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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 960x717, battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3688844 No.3688844 [Reply] [Original]

post your battle stations /lit/

>> No.3688851
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>> No.3688859
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Fuck writing, lel.

>> No.3688873

What type of laptop do you have there? And how do you like it? I've been looking for a new laptop to bring with me on my travels. Don't have a camera handy, so I can't post my battlestation, sorry.

>> No.3688885

Looks like a HP pavilion dm1. The same one I got.
It's pretty decent except for the fact that it gets immensely hot way too fast.

>> No.3688895
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>> No.3688904


Ok, cool. Thanks! I will do some more research on it.

>> No.3688944
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>> No.3688948

I want to be there so much.

>> No.3688949


How can you work lying down like that? it must be terrible for your posture

>> No.3688952

people other than my dad buy those weird step chair things?

>> No.3689264


that's your dad's second family.

>> No.3689292
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>> No.3689302
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Woke up an hour ago so it's pretty messy right now

>> No.3689308

Haha oh shit I left reddqt on my pc. I only browse it occasionally

>> No.3689391


>> No.3689398
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>> No.3689402


what the fuck? these pictures are amazing

>> No.3689414
File: 112 KB, 800x536, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what sense are they amazing?

>> No.3689418
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>> No.3689427


something about them has deeply kindled my taste for offbeat americana

>> No.3689455

>offbeat Americana

That might be so, but these pictures were taken in Israel. If you haven't come across them before, the picture of the two young people crouching in front of the christmas tree has been a mystery on 4chin for years, resulting in many long-winded attempts to write therir life stories and guess what the context of these pictures were. A lot of people seemed to agree that the picture had something tragic about it, although we now know that it was taken in an apartment in Israel the night the two got marries (they weren't siblings after all!)

>> No.3689473

that aint an apartment dude
that's an hospital

>> No.3689489

I would post the guy's blog to prove you wrong, but I can't help but feel that you're trolling

>> No.3689502

i believe you anon.

>> No.3689505

I like this thread.

>> No.3689507

>browsing leddit

>> No.3689512


Are you at a university or do you live in a board meeting room?

>> No.3689516

This picture is already on your monitor. I am confused.

>> No.3689520

it's like we're living in an sf novel!

>> No.3689527


That christmas tree picture is one of the most interesting things i've ever seen. Life as art.

>> No.3689569

The amount of books and papers you've strewn around your computer make me insecure about the half-assed research paper I'm working on for tomorrow.

>> No.3689592
File: 1.25 MB, 2592x1936, gogopowerangers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that same guitar case.

>> No.3689638

What country is this?

I'd love a tiled floor in my room if I lived in a hot country

>> No.3689656

What's the story of this pic? Are they brother and sister? I forget.

>> No.3689664

They are your destiny

>> No.3689668

>chicano literature

They are the worst of both cultures and some of the dumbest and laziest sacks of shit I have ever encountered.

>> No.3689670

Was this the wrong thread?

>> No.3689672

That makes me homesick.

Fuck you, bro.

>> No.3689679

time is so cruel on women

>> No.3689706
File: 275 KB, 1024x768, photo(19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These battlestations make mine look like a child's who's writing video game fan-fiction.

>> No.3689729

That's a cool journal.

>> No.3689732

Thanks man, pages are made out of papyrus. Got it as a birthday gift.

>> No.3689734

I don't get it. Why is it weird?

>> No.3689747


>> No.3689749

The Christmas Tree one resonated with me.
The whole budding couple enjoying their first Christmas with each other in their shitty apartment. Got the feeling that they really had nothing at all but themselves. Kind of beautiful.

>> No.3689817

Sorry friends. That's what calls us though. Why get tangled up into the whole writing game when you can have a cup of wine in the fields?

>> No.3689846

>In what sense are they amazing?

all of them.

>> No.3689854

At least you're presumably reading and writing. I've lost the motivation to do either recently, so keep it up.

>> No.3689880

40,000 words in the last two months. Also got through Infinite Jest, Great Gatsby, Notes from Underground, and A Scanner Darkly since this year began.

Currently reading Lewis Mumford.

So I'd say I'm in it, the literary lifestyle at least. Granted, the stuff I'm writing is probably pure crap, but I'm pushing through and trying to finish this project so that it can hopefully get published.

>> No.3689887

>writing video game fan-fiction.

If Hemingway committed suicide, then it stands to reason you should too.

>> No.3689892

Your reading comprehension needs work. That's not at all what I'm working on.

>> No.3689917

Do tell.

>> No.3689941

Sci-fi genre fiction that attempts to adopt and evolve the philosophies and ideas presented by Lewis Mumford and Joseph Campbell late in their lives.
Major theme is questioning whether sacrificing specific sections of the self for progress is conducive to human and technic development.

All 90,000+ words I have for the thing is first-draft, unedited garbage though.

>> No.3689957

You should try reading some Scientology texts.

>> No.3690022
File: 382 KB, 3264x2448, 2013-04-24 19.36.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a faggot, please kill me.
Also, guess my job. It'll spice up the game.

>> No.3690029

you sellin pharmaceuticals anon?

if not, are the craft supplies strictly hobby related?

>> No.3690033

Glue taste-tester who does some type of digital art on the side.

>> No.3690034
File: 25 KB, 448x500, 324-son-i-am-proud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best new thread.

OP was not a fag.

>> No.3690041

Walked in a wall while reading?


>> No.3690046
File: 82 KB, 483x561, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I do not sell pharmaceuticals. I'm just having a bad flu right now.
And yes, strictly hobby related.

My digital art is shit.

>> No.3690060

you were recently asked what that green book was when you posted this somewhere else. What was the answer?

>> No.3690062

>My digital art is shit.
Lead Disney artist.

>> No.3690066

not that poster, but come on. just look to the post beneath that one.

>> No.3690070

Personal journal. Filled mostly with blank pages and a few of my own thoughts. Nothing all too interesting, sadly.

>> No.3690079

Yeah I saw that - but he wasn't necessarily correct was he - and seeing as a day or two ago I lurked a thread just to get the answer to that same question - thought I might as well make sure.

>ordinarily, I'd agree with you, but that guy assumed, he didn't know.

ty. Like the other guy said, nice journal :)

>> No.3690086

>Thanks man, pages are made out of papyrus. Got it as a birthday gift.

i respect curiosity but investigation will get you far in life.

>> No.3690097

It's Brazil.

>> No.3690107
File: 222 KB, 684x912, IMGP0681b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit cramped in here and I need a new monitor, things are falling out the back of this one.

>> No.3690113
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>> No.3690117
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>> No.3690128

That feel when I'm not a plaid shirt guy, nor do I smoke a pipe while carrying Infnite Jest in my hands ;_;

>> No.3690139

are you trying to piss me off?

>> No.3690149
File: 58 KB, 600x869, dun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said this before and I will say it again: Pleb pipes.

>> No.3690153

not that guy, but as someone who had a room with tile in Florida, it kind of sucks. nice during the summer time, yeah (room stays cool easily) but that tile gets ice cold once the temperature gets even moderately cold (not fun when half asleep).

also mopping bedrooms is fucking bullshit.

>> No.3690164
File: 1.64 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 macfag

>> No.3690172

protip- 95% of mac haters dont even utilize half the features they cite when they trash macs.

also, if nothing else, apple has nice build quality on their laptops. my brother recently got a newer macbook pro and that shit feels sturdy.

>he bought it to replace his other macbook which was 5-6 years old and still kicking

>> No.3690178

Jameson's isn't even good for the price.

>> No.3690181

me again

silly me, i got so wrapped up in that comment i forgot to comment on what's relevant.

i have the norton anthology of american literature (pretty nice, albeit thick as fuck). how is the poetry anthology? i've been thinking about collecting more of the anthologies to expand my short literature collection.

also, school or fun? i cant tell what the handwriting says.

>> No.3690194


Oh God that sounds so weird.

>> No.3690195

Lit student, the poem anthology is a godsend if you're into poetry. I would also recommend the anthology of theory and criticism, it's like a literary Bible.

>> No.3690242

it is, but youd be surprised how nasty tile can get even if you sweep all the time. also moving shit around is a HUGE pain if you have a ot of electronics

good to hear. as i said, i have the american literature anthology (had to buy for a class a while back, glad i did). i'm not a student, i just think reading is a great hobby.

but more to the point, i wouldn't say i'm "into" poetry. i have a hard time "getting" it, but i'd like to change that. i might look into it.

never even heard of the anthology of theory and criticism, but that certainly sounds interesting.

>> No.3690288

>no typewriters

You surprise me

>> No.3690299

I used one briefly
Can't get the speed
Tendency to jam
Have to buy ribbon, which smells

>> No.3690316

This ain't the 20th century anymore.

>> No.3690344

Any tips for setting up a battlestation? I've tried writing in bed, or on the desk where I keep my stationary PC, which is cluttered by other stuff. Just can't get a comfortable pose or a clear head enough to just focus on the craft.

>> No.3690350

ask this guy >>3690117
he seems the type.

>> No.3690358

Have you tried writing standing up? Using chest-high furniture or a special desk

>> No.3690362

Try carrying a notebook and writing when you feel inspired

>> No.3690371

some technology is rightfully dead. computer keyboards are superior in every way possible.

>> No.3690375

i find that alternating works best for me. if i stay in one spot too long, it starts to get uncomfortable.

that reminds me, make sure you're taking a break. that's a big reason many people are so uncomfortable all the time, they try to sit in one spot for hours at a time.

>> No.3690406


Good advice all. Thank you, brothers. On a slightly related note, any tips for fighting writer's block in general? It used to be that I wrote all the time. Every free minute I was either writing or thinking about writing, and I received a lot of praise on my work from people I respect.

Then I just dried up. Poof. Like walking into a mental wall. Now I just stare at the blank page, if I can muster up the strength to even start up my word processor. It's been like this for over a year now. I used to blame university, what with the last year and final exams consuming my time and brain power. A year after graduation, that doesn't seem like a good excuse anymore.

>> No.3690411

More sleep
More read
More outside

>> No.3690421

what do you recommend then?

>> No.3690431

i dont know what it is, but i always find it harder to write in a word processor than with good ol fashioned pen and paper.

two other techniques i've heard good things about are

1. just write write write. even if it's nonsensical, retarded, whatever. ive never been a fan of this method, but it works for some people.

2. take a break for a set period of time. dont try to cut the break short either. think of it like rest days for strength training. work your brain too hard, you'll get burnt out.

oh, i also hear keeping a journal is a helpful tool. habit of writing and whatnot.

>> No.3690440

Oh shit I want to get me a tiny laptop like that. Whats the brand? How much that set you back?

>> No.3690457


>write write write

I used to do that a lot. Stream-of-consciousness writing, putting the words away without re-reading them and then taking them out for editing after they had "cooled". It produced a lot of purple prose and flowery metaphors, but I kind of liked it and some of my test readers did too.

Thanks for the advice, guys. Hope to be back to it soon.

>> No.3690458

They're called netbooks.

>> No.3690461

what type of Toms are those?

>> No.3690512


>> No.3690618

good luck. remember, it's just a roadblock, not the end of the road.

>> No.3690662

Show me your face so I punch it.

>> No.3690716

>asking for a whisky recommendation
That's like making a thread on /lit/ that just says "What book do I read?"

There's too many personal opinions and it's a complex topic to begin with. I like Glenfiddich (scotch) anda hear Glenmorangie is good too, but you might want to start with blended instead of single malts. You'll probably do well to google around, and if you don't find much that way (and what to look for depends a lot on scotch vs. irish vs. american/etc. whisky), you would do well to order a couple of drinks at a bar and talk to your bartender about it assuming he's not a college kid and instead someone who actually enjoys drinking and knows a lot about it, or a liquor store owner.

>> No.3690733
File: 1.23 MB, 3264x1840, 2013-04-24_09-58-50_705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember you this morning.
waddup nigga

>> No.3690737

>asks for irish whiskey recommendation
>this post

that anon wanted irish whiskey, not your fucking philosophy on the subject of drinking whiskey.

>> No.3690741

not him but there is no whiskey but jameson.

now shut up wannabe cultured fedora fart.

>> No.3690832

calling le bullshit

>> No.3690833

>not your fucking philosophy on the subject of drinking whiskey.
>1 paragraph with some recommendations and how to find out what you like on your own
Hahahaha, okay. I don't drink a lot of irish, so I recommended scotch and told him to google it or talk to a bartender/liquor store owner. Sorry if that was too verbose for your tastes.

>> No.3690836

turkey 101 ye cant

>> No.3690870

>but that tile gets ice cold once the temperature gets even moderately cold (not fun when half asleep).
don't sleep on yonder floor ye redneck

>> No.3690886

but muh feets would get cold when id get out of bed in the morning

ind4 get slippers, i somehow didnt think of that for a solid portion of the time i lived there.

yeah, sorry about that post. i believe i read it in a much more arrogant tone than was intended. it's been a long few days.

>wannabe cultured fedora fart

i wish those assholes would stop buying jameson so the goddamn price would drop already. i rarely drink it because i can get a better deal on other liquor.

>> No.3690891

should say

>i believe i read YOUR POST in a much more arrogant tone...

>> No.3690920

>ind4 get slippers
wasn't even going there, just inb4 being a bitch made nigger

>> No.3690927

hey i dealt with it fine, but given the choice i'll take carpet any day of the week (more for the other reasons i listed than the temperature thing)

>> No.3690928

Are you Australian?

>> No.3690935
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>> No.3691008

It's alright, I've been in the same position. No harm done.

>> No.3691043

Disgusting but deliciously comfy. I suspect you partake in herbal therapy.

>> No.3691259


Of course, but a rye whiskey a little more.

>> No.3691278

Do you have to hop into your chair each time you want to sit down...?

>> No.3691315

Yeah it's fucking huge

>> No.3691332

Nice color ranges, faggot

>> No.3691336
File: 2.17 MB, 2000x1500, 1355609923883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3691342

Amazing, a mac. I hope they come with extra comfy keyboards.

>> No.3691348

You must be a champion high-jumper then.

>> No.3691393
File: 323 KB, 1280x960, yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ash tray

Classy as fuck.

Here's mine. It's a dorm room btw.

>> No.3691427
File: 1.93 MB, 1944x1296, 1352273382870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never have this room.

>> No.3691434

>dem books
Why is so fucking hard to find nice looking books? It kills me inside.

>> No.3691444

cramped and cluttered

>> No.3691495


Why would I want this room its clearly their only in order to stroke someones ego. Just look at the diploma's on the wall and rows of books that clearly haven't been opened in the last fifty years. Let me see some paperbacks and some papers strewn around the place and maybe then I'll believe someone actually works here.

This is the best study ITT so far.

>> No.3691525

Samsung Chrome book; Hackintosh Pro.

>> No.3691533

It's not. Look into fine presses.

>> No.3691536

I like the look of the fancy room, but I do kind of agree with you. One of the first things I thought of when I saw it was, "Why do they even have the diplomas, ye olde telephone, and typewriter around?" The rest is pretty neat looking though. I really wish there were more well bound and good looking books.

>papers strewn around the place
Besides the books on the desk, and the briefcase on the ground, he might just be typing it on the computer and keeping things well organized. Or maybe not, who knows.

>> No.3691545
File: 4 KB, 250x242, 1342046238706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never considered that, thanks for bringing it up. I found the FPBA (http://www.fpba.com) on google, and they have a list of presses in the US. Any in particular that you would recommend though?

>> No.3691550

aren't you that Norwegian dude who watches twin peaks and frequents battle station threads on /v/?

>> No.3691564

Folio Society is a big and generally good one that should have you set on classics and some modern classics. Not US, but it's not hard to get their books here.

>> No.3691578

wow it's true
it's not that hard to do, though

>> No.3691587

Three things and then it would be perfect:
1. Clear some shit off that desk.
2. Put the cardboard boxes away.
3. Let me stay there forever.

>> No.3691594

Neat, thanks. The only problem I could see with this sort of thing is the limited availability of certain editions or translations that I might prefer to others. They only seem to have the Maude translation of Anna Karenina, when I prefer Pevear/Volokhonsky, for example.

>> No.3691614
File: 601 KB, 1600x1200, Picture 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this would be mine - the floor and the bed. Mine's not for writing though. Just reading.

>> No.3691619

that is one impressive kiddie-rape chamber

>> No.3691626

I guess the duct tape and cord does make it look a little sinister.

>> No.3691638

also the japanese mangas, the carpeted floor, that weird worm cushion, the pillows, that coverlet or blanket, the toys, the dinosaur information poster, the board games and last but not least, the nail carvings on the wall.
looks kind of cozy

>> No.3691642


>> No.3691665

What do you mean nail carvings on the wall? The wall just has a rough pattern on it. I don't think I have board games there, they're all on the other side of the room.

If it redeems me any, I have five other shelves on that wall filled with regular literature.

>> No.3691679

the nail carvings part was a joke, just like the rest of my posts, you just have an odd-looking room. looks like board games on the bottom shelf of your nightstand though.

what's up with the dinosaurs by the way? I didn't notice the small ones in your bookshelf until now.
a-are you an archeologist?

>> No.3691695
File: 71 KB, 1024x768, IMG00769-20130424-2303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mock me

>> No.3691701

Nah, I'm only a grad student in literature. I just like dinosaurs. On the bottom shelf of the nightstand are empty boxes and more books.

I got similar comments to yours last time I posted that too. I never knew purple worm pillows and bright green comforters were so disturbing.

>> No.3691725

well it is a very oddly decorated room
don't take it personally though, I'm sure you're not a kiddyfiddling diddler
I'm watching three deers run around on a field, I love the spring

>> No.3691728

i have a large antler for you to examine

>> No.3691739

Don't worry, no offense. I'm actually probably going to be a mom fairly soon, so I suppose it's still kiddy related.

enjoy your deer anon

>> No.3691744
File: 890 KB, 2592x1456, station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the thing on the right is a drafting board that folds down into a desk.

>> No.3691750

Swollen milky tits or gtfo

>> No.3691754
File: 1.28 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

messy, but I'm happy with it

>> No.3691758


>> No.3691764

Damn that looks nice.

>> No.3691767


Glass tables are for people into scat.

>> No.3691773

I saw the author of What Hath God Wrath or however it's spelled at UCLA for a class field trip in either 11th or 12th grade. He's cool, and assumed we all had read his book. I'm pretty sure only our history teacher read it, but we had good questions to ask and it was fun.


>> No.3691778

The desk of a serious writer. None of this sentimental bullshit.

>> No.3691784

Is that thick book supposed to be a book on literary theory and criticism? I think it is... if so my roommate has the same one and he's an idiot English grad who hasn't read shit and just writes garbage hoping to be a teacher someday. What a waste.

>> No.3691793
File: 603 KB, 2448x1380, battleship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3691808

>they all died

>> No.3691813

GY!BE and Mount Eerie. You are obviously a man of deep and complex literary tastes.

Montreal post-rock FTW!

>> No.3691818
File: 28 KB, 369x368, 1357970754409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3691928

Maximum jelly, you should probably get a better chair for writing/drawing though if you haven't already. That's an A+ chair for chilling and reading though.

>> No.3693141

Nice sanctuary, friend. Not completely according to my taste, but I can see it's some person's proper hide out where he can truly comfy.

>> No.3693165

>no books shelf in sight

why post this here?

>> No.3693179

luddites pls go

>> No.3693185

nigga that pic is from /mu/ and you know that

>> No.3693202


well done

>> No.3693211

>bookshelves in front of window

why don't you just light them on fire?!!

>> No.3693233

nigga i have that same desk chair. Thing's a piece of shit

>> No.3693503

I don't go to /mu/.

>> No.3693637



>> No.3693666

What brand chair is that?

>> No.3693993


It's definitely not something I'll keep for life but I've been sitting on it 0-2 hours a day for 3.5 years now and it still works. The back piece is broken though and keeps coming off. The right screw is fucked and only goes about 15mm into the hole. Is yours that way too?

>> No.3694476

You cum on japanime figurines for fun and profit.

>> No.3694704

>0-2 hours a day
Stay in denial.

>> No.3694803
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>> No.3695919

Are you a scholar?

>> No.3696470


Not really, but I'm going to be starting a PhD soon if that counts.

>> No.3699715
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>> No.3699937

Any idea where the giver found it?

>> No.3699947
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