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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 158 KB, 620x416, harold_bloom_123112_620px47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3701119 No.3701119 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you know of any comprehensive reading lists for English and literary theory and criticism? Something like the philosophy reading lists on Cambridge's website? I don't necessarily need lists of novels and stories to read, though that's fine, but primarily for theory and criticism. I tried looking for something like that on Cambridge's site since they had the philosophy ones, but their English reading lists require you to log into their school online service, so I can't look at them. So if anyone knows of anything like that, or perhaps has the ones from Cambrdige and wants to upload them somewhere, that would be great. Here are the philosophy ones I was referring to. The first one's introductory and the others are more comprehensive:


>> No.3701157

Also here's the page that links to their English reading lists that I can't access, in case anyone else can.


>> No.3702205
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>> No.3702227
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Have you seen him now? He looks like he's about to die.

>> No.3702232 [DELETED] 

Just buy an anthology and read from every section. I would recommend the Norton anthology or "The Critical Tradition" put out by Bedford/St.Martins.

>> No.3702243
File: 28 KB, 226x273, bloom, harold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god. The guy is 82, though. Can't blame him for looking old.

Have some young Bloom.

>> No.3702281
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Yeah I'm thinking of picking up the Norton anthology. It looks to have a nice bibliography, too.

I'd still like to have a nice structured reading list if it exists, though.

>> No.3703119


>> No.3703123

never trust a bloom

>> No.3703168
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>> No.3703192

What a sourpuss.

>> No.3703199

10/10 would bang. What a hunk of cuddly jewbear.

>> No.3703229


Holy shit, is this guy physically incapable of cracking a smile or having anything but the most pitiful look on his face all the time?

In my imagination he either has a very stereotypical, Jew-y voice or he sounds exactly like "Droopy" the dog. Either way I imagine him complaining a lot about things like the temperature, his allergies, etc.

>> No.3703235
File: 8 KB, 200x269, bloom-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He complains about DFW

>> No.3703237

His voice isn't super jew-y actually, but he does complain a lot. I would be pretty depressed too if I devoted my life to literature only to find out that nobody cares about literature anymore.

I still love him <3

>> No.3703240

No, he pretty much speaks in the language of love, if literature is involved. The man fucking loves literature.

The only thing he complains about is stuff we complain about. Feminists, Derrida, DFW; you know, faggot stuff.

>> No.3703242
File: 36 KB, 627x352, 627[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat smile

>I would be pretty depressed too if I devoted my life to literature only to find out that nobody cares about literature anymore.

Fair enough.

>The only thing he complains about is stuff we complain about. Feminists, Derrida, DFW; you know, faggot stuff.

Sounds like a cranky old Jew I can get behind.

>> No.3703247

Bloom on DFW:

>Asked about novelist David Foster Wallace... Bloom says, “You know, I don’t want to be offensive. But ‘Infinite Jest’ is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent.”

>It’s all a clear indication, Bloom notes, of the decline of literary standards. He was upset in 2003 when the National Book Award gave a special award to Stephen King. “But Stephen King is Cervantes compared with David Foster Wallace. We have no standards left. [Wallace] seems to have been a very sincere and troubled person, but that doesn’t mean I have to endure reading him. I even resented the use of the term from Shakespeare, when Hamlet calls the king’s jester Yorick, ‘a fellow of infinite jest.’


>> No.3703279

OP here. Think I may have actually found something.


>> No.3703297

DFW status: fucking told

>> No.3703340

I genuinely think he would fit in on /lit/ if he could get past the way we address each other.

>> No.3703349

Fun fact. DFW killed himself 3 days after Bloom published this statement.

>> No.3703360

>[Wallace] seems to have been a very sincere and troubled person, but that doesn’t mean I have to endure reading him.
>seems to HAVE been

>> No.3703362

It's a conspiracy.

>> No.3703736

One last bump.

>> No.3703741 [DELETED] 


Bloom has nothing against feminism please stop putting him in your right wing ignorant little /pol/ camp.

>> No.3703743
File: 161 KB, 619x486, Photo_detail-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He looks like he's about to die.

>> No.3703744

Didn't he rape a young feminist while he was a lecturer?

>> No.3703746
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>no discernible talent
>It’s all a clear indication, Bloom notes, of the decline of literary standards
"IN MY YOUTH . . . !"
Maybe it's time to keel over, gramps.

>> No.3703753
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>In a February 2004 article in New York magazine, "The Silent Treatment," Naomi Wolf accused Bloom, her former professor, of having "sexually encroached" on her when she was a Yale undergraduate, by touching her thigh. Although she acknowledged that what she alleged Bloom did was not harassment, either legally or emotionally, she claimed to have harbored this secret for 21 years. Bloom declined to comment on the matter.

>> No.3703767

But isn't feminism one of the Schools of Resentment?

>> No.3703772

Norton was already mentioned, but it might be worth bringing up again for my own purposes. Has anyone been able to find a copy of Norton's Anthology of Theory and Criticism online anywhere? I'm not too keen on paying $50-70 for a copy of it on Amazon, but maybe I've missed it online. I checked #bookz, the pirate bay, and rutracker but wasn't able to find it.

>> No.3703776

Amazon has it for $10 used.

>> No.3703779

Well, that's still $10 more than my preferred price but thanks for bringing it up, it comforts me.

>> No.3703785 [DELETED] 


Having a problem with their interpretive practices =/= having a problem with the entire movement.

Bloom is not a bigot, no matter how much you would like him to be.

>> No.3703786

fucking lel

>> No.3703787

>Against feminism = you're a bigot

Please stop.

>> No.3703788 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703789 [DELETED] 


Fuck off, bigot. Either way, Bloom is not against feminism. He's against feminist interpretive practices.

>> No.3703790

Please stop trying to foster a climate in which disagreement with views that you hold is shut down as "hateful." It is disgusting and anti-intellectual.

>> No.3703793 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703796

pol pls go.

>> No.3703798

This has nothing to do with /pol/. It concerns your dichotomy that "x view disagrees with me, therefore it is bigotry."

>> No.3703799
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>> No.3703800 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703803

The only difference between you and the people who redirect people to /b/ because they posted something that they didn't like is that you linked to a different board.

>> No.3703805 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703806

Well, I'll just let you know I'm not going anywhere. I hope one day that you grow up and realize that attempting to silence opposing views is not a respectable or valid form of argumentation, and that attempting to do so hurts your cause rather than helps. Feel free to redirect me again.

>> No.3703807

welp, thread derailed by menopausal cunts who can't handle opposing views because of their feels

>> No.3703809 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703811

Yes, you trolled me and now I am hurt while you giggle behind your screen at how clever and self-aware you are. Thank you for saging at least.

>> No.3703813


take your pick, cunt

>> No.3703815 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703817 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703819


>> No.3703820
File: 10 KB, 170x157, redirect-spam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3703821 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703827 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703825


so much analagony. le drowning in menstrual blood face

>> No.3703831

Spamming is against the rules, please stop.

>> No.3703833 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703834

lol, Bloom has commented on gender issues and pseudo sciences several times in his interviews. He has issues with feminism, because feminism as a "science" and a "movement" is fundamentally flawed.

Yes yes, I know. I should go to /pol/ and all that.

>> No.3703837

>a picture like this on 4chan

top lel

>> No.3703838 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703841 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703842


>> No.3703843 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703844

Enjoy your temporary ban.

>> No.3703846

What is going on in this thread?

>> No.3703849 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703852

a great flood of menstrual blood

>> No.3703853

How do you think sage work exactly?

>> No.3703855 [DELETED] 


>> No.3703856

See: >>3703799

>> No.3703858

just how much sand is there in you vagina?

>> No.3703861

I really respect Bloom he has such passion for literature. He really loves reading and it comes through when you read his books. Sure, you might not agree with his taste, but he is okay with that. He has never said anything else. The canon was like a last minute thing that he has since regretted. I'd understand why he has issue with the current climate where critical theory is becoming more and more politicized, and articles are written with set results in mind from the getgo. Those are the kind of people who would actually like to see a canon.

>> No.3704885

If you want the 2nd ed. aesthetic-as-fuck cover then it'll be like $60.

If you get the 1st ed. with the waterfall cover it's like $10.