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/lit/ - Literature

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3713223 No.3713223[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Walk into someone's house for the first time
>No books anywhere
>Think to myself "okay, calm down, maybe they're one of those e-reader folks"
>Discover they don't own an e-reader either

I just don't understand these people... How can you not own a SINGLE book?

>> No.3713228


What were you doing in that house?

>> No.3713230


Please don't misuse the quote function.

>> No.3713233



We car-pool but not 10 minutes from her house she realized she had forgotten something so we turned around and she invited us in while she looked for it.



>> No.3713248
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so wait let me get this straight no books as in.... not one...
my god

>> No.3713251


No bookshelves, not coffee-table books, nothing at all.

Just a magazine on the couch and an address book on the kitchen counter.

>> No.3713255

that is kind of....
what does this person do with their lives?

>> No.3713256

None of my co-workers read, either. In fact, mentioning books is like telling people I'm into scat sex. There's always a tactful, semi-lengthy pause before someone mentions another topic.

It's no big deal, dude. They're just co-workers. It's not like they're your fiances.

>> No.3713257

>still giving an actual shit
>are you a time traveler?

>> No.3713258

Libraries, materialist fucktard.

>> No.3713259

because music, film, and TV are easier to get into and comprehend, making it the preferred method of entertainment for most folks. Honestly, I have quite a few friends who don't read, and just as many who don't completely disown reading anymore because I've shown them good entry-level books like 1984.

>> No.3713279
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But he didn't see single book in the house. People, like me, who go to the library generally own some books, unless they are really poor.

>> No.3713284

But people like me who go to the library just give the books to other people or donate them.

>> No.3713289


But wouldn't they have at least one book from the library at their house? I only own a few books myself, but I always have at least one book from the library at my house.

>> No.3713290

But even if you borrow books fron the library, you still need to bring them home tor read. I own only about 20-25 books, but I have at least 5 borrowed ones piled up on my nightstand at all times as well.

>> No.3713292

Maybe they just read their books from their laptop or someting? E-readers a shit.

>> No.3713294

Ah, and I live in a minimalistic room, i have a bed and i don't even a KITCHEN bullshit nigger, i DO MY FIRE 2 COOK WITH FRUSTRUMS. FUCKTARD, WHY ARE YOU SO MAD WITH BOOKS

>> No.3713308
File: 23 KB, 400x284, capn chest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my books and my e-reader are in my cap'ns chest

D-don't judge.

>> No.3713313
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>Only owning enough books that they can fit inside a single chest

>> No.3713339


Live and let live then. Don't be so edgy and judgmental, I'd say.

Surely they are very happy people, unlike you and me.

>> No.3713363
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I gave and threw away hundreds of them. Now all my possessions fit in that single chest, furniture and appliances excepted. Feels good man.

>> No.3713417 [DELETED] 

>threw away

>> No.3713418
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>threw away

>> No.3713430

What are the dimensions of that chest? I want one.
Been thinking of getting one to put books/cds/dvds and other important stuff.

>> No.3713441

Not sure, I just got a random pic from the internet for that one. I guess it holds a bit more than a large suitcase.

>> No.3713449

>> be drinking with friend
>> one of his friends comes over to my place
>> female
>> everybody drinking
>> "why do you have so many books, Anon?"
>> stare at her blankly because I don't quite understand the question
>> "because I like to read?"
>> "God, I hate reading. So boring."
>> Later our mutual friend tells me that she likes me
>> she then texts me
>> "God I hate reading. So boring."
hate reading
>> tell my friend she doesn't have a chance
>> never hang out again
>> no tears shed

>> No.3713471


Good for you, anon. Losing one's virginity is overrated anyway.

>> No.3713485

some people don't read op. I don't like video games or sports or most movies.

>> No.3713486 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 640x360, 1363735006494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> lel
>> be 17
>> virgin
>> get raped


>> No.3713488

Did you check the bedroom, in cabinets etc. An e-reader could be hiding anywhere, or maybe the owner took it with them, reading while comuting.

>> No.3713494 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 250x250, 1365182807150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> be 28 now
>> friends taking turns about how they lost virginity
>> recount mine happily


>> No.3713496

what is making unfounded conclusions? what is the library?

>> No.3713533

Did you go into her room? I keep all of my books there.

>> No.3713538

>I don't like sports

Do you like playing sports, at least?

>> No.3713545

yea but I'm a loser who doesn't have friends or talent

>> No.3713591

“An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex”

>> No.3713598

Is it just me or /lit/ prefers to buy and store books?
>buy & store
I own books, but I still prefer to go the library.
I see no point buying a book when I can get it from library.
So, does /lit/ really prefer to buy & store?

>> No.3713609

>giving more importance for owning books than to the reading of the same.

Step up.

>> No.3713614

>giving more importance for reading books than to the understanding

>> No.3713617

Even better, thanks.

>> No.3713621


>giving more importance to the understanding of books than to the comprehension

>> No.3713622

In the past most people would at least own a Bible. Whether or not one feels that it is a sufficient guide for one's life, I think there must have been some benefit to regular exposure to one of the greatest works of literature man has produced.

>> No.3713625

For same, anon. You could have at least attempted to inculcate in her an interest in reading.

>> No.3713628


>> No.3713629

>giving more importance to the comprehension than to the use of that knowledge in the real, day-to-day life.

>> No.3713631


>giving more importance to the use of knowledge than to the truthfulness of said knowledge

>> No.3713632

Understanding and comprehension mean the same.

>> No.3713633
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>> No.3713636


You can understand something and not comprehend it at the same time.

You cannot how comprehend something without understanding it.

>> No.3713640

>giving more importance to the truthfulness of knowledge than to the actual consequences and accomplishments made with the same.

>> No.3713642

I don't know, I've been surrounded in books since birth.

>> No.3713644


>Giving more importance to the consequences and accomplishments than to the motivation that led to those consequences in the first place

>> No.3713646

>giving more importance to the motivation that led you than to the impacts your acts have on lives of other people.

>> No.3713651


>Giving more importance to the impact of your actions upon the lives of other people than to impact that action will have upon your own happiness

>> No.3713654

>being a narcissist.

Enjoy your misery.

>> No.3713656

>gave and threw away hundreds of them
>tfw minor panic attack on reading this

>> No.3713658
File: 71 KB, 960x1174, lit has a debate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will, thanks.

Also, made this for use whenever people ask if /lit/ has a mental illness.

>> No.3713659

What're the definition of the words that are you using?

>> No.3713661

These are made funnier by the fact that they have been deleted

>> No.3713662

Books can't give me an orgasm
Sex scenes are often badly written

>> No.3713664


ability to grasp meaning: the ability to perceive and explain the meaning or the nature of somebody or something

the capacity for understanding, fully.

In a sense, Comprehension is a completeness of Understanding. You can have an understanding of parts, but if you don't have understanding of even a single part, you don't have true comprehension.

>> No.3713669

Sorry, I don't frequent here very often
And perception is another antagonism?

>> No.3713670

He threw books away.
>there are no words for this

>> No.3713672

My mum once tried to get me to clear out

I almost left home

>> No.3713682

Did you go into every room in her house?

>> No.3713683

I'll read them again someday surely!

>> No.3713690

I can give myself an orgasm

>> No.3713736


>> No.3713744


In fairness, at least these no book people have their own place

>> No.3713750


your edges are tearing me to shreds

>> No.3713787

Possible explanations:
> books can be unaesthetically pleasing to some people, especially those who don't enjoy clutter
> books can be borrowed instead of bought, already owned books can be donated (this here is my case, I only kept my favorites)
> books can be read on laptop/iphone as well (not the best choice but hey, what can you say?)
> modern books are unappealing to a major literature audience and as you grow older, you probably read much of the canon literature anyway (combined with having less time for doing such activity)
However, you can always expect the worst. My cousin hasn't finished reading one single book in 22 years of his life. I'm not fucking kidding, not even the stuff it was required in high school. He even prouds himself on that accomplishment

>> No.3713813

Where is he from?

Not that I want to avoid it or anything.

>> No.3713823

small village in Romania. I guess that somehow excuses him, we had a public library in here opened only 6 years ago.

>> No.3713829

well that's cool
>threw away
you're a terrible fucking person

>> No.3713830

Eh. I'm with you, man. I don't want to date a fucking English major (tried that, they're crazy), but I'd like someone who reads SOMETHING.

>> No.3713840

I love how the whole thread is people desperately trying to think up reasons why someone may not own books.

The idea that some people hate reading is unfathomable to /lit/9

>> No.3713842

that's less terrible, still what a plevian.

>> No.3713854

Because /lit/, for obvious reasons, know more about the necessity and benefits of reading.

>> No.3713859 [DELETED] 

>tfw you have an amazing idea for a story so you rush to write it down, but as you write you lose your grasp on the story and the memory of it fades, and the more you write the more it slips away from you and by the end you look at the piece of paper and what you've written down is a pale shadow of the idea you had, but you can't remember the idea at all now, only what you've written down.

How do I fix this?

>> No.3713872

Start by not being an asshole that hijacks other threads

>> No.3713877

I meant to post a new thread.

>> No.3713893


By realizing that your ideas are actually more nebulous than you think, and putting them into concrete words takes a great deal of work and patience. You'll have to actually invent most of it while writing it down because your basic idea is just a very rough mashup of scenes and themes with no real guiding force between them.

>> No.3713927

I wouldn't consider myself an intellectual and sex is pretty great but there are lots of things I'd consider more interesting.

>> No.3713933


>sex is pretty great but there are lots of things I'd consider more interesting.

>isn't doing it right

>> No.3713935

Fun and interesting are entirely different things.

>> No.3713936

>You can have an understanding of parts, but if you don't have understanding of even a single part, you don't have true comprehension.
Sounds arbitrary. How do you know where to demarcate objects of which you can have comprehension?

>> No.3713939

Exactly what >>3713935 said.

>> No.3713946


>find sex fun, not interesting

>definitely not doing it right

>> No.3713950

How can you go from "there are more interesting things" to "it's not interesting?"

>> No.3713956


it's possibly the MOST interesting thing when done right.

>> No.3713958

>Stop having different opinions than me!

>> No.3713963


It's not about opinion, it's about lack of proper experience.

>> No.3713966

I'm glad you find it so interesting; however, there are many interesting things. It seems entirely probable we are different people who have had different experiences, yes?

I did sort of figure this whole discussion was because you wanted to justify yourself as sexually competent.

>> No.3714024

it's all the distractions all these kids are growing up with. kids are growing up on social networking and mtv. they don't have a care in the world to read because all their time is focused into bullshit

>> No.3714028


When did I mention competence?

Your first point is an apt one.

>> No.3714450
File: 172 KB, 612x277, tripchrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open a thread for the first time
>No trips anywhere
>Think to myself "okay, calm down, maybe there's one of those namefag folks"
>Discover there aren't any namefags either

I just don't understand these people... How can there not be a SINGLE trip?

>> No.3714455

>I did sort of figure this whole discussion was because you wanted to justify yourself as sexually competent.

10/10 best post on front page of /lit/ right now

>> No.3714460

/lit/ will shame you into dropping your trip soon enough

>> No.3714465

>“An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex”

or just somebody that hasn't discovered it at all

>> No.3714467


We despise your kind and do very well at tearing down tripfags psychologically. Very, very few of them have lasted.

>> No.3714475


>> No.3714476

how did you kill Deep&Edgy?
Was it by two dozen of you all assuming his identity? I think it was.

Here's my trip #W37vzHG5 you can pretend to be me if you like (my trip is a public trip anyway, you can find it on the internet if you search for it)

>> No.3714490

nobody cares.

>> No.3714519


>> No.3714568
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Here's my trip

>> No.3715373
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That fucking Plevian!!!

>> No.3715396

They might read them on the computer like I do.

>> No.3715398

fucker someone else could have read them
bring them to a library or leave them in a park niglet

>> No.3715402

>hoarding books

lel. I donated all the books I'd acquired to the library and got an e-reader. Spread the wealth, cunts.

>> No.3715455

>introducing someone to "books" with Orwell
Do you like 1984 or his other works? Personally, I have only read animal farm and snippets of 1984. Both seemed tacky and distant to me while reading them and then gimmicky after thinking about the plot and characters. I just feel as if people only claim to like Orwell because they know him as an author that, supposedly, smart people like to read and they naturally fall in love with the overly simplified worlds and characters he creates.

Now don't judge me as a pleb, but I found Huxley's brave new world to be a much better work. Not only did it have real characters but tangible ideas that you can see influencing your daily life.

>> No.3715531

Not that guy, but how the fuck did you not like Animal Farm? It's like a fucking fairy tale, except with more animal on animal subjugation and murder.

>> No.3716610
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>canning not intae non-attachment

>> No.3716614

meaningful interaction with real people I would imagine

must be nice

>> No.3717222

It's not about the value of the individual book as an object, but rather the destruction of it's information and a book that could have been read by dozens and become an antique.

>> No.3717249

>Being yet another one of those minimalist evangelists

Why is this only on /lit/

>> No.3717261

OP is an intellectual elitist who needs to check his privledge.

Lobotomy for the good of a matriarchal multi-cutlural future.

>> No.3717278

Attachment to information is also attachment.

>> No.3717304

>Look at me!
>Guise, I'm edgy!
>I don't give a fuck!
Good for you.

>> No.3717330

as is attachment to being and appearing unattached.

>> No.3717334

Is this build into a mountain or something? The walls look like plain stone. Does it get cold?

>> No.3717353

It feels satisfying (for me, at least), to see a few full bookcases in my home.

>> No.3717380

Do you think /tv/ would have a thread about walking into someone's house and them not having a tv? No, cause everyone gets that there are weirdos who watch absolutely no tv. The same is true for books. Whether one choice is superior to the other is completely subjective, so who cares.

>> No.3717383

Valuing sight is also an attachment. Get gouging anon.

>> No.3717387

Probably any number of the things in life that aren't reading.

>> No.3717396

cheers, saved as lit autism.png