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/lit/ - Literature

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3703060 No.3703060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does one live the literary life?

>> No.3703074

Don't work.

>> No.3703079

By posting to forums.

>> No.3703086


>> No.3703101
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>> No.3703102

You can live royal and wealthy just by being satisfied

>> No.3703107

"If you do this, you won't be sexually desirable. And that's THE WORST FATE IMAGINABLE!!!!!"

>> No.3703115

>How does one live the literary life?

Inherit wealth.
Engage in leisure pursuits and whimsy

>> No.3703118


>forgoing free and easy pleasure for the sake of terrible fashion


>> No.3704024
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Don't work, bum around, sometimes read a book, sometimes write a thing, cultivate smug bohemian posture. Pic related is an example of the lumpenprole variant. Your pic is an example of more upper class lit life. Middle class can't play.

>> No.3704058

This is the secret to the good life.

>> No.3704087

So, when do you get to see your enemies driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women? Because otherwise what's the point?

>> No.3704088

The literary life, lmfao, this shit makes me laugh everytime.

>> No.3704089
File: 282 KB, 392x480, hierarch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEETs are the warlords of today, shamelessly demanding what's ours from the powerless toiling peasants. We are the robber barons, the blond beasts, the pirates and the kings.

>> No.3704128
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Selling all your teenage dvds and video game systems on eBay to buy Bitcoin and in turn narcotics from the Silk Road to stay inside, high, reading and writing.

>> No.3704150 [DELETED] 


The lumpenproletariet are not NEETS. A better analogy for lumpenproletariet would be working class American republicans. They are member of the working class inculcated in bourgeois ideology to the point of NEVER being able achieve class conciousness.

>> No.3704155

Like an aristocrat.

>> No.3704174

b-b-b-but muh vidya

>> No.3704179

I'm only keeping my ps3 for my pretentious arthouse bluray collection.

>> No.3704183

>NEETs are the warlords of today, shamelessly demanding what's ours from the powerless toiling peasants. We are the robber barons, the blond beasts, the pirates and the kings.
I'm pretty sure if the average NEET had any of the skills necessary for ruling, pirating, robber-baroning or war-lording they wouldn't be NEET. I yield on the blond beast thing, since I suppose peroxide is easy enough to shoplift.And I'm not sure "shamelessly" is an applicable adverb either.

>> No.3704192

A lion doesn't hunt when it gets fed.

>> No.3704203

but feeding a kitten doesn't make it a lion.

>> No.3704236

One day I'll stop liking vidya too.

>> No.3704249

That's because it doesn't need to be one.

>> No.3704294


>> No.3704316

By constructing your own personal narrative. Live as if you were the writer, director, producer, and lead role in your own film. Pretend you have a film crew following you

>> No.3704327

During the year I was unemployed I spent a lot of time going to various places and lying to people about myself. Not always big things but little, inconsequential details.

That was an odd year.

>> No.3704363


Be a NEET and spend all day loafing around reading, punctuated with the occasional stroll outside.

>> No.3704384

Being a truthful and outspoken NEET by choice is interesting as well.

>> No.3704896

>During the year I was unemployed I spent a lot of time going to various places and lying to people about myself. Not always big things but little, inconsequential details.

Must have had a lot to write about after that.

>> No.3704898

Not this again

>> No.3704924

Step 1 Get some that government cheese for me SSI
Step 2 Books
Step 3 get by feels of being alone by hiring a prostitute once or twice a month

>> No.3704929

Sing ho! for the life of the literary man.
who sits at his desk with a red bull can
and his laptop open and his fly undone.
beating fiercely at his craft till the long day's done!
Sing hi for the life of the scholar, true,
with his muscles soft as the morning dew,
and his eyes blood shot and his beard untrimmed,
there is no petty labor for the likes of him!
no he'll think great thoughts, like the bards of ages past.
while his neck-whiskers flourish and his doughy ass,
swells beyond the bounds of his easy chair
and he takes to his couch till they find him there,
with his final words on his cheeto stained lips
and his tattered sweat pants stretching round his hips,
and the first three pages of his efforts on the floor,
(in another twenty years we might have had three more.)
But alas, all we get in this unforgiving age,
is a short obit on his facebook page,
and a grave and a stone and an obituary note,
about twice as long as anything he ever wrote.

>> No.3704978

>having a facebook
Totally not literary living.

>> No.3704994

totally right, myspace or tumblr?

>> No.3705007

Goodreads only, like a true noble.

>> No.3705057

OP, If you want to live the literary life, live the life that you have, only with more literature. Live your own and change as much as you can about it to make it pleasurable to you.

>> No.3705060

not /lit/ only

plebe jeebies

>> No.3705108

You forgot to imply.

>> No.3705111

Flat out of arrows.

>> No.3705113

Planning on living it on and off in my gap year
I'll let you know how it goes

>> No.3705116

It has to be a lifelong thing. Anyone can live off their savings for a bit.

>> No.3705560
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Sooo "Factotum" minus women?

>> No.3705589

Have real-estate where you live and people pay rent to you.

Get a library card
Take out 8 books at at time
Barely penetrate any of them
Drink alcohol often
Return library books
Rinse and repeat

There you go.

>> No.3705629

The easiest way would probably be to learn how to invest or hire an investor. Kill your parents for the inheritance and just start off with $5000 to play around with.

>> No.3705820

Anyone know good books about investing?

I figure since I won't ever be Old Money, I might as well become New Money.

>> No.3705837
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>> No.3705879

I'm going to start checking out the shit on the NYTBL just so other people can't get them. Doing my part to save literature.

>> No.3705904
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>do whatever I want
>work 50 days a year
>hoard books
>read and write daily
>get intoxicated daily
>have tumultuous sex life

tldr Have enjoyably shortened my life span

>> No.3705909

Have you attended an Ivy League university?

>> No.3705930

Old Money doesn't exist anymore, dipshit.

>> No.3705970

Are you retarded?

>> No.3705984

he works his ass of. nope.

>> No.3705986

>this is what plebs actually believe

>> No.3705987

This poem deserves to be saved from the rubbish of this thread. It's surprising nobody cared to mention it.

>> No.3706127

I like to consider my life as a "literary" one, but I'm not sure my understanding of what a "literary" life is or isn't fits /lit/'s.

I guess the following aspects could be considered as part of a "literary" life:

-dissolute sexual life
-alcohol consumption
-lack of job
-appreciation of art (literature mostly)

Then I guess that yes, I could be living a "literary" lifestyle, if such a thing exists. I don't think there's anything special or romantic about it, though.

>> No.3706155

You forgot taking leisurely strolls in empty city streets while everyone else toils away at work.

>> No.3706172

I wouldn't say he works his ass off. A lot of hopping around from one blue collar job to another but just lazily getting through each one.

>> No.3706196

awww, thanks! I'm thinking of writing more verses and making it a song. I'm a huge Gilbert and Sullivan fan

>> No.3706219

What sex acts do you do that lack morals?

Also, how do you sustain yourself without a job? Genuinely curious

>> No.3706218

Is this guy living the literary life?

>> No.3706232

Looks like a middle class hoarder/collector, does not qualify.

>> No.3706249

14-16 years old girls and general infidelity; nothing really wrong in itself.

My parents, of course.

>> No.3706251
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>14-16 years old girls

>> No.3706256

How do you even meet them? You're from france right? And how old are you?

I wish my parents weren't poor so that I wouldn't have to worry about jobs. Then again, why would I want to be a leeching prince (no offense)

>> No.3706254
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This one is my favorite of them all.

>> No.3706265

>why would I want to be a leeching prince?
Because it's fun and working is a waste of time.

>> No.3706268
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>> No.3706270
File: 111 KB, 599x637, Niccolo Machiafeeli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"When evening comes, I return home and go into my study. On the threshold I strip off my muddy, sweaty, workday clothes, and put on the robes of court and palace, and in this graver dress I enter the antique courts of the ancients and am welcomed by them, and there I taste the food that alone is mine, and for which I was born. And there I make bold to speak to them and ask the motives of their actions, and they, in their humanity, reply to me. And for the space of four hours I forget the world, remember no vexation, fear poverty no more, tremble no more at death: I pass indeed into their world."

>> No.3706272

>it's fun to be a total drain and disappointment


>earning one's own keep is a waste of time


>> No.3706283

Yes good. You're a good worker. Your boss must love you.

>> No.3706285

I'm 18, and I mostly meet them through friends, in bars, or in "yellows" (Brice de Nice - we really use the term). I often hold these "yellows" at my place; basically you just drink.
By the way, I'm from French Canada.

>why would I want to be a leeching prince
Because it's all fun and games and no one loses an eye.

>> No.3706289

I live in the council flats, it's true,
but i wish i was just like the lot of you.
working and slaving each day for my bread,
with a cold stale pillow the rest my tired head.
It's true that I live pretty well off the dole,
but you know i'd wish for my life and soul
to be carrying timbers or turning the sod,
and doing what's right by man and god.

but alas! I lack the strength of limb.
the fleshly vigor and mortal vim,
to grunt and sweat and bear burdens betimes,
why I barely can carry a tune that rhymes!
I'm weak of wit, and I'm ailing in health,
so i must depend on the commonwealth.
to see to my needs and make sure of my keep,
though at times i'm sure it does cause me to weep,
as I wash my car, or watch my TV,
that the good folk round hear are so thoughful of me!
You can trust that you're all in my prayers every night!
Now before you go, kindly switch out the light,
and pass me a pint from the fridge jus there,
you can put it down by the easy chair.
Pass me the remote, I can manage the rest.
I've got thirty bob on the Ashes Test.

>> No.3706317

>gets shat into the world for other people's entertainment
>worried about disappointing them or being a nuisance


>> No.3706329


"Theme From /lit/"

>> No.3706330

Is this seriously your line of reasoning?

Even if you think you were "shat into the world", why on earth would you be all like "well, I'm a stinky turd. Think I'll be as stinky and turdy for as many people as I can be"?

>> No.3706341

Time is more valuable than money and I'd rather not spend a bunch of time making money. I couldn't give two shits if the 1 million or so taxpayers have to spend an extra $00.0001 a year to give me a life of leisure. If they want to work, let them.

>> No.3706342

>Time is more valuable than money

Yet look at how you squander your time. How many hours a day are you on 4chan?

>> No.3706356

counting up collective time, it's probably like 2 max. How I value my time-spent is up to me though so even if I spent all day on 4chan, I'd still rather do that than go work in some service job.

>> No.3706358

Great quote, sir.

>> No.3706399

and people think he's a bad guy ;_;

>> No.3706412

I don't have a job, I'm a shameless bum, I write sometimes and read very little because most writers are just boring. A girlfriends friend said to me, "You're like one of those writer losers, huh?"
"I dunno. Is this what writer losers do? Sit around writing and living of their girlfriend?"
"You know, that's what all those hack french poets did. Bum around living a vagabond style existence."
"Na. I didn't know that, but now that I do I feel a little better about myself. Say, these people are famous now, right? Unlike most of the worker winning people that have just lived a mundane 9 to 5 existence just to die and be forgotten?"

Why yo asking stupid questions, OP?

>> No.3706449

This is honestly my reasoning. I didn't have a choice, I didn't decide to be here. And if I did have a choice I would have been a Wolverine. But since I'm not I just bum around. It's always a good time. I have a huge resume, I've traveled more than anybody else I know and I'm happy with it. I had a place of my own (by myself I mean) for 3 months (before I got evicted) and I couldn't stand it. Being in one place, bills, a lease, all that shit is dull. Sleeping under a shade tree in the park on a warm spring day and wandering the city at night beats having a place any day. I hate to feel chained down.

>> No.3706483

I'm not trying to be as much of a cunt as I can be, but neither am I trying to fall in line as well as I can. It's just that I got here unconditionally and don't feel tied to any contract people made up for me before I was born. Sounds edgy probably, but I'm sincere. Parents deserve everything their offspring throws at them, just like with pets. They will the child into existence, the child himself does not. A child owes his parents nothing.

>> No.3706486

This is great, the one about the council house as well. Now all we need is a working class brit accent litizen to bring them to life vocally.

>> No.3706511

how are you posting on the internet right now?
a library?

>> No.3706518

are you the train kid?

>> No.3706532

I'm at a friends place.
I don't know. Am I?

>> No.3706533

How does it feel to know that a 18 year old Quebecois kid who still leeches off his parents is a better writer and a better poster than every other tripfags (and most of Anonymous), /lit/? Have we sunken really low or was the board really shit to begin with and I only failed to notice it till now?

>> No.3706551

If you don't know then you aren't.


>> No.3706574

well op, were you born rich?

>> No.3706578

Nope, not me. I hopped once but go greyhound most of the time.

>> No.3706667

become a priest