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3711314 No.3711314 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/erati:

I know you like to talk to each other about writing books/progress etc. It seems many of you are writing novels and scripts and other fiction modes.

I am a Ph.D. in 'English Lit.' though (year 2) and thought I would say 'ask me anything'.

Thought you might like to discuss the other side of the coin and hear/discuss the writing of criticism.

If not I'll dump some random 'writer' pictures I find amusing.

>> No.3711316
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Victor Hugo looking 'sexy'

>> No.3711320
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I made this and it now sits above the sink in the 'London Review of Books' staff room.

>> No.3711321
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>> No.3711328
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>> No.3711337
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>> No.3711338
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>> No.3711341

How did you secure funding for your postgraduate studies? How well did you perform as an undergrad'?

>> No.3711342
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>> No.3711349
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I got to skip my Masters as I achieved '7 A's and a B' in my 8 Honours level modules. I don't know the US equivalent but it basically was pretty exceptional (fuck knows how I did it though haha)

I receive little to no funding. I have to work 2 jobs - one for the University which is very well paid (£35p/h) and one where I work weekends in a gambling establishment which is terribly paid. I get discounts and the occasional grant but basically I need to work like fuck to pay for it. This is the reality of PGrad Humanities funding in the U.K.

>> No.3711353
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Should also point out that I come from a working class family and receive no support. Just the way it is, I guess it makes me work harder knowing that it is my money. The cost is £3800 p/a

>> No.3711354


Where did you study, brah? Eight honours course sounds Scottish to me.

>> No.3711358

Have the British universities adopted the idea of each faculty having to fund themselves, like Canada is beginning to do? Or, are the universities simply dividing the wealth? Just curious because this was a big deal for my school this year and is likely to result in the deterioration of it's humanities department.

>> No.3711360
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You are correct young man! I don't want to be too specific (as I am 'google'-able) but am from Glasgow.

>> No.3711363


You're not at Edinburgh, are you?

>> No.3711366
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The deterioration of humanities funding is the reality of all western nations, I think.

it is basically due to the lack of govt. funding for AHRI (who used to fund us). Some systems are open for full funding but they expect so much reportage/additional work I thought it better to go alone.

I don't think we have adopted the 'self-sufficient' dept. approach...if we did we'd be in big trouble! I'm part of an interactive guide to the Exeter Elegies which should generate some £££ for our dept. though.

>> No.3711369
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Negative. Lovely city though and I do a bit of work for the NLS. I have been transcribing the Auchinleck MS there recently for example.

>> No.3711372
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>> No.3711382
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Any questions about topic/texts?

The texts are amazing and probably unknown to most people (not in an arrogant way, I had to dig to get those relevant to my subject)

>> No.3711388

What is your opinion about David Foster Wallace? What is British/English/UK academia's opinion of DFW?

>> No.3711398
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Criticism of events 'still active' is ill advised among academics. Especially when the works deal more with 'social history/events' than the works which are reflective of them. I mean...he's a good writer...but he doesn't really write about anything of substance or anything which has enough of a reflection period to truly note the societal impact.

Did that make sense>? Basically, his work is written well but is on the precipice of achieving the 'vanishing point' required to be socially useful. (not that there has to be 'x' amount of time...but it is like making a critique of Prufrock in 1920...sure it can be relevant...but unless you read the Waste Land and see the ultimate conclusions of such a malady it is without proper conclusion.

That's my view...I have never heard my 40y/o supervisor or any other member of staff mention him*

I should note my subject is pre-1500...so not really my area.

>> No.3711402


>What is British/English/UK academia's opinion of DFW?

He's not so big here in the UK.

>> No.3711406

Aren't there any English Lit academics who write about contemporary literature?

>> No.3711404

Why do you write 'everything' like 'this'?

I don't quite 'understand' it? Are you inspired by that autist, 'Rei'?

>> No.3711405

He looks much better with a beard.

>> No.3711411

Are you at St. Andrews, OP?

>> No.3711418

how to keep up your pimp game while being good student???

>> No.3711419

Yes, lots and lots. By contemporary if you mean the 'Oxford' definition meaning, "that which shares societal values with yourself," then yeah there are loads of Beckett scholars etc...we had one just ifnish who was doing 'contemporary crime fiction' and my neighbouring uni has someone doing 'Zombies in contemporary fiction'.

Anything which is an uncited quote, colloquialism or untethered allusion required apostrophes. Whenever you a adopt a term which is culturally specific geographically/temporally you use them. See directly above. I used them around 'oxford' as that term has entered the vernacular to mean 'with academic authority' <<< see also that paraphrased 'quote' <<<and that use of the word quote etc etc...

>> No.3711424
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My gf is an Undergrad. I guess I bypass that pitfall. I usually try and fuck her in the morning to avoid my mental exhaustion by the end of the evening.

If you want to be good to work the following day
>avoid shots (like shooters)
>avoid beer
>stop drinking 1.5hrs before you go home
>drink lots of water through the night

I have never successfully went out and worked upon returning home. I wish I knew how to do that haha

By the time you get on the Ph.D. you are talking to Undergrad classes and dealing with them so much that it is hard not to fuck them.

>> No.3711430

What are the advantages of pursuing a doctorate? Advantages in finding employment? The fact that you get to put doctor in front of your name and say "Yes, me!" whenever the Captain of a passenger plane asks if there's a doctor on board? Or just a personal desire for learning? Or anything else?

>> No.3711432
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I have done extensive work for St. Andrews University. They are a good school, even if they are all pre-occupied with their own research. (read: the staff are shit)

>> No.3711438

I know a guy doing comp-sci there, and I was thinking of applying there for English undergrad when I decide to go to uni. Would you recommend it?

>> No.3711445
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Well, you can't:
i: Teach at the highest academic level
ii: Publish works of criticism
iii: Be published in journals
iv: Gain access to archives of Defigo Prima
v: be easily published

without it...it isn't about the title. I would pursue this career without the tit;e. I just want to be able to fully examine my area of interest and easily present my findings on said subject to the academic community.

Academia is also an intrinsic community. It is quite amazing to see in full flight.

I wanted to be a rock star, Jim Morrison basically...I left school at 17 and moved north where I was in a Jazz/Punk?ska/rock...fucking every band. When I was 22 I realised I was never going to be famous and now am working in academia. It guarantees an audience haha

>> No.3711447

what are your areas of interest?

Like, proposed research topic? It is really good. Glasgow and Dundee have MUCH better English dept. though.

>> No.3711453

Do English departments deal solely with works written in English, or do they branch out into other languages too?

>> No.3711455

Sorry I read Postgrad.

Apply to Dundee. If you like sex, go to Dundee.

>> No.3711457

My dream of becoming a preeminent David Foster Wallace scholar is unabated.

>> No.3711461

Wait, why? What's so special about Dundee?

>> No.3711464
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No they work in a variety of languages (in translation). A knowledge of the 'mother-language' is expected at doctoral/masters/dissertation level but basically a quick paragraph on the translational differences of x and y copies will be enough.

You can work on a text of any language in English translation, just be prepared - at honours level and above - to have an academic defence of why you used that specific translation.

>> No.3711468

It's just a very chill university. They have the highest performing English dept. in the country, the best unoin and have been voted the best student experience in the U.K.

I wish I went there. The three scholars I have interacted with form there (my external is from there) are the best academics I have ever met. Their American lit guy is a fucking riot.

>> No.3711472

Cool. I have a huge interest in Italian literature, specifically works dealing with the hermetics, kabalah, templars etc. and any postgraduate work I did would ideally involve that kind of stuff. I'm living in Italy at the moment, and pick up languages ludicrously fast, so the language barrier shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.3711474

If I consider myself a radical, is academia the write (lel) place for me?

>> No.3711475

You should! It is a noble venture to break new grounds. I should also point out that you will easily be admitted onto a doctoral programme as you are pursuing 'new research'. Do you have a degree/almost have?

>> No.3711482

You sound like you will do very well.

It is, as long as oyu can demonstrate your 'radical' criticism in an accessible manner you will do very well. We are all radicals now, young man! The technological advances of the last two decades have revolutionised us all. If you are a political radical I would warn that to extrapolate your views onto an author is to fail from the outset.
>see Marx's readings of Piers Plowman
They make sense if you pretend Marx wrote it

A lot of academia is the application of another's views against your own.

>> No.3711490

I am a political radical in a sense, but I guess I'll try and maintain some small modicum of objectivity.

>> No.3711494

well op I am currently in the process of enrolling for college and so far I am undecided and during the past months I have really gotten into reading although I don't like to write much like essays but every now and then I will try to write poems even though I aint to good at writing

So I was wondering is there good money to be made in reading and writing once I graduate from college

>> No.3711496

Well, University is fertile ground for the extra-curricular advancement of said views. Academia also allows you (basically) a ready made audience. You can also apply said ideology towards works (a financially rewarding process). Good luck, young sir!

>> No.3711504

Th-thank you. But first I have to get through undergraduate. I might apply to Oxford or Cambridge for postgraduate though, purely because of
>dat boasting
>dose employment opportunities

>> No.3711512

As a lecturer you will earn good money- certainly well above average (maybe $100k?...average un U.k after probationary wage is about £68-74k) and you will basically be either talking about your favourite books, writing about your favourite books or marking essays about texts. As long as you produce lots of criticism, you will have summers off...semesters off paid...fat cash deposits for books...sabbaticals (one term jaunts at other universities) which double your wages.

Or you can sell your soul, move to Qatar/Dubai and be an education consultant for the international schools/colleges...they are on $300k p/a.

The Ph.D. means you can commit to somehting and see it through...you would be insanely employable.

>> No.3711511

I am currently an American Japanese lit Master's student thinking about going for the Phd. What is your opinion about getting a PhD in the humanities? It seems every time I search for topics about the Phd, it is always doom and gloom scenarios where people are always miserable and there will be no jobs. While I realize jobs are not always available, the negativity seems exaggerated sometimes. What has your experience been like so far?

>> No.3711516

Excellent! They are wonderful universities! Unfortunate;y the 32k p/a fees would (by the time I had finished) buy my family home twice!

>> No.3711519

H-how many years is a postgraduate course?

>> No.3711524

defending my MA thesis in art history next month, but I did my BA in english lit, so who knows....

>> No.3711530

There are a lot of jobs! Unfortunately in Europe Japanese lit is very specialised. You would have to create a module (and all Ph.D's have to create modules to increase their suitability) on World Lit. or eastern Lit.

I agree, you are very unfortunate to be studying such a niche subject...but then, so am I (I think).There is always a way to tailor your research towards being desirable. I have been offered jobs at £30k p/a based purely on the fact I am ON a Ph.D. ocurse. I would think, with your subject, you would have a hard time finding a post in europe...a post in Japan however...or the US...seems highly possible.

My advice if you pursue a Ph.D...KEEP PUBLISHING! Publish on everything, anything you can...publishing credits = employability

>> No.3711531

One year for a Masters full-time/2 part time

three years Ph.D. minimum.

>> No.3711532

They make you do a Viva for a Masters?

Is there external markers or is it just an extension of your internal marking process?

Whatever it is will stand you in good stead for a Ph.D.

Good work on your Masters!

>> No.3711533

Your family house costs roughly £130k?

Jesus. It's just hit me - not for the first time - how horribly expensive houses are in my area.

>> No.3711538

As I said, I come from meager beginnings. The chances of someone buying my family home for that are very slim.


>> No.3711541

I don't know how it is elsewhere but that's how it goes in North America. There will be one or two external markers in addition to my advising committee, for the purpose of consistency/peer review I suppose.

>> No.3711544

how many years of college do you think it would take?

>> No.3711546

Pebbledash is the only thing I can imagine being responsible for your house being worth that little.

God, I fucking hate pebbledash. I went to Wales a week ago to visit family and it is fucking everywhere.


>> No.3711548

Yeah, I have 5 externals for my Ph.D.
As stated I skipped my masters so am a bit unsure of how they work. I know you do a dissertation...10-15,000words?

My Ph.D. is basically 100,000 words in 3 years (with certain 'hoops jumped through)
End of year one
> 10,000 words
Year two
Year three

haha, it's crazy...I'm on 45,000 which is basically how I sleep at night.

>> No.3711555
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Lol no pebbledash, lots of murders, drug use and prostitution in the area however. If my mother didn't have to live in such ridiculous surroundings I would probably be in HR right now.

3/4 years Undergrad
Minimum 3 for Ph.D.

That's assuming you skip the Masters. If not it would be 8 in total.

>> No.3711564

First year of the masters I had to do 30 credits of graduate level courses and pass a comprehensive examination (written+vocal) in a subject of my choice.

I also had to refine and approve my research proposal and begin writing/researching my thesis

Second year of the masters I had to write my thesis, its length could be anywhere between 10k and 35k words--really depends on the methodology tbh.

You can take up to 3 years for the masters without getting an extension, and with extensions you can probably take another 1-2 years (if you really need to).

>> No.3711570

Thanks for your answer! Its the J-lit master's student again. How much of the broader knowledge of the subject would a program expect you to know going into a program?

>> No.3711572

Wow, sounds tough. Ph.D. is slightly (and I am loathe to use the word) easier. If you have a strong grasp of your topic and a good relationship with your supervisor a Ph.D. is basically three years, writing maybe 25k words a year, with a lot of flexibility.

I avoided the Masters as I thought the Ph.D. would suit how I work

>> No.3711577

As long as you have a question with texts that lend themselves to it you'd be fine. Getting on a Ph.D. is all abut writing a 500-1000 word research proposal (which highlights your question/texts you would employ to answer said question and a brief methodological outline) that would have your prospective supervisor (someone at a University you could conceivably move to that studies your -rough* - area) pick it up, read it and say, "yes, that is an achievable piece of work.

>> No.3711580

* You only need to know what you plan on using...it is the job of your supervisor to alert you to works outside those stated in your proposal.

>> No.3711594

you used memegenerator to put impact text on a picture you photoshopped yourself? wut

>> No.3711601

I'm a working a full time, stressful job that I hate, and trying to resit my a level English exam at the same time so I can go to Glasgow. I need an A to get in and got a B last year, and in the winter resit I got an even lower grade. Inspire me to work harder when I cone home please

>> No.3711604
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Yeah, I did it about 2 years ago before I knew it was 'impact' text. I suppose that is another downfall of the Ph.D....that you only know TNR 12point and nothing else haha

>> No.3711606

Hmm, I assume your folio is in already?
Dundee has a much better English dept. as does St. Andrews...dundee is the best in the country and is easier to get into.

>> No.3711607

How can anyone fail A-Level English? I've never been able to understand this.

I was talking to a girl I met at co-op the other day, and she said she found it really difficult.

Economics or maths or something I can understand, but English?

>> No.3711615

Failing and getting an A are different things. A;so, one of the first things they teach you before you begin teaching is, "to never chastise those who fail, as you never know the extenuating circumstances behind it."

I suppose I would advise you not to judge. Also getting an A in anything isn't easy. I got a B at A level (mainly due to my proclivity for drinking and shagging).

>> No.3711619

I got full marks at A-Level, without doing any work. I read the set texts, and went to my lessons. But that was it.

It's just an insanely easy subject if you have an ounce of independent thought.

>> No.3711620


>> No.3711621

You are probably correct. It is however almost entirely unrelated to academic study of english lit. in terms of approach

>> No.3711622

I didn't fail, I did get a high B. I'm going to try to write two essays a day, but I get home at 6:30 most days and I've never had to push myself that hard. How hard have you ever had to try PhD guy?

>> No.3711631

Well I work 30hrs a week to pay for my Ph.D. whilst struggling to keep pace (and exceed quality of research with those funded by 'mum and dad'.)

I guess this month is a prime example. I am doing two big conferences in Birmingham and Glasgow - which means I have to do 40+ hours in the weeks preceding to pay for the conferences (and ensure I can live the next month) whilst writing my papers for the conferences and keeping up with my Ph.D. I work 3 days from 8am-10pm while writing my thesis and teaching 2 sub-honours modules. I do little else other than my thesis and working to pay for said thesis. My family cannot help me in my financial obligaiton to the University and receive no funding.

tl;dr: Pretty hard.

>> No.3711632

Obligation ''

>> No.3711637

You have my respect...I worked throughout my UGrad but I think it teaches you a valuable lesson in time management.

>> No.3711638

But is it worth it?

>> No.3711641

We shall see! As it stands, it is certainly worth it to be part of the academic community.

I stand by the idea that, "this is the time of your life where you are supposed to be struggling," and the Proustian ideals that there can be no glory without conflict and hardship.

>> No.3711704

Good night lit xx

>> No.3711713

It was nice talking to you.

>> No.3711724

Good night. You managed to get me to write another page, thank you.

>> No.3711769

What is your favorite book/author in your area of study? Why did you picked that area of study?

>> No.3711773

is it worth it to take an undergraduate minor?

>> No.3712214
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Piers Plowman is the best book ever written in my opinion...fantastic text.

I enjoy Chaucer a lot. I study the reovlts against the first estate in Mediaeval England.

Britfag so I don't know what you mean. Here we have to take an additional subject in 'sub-honours' (years 1-2) and I feel they are an excellent way of enhancing your skill set.

You guys also, I enjoyed our chat very much.

>> No.3712223
File: 74 KB, 480x328, hm5_9_0_25_1_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked it as I am fascinated by 'rebellion against oppression' and feel that the Catholic Church's employment of 'eternal salvation' as means of control/the accumulation of wealth is the biggest transgression in history.