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3696353 No.3696353 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see how you folks do with this one.

What is the difference between 'how' and 'why'?

>> No.3696354

how is the act why is the purpose, what kind of question is that

>> No.3696359


I have a better one for you: what's the difference between "just" and "right"?

>> No.3696360

>what kind of question is that

I think you meant 'where'.

>> No.3696362

just = something was done recently
right = the opposite of left
Pff, stop throwing easy balls.

>> No.3696363

Correct. Or at least close enough.

>> No.3696365


At the moment, I don't see a cogent reason why they wouldn't mean the same thing.

>> No.3696366
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The difference is illustrated by the following metaphor: if you place one of your fingers up your ass, it fits JUST well, however, it is not RIGHT to stuff fingers up your ass.

>> No.3696368

>it is not RIGHT to stuff fingers up your ass.
Someone doesn't know what a prostate is.

>> No.3696369

How is the objective aspect and Why the subjective aspect of an action.

>> No.3696370

how is the means, why is the end

>> No.3696371
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What is the difference between supralapsarianism and infralapsarianism?

>> No.3696372


I know you drool over the time when the doctor has to stuff his teenage mutant ninja turtle fingers up your ass to check the prostate, but I have sad, sad news for you: the prostate checkup exam is now performed with ultrasound.


>> No.3696373
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mien seids

>> No.3696378

I do it myself, you funny guy. Never had a prostate exam, actually.

>> No.3696392

Not him, but I'm sad. Sad that we'll never get to see a generic comedy sketch revolving around the premise of the finger-insertion prostate exam ever again.

>> No.3696398


You insert your own fingers up your stinky, peanut ridden rectum?

>> No.3696402

You sure don't know much about the human body for someone who reads a lot.

>> No.3696403


Read a lot? I only read comic strips from the 70s and the back of cereal boxes.

The point here is, though: do you enjoy homoerotic self stimulation?

>> No.3696404

Those Biology textbooks have terrible plots and no character development at all. I just couldn't follow them.

>> No.3696407

Obviously, I'm gay. I thought you figured that one out from me saying "I like stuffing fingers up my ass and touching my prostate" in my first post.

>> No.3696415


Oh, I see. Well, good for you, dude. Just stay away from McCaulay Culkin, ok?

>> No.3696417
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No one? You're disappointing me, /lit/.