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3694483 No.3694483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's a good book for a 18 turning 19 year old?
It can be anything from an adventure, mystery, joke on society, anything is fine.

>> No.3694487


120 Days of Sodom

>> No.3694486

The hungry caterpillar

>> No.3694498

Finnegans Wake.

>> No.3694533


>> No.3694550

unless he's a neckbeard, in which case just get him book 12 of whatever shitty fantasy trash the plebs are reading nowadays

>> No.3694553
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>> No.3694555

Venus in Furs

>> No.3694570

The Communist Manifesto

>> No.3694690

Philosophy in the Bedroom. 120 Days of Sodom is shit.

>> No.3694726

Genuinely I think Infinite Jest.

It's a book that's inseparable from it's reputation, but I read it at about the same age without really having heard anything about it before hand and it "deeply affected me."

>> No.3694813


Virgin detected

>> No.3694815

honestly, norwegian wood.

>> No.3694823

The Bible.

>> No.3694834

Vanna White's autobiography

>> No.3694838

Book of the New Sun

>> No.3694839


i think ij is 18-19's catcher in the rye

>> No.3694842

Jack London's 'Martin Eden'

>> No.3694857

pls don't do this. Infinite Jest is an infinitely overrated book by an infinitely autistic prick.

>> No.3694865

>an infinitely autistic prick
>dragging gripes with an author's person into a discussion of his work
grow up

>> No.3694866

Wind, Sand, and Stars.

>> No.3694885

but DFW's work is very personal

>> No.3695030

The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

>> No.3695038

shut your whore mouth bitch

>> No.3695083

The Fault in Our Stars

>> No.3695142

Great Expectations

>> No.3695213

Far from it, friendo. But I've read all Sade's work relevant to libertinism and 120 Days is truly the least interesting.

>> No.3696275


>> No.3696278

Cities of the Red Night, WS Burroughs

>> No.3696281

The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad. Hopefully, this will be enough to turn him into an violent anarchist.

>> No.3696442

Fear and Loathing. Or if you'd rather not risk ending up a junkie, Slaughterhouse-Five. If sci-fi is more your speed, go for Ender's Game. They're all perennial favorites of young men (people, whatever), and old bitter drunks, alike.

>> No.3696451

F&L isn't junky tier. It's recreational faggot tier.

>> No.3696507
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>> No.3696523

try this short story OP


>> No.3696529

Why do all of those delicious white women have a look on their faces like they want some good afro loving?

>> No.3696581

Nirvana's Children.

If you can find it. Extremely recommend.

>> No.3696619

Those are mannequins.

>> No.3696669


>> No.3696675

Either way it's an absolutely terrible book that no one apart from teenagers who think they take a lot more drugs than they actually do. If you think it's a good book past 15 you are probably an idiot.

>> No.3696699
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The State and Revolution by Vladimir Lenin

>> No.3696713

>If you think it's a good book past 15 you are probably an idiot.

If you still have opinions like this past the age of 15 you are probably an idiot.

>> No.3696822

So you are telling me that you don't want to stuff their wet juicy cunts?
I'm black they are all white to me.

>> No.3696842


>> No.3696845

>categorising books by the age of the reader and not maturity and personal interest


>> No.3696852
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I recommend Black Jewels Trilogy and Abhorsen Trilogy choice w/e else you want.

>> No.3696855

Ender's Game

>> No.3696970
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The perk of being a wallflower