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3709079 No.3709079 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here an English major? What school do you go to? What classes are you taking? What do you plan on doing with your degree?

>> No.3709081

Yes, me. Tusculum. Right now - Greek Mythology. I'm a business management dual major and what I really want to do is get into publishing.

>> No.3709087

there are plenty of english majors here.

english lit at ohio state. will be taking a renaissance poetry class on love as well as a course on modern drama in the fall.

the plan so far is to either teach ESL abroad or get hired to be an editor or writer for a magazine, or something

that or i'll just kill myself

>> No.3709090

i hope you're networking like a motherfucker cause if you don't you'll end up being a team lead at Target

>> No.3709098

I was an English major at a small private liberal arts college. Got an MBA later from a good school later. Work at a large firm now. Living the dream. Sort of.

>> No.3709102

Our school goes to AWP every year, and the students do the literary journal, so I'm getting legitimate work on a respected publication.

>> No.3709118
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Hey, I'm going to OSU this year and am planning on majoring in English. My plans are to leech off my parents and then teach ESL so I can live the literary life. What should I expect from the program? Also, can we be bros?

>> No.3709120

>will be taking a renaissance poetry class on love

The fuck are you living for? Just end it now, you fucking loser.

>> No.3709192

Depaul University reporting. Plan on eventually going to law school.

>> No.3709242

please respond

>> No.3709243

Yes. I plan on killing myself.

>> No.3709282

hah I too attend DePaul university anon.

>> No.3709291


>that feel when quarterly system

>> No.3709300
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oh fuck ;-;
i probably will once i get through the entire corpus of noteworthy european, asian, and american film and a suitable amount of beautiful literature and music
really though i think it will be wonderfully stimulating though i'm confident i'll probably leave that class even more convinced love doesn't exist

>What should I expect from the program?
expect lax paper grading and a highly variable reading load, depending on the professors.
I'm doing almost exclusively literature courses so if you're in creative writing or grammar/english history or some shit you'll obviously have a demonstrably different experience from mine

i guess we can be bros...
message me on last.fm as i'm certainly not disclosing my facebook on here

>> No.3709303

>tfw endless Chicago winter is finally lifting

>> No.3709329

I am planning on going to georgia state for english this fall.

>> No.3709332


You an English major as well?

>> No.3709350
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I'm about to declare my major tomorrow. English, more specifically linguistics. Hoping to land an editing job for some small magazine/publication/whatever while I work on trying to sell some of my own novels/ stories.

oh god help me why couldnt i be smart and do something like math or science or some shit oh plz help

>> No.3709360

Yup, freshman at Hofstra. I've taken three general english classes thus far and I'm in my first creative writing class. The teacher is pretty cool, Robert Plath, he's written some good stuff but most of it is 2edgy4me. I'm transferring out of this shithole to the University of South Carolina though. Not really sure what I'm going to do with my degree. I'm going to try to make it as a writer, though I'm considering double majoring in something useful. Sucks though, writing is the only thing I've ever done that has meant anything to me.

>> No.3709356

Go to a NY state school, double major in English and linguistics, double minor in journalism and Japanese. And I have no idea what I'd really like to do when I get out. Currently, I work as an intern for a local weekly paper, and they'll let me freelance after the semester ends. But the prospect of teaching English abroad interests me as well...The JET program particularly sounds like a good gig, though I'm not sure how that would work out, seeing as I'm not the best at doing class presentations....

Do I have any regrets? Nope. Well, looking back, a different school would have been preferable...And some classed I took were useless...But I'm not too worried about being an English major.

>> No.3709368

>why couldnt i be smart and do something like math or science
They're not smarter, it's what they want you to believe

>> No.3709378

i think he meant smarter in the "i want a job when i graduate" sense

>> No.3709379

Yea, just started taking English classes though.

>> No.3709390

I was an English major at the University of Toronto (supposedly one of the best in Canada), but I had to switch to Engineering after the first year as the English courses we're way too easy. I was getting really bored and dissatisfied with it. You could literally write any bullshit on the essays as long as it sounded "deep" and you'd get a 95%. The entirety of the academic practice of English is just a bunch of people bullshitting about what the greatest book is or why the author made the curtains blue, which are pretty stupid questions to be asking anyways as art is subjective and everyone will have their own answers.

>> No.3709394

>wanting a job
Enjoy being a slave in the capitalist pyramid

>> No.3709397


le epic ruse face

>> No.3709399

lol every school goes to AWP and has a lit. journal, dude.

>> No.3709413

SHSU English Major. Some philosophy classes and survey of english lit classes. Substitute teach and write, maybe get paid to go to grad school.

>> No.3709437

I know that. AWP is for networking. And not every school has undergraduates working on editing and designing their literary journal.

>> No.3709456

>The JET program particularly sounds like a good gig
I tried going for that, from what I could tell you pretty much need a masters in English or some experience with teaching. I knew a guy who went to Korea to teach and he said you definitely need one for the program there. Not saying you shouldn't try, but if you're not going for an MA you might seriously want to start doing some activities that will look good and show some teaching experience.

>> No.3709458

>art is subjective and everyone will have their own answers
Although you're probably trolling, it's generally accepted amongst people who aren't retarded that not all opinions are equal. The "my answer is just as good as yours" mentality is only held by people who can't defend or clearly articulate their opinions.

>> No.3709487

Well, I thought I wanted to work in my school's writing center, so I took the training class, which also happened to be an English class. However, I hated it, thought it was common-sense, and realized that I didn't really want to be a writing tutor (at least, not right now)... Technically, though, I am qualified to be a tutor. Maybe that could help me.

We'll see in a year.

And I didn't know that bit about needing an master's. I thought they really only cared about a BA...In fact, one of the reasons I want to do JET is to make money for grad school...

>> No.3709508

I go to CSUN and I am taking an Modern American Literature course which is pretty cool. I am supposed to be starting a 9 page paper on The Crying of Lot 49 actually.

>> No.3709519

poli sci major here

but i've taken like 3 classes on poetry and a class on the imperialist literature of orwell, haggard, and conrad.

bretty good

>> No.3709580

I have a BA in english and I'm working on my MLS (library science) right now. I work at my public library. I'm actually surprised to learn how many MLS students don't have library experience beyond volunteering (which means shit)

>> No.3709594

Art History + French major here. I went to college thinking that I would study literature but I generally found art theory to be highly interesting, and a lot of literary/cinematic theory is generally applied across the fields, so it's not like I'm missing out on it with this major. And on the other hand, I vastly prefer writing about art than I do books.

I don't know what to do in the future. I have a part time job at a local gallery and I know that I can get full time hours there when I graduate, but I also want to keep learning+reading. I think I'm going to do grad school, but I don't know about anything past a MA.

>> No.3709598

You can still teach english abroad without being in JET