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/lit/ - Literature

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3697438 No.3697438 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of comics?

>> No.3697447

for children and adults with peter pan syndrome.

>> No.3697458

Explain please.

>> No.3697459

They belong on /co/.

>> No.3697472 [DELETED] 
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I like some comics. But I am very particular about what kinds I like.

>> No.3697503

I don't think most of /lit/ has ever read a comic.

>> No.3697513
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Recently bought Masterpiece Comics, it's fucking awesome
Seriously, this guy is great at merging classic books and classic comics

>> No.3697524
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I like Kate Beaton's stuff

>> No.3697534


She's awesome. I wish she'd produce novel(a) length work but she doesn't seem interested.

Her upload rate has also dropped off significantly.

>> No.3697543
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>Her upload rate has also dropped off significantly.

Happens to every web comic artist at one point

>> No.3697547


I can only hope it's because she's working on something big.

>> No.3697551

Yeah, it's called life.

>> No.3697553

The big 4...

Cyanide and Happiness

All great in their own ways. Having said that, it feels like they're all past their halycon days. Especially XKCD and Subnormality.

>> No.3697557

I read a few of Adrian Tomine's stories after admiring his covers for the New Yorker. Some were really touching.

>> No.3697567
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the only one you mention that's still good is Cyanide and Happiness
I agree with them all being worse now though

>> No.3697575

Only good when continental.

>> No.3697579

Like any product of culture or entertainment, there's an overwhelming amount of trash. But some of my best reading experiences came from comics like Watchmen and Transmetropolitan.

>> No.3697622

Sandman is also better.

>> No.3697629

XKCD is too "2smart4u" that it hurts
Penny Arcade was good, now it's corporate shit
Cyanide and Happiness is still good
Subnormality = WORDS WORDS WORDS

>> No.3697655

Postmodern mythology - I'd argue that Superman is probably the epic poem of American culture.

I love comic books and I think that they are very rewarding and cool. I see the medium as it's own form of art; it's not something that needs to be steered towards traditional, print literature.

For that reason I very much dislike the term 'graphic novel'.

>> No.3697690

Epileptic by David B. Simply mindblowing.

>> No.3697704

>For that reason I very much dislike the term 'graphic novel'.

Pretentious word.

>> No.3697761

The Watchmen's good compared to most media but I think it's trying to be literature and falling well short of the best examples of literature

>> No.3697779

>Cyanide and Happiness is still good
Cyanide and Happiness was never good.
>ha it's funny because cancer/aids/rape

>> No.3697790

good job your opinion is fucking nonsensical (what does that even mean)

>> No.3697793

You wot m8

>> No.3697799

no u wot m8

>> No.3697822

I've read a lot of comics. I'm at the stage where I think sandman is over-rated a little. Others are fun. The best comics that are comics are probably superman and Batman ones. Daredevil is the only marvel creation that comes close. Maybe captain America, but more as a commentary, not the work itself.

>> No.3697831
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>not even mentioning Hellboy/BPRD

>> No.3697834

Pretty good. I have found some amazing comics, better than any book I've read. They get a bad rap because people that read comics usually read books too, and books have a higher rate of not being shit.

>> No.3697876

I like A Softer World and Dinosaur Comics.

>> No.3698603

Is Habibi good? Illustrations look awesome but it's a pricey purchase.

>> No.3698617


I think that Hellblazer is great. Too bad they screwed it up with Keanu in the movie

>> No.3698699

Used to read a lot of superhero comics and manga. These days if I pick up a comic book it has to be something really good. The last few comics I read were: The Walking Dead, City of Glass, 20th Century Boys, a bit of Berserk and some Batman. Currently I am reading Maus and next I'll be reading Persepolis and Fun Home. Also want to read Bone and Arkham Asylum in the near future.

Overall, I think that the comic is an awesome medium, which has the potential to be artistically en par with other forms of literature.

>> No.3698702

Not only is your comment pretentious as fuck but all of the comics you posted are entry level bullshit, srsly


>> No.3698703

Forgot to mention League of the Extraodinary gentlemen - highly recommended for aficionados of victorian fantasy/horror such as frankenstein, dracula, jekyll and hide etc,

>> No.3698704

y-you too

>> No.3698707

The later LOEG are good too, even if the plot suffers underneath all the literary theory, in-jokes and such.

>> No.3698715

/co/ here to say there are shit comics and good ones like any medium and am glad to see you guys not shitting on them

also read Alan Moores swamp thing if you haven't

>> No.3698728

and this >>3698617 which stems from it

>> No.3698732


The later ones have less in-jokes than the early ones...

and to get the ones that are made you had better be a crowelian warlock

>> No.3699132

Habibi is in some way better than Blankets.

>> No.3699156

I buy them every other week. Consider them a part of my, dare I say, intellectual diet. They're cereal, basically.

Big fan of Alan Moore and Moebius.

>> No.3699165
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Comic God Tier List
-The Nao of Brown
-Duncan the Wonder Dog
- Alan Moore's From Hell, Watchmen, Lost Girls, The Killing Joke and Swamp Thing
- I Kill Giants
- Daytripper
- Lynd Ward's God's Man
- Batman Odyssey
- The Left Bank Gang
- Essex County
- Understanding Comics

This is a better list than you'll get from /co/

>> No.3699169


>Batman Odyssey

nice try mister ruseman

>> No.3699174

It's a Pynchonian romp thru all the Batman ages, from gold to silver to bronze. 5deep12u

>> No.3699250

No transmetropolitan??

Do you even

>> No.3699292

Transmet fucking sucks. Hunter S Thompson author cult with tropic cyberpunk nonsense. One of the #edgiest things ever done.

Get some taste pleb.

>> No.3699325

I have to agree with this guy. I can't imagine anyone really thinking Trans deserves to be on a GOD-tier comic book list.

It has a forced, artificial feeling to it. From the first few pages you can instantly tell it's for a younger audience and it's not original.

>> No.3700369
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>not reading European comics exclusively

>> No.3700410

All of my this.

>> No.3700428

>Too bad they screwed it up with Keanu in the movie
>implying Keanu was the problem and not Even Stevens

>> No.3700439

A fellow countryman.
Mio negro.

>> No.3700444

Edgy is a fucking buzzword, and if anyone ever dares to use that fucking word unironically in real life, especially as a reason for disliking something, I'll punch them in the goddamn neck.

>> No.3700457

They should have used James Marsters.
It should have been in fucking London.
Constantine would NEVER have been religious or kowtowed to Bible God.

>> No.3700479

At the very least, they could have bleached Keanu's hair.

>> No.3701573

bau bau?