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3715405 No.3715405 [Reply] [Original]

>Hard cover book
>Under 500 pages

>> No.3715409
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>hardcover book
>not leather bound

>> No.3715415

>has jacket flaps

What's the reason for that?

>> No.3715423

>reading something with over 500 pages.

It's called filler. Les Miserables would be under 500 pages if it excluded pointless history and naming people no one knows.

>> No.3715424

>hardcover book
>not deckle edged

>> No.3715426
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>under 300 pages

>> No.3715432
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>pocket sized edition

>> No.3715440


>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.3715442

>not putting history in your books set in historical locations

>> No.3715453
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>Classic novel
>New edition... Edited by....

>> No.3715467

>chapter ends half-way in the middle of the page
>the other side of the page is blank
>all new chapters start on right-hand page
these obscure feels

>> No.3715475

>with an introduction by...

>> No.3715481

>not papyrus rolls
10/10 my jimmies were abundantly rustled

>> No.3715482
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> female author

>> No.3715494

Oh my goodness don't even get me started.

>those few pages after the introduction where the authors talk about themselves

>> No.3715499
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>> No.3715504

>Throwing hardcovers away

And into the trash you go!

>> No.3715513

>abridged editions
>modernized language poetry editions
>having the original language on one page and the translation on the opposite
>poetry books with 5 line poems a page
>the SELECTED works of ______, no complete works available
>deckled edges
>cover bent in such a way that it always rests slightly agape
even when lain flat

>> No.3715526

>reading a novel originally in non English
>include a ton of non English phrases

I hate having to stop reading and find Internet so I can translate the words.

>> No.3715527

>not appreciating bilingual editions

>> No.3715537

idk if i totally agree, i feel like there might be a reason for this sometimes, but goddamn the chapter of the savage detectives with all the latin drove me nuts. google translate came up with actual nonsense, i had to just ignore the phrases and feel like a pleb

>> No.3715548

>10GBP for a paperback novella

Standard for waterstones fucking why

>> No.3715560

Seriously, these are great for when I need a little hand-holding through the original if it's not in English.

>> No.3715654
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>Glued binding, not sewn

>> No.3716146
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>"Easily the most erotic of Murakami's novels"

>> No.3716257
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>> No.3716269

>AU$23 for a penguin modern classics paperback.
I wish my work wasn't in a rich suburb :(

>> No.3716317


fuck that for a joke

ausfag here, you're getting anally destroyed with prices like that. buy off bookdepository or something, if you're buying from shitty retail stores then i have no sympathy for you

>> No.3716329

No, I'm well aware, and I didn't end up buying it. Normally I can get them for $10 - 15, but I buy a lot of my books second hand anyway. This shop was just a "artsy" little store with overpriced records and dvds too. It had a decently selection though, so it's a bit disappointing.

I tend to be an impulse buyer though, and I also like to shop at good small businesses, so I don't use bookdepository as much as I probably should.

>> No.3716343

>I first read this book
>And it had great impact on my
>Come to think of it, this book means to me

>> No.3716468
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>papyrus rolls
>not stone tablets

>> No.3716508
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>soon to be a major motion picture!

>> No.3716515

>implying any single word in the Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, or In Search of Lost Time is filler

>> No.3716519

>My inspiration for editing this novel was
>I'd like to thank [random people]...

>> No.3716518
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>introduction that spoils every single aspect of the plot

>> No.3716533

jeff go back to /fa/ggot

>> No.3716540
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>Blurb on the back
>"Tour de force," "breathtaking," "the most important book of the year," "takes you on a journey"

>> No.3716548
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>Reviews written from non-literature magazine editors
>New York best seller

>> No.3716555

you can't be this new, I recognize your trip


>> No.3716571

don't care that it's now fashionable in literary circles to not give a fuck about spoilers, I still think it's retarded

>> No.3716657
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The new edition of The Great Gatsby they are releasing for the new film makes me want to throw up.

>> No.3716681
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>J.K. Rowling, Russian style!

>> No.3717419

>A riveting, neat, new and exciting coming of age novel, a real page turner! We interviewed this modern day C.S Lewis on her influences, she responds, "I'd say my major influences are definitely Bukowski and Hemingway." Now a major motion picture!

>> No.3717429
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>people who read dostoyevsky in english

>> No.3717545

Depends on how much you view as filler. That shit with the priest I could certainly do without.

>> No.3717547

All of In Search of Lost Time is filler in a way, that's kind of the point.

>> No.3717560

>"Can't put it down"

>> No.3717596
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>Talked about in the same breath as the Hunger Games

Thank god it's a sticker.

>> No.3717600

>“A work of genius . . . an erudite, breathtakingly cerebral novel whose prose is crystal and whose voice rivets and whose conclusion defies you not to cry.”
DFW on Wittgenstein's Mistress

>“Don’t even ask.”
DFW on Blood Meridian

>“Cogent, acute, beautiful, merciless, and true.”
DFW on The Middle Mind

His blurbs are the least pretentious things he ever wrote.

>> No.3717619

>trying to buy out of print paperbacks
>all end up being upwards of £30

>> No.3717624

>over 500 pages
make it stop

>> No.3717629

I read the complete works of Montaigne in paparback, it was horrible.

>> No.3717633

This is why I only purchase books from a fine press like the Folio Society. Otherwise I just borrow from a library because mass market bindings are complete shit. I want to bequeath my books to the next generation, but I can't do that if they are falling apart.

>> No.3717638

Yeah, and for the next 5 years it's going to be the only edition in circulation. I regret not getting one of those shiny hardcovers they had going for a while there.

>> No.3718615

>Main character is a four year old girl through 9/10 of the novel
>Respected child
>Last few chapters she hits 14
>Author makes her out to be a whore


>> No.3718628

>one of those shiny hardcovers they had going

>> No.3718824

you are aware of the fact that valjean's redemption is pretty much the point of the book,right?

>> No.3719479

can someone explain this trash maymay

>> No.3719494

>fantasy book
>no map

>> No.3719513

What's wrong with disliking spoilers?
and this isn't /b/, no one gives a shit if you're new

>> No.3719531
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>Hardcover book
>less expensive than paperback version

>> No.3719535
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>fantasy book
>release separate book with map and description of world

>> No.3719537

What book was that?

>> No.3719572
