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3721173 No.3721173 [Reply] [Original]

Left or right?

>> No.3721178

LEFT X1000

>> No.3721177


I'd never hang out with a pleb who wore any book cover on her tits like, "Hey everyone, I pretend to understand literature!"

>> No.3721184

black qt > objectivist cunt

any fucking day

>> No.3721189
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>> No.3721190

just about anyone else > objectivist

Every time.

>> No.3721192
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>> No.3721196


is the ideology that bad? what's wrong with it?

>> No.3721200

What about Marxists or socialists?

>> No.3721202


>> No.3721204

hate fucking mildly attractive objectivist with big titties > regular fucking weird looking black chick

>> No.3721205

I got a thing for black chicks, and I love Kurt Vonnegut.

This is a win-win.

>> No.3721207

socialists are pretty high tier

>> No.3721209

It can make people who 'follow' it self-righteous. There isn't really much to follow, I think everyone's agreed objectivism is good. But it's impossible, so sadly people tend to strive for it even though it can't be attained and endless conversations get derailed into meaningless jibber-jabber which has been regurgitated a thousand times before.

Plus it makes people disregard the importance of subjective opinion and experience, which is bad.

>> No.3721210

The only thing high about socialism is unemployment and civil unrest.

>> No.3721212

>As someone who has written and spoken at length about how we might develop a truly “objective” morality, I am often told by followers of Rand that their beloved guru accomplished this task long ago. The result was Objectivism—a view that makes a religious fetish of selfishness and disposes of altruism and compassion as character flaws. If nothing else, this approach to ethics was a triumph of marketing, as Objectivism is basically autism rebranded. -Sam Harris

>> No.3721218

Same guy.

anarchists >>> socialists > marxists > just about anyone else >...> objectivists

Maybe I'm being prejudiced, but I have yet to meet an objectivist who was tolerable. I met one qt libertarian who was funny, but that's the closest.

>> No.3721224

plenty, check out this basic overview on the PEL site


>> No.3721242

>socialists > marxists > just about anyone else >...> objectivists

So, the ideologies that has killed millions is better than the one that is yet to claim a single innocent life?

>> No.3721246

See? This is why you're the lowest tier.

>> No.3721254

>autism rebranded

10/10 would chuckle again

But seriously, although it I agree, don't regurgitate quotations

Bad debating technique

>> No.3721257

>it I agree

*although I agree

>> No.3721261


The black girl is very cute.

>> No.3721263

Because I dislike mass-murder?

>> No.3721273
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>homogenising all the believers of a certain philosophy and their actions

I'm no objectivist, but that is objectively retarded


>> No.3721274

communism in the 20th century is like capitalism, it explicitly was responsible for millions of deaths but due to larger improvements in living standards it saved many many more millions

>> No.3721277

No, because you dislike ideologies soley because a few horrible people did some bad things in their name.

I bet you think Christanity and Islam are both evil too.

>> No.3721280


The sad thing is this would probably get you a Top Comment on some Ron Paul/Austrian economics youtube video. With this kind of support everywhere on the internet, people like you will never realise how dumb you sound.

>> No.3721284


this mentality is plain ludicrous and marxist-leninists were not about "trying communism" read a book ffs

>> No.3721290

Gotta love libertarian mansplain

>> No.3721296

Feminist please leave. The patriarchy is talking.

>> No.3721297

Three way while reading with the free hand

>> No.3721302

If by "in their name" you mean "by following the ideology".

Or is your argument "it's not the ideology that's bad, it's that when you practise it it's bad"?

>> No.3721309

Here's an example.

Some Christians are batshit insane. See the Westboro Baptist Church. They are fucking assholes who deserve a kick in the teeth.

During the Crusades, Christians killed people for not believing in Christianity. Again, a dick move.

However, I have friends who are Christians, and they are some of the nicest people I know.

I do not, therefore, classify them in the same bracket as the Westboro Baptist Church and the Crusaders because that would be moronic. They have extremely differing ideas on what Christianity is and means.

It would be good to apply this logic to just about all religions and philosophies, nitwit.

>> No.3721314

>So, the ideologies that has killed millions is better than the one that is yet to claim a single innocent life?
Capitalism killed 1.5 billion people

>> No.3721315

libertarians > anarchists > neoliberals > republicans > distrubutists > democrats > socialists > everyone else > objectivists

>> No.3721317

Oh yeah, I saw the shirts at my local book store the other day

>> No.3721320
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>being a libertarian unironically

>> No.3721319

fucking forgot to change name
>here comes the "edgy" posts

>> No.3721323

postmodern nigger lady
ass:N/A but probably rotund

subtotal: 8
+1 because vonnegut
-2because nigger

total 7

objectivist caucasian

subtotal 6
ayn rand-1

total 5

nigress comes out on top

>> No.3721325

I'll hit the leftie. Anytyme. Aniwhere.

>> No.3721328 [DELETED] 
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From /b/ with love. fuck the /lit/fags.

PS: This is a formal declaration of war between us.

>> No.3721329

having things like "democrat" and "republican" amidst political philosophies (including a few that are not mutually exclusive) proves you have no clue what you're talking about

>> No.3721331

>assuming they can read the words on the shirts
>like it matters what they think
>white is always better
>left every time

>> No.3721332

oh no a finger with cuts so freaky omg no pls stop posting gore!!!!

>> No.3721333

>This is a formal declaration of war between us.

how old are you?

>> No.3721335

got a problem with it?

>> No.3721338
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>> No.3721344 [DELETED] 

I'm 12, what the do you care?. Bring it on faggots. /b/rutal rulez

>> No.3721348

No, let people be stupid

>> No.3721352

No guys but in all seriousness, which board would be most offended by this gore?

>> No.3721356

>people having an issue with libertarianism
I bet you think corporations are part of capitalism too

>> No.3721360

are you me?

>> No.3721654

Neither, because 3DPD.