust each other, part of the solution is building understanding and even trust in the short-term.

I'm in Canada, and our relationship with the US is productive, but not always wonderful. There's give and take that has to happen, and both have to let the past stay there.

For yourself though, I can only advise either recognize it for the bullshit it mostly is and carry on with your life, or try a change of scenery.

Good luck to you.

>> No.3724888

Yes, I do understand when an empty/weak minded tend to identify himself with a more meaningful community.
But sometimes it is really easy to get into the ridiculous conflict - "How can I be not thankful for my motherland/nation/EU when they have educated, protected and treated me well?". And at this point I am stuck.

>> No.3725371

Intelligent post. I hope you have a nice life, wherever you are.

>> No.3725845

arbitrary bullshit that only benefits (god I hate myself for saying this) the bourgeois. you're a retard for buying into it.

>> No.3725863

Should I say that to my parents?

>> No.3725866
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Objectively best country in the world reporting in.

>> No.3725868

If they haven't figured it out by the point they had children, it's pointless to try and explain to them that they're idiots. Why would you even want to do it in the first place?

>> No.3725874

Well, nationalism is pretty normal for a young country that's been through a lot. It mellows out after a while, only poor and shitty countries retain a heavy emphasis on patriotism. The Baltic countries are firmly on the rise and with that comes wealth and decadence and liberalism and individualism and soon overly patriotic sentiments will be seen as in bad taste like in Western Europe.

>> No.3725878

Seconding this

You jelly rest of the world?

>> No.3725879

Check your privilege, they lived under Stalin. Being patriotic after something like that is very much normal and understandable. Nationalism is mostly silly in the west, where we haven't seen proper hardship since WW2.

>> No.3725883
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Readily identifying oneself as a member of any abstract collective is almost invariably reflective of personal weakness.

>> No.3725896

I think nationalism, like religion, is a fairly silly thing that is ultimately necessary in maintaining a stable, productive, moral society.

>> No.3725901

>Check your privilege

Fuck off back to tumblr.

>they lived under Stalin

Big whoop, most of the world has lived under a dictatorship at one point or another, how about you check your own privilege?

>Being patriotic after something like that is very much normal and understandable

Normal and understandable aren't mutually exclusive with retarded.

>Nationalism is mostly silly

Entirely silly, everywhere.

>where we haven't seen proper hardship since WW2.

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.3725904

thank you for tweetsizing my argument.

>> No.3725906

i don't want to get all zizek on you but this is ideology at its purest.

>> No.3725920

I have no trouble with choosing my nationality, despite being 50:50. It's rather irrelevant in modern society, even where it should be relevant (the military being an example). I will say, though, that nationalism is one of the things that punches me right in the feels; 'The Soldier' by Rupert Brooke still remains my favorite poem of ever (and I'm not even English).

>> No.3725959

And everyone with an education is free to know you're a complete retard.

>> No.3725965

Most people are unintelligent and not well educated. The concern is for them not for you.

>> No.3725973

you clearly have shitty reading comprehension

if nationalism is so good for a society to be stable then how do you account for rwanda, the balkans, cambodia, sudan, congo, iraq, etc etc, that's just the past fifty years.

>> No.3725979

I did not say nationalism alone.

>> No.3725980

But regardless, I can't say I have a real problem with any of those things.

>> No.3725983

i didn't say you said that. i already told you you have a shitty reading comprehension, please take the time to properly parse a post before replying like a dumbass.

>> No.3725984

>genocide is good

how did i not see that coming, i already knew you were an idiot.

>> No.3725985


>> No.3725988


there are benefits to having "closed' nationalistic countries. look at the way japan supports itself and bounces back after tragedies, eg all generations of people helping in every effort after fukushima plus the yakuza even helping to raise money. a country that really cares about its image will put in effort to maintain it

not saying nationalism is without its (obvious) downfalls but there is something to be said for the importance or tradition and culture that nationalism maintains

>> No.3726005

>but there is something to be said for the importance or tradition and culture that nationalism maintains

anything else besides free disaster relief help? cause i don't think it balances out the rape of nanking and assorted ethnic-related issues.

japan is actually the most interesting of these cases, what with sakoku and how japan came to modernize.

>> No.3726023


>> No.3726038
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Nationalism is beautiful. Fucking brutalist castles full of noise machines here we come, into le future it goes.

>> No.3726039


I think caring about ancestors and tradition should be an important part of everybody's life. But it's your decision after all, believe in whatever you like. Changing beliefs just because the other are more popular is stupid.

>> No.3726050

Nationalism is good for "us" not good for "them." Let the foreigners take care of themselves, it isn't our job.

>> No.3726053


>cause i don't think it balances out the rape of nanking

oh fuck off, the current generation had nothing to do with that. how are they to blame for something they had no part of?

don't be such a petty dickhead

>> No.3726065


You're very welcome.

>> No.3726066

I'm sorry, I'm not talking about generations in particular, I'm talking about the consenquences of nationalism. Regardless of who performed the act itself, I'm seriously asking if you think that the "good" of nationalism (free disaster relief, some other stuff) balances out the bad (fucking genocide, racism).

>> No.3726069

>I'm seriously asking if you think that the "good" of nationalism (free disaster relief, some other stuff) balances out the bad (fucking genocide, racism).

It does.

>> No.3726107
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>all these media-chugging obama-lefties hating on nationalism because that's what the tv-box has told them is cool

>> No.3726113

Are you that fucking idiot up there with no reading comprehension? Please fuck off.

>> No.3726114

so /pol/ is here, with their love of imaginary lines on the ground.

>> No.3726123
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Living in a country with miscegenation roots, where the population came from many parts of the world, here in Brazil we have a problem with our identity. Ancestry and Heritage is not cultivated (except with the afro people, that have their african proud)
Nationalism is pretty weak too, Historically, we had monarchy in the XIX century, but this monarchy wasn't representing the Brazilian People, it was an extension of the Portuguese colonialism, the First Republic was a failure because it wasn't really a democracy, they were governing for the oligarchy, and we had our first "Plan of Nation" in the 30's when we had a Populist-Fascist regime. Getulio Vargas tried to create a Brazilian Identity, but it turned to fail. There is not a feeling of unity on the Brazilian People, and this is one of our greatest problems today. People from this country doesn't unite for the good of our nation, I think that this lack of national identity is the cause of our slow development and political corruption.

In my opinion, the nationalism is the main column of a society, the people must understand themselves as a nation and a strong leader sometimes is necessary.
But today, most of the country politics govern thinking on the minorities and forcing to disintegrate the big picture of what is a nation, that is a poor marxist ideology and I'm sorry for this.

>> No.3726125
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America and especially the south is hugely important for me, my personality and vision are deeply rooted here.

Of course it would be the same if I were from anywhere else, and that doesn't make nationalism any less valid. Nationalism for me is not about being proud of the past accomplishments or any objective ''quality'' of my country, it's about loving and finding beauty in its land, its people and its culture, and being proud of that.

>> No.3726134

>the people must understand themselves as a nation

so bourgeois i went back in time to the XIXth century

>> No.3726135

B-b-b-but GENOCIDE

>> No.3726138

>Imaginary lines
Borders in Eastern Europe are drawn according to ethnicity. With that expression you proved your huge ignorancy.

>> No.3726139

>especially the south
>posts picture painted by a guy in Iowa

>> No.3726141

he's probably a mestizo, and even within recent history Brazil has been pretty lax with murdering their own natives, so it's not a surprise he's into nationalism.

you can go back to /pol/ though

>> No.3726144

Yes, I forgot how fragmented Russia is. No one cares about Slavs.

>> No.3726146



>> No.3726148

Falou tanto achismo tirado do cu que estou perplexo de como tens coragem de bostar isso em um fórum de literatura.

Sério. Você já chegou a ler dois livros de história?
Seu "tachismo" é tão superficial e enlatado, tanto quanto sua síndrome de macaco imperializado.

Apenas pare. Vá estudar, antes de falar sobre o Brasil.
Você não sabe de merda nenhuma, garoto.

>> No.3726151

My picture doesn't have to be relevant to every single thing in my post.

>> No.3726154

for people who can't speak portuguese: dude just got told

>> No.3726162

Estou a terminar um curso de história. Eu não tenho culpa se intelectualismo no Brasil é sinônimo de marxismo.
Só falta o TCC

>> No.3726164

What the fuck are you talking about? Hungary, Balts, Romania are also Russians for you? I acknowledge Americans may have little knowledge of this part of the world but you are dumb as fuck.

>> No.3726172

Ah, sim. Então além de tudo é "reaça".

Deixa eu te dar um dica para teu TCC:
Até o pré-plesbicito do mandato Itamar Franco, o brasil tinha, majoritariamente, uma ideologia monarquista.

Isso mudou, e é assunto popular de 20 anos atrás.
Agora, volte para os estudos e largue teu tcc. Porque daí só vai ser estrume.

>> No.3726176

E por falar em literatura, gosto muito de Darcy Ribeiro e toda essa galera que tentou "explicar" o Brasil. Eu tento ser patriota mas sou constantemente decepcionado.
Mas você deve admitir, a falta de unidade é o que sustenta que a politica no Brasil seja tçao suja, o Brasileiro é um dos povos que mais critica seu próprio país.

>> No.3726178

I'm not American. I didn't mean to say Russia covered the whole of easter europe but I'm certain it has more than one ethnic group within it's borders. I really don't care for you argument that the fragmentation of eastern europe is based along ethnic lines, the rest of the world isn't.

>> No.3726187

Justamente, não pretendo terminar esse ano, vou passar mais um ano estudando.
Aliás, ainda não terminei as matérias de "História do Brasil", ainda estou no final da Era Vargas. Mas não me restrinjo de discutir os pareceres que tirei até agora, porque a retórica é uma boa maneira de se informar.

>> No.3726190
File: 35 KB, 400x353, policarpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brasileiro não se resume a sua visão de channers na internet.
Brasileiro não se resume a comentadores do site da veja, folha e estadão.

Sinceramente, e não tenha vergonha de falar:
Quantos anos você realmente tem?

Já foi em algum presídio, sindicato ou saiu do seu quarto e se socializou com pessoas adultas, que não sejam iletrados?

>> No.3726220

Vou te dar uma dica, anão:

Opinião política, não se mistura em história.
Tua primeira resposta foi: "Eu não tenho culpa se intelectualismo no Brasil é sinônimo de marxismo."

Toda e qualquer objetiva crítica do marxismo, ou seus integrantes foram pulverizadas com teu achismo sobre o povo brasileiro. Que pela própria história mostrou que você é inapto para estar em uma discussão do assunto.

Retórica é usada quando duas pessoas desejam espremer uma ideia.
Quando apenas uma pessoa estudou o assunto, e a outra fica perguntando, ou falando merda, se chama educação.

E educação, pode ser aprendida via teu auto-didatismo.

Só me faça o favor, a partir de hoje, de que se for abrir tua fossa facial, que chama-a de boca, para falar do Brasil. Estude. Estude. Reestude. E depois medite.

Não faça isso de novo. Principalmente na frente de pessoas que não conhecem o Brasil, e tomarão tuas palavras como veríssimas.

>> No.3726232

Nossa, foi mal, você tem a razão suprema. Típico.

>> No.3726236

>(except with the afro people, that have their african proud)
top lel

>> No.3726240

Raça mestre portuguesa aqui. O teu uso de vírgulas é atroz para alguém que está a quexar-se da falta de educação de alguém.

PS: Vocês nunca vão ser europeus.

>> No.3726250

Its a better deal for them to keep you relatively happy since they dont want rebellious, unstable elements.

>> No.3726251

>PS: Vocês nunca vão ser europeus.

nadie quiere. disfruten su depresion, faggots.

>> No.3726261

Não queremos ser europeus, bigode. Tudo que quero é desenvolver aqui um patriotismo, uma identidade nacional. Não somos portugueses e nem queremos ser.

>> No.3726262

So much win right after OP, guess there is still some hope for this board.

>> No.3726285

Não revisei o texto e, peço perdão pelos erros.

Aproveitando tua crise nas construções rodoviárias, mama fodas?

>> No.3726286

Boa sorte com isso, avisa quando Os Mutantes se reunirem. Ah e fiquem com o Roberto Carlos de uma vez por todas, estamos fartos do cabrão.

Enjoy your lack of history and culture south-american spic

>> No.3726289

I will! While having a growing economy. Have fun failing to be relevant.

>> No.3726299

>South american spics
Oh boy, that's funny. Your greatest contribute to world history was Maradona.

Se fosse só nas construções rodoviárias...

>> No.3726308

Funny thing, "individualists" from this thread wouldn't even live off for a month without the society of people following common rules and values. Yet, they tend to disregard being a part of any collective. Grow up faggots and start to respect others that work(ed) for making your life so easy and ideas they believe(d) in.

>> No.3726312

>still thinking contributions were made by countries and not individuals

>> No.3726314

Nothing is wrong with common rules and values but nationalism takes in on an other level and separates people. Since its "us" and "them"

>> No.3726315

> Se fosse só nas construções rodoviárias...
O que teus confrades tugas falam no PTchan, é que uma inflação é gerada pela construção massiva de rodoviárias nessa "crise europeia". Previdência sangrando com o marxista no poder e etc..

>> No.3726322

i can eat at mcdonalds without wanting to kill people who eat at burger king.

being part of society doesn't entail accepting nationalism, do you think the world started in the eighteenth century?

>> No.3726335
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Do you even state?

>> No.3726339

It's obvious that people inside a group should have privileges and share profits of their common work. For example, why should a country open borders so outsiders can come and destroy a well-being of autochtons? Nationalism can be abused in times of crisis and serve other purposes but every idea can be used that way. Just like an idea of "Freedom and democracy" was used to invade Iraq.

>> No.3726345

Do you think that being nationalistic always involve killing people of other nations?

>> No.3726350

Hey charles Crumb, are you the dude that talked about the Crumb documentary some weeks ago? Mentioning the brothers? I watched it because of your comment, thanks! Awesome film, inspirational on so many levels.

>> No.3726355

What the hell is common work even supposed to mean? The whole worlds is connected and all of the achievements we have are only possible because of that. Its pretty pointless to try to nail down the source of the profits and who supposed to profit from them.

>For example, why should a country open borders so outsiders can come and destroy a well-being of autochtons?
Unless the autochtons lived in a bubble city in the sky that never interacted with the rest of the world, why not?

>> No.3726360

Nationalism boils down to "nation A" > "nation B", which sooner or later ends up in nation A showing that in the military way.

>> No.3726361

Ah o ptchan, esse antro de merda, aquilo está francamente mau ultimamente. O que eles querem dizer é que houve uma aposta ridicula e excessiva em grandes obras públicas há uns anos cujas construções foram cedidas a empresas favorecidas e que excediam os orçamentos em quantias intoreláveis. Isto, combinado com a restante fraca governação e a crise do mercado imobiliário vieram magoar bastante a nossa economia, criando uma situação insustentável. Depois disso fomos resgatados pelo FMI num acto de birrinha governamental, sendo assim obrigados a executar um plano de austeridade. Hoje, austeridade aplicada temos o FMI e o BCE a pronunciarem-se públicamente contra a a austeridade enquanto continuamos obrigados a cumpri-la por fraqueza política do gover no direita e por ser a maneira mais rápida de arranjar dinheiro para pagar ao proprio BCE e FMI. Não sou economista mas tentei resumir-te o nosso problema económico, o google pode ajudar-te a perceber em mais detalhe embora diferentes fontes apontem diferentes causas.

You really are funny little rascal.

>> No.3726377

What about emigration?
Country has educated you so why aren't you working to benefit you nation?

>> No.3726394

An individual exists inside of his culture. Cultures are not the same in every country. If USA would just open a border with Mexico or Spain would stop to control migration from Africa, it would end up in a disaster.
Profit is made by people who work in a given enviroment. It's not like the money just fell down from heaven. They worked hard to secure future for themselves, their childen and children of their children.
By the way I'm not even a nationalist but I can't stand people disregarding cultural and historical determinants of their life.

That's only what you believe in.

>> No.3726407

I am sure you have some positive exceptions against this rule?

>> No.3726451

Could USA economy make profits if they were isolated?
Their "hard word" was only possible because people outside of USA made a contribution too(or just robbed), why should´nt they take a part from this contribution?

>> No.3726457

čau, mazais! ceru, ka uzminēju, savādāk būšu uzrakstījis par velti. jebkurā gadījumā, mediji nav tautas viedoklis, turklāt te ir arī pietiekami daudz domājošu cilvēku. cita lieta ja neesi viņus saticis. es gan nejūtu, ka latvietību kaut kā diži uzspiež

>> No.3726473

First of all, it seems to me that your definition which states that nationalism implies the feeling of superiority is wrong. But even then I think you can find countries that went into isolationism not expansionism.
It may be hard to properly define nationalism. Some of you suggest getting rid of a concept of nation at all. I'm not sure if it means that everybody disagreeing with it is a nationalist.

>> No.3726484

That's why radical nationalism is stupid. But saying that without nations and ethnic identity the world would be better is equally stupid.

>> No.3726528

the world is reverting back to city states within 300-400 years. nationalism will be considered a hick value.

>> No.3726534

Feeling of superiority is given, it doesnt have to be extreme obvious but denying it is just laughable. Its simple logic, if you like your country the most, lets say 10/10, you cant like other countries as much and get a 9/10 in best case scenario.

Now in time of a crisis the 9/10 for other countries can easy shift to something like a 1/10 and we can start to fight them, since our situation is more important, right?

>some of you suggest getting rid of a concept of nation at all
That would be great indeed and resolve a lot problems we have in an instant, though cause some thanks to people who still hold the outdated idea of nations.
No world hunger because fat asses in first world countries need to eat like a small family, no widespread human rights abuses because the bullshit isnt protected by borders, no problems with medical supplies and no economic abuse because of wage dumping in China and Vietnam.

>you can find countries that went into isolationism not expansionism
Most were forced into isolationism like NK, since they just dont have the means to do anything else.

>> No.3726537

What would be missed?
If people still need to feel as a part of something, there are ways like sports or brands.

>> No.3726545

>How much nationality should be important for every person?
That´s a non-question. Your nationality IS important for you whether you want it or not. Your nationality means your language, the place where you´ve been born, your family, your oldest (and probably also closest) friends. The country that gave you your nationality is your home, and even if you spend the rest of your life abroad, you can never be as much at home anywhere as in your actual homeland.

Whether you like it or not, you will carry your nationality with you until you die - and the best you can do is coming to terms with it. I would suggest identifying yourself with those aspects of your homeland that actually are important for you and trying to make it as enjoyable and likable (for yourself and those that matter to you) as you can.

>> No.3726556

Yea I bet a faggot in Saudi Arabia really feels homely there.

Heard some people speak more than one language too but guess this was a myth.

>> No.3726570

To me, being American has never been where you are born or who you were born to. I have always viewed America as a set of ideals more than imaginary lines on a map. If you think you can change the world or create something wondrous or horrible or innovate or scream your ideas from a mountaintop, you are more than welcome to try. If you think that people should be able to say what they want, to experiment, and to revolutionize, I think you're pretty damn American.
Even the most cursory glance through history suggests that sometimes we have fallen woefully short of our ideals. We still do, and we in all likelihood will probably not live up to how we see ourselves in the future. But it is no matter- the important thing is to have a light to guide one through the darkness, to have something to strive towards.

>> No.3726571

>Heard some people speak more than one language
Apparently you don´t because otherwise you would´ve known the difference between speaking your mother tongue and a foreign language (even if you speak it well). You have no idea how liberating it feels to meet a fellow countryman and be able to speak your language if you live in a strange land where you don´t understand what people are saying and have to use English to talk to them.

>Yea I bet a faggot in Saudi Arabia really feels homely there.
All other nonsense in that sentence aside, being exiled (as opposed to simply living abroad) is an immensely traumatic experience. Recommended reading: Edward Said, Reflections on Exile. Or any book by an exiled person ever.

>> No.3726587


>> No.3726600
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>> No.3726602

Actually I do, just growing up with 3 languages and learning English and Spanish later made it pretty redundant, since none of them is really my mother tongue because of that. You seem to be limited by your personal experience too much.

>You have no idea how liberating it feels to meet a fellow countryman and be able to speak your language if you live in a strange land where you don´t understand what people are saying and have to use English to talk to them.
Been there, done that and no, I dont really care what they speak, as long I can understand them. (maybe you could work on your second language?) Somebody being a countryman doesnt change anything about the actual person, which is a much bigger aspect in how "liberating" the experience is.

> being exiled (as opposed to simply living abroad)
Exile is an extreme rare situation. He simply could´ve moved...like a lot people who do and never feel like coming back.

>> No.3726663

You are deluded. In a time of crisis or hunger people will gather in groups and will fight other groups. The factor binding the group may be but does not neceserally need to be a nation or a class.
What you want to do is to re-create a human. A man that will treat equally members of his family and strangers. A man that will not use violence in any case. Idea that somehow people can get rid of all evil and suffering if they will think global not local. It's an utopia.

>> No.3726690

It's called Islam buddy, and it's entirely possible.

>> No.3727129

>No world hunger because fat asses in first world countries need to eat like a small family, no widespread human rights abuses because the bullshit isnt protected by borders, no problems with medical supplies and no economic abuse because of wage dumping in China and Vietnam.

World hunger exists because some regions of the world have less capacity to produce food than others for a bigger human population.
People aren't going to magically become rich simply because they stopped being African and became "international".

Minorities know very well what it's like not to belong to a nation in a country.
You don't need to be of a different nationality to be excluded by other people.
A different religion, a different race, a different sex, different political opinions, different sexual preferences, different eating habits... You can exclude people on pretty much any ground.

Dat delusion.

>> No.3727133

You do know that North-Africans muslims are treated like shit in Saudi Arabia because they aren't Arabs?
Europeans and Asians are treated better than that if they have money...