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3720830 No.3720830 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

Okay... we were all angsty teenagers at one point, so if you have any thing to share you wrote at the time, share it here.

(Trip, because it's a lot of shit and I won't be able to do it all in one go)
My personal insights will be enclosed in parentheses.

>> No.3720835

>implying I'm not an angsty adult

>> No.3720855

(here's some poetry! everybody loves poetry...)

Oh! How a caged bird dreams.
Oh! How a caged bird sings about flying through woodland springs.
Oh! How a caged bird sings about floating through a summer breeze.
Oh! How a caged bird dreams. Oh! How a caged bird dreams.
Oh! How a caged bird can never stop dreaming, Oh! How a caged bird dreams, Oh! How a caged bird dreams.
Oh! How a caged bird sings, Oh! How a caged bird sings.
Oh! How a caged bird sleeps, Oh! how a caged bird sleeps.
Oh! How the free bird sees, Oh! how the free bird sees.
Oh! How the free bird sees that a bird can only dream.

I had been inspired (a dedication...) to create this poem by the ideas of Sigmund Freud and Friedrich Nietzsche (LOL).

In my poem the bird (wtf why am I explaining this?) is actually man, and the cage is belief and the dreams are concepts man has created and has imposed on himself.

>> No.3720870

(another one called "Honesty")

Honesty... does not let one dream.
Oh! Honesty doesn't let one dream.
Oh why? Honesty! Don't you let me dream?
Honesty!... Honesty! Why don't ypu let me dream?

>> No.3720868

Go on

>> No.3720882

>Honesty! Don't you let me dream?

Tears are shed ;~;
honesty why so mean
honesty, please let me dream

>> No.3720888

>mfw English isn't my mother tongue
>mfw will never be able to share my beautiful poems written in a Romance language with my /lit/bros

>> No.3720889

Am I the only who was never an angsty teenager? I think I just skipped that phase of my life. Or am I still an angsty adultager and don't realize it?

>> No.3720892

Is futurism considered angsty? Because I went through a phase of writing futurist poetry.

>> No.3720894

I am the Truth and I state there is no truth and thou shall have no other truths before me.

I am the Truth and to you I am a devil who seeks to undue all you have done, for I am the Truth and I care not for your wishful seeking and your petty ignorant sheets.

I am the Truth and I come in the night, and like some fabled murderer I stand over your bed poised to strike with a knife that cuts all lies. You, who are to afraid to stand and fight, instead choose to hide under your petty ignorant sheets, in the hopes that my blade will not meet it's mark.

I am the Truth and I follow you like some demon dog awaiting a chance to snap and bite, you spot me and then cower and run, you try to bribe me with promises of paradise and the holy hereafter, but my jowls burst alight and reduce your fantasy to cinders.

I am the Truth and I take no prisoners, I shall follow you to your cell and burn your petty ignorant sheets, and then I will set you free, and you shall hate me for it.

I am the Truth and I am the the shadow of lies, for I am never far off. I am the Truth and all those that stand against me are liars and deceivers, for they bear false truths.

I am the Truth and all those that stand against me are liars and deceivers, for they bear false truths.

I am the truth and I act only on the accord of those who deem me such, for I like all lies am transient and interchangeable =.

But did I not state that I am the Truth? Oh my friends (It's a twist!) that was just another lie.

I am the Truth and thou shall have no other truths before me, because all truth is not. And this truth is the only exception to this golden Truth!

>> No.3720902

(here's one that I actually still like.)

Come close
Hold tight
And wait for
The snake bite

>> No.3720909

I think being angsty is more of a state of mind.

>> No.3720910
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>tfw this shit gets published as serious literature and has lead to the author going on a nationwide tour funded by his publisher

>> No.3720912

I'm still angsty as fuck. Some crap I wrote today to follow.

>> No.3720916
File: 1.32 MB, 2784x1856, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was very frustrated this afternoon for many reasons. The main one being lack of access to somebody who cared I was frustrated. Heather, my fiancee was willing to listen but I hate to bother her at work. I decided I would take my discontent out in a such a way that it wouldn't be a waste of energy. I grabbed the camera and started taking pictures. "What a beautiful day, look at all the flowers," I said to Maestro. He is just out of view in this photo, sitting by the window staring out at what I think is the same thing as me. I noticed the flowers, "How fucking awesome is May," I thought to myself.

>> No.3720920

Why take pictures from inside when you can get a much clearer shot of them from outside. It was decided! I slipped into my nearly decade old flip flops and threw on my hat.nForgetting to roll a cigarette before I went out almost immediatley after exiting the building I had to go back in.
So I rolled a cigarette and returned to the great outdoors which always seems to be following me no matter where I move to. It's like it just waits outside my home in hopes it will catch a glimpse of me through my window. I smoked fast as I always do and wandered over towards the clothes line near the parking lot and Garage.

>> No.3720922

I'll have a look for some old poetry of mine now....

>> No.3720924
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There was a conveniently broken chair placed there. Convenient in the way Tax Audits are conventient. I believe these little yellow flowers are Sunflowers and also that they are somehow classified commonly as a weed. I think they are gorgeous and uplifting. They have covered almost every piece of open grass around my apartment. I fear the day as if it was my own death that grass is mowed and these precious flowers are cut down(Which began happening just as I finished writing this). It gives me hope that they'll be back and maybe, if I get lucky, in greater numbers. I had to hang my clothes on that line the other day because for the second time in two weeks the dryer was out of order. I think it should be held in contempt and replaced with a superior model.

>> No.3720925

>decade old
Hyphenate dat shit.

>> No.3720926

It seems it isn't just this chair that fails at life, like a person who posts Spider Man Captions on 4chan, there was a picnic table also. It rests, perhaps permanentley, just to the right of my last picture. I didn't get a picture of it but if I ever take a can of gasoline and light it on fire I surely will then. And only then. To elaborate, sitting on it made me feel as if it was possible that not only would it fall apart but it would somehow appear above me when it did and crush me.
please hold your applause until; the end

>> No.3720928

>I believe these little yellow flowers are Sunflowers and also that they are somehow classified commonly as a weed. I think they are gorgeous and uplifting.
They're dandelions.

>> No.3720937

>you sound like my fucking fiancee. stfu
Wow man too far fuck you and your gay ass weed flowers faggot.

>> No.3720932
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I really got taken in by the breathtaking nature of the yellow flowers contrasting with the blue flowers. Nothing really matter except color as I look at these again. When I took them I thought it very important that it was May and the rain last month brought flowers this month. But now all I could care about is the fact that there is color in the world. Simple beauty in nature is everywhere I look. I took Magic Mushrooms once and got almost the exact feeling of appreciation for color. Now it is plain to see that feeling can be replicated by plain old photosynthesis. Not the high though, that is exclusive to psilocybin. Fuck it's been a nice day.
you sound like my fucking fiancee. stfu

>> No.3720938

I wrote a book called Atlas Shrugged, I don't know if you've heard of it.

Looking back I realise how retarded I was at the time.

>> No.3720939
File: 1.35 MB, 2784x1856, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's odd sometimes how you don't notice things that are right in front of you. When I look back I can always see more than what I did at the time. Photography is perfect evidence of this fact. I don't recall seing the white flowers when I was outside. In fact I am 99% sure I didn't see them. If there wasn't this picture I would have had no idea they were even there. But there they are. Three distinct types and colors of flowers. Little blue flowers like those of A Scanner Darkly, the secret ingredient to Substance D. Larger weed-like yellow Sunflowers. And the little white flowers which I am certain are closely related to the blue ones.
>i removed a line here talking about how my fiancee would identify the flowrs for me

>> No.3720940

The blue and white ones resemble each other very closely in size and shape. Only their colors differ. They are similar to Humans Beings in this respect I suppose. The only thing I really feel is missing from these photos are some sort of animal life. Perhaps a long haired black cat or a cutie little kitty names Moz. I must get them a cat leash and bring them outside with me this year.

I took more pictures afterwards that I didn't like enough to keep. Some of the road, some of a dead christmas tree rotting behind the bushes. None of them are really something I want to write about. It was nice to see the school buses go by though. It made me think later about how there are millions of kids just itching to get out of school for at least a few weeks this summer. The fact that they will soon get their wish brings me joy. Sadly some will spend their summer in school anyway. They call it "Summer School. " I can personally attest to that. I just guess if you aren't cut out for it you are the one who has to adapt, not the system.

>> No.3720944
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I took one last picture before I went inside. It was of a more civilized scene. I have played with the basketball hoop and had a great time. Even if I got a little bit competitive. Our neighbors across the road have their own garded growing. How nice it must be to tend your own flowers and plants. I have always wanted to try my hand at it myself. I know one or two interesting things to grow myself. The tire swing haning from the tree reminds me again of how precious summers are, specifically for those small enough to make use of something like a tire swing.

>> No.3720948
File: 1.49 MB, 2560x1920, 2013-01-10 17.20.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're joking right? Please be joking.

>"How fucking awesome is May," I thought to myself.
I lol'd

>pic is what my place looks like all of the time, 100%, honestly.

>> No.3720949

Well, the machines have been fired up. I can hear the weed whackers and lawn mowers going now. I'm glad I snapped a few pictures of what I still hope won't be wiped out by "lawn care." Maybe I can look forward to current smell of gasoline being replaced by the pleasant smell of cut grass in a an hour or two.

>the name of the story is "Try Hard"
>they did mow down all the gay-ass weed-flowers

>> No.3720950


>i lol'd

What's the joke?

>> No.3720956


tfw I'm probably the joke.

I haven't written in two years.

>> No.3720957

No joke, just the spontaneity of the statement I guess.

If you wrote a book, I'd read it.

>> No.3720965

no it was good, I enjoyed it.

>> No.3720979

(Aphorisms. I still enjoy aphorisms just not these)

"Am I a man among wolves? Or a wolf among man?"

"As people unite, there strength increases with there numbers, but so too in direct proportion does there stupidity and gullibility."

"One of the central points in Christian theology is that we owe Jesus because he died for our sins, (This is perplexing, because I was never raised christian) But no-one seems to think of how many people died for Jesus since his crucifixion."

"Who is worse; The man who leads with the promise of Paradise? Or the man who leads with the threat of hell? It's a trick question (Protip:) they're both the same person."

>> No.3720993

holy shit i just found a goldmine of my embarrassing 9th grade self's writings

>> No.3720995

i want you
i want to own you
keep me company
save me from my loneliness forever
do it now
im scared
if youre gone i'll be alone
ill be lonely
ill be alone
dont go
dont find another i will be here alone
without you

>> No.3720997

buy car
obtain safety for safe life safe place
wait to die
wait to die

>> No.3721014

big tits
cock gains $54.95
blow a load

>> No.3721056

I was in a liquerstore:
Hey, give me a bottle of Jack D,
Drank some vomitted some
I wanna fuck a whore, I still got
5 $ in my purse
She blew me, took my fiver
and virginity.
Back in school. Whos the man?

>> No.3721062

oh god that's great

>> No.3721069
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I'm not sure how i feel about this one

Broken glass face of the stereo reflects and refracts the setting sun
waiting for calls that may never come
bad news to break
transistors blown from accumulation of dust
without repair
or care

>> No.3721099

I was never really an angsty person, but I wrote something in an attempt to emulate angst.

I'm a deranged ghost,
dying or dead.
I scare others,
by being me
and it is good.
I need them not,
just as they need
a bullet to the head.

>> No.3721236

Share. Some of us speak Roman languages. We can even help with the translation.