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/lit/ - Literature

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3713836 No.3713836 [Reply] [Original]

These are inarguably the ten most significant literary works of the 20th Century.

Fictions, Borges (1944) (ESP)
In Search of Lost Time, Proust (1913) (FRA)
Lolita, Nabokov (1955) (ENG)
Molloy, Beckett (1951) (FRA)
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Solzhenitsyn (1963) (RUS)
The Sea of Fertility, Mishima (1969) (JAP)
The Sound and the Fury, Faulkner (1929) (ENG)
The Trial, Kafka (1925) (DEU)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Kundera (1984) (CZE)
Ulysses, Joyce (1922) (ENG)

>> No.3713838


Define immediately or fuck off.

>> No.3713852

>One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Solzhenitsyn (1963) (RUS)
instead of
>master and margaritta

this list is forgery, everyone go home.

>> No.3713858

>Reading a book where the author pretends to be a retard
a highly praised book by those who haven't read it

>> No.3713862


You've either been browsing /lit/ too long, too little, or you're just not ready for literature. End yourself in any case, and swiftly.

>> No.3713864

>yawning at Kafka

There goes your credibility, nigga.

>> No.3713865

bunch of dadlit
le born in wrong generation!

>> No.3713866


>picks the least competent and inspired author listed to bitch about


>> No.3713867


>no Growth of the Soil

top lel

>> No.3713868

>bunch of dadlit

Please don't make this a thing, /lit/. The "pleb" shit is bad enough.

>> No.3713871



Fuck off. Please don't bring the childish /mu/ brand of thinking into here.

>le krautrock! le edm! le true patrician moosic! dadrock is for tards!

>> No.3713881


>> No.3713886

go to bed dad

>> No.3713901


Hey, anon! How did you get so damn capital-c Clever???!!?? Please come grace our board more often with the quips and the zingers! A positive card, this one! Bazinga!!!!

>> No.3713918

Fuckin' dadlit

>> No.3713929

This line of argument doesn't really work on /lit/ where many of us are actually old enough to be dads, if we aren't dads already. Stay on the hipster containment board (/mu/) until you're a little older.

>> No.3713985

Switch Nabokov or Faulkner for Lu Xun.

>> No.3713988

>/mu/ made fun of my taste
>evil "hipsters"
Try to pull pop philosophy book here and you get shut down, but you condemn other people who have more knowledge in another field of art? Haha wow

>> No.3713991

>being a dad and browsing 4chan
you gots some thinking to do bro

>> No.3713998

When you grow up, apparently you lose all sense of humor.

>> No.3714001

>what /mu/ listens to

pick one

>> No.3714004
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>In search of lost time
Ive never seen /lit/s opinions on that one. Anyone care to provide your thoughts?

>> No.3714011

well I definitely lost some time reading the 5000 pages

>> No.3714018


We're not all kids here, sorry to say. You're only /mostly/ in good company.

>> No.3714022


Try being here more than a day.

>> No.3714021



>go to bed dad

is so damn funny!

>> No.3714045

You don't have to find it funny to understand its intent and move on.

>> No.3714053


The problem is that humor wasn't the sole intent. There's a lot of baggage in those posts, irony notwithstanding, about the judgement and appreciation of art.

>> No.3714764

>no Infinite Jest
I thought you were being serious at first.

>> No.3714778

>a highly praised book by those who haven't read it

pls go

>> No.3714793
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>significant literary works of the 20th Century
>no mention of To the Lighthouse

Her particular stream of consciousness approach has had more influence on 20th Century lit than most of these works ever have.

>> No.3714803

Hint: no one's read it.

>> No.3714804



>no Journey to the End of the Night
>no Gravity's Rainbow
>no Berlin Alexanderplatz
>no A Madman's Diary
>no Pedro Paramo
>no The Man Without Qualities
>no Gravity's Rainbow
>no Gaddis

is Ulysses the only book you've read over ~300 pages??

>> No.3714807


there's actually a discussion about it on another thread on the first page right now

you fag

>> No.3714809


Japanese literature is pretty much irrelevant.

>> No.3714811

Yeah, but Woolf was a woman and most of the neckbeards here are still getting over the fact that they were turned down for a date to the school dance 7 or 8 years ago. So...

P.S. Ms. Dalloway, The Waves, Orlando. Oh Jesus was Woolf amazing.

>> No.3714812

>implying /lit/ isn't rehashing the opinions of critics

>> No.3714816

you're welcome to leave

>> No.3714835

seriously OP how could you forget Gravity's Rainbow and Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.3714836

>Fictions, Borges (1944) (ESP)
fuck yes
>In Search of Lost Time, Proust (1913) (FRA)
fuck yes
>Lolita, Nabokov (1955) (ENG)
fuck yes
>The Trial, Kafka (1925) (DEU)
fuck yes
>The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Kundera (1984) (CZE)
fuck yes
>Ulysses, Joyce (1922) (ENG)
really? why? I thought reading this was masochism?

>> No.3714845

>really? why? I thought reading this was masochism?

You're thinking of Finnegans Wake

>> No.3714862
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>how could you forget Gravity's Rainbow and Gravity's Rainbow?

This. Though I didn't like those books quite as much as Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.3714873

>forgetting Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.3714869


Finnegans Wake is almost pure joy to read. Ulysses is much more difficult to slog through.

>> No.3714870

Good list. Personally, I would take out Solzhenitsyn and Kundera and add Underworld by DeLillo and The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by McCullers.

>> No.3714881

>Ulysses is much more difficult to slog through.
is it difficult like drinking pure whisky with no ice?
if so, I'm not interested in the "I did it and I liked it" snobbism. Noone enjoys the taste of ethanol, except drunkards.
I'd rather stay with Proust and have a laugh at snobs.

>> No.3714891

I hope you're not trying imply that drinking whisky neat is bad or unpleasant.

>> No.3714892

Proust snob spotted.

>> No.3714897


I hate the taste of alcohol.

You're not drinking the right whiskey.

>> No.3714900

it's an easy read, especially if you read french.

>> No.3714905

I don't get it. You mean you found a whisky that hides the taste of ethanol?
I drink J&B with 2 to 3 ice cubes. Sometimes I add coca cola. :)
>inb4 rich fags

>> No.3714907


Johnny Walker Black has a phenomenal taste.

>> No.3714923

will give it a shot.

>> No.3716795

>Lu Xun
>not just a poor chinaman's Gogol

>> No.3716798

Not in Japan, retard. Murrrka is not the only country in the world.

Mishima attained a higher understanding of beauty than most of the other authors mentioned ITT anyway.

>> No.3716797

So, non-fiction isn't literature?

>> No.3716800

Yeah, and that kind of attitude is sure to improve gender relations on 4chan. Actually, it's bitches like you who are responsible for turning most of 4chan into misogynists.

>> No.3716802

some if, some isn't. "in cold blood", for instance, is; your school textbooks, for instance, aren't.

what particular non-fic did you have in mind?

>> No.3716820

>make some random list
>call it "the ten most significant literary works of the 20th Century"

>> No.3716932

>no mention of Jacob's Room

fuck you

>> No.3716944


>Whiny lil baby
>justifies it because girls on the internet have differing opinions of good literature

Never change, 4chan

>> No.3717009

Let me guess, you have read them all.

>> No.3717071


>Making an assumption that a person criticising the bad qualities of some male posters MUST be a female!

Stop doing that

>> No.3717073

Really anon has no gender.

>> No.3717091

Don't forget Digital Fortress by Dan Brown!

>> No.3717098

I think you'll find that it was the girl who started the inflammatory whining.

>Yeah, but Woolf was a woman and most of the neckbeards here are still getting over the fact that they were turned down for a date to the school dance 7 or 8 years ago. So...

This is just as bad as the misogynist shit the boys say on here. Worse actually.

>> No.3717105

how on earth are you determining just by the content of the post in question alone that the poster was a female?

>> No.3717119

The fact that some people believe this is staggering

>> No.3717125

who are you to say their experience of reading the book was of any less phenomenal value than a english literature scholar's consumption of Ulysses? there is presently no way of quantifying or understanding the subjective facts about phenomenal (in this case emotional/intellectual) experience.

checkmate elitists

>> No.3717129

Because when women don't get what they want (in this case, recognition of her favourite author), they are typically very quick to resort to anti-male shaming tactics ("You don't like my favourite author? You must be romantically inadequate!". And browbeating insecure boys is like shooting a fish in a barrel on 4chan.

>> No.3717175

Why is Kundera mentioned even jokingly

Even his titles suck dick

>> No.3717182
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>no lovecraft


>> No.3717200


Go back to >>>/jp/ weeaboo.

>> No.3717219
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Here is the real list

1. wheel of time
2. A song of ice and fire
3. The Outliers
4. The outsiders
5. Grapes of rath
6. Catcher in the rye
7. Fanny and Zoey
8. He's a stud, she's a slut
9. A million little pieces
10. The help

Prove that this list is not god tier

>> No.3717234

b-but Grapes of Wrath, The Catcher in the Rye and Franny and Zooey are actually quality works of literature...

>> No.3717375

I'm OK with this.
However, I'd like to point out that these all novels. Literature is far broader than that.

>> No.3717392

Best prose ever put to paper.

>> No.3717539

HAHA dadlit

thank you

>> No.3718436

10/10 troll

>> No.3718462
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>inb4 b-but muh space octopus

>> No.3718479

Ha. Your list doesn't even have one of the most influential books of the early 20th century.
Protocols of Zion is beyond a doubt more influential than at least one of those.
But kudos for having Solzhenitsyn on there.

>> No.3718491

>The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Kundera (1984) (CZE)

You fucking wot?

Woolf, Musil.

>> No.3718492

This nigger knows his stuff. Woolf is the boss

>> No.3718493

100 days of solitude?

>> No.3718494

lovecraft > joyce.

i'm not even joking

>> No.3718497

He's a dickhead, but "dadlit" is top lel.


Don't waste your time reading. Get out and pound vag young broski

>> No.3718501

Damn, nigga got told.

>> No.3718505

>I don't like it

You belong to /mu/, go back to /mu/