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File: 392 KB, 600x937, lolita-book-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3706308 No.3706308 [Reply] [Original]

Up to chapter 25. It's become so cringe-worthy.

How did I get trolled into this?

>> No.3706313

The amount of trolling Lolita supplies to a reader is inversely proportional to their knowledge, acumen, and sense of humor.

I believe that answers your question.

>> No.3706320

i read it a while ago, thought it was really good but I thought a large part of the time between Humbert kidnapping her and her escaping was a huge drag.

it was also around the time anything resembling sympathy for him evaporated and his silliness that filled the first half began to grate on me.

it was probably the intent though

>> No.3707028

Reading it at the moment and enjoying myself.

>> No.3707039

Just enjoy the impossibly perfect prose.

>> No.3707054

use spoilers you fucking retarded cunt

>> No.3707057

>impossibly perfect prose
You don't read much, do you?

>> No.3707084

>it's Nabokov
>renowned for his incredible writing

Are you really that stupid as to ask that question?

Not that guy, by the way.

>> No.3707089

it's certainly very good
the whole writing from a perspective of a fairly shameless writer really allows him to go wild with his imagery in a way most writers would be too self-conscious to do

>> No.3707098

>>renowned for his incredible writing
'Incredible' is a huge overstatement. Yes, he is a very good stylist. No, he doesn't write 'impossibly perfect' prose. Have some perspective.

>> No.3707169

Babby's first /lit/ troll?

Troll format C:
>Take one of the best books ever written
>How did I get trolled into reading this?
>This book dum and badly writ
>So overatted
>Stupid book

Skill level: 1/10
Butthurt achievement: 4.5/10

>> No.3707171

>'Incredible' is a huge overstatement.
Incredible is a pretty apt description, that risks bordering on understatement.

>> No.3707181

You are a fucking moron if you don't think the prose in Lolita is top tier English prose. I'd really like to know what you think ranks above it.

>> No.3707206

>Incredible is a pretty apt description, that risks bordering on understatement.
You don't read much, do you?

>> No.3707211

>I'd really like to know what you think ranks above it.
>You are a fucking moron if you don't think the prose in Lolita is top tier English prose.
No, I think the only 'moron' here is you, making ridiculous statements. Nabokov wasn't even a native speaker of English, for fuck's sake.

>> No.3707219

Evidently more than you.

>> No.3707228

10/10 book. Probably the best thing ever written in the English language.

>> No.3707235

I'd say the butthurt level hasn't shown its full force yet. Only a few replies.

>inb4 245 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.3707237

Ha, you are dumb.

>> No.3707243

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.3707252


>> No.3707255
File: 462 KB, 900x1135, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His prose is exceptionally good. The story is good enough and thought provoking. Read it in Dubai. Was afraid i'd get my ass thrown in jail.

>> No.3707258
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>implying you wouldn't have hovered over them anyway.

>> No.3707561

what other nabokov books are worth reading?

>> No.3707594

>Nabokov wasn't even a native speaker of English, for fuck's sake.

All the credibility you were trying to muster is gone. Try to think things through before you post

>> No.3707605

Djuna Barnes
Virginia Woolf

>> No.3707611


Pale Fire and Ada, or Ardor. I liked Pnin, but the people I've talked to who have read it seem torn. You should also read his memoir, Speak, Memory. I haven't read any of his other books.

>> No.3707623
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>Djuna Barnes and Faulkner

>> No.3707646

>not realizing the genius of Barnes' prose


i can yield faulkner, i guess.

>> No.3707663

>All the credibility you were trying to muster is gone. Try to think things through before you post
But he _wasn't_ a native speaker of English. That's a fact. How you interpret that is up to you. (In my strictly personal opinion, holding up a guy who isn't a native speaker as the gold standard yardstick of English prose is silly.)

>> No.3707712

what has nativity have to do with an adult's command of any language? it's absurd to think one must be a native speaker in order to ever reach the greatest possible heights of any language

>> No.3707901

it's just shallow and obnoxious patriotism

>> No.3707914

>language, especially one as widely spoken as english
>in any related to patriotism


i agree that it's shallow and obnoxious to presume non-native speakers can achieve mastery of a language, of course, but i don't see the connection to nationalism at all

>> No.3708017

>i agree that it's shallow and obnoxious to presume non-native speakers can achieve mastery of a language, of course, but i don't see the connection to nationalism at all

no, that's what i'm disareeing with. do you believe in what you're saying?

>> No.3708554

I read it a while ago, and I recently bought the annotated version. The notes are really interesting. Nabakov was undoubtedly a master of prose and the notes confirm that.

>> No.3708825
File: 25 KB, 310x515, executioner 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don;t worry pleb. There are plenty of books for you.

>> No.3708856
File: 363 KB, 1000x1000, 1357771758882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding up a guy who isn't a native speaker as the gold standard yardstick of English prose is silly
0/10 too obvious now

>> No.3708861

then it's still in the top 5

>> No.3708869

the whole 1st part is great, you can't deny that.