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3712983 No.3712983 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for books where the author shares a similar world view as Ayn Rand.
I've read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and that was amazing.
What're some others?

>> No.3712985


>> No.3712989

Orwell fought in a communist militia during the Spanish Civil War and was a member of the Independent Labour Party, a socialist political party. Not really a similar world view to Rand.

>> No.3712991

Have any suggestions?
Novels where the author has a world view something like Rand's

>> No.3713022

Garet Garrett

>> No.3713037

Infinite jest

>> No.3713045

The Sword of Truth series gets very Randian by the end of the series.

>> No.3713231

Steve Ditko (co-creator of Spider-Man) was very interested in objectivism. He wrote a strip called Mr. A, about a Randian superhero/cop who was quite dedicated to his work and philosophy. It's kind of dry.

>> No.3713235


stormfront dot com

>> No.3713643

.com is a game dev. .org is some white power B.S.

>> No.3713663

Believe it or not nearly every children's book that is a franchise is spiked with Ayn Rand's philosophy of selfishness. Authors like to denounce it, and say what you're looking at is really only a series of chain-link connections to the starring character to produce drama. But hipsters know the truth.

Some examples with Ayn Rand's phil 101:

Harry Potter
Hunger Games
Series of Unfortunate Events

Hipsters love these books because deep down they all love Ayn.

>> No.3713681

I see your point, but I'd like books a little more... you know, grown-up.

>> No.3713685

This book had the most useless romance in all literature

>> No.3713693 [DELETED] 

yukio mishima's stuff. very self-absorbed teenage angsty type shit where everyone but the "philosophy delivering protag" is made out to be an asshole even though the protag tends to be the worst asshole. they're also these lone-wolf tyle characters that ironically everyone who reads the book relates to. so these people tend to call eachother sheep a lot which is nice to sit back and watch.

obsession turned madness for beginners. teenage style mixups with violence and beauty. oh, it's like ayn rand but mishima can at least write a pretty sentence.

>> No.3713695

50 shades of gray

>> No.3713697

My Life by Bill Clinton

>> No.3713700

She Comes First by Ian Kerenr

>> No.3713701

If you're into fantasy, the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind

>> No.3713706


>President Obama Says Ayn Rand Is For Teens Who Are 'Feeling Misunderstood'

it's why i voted for him a second time.

>> No.3713725

Another good reason for me to have NOT voted for him.

"If you disagree with me, I'll make fun of you."

>> No.3713738


You feel understood?

>> No.3713742

Oh yes. Very well indeed.

>> No.3713784

I prefer sci-fi if it's going to be anything set in an alternate world.

>> No.3713832
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I see the edgefags out in full force today

>> No.3713895

Basically. I'm not sure what the deal is. "Oh, look, people that have defined ideals. I should hate them. Mine are a bit foggy."

>> No.3713900

Please don't let an ideologue be your introduction to philosophy.

>> No.3713926

I know what I believe without Rand. I simply like books that peach to the choir and put into words, in fiction form, things I already believe.

>> No.3713934
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trash pseudoliterature

>> No.3713945

in other words you read shit only for affirmation of what you already believe to satisfy your ego rather than read shit that challenges what you believe so you mature faster.

sounds cool bro.


>> No.3713952

Give me novels with the opposite view, I'll read it.
I'm simply not a huge fan of straight up philosophy books or essays. I find them dull and dry. I like it presented in an interesting package.

What've you got to "challenge" me? I'm all ears---er, eyes.

>> No.3713970

Don Quixote

fantasy/reality mixups with idealistic/intellectual sense of chivalry driving it.

>> No.3713987

Please know that if you only read function, you're really philosophically stunted.

>> No.3714082

I assume you meant fiction. Why do you say that? I think fiction can serve as just a good of vehicle for delivery as anything, maybe better.

>> No.3714121

look at the empty-headed libs rage! great post. nothing worse than a dose of truth huh?

>> No.3714131



>> No.3714144



It's like the midwestern elderly have taken over.

>> No.3714179

>said the randfag

>> No.3714233

I shall check that out.

>> No.3714969

my nigga

>> No.3714971


One of VERY few times i've felt like our country might be in good hands.

>> No.3714984

the only difference between ayn rand fands and J.K. rowling fans is that rowling's fans recognize her work as fantasy.

>> No.3715041
File: 63 KB, 450x594, exceptthese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as good hands.

>> No.3715048

what am i looking at?

>> No.3715052

Not that guy, but it's a disease that makes people's bodies look like trees. I'm dead serious.

>> No.3715055

>Human ' Treeman ' begs for help as he turns into a tree.

>> No.3715057


youtube it

>> No.3715065

>Human Treeman stops turning into a tree

>> No.3715077

how does he get his hands through those sleeves

>> No.3715890


as a metacommentary on this discussion, that was a very Rand-ian outlook on that line...

just saying...

>> No.3715893

heinlein was not an objectivist and only a fool would take the stated political opinions of his characters at face value


>> No.3715917

Plus he wrote tons of essays arguing for socialism and dismissed conservatism and capitalism as outdated and selfish.

>> No.3715919

Yeah but on the other hand he was a British imperial bastard.

>> No.3715961

That's true. He also thought that there were personality traits inherent to national populations and that traditional values were good.

>> No.3715997

>Not an edgy kid