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3687998 No.3687998 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a place to find words that you have the definition in your head, but don't know the word?

Example: against knowledge

I'm trying to find the word that describes 'against knowledge'
I don't know how to fucking find these words.

>> No.3688034

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

>> No.3688036
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>> No.3688040

Give the context

>> No.3688039

one does that not want knowledge; i don't know how to put it.

That general meaning - someone who doesn't want/seek/need knowledge

>> No.3688043

Someone doesn't like something you like
"Nietzsche is pleb"
You say, "shut up you _____"

Something along those lines. I'm looking for a place where I have the definition in my head but I don't know the word for it.

>> No.3688044


>> No.3688046

hell yea, that's a good one!

how do I find shit like that, which I don't know off the top of my head; or at all in this case.

>> No.3688047

Ignorant pleb?

I don't know what word you're looking for exactly, but I've run into the situation dozens of times. I think it just means I need to spend more time reading. It's a tough situation though, feels bad.

>> No.3688051

I don't know what word I'm looking for either but as >>3688044 said Philistine is a good one.

>> No.3688053
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>> No.3688054

yes! fuck, how do I find words like this to use.

>> No.3688055

Philistine's been around for awhile.

It's actually a byline for comic relief characters that are overly pedantic. Where do you live and why haven't you heard that word more often?

>> No.3688056

I live in the desert in southern california. I don't read as much as i should, but i'm trying to read Nietzsche; I have to look up words, A LOT.

>> No.3688058


>> No.3688059

yea that one works too with what i'm looking for. thanks anon

i'm trying to up my vocabulary

>> No.3688060

Well, at least you're looking them up and going for it.

After the first several times you'll recognize the word when you see and understand the context, even if you can't coherently describe the meaning of the word.

After that though you'll find the word popping up in your head occasionally when you're conversing until it becomes an integrated portion of your vocabulary. That's what I've found for myself at least.

>> No.3688062

yea definitely i noticed i get the word when it's being used in context, but some i don't quite get.

one that i got in context, which i fucking knew what i meant in my head, but threw me off was Topsy-turvy. so i looked that one up; shit like that just pisses me off.
i'm trying to not be so ignorant in shit; books, knowledge whatever else.

>> No.3688064

I'll tell you my secret, guard it jealously.

Think of the simplest synonym that comes to your head, for instance 'idiot' in your case. Look up synonyms in a thesaurus, it's especially easy online. If you find a synonym that almost captures what you're trying to convey look up synonyms for that word. Eventually you'll find what you're looking for.

>> No.3688065

Tis an admirable goal. Keep it up.

>> No.3688071

will do, thank you

thank you

>> No.3688076


What you're looking for is a reverse dictionary.

>> No.3688081

hell yea! is there a certain one to use?


this one kinda sucks but i hella appreciate this; i'll try to google different ones

>> No.3688084

This is what I do as well. It is also a great way to improve your vocabulary as you will often see words you haven't encountered before that, while not appropriate to the current context in which you are trying to employ a new word, could serve useful in the future.

>tfw reading your post over makes you realize that you need to improve your vocabulary as it was very awkwardly phrased

>> No.3688090

yea i'm not too good at writing at expressing what i need to in words, or in real life either.
my sentence structure fucking blows. i don't know how i passed high school, honestly; however, is there anything you could tell me what will help me work on that?

>> No.3688096

This, looking over the list of synonyms can be interesting in of itself.

It's crazy how useful it is knowing multiple synonyms can be in writing though. You can avoid sounding like a jackass using the same noun or adjective three times in as many or less sentences.

>> No.3688098

Read and keep reading.

If you're having difficulty expressing yourself read books that use the first person narrative. I'm a fan of Butcher personally, his writing isn't too heavy either but he's really fucking good at it.

>> No.3688102

i'm workin' on it!

could you link me to the full name? googling butcher just gives me butcher shit for meat.

>> No.3688106

Jim Butcher,

He wrote the Harry Dresden series, it's fantasy but really easy to get into. Nothing like Nietzsche, but his first person narrative is fantastic.

>> No.3688109

thanks man

>> No.3688114

No worries, and I hope you enjoy.

Also, you can find the books online. There's like over 12 of them so buying them all would put a serious hole in your pocket.

>> No.3688115
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you use /lit/

what's the word for symbols/imagery that's fully subjective/interpretative. Not surreal or dreamlike, not meaningless or ambigious, but like an example would be a indirectly relevant message written in a fake, untranslated language.
I'm thinking of a specific scene in a woodring comic (pic) but I'm sure I saw it just earlier today. I think the word has something to do with 'icon', but I keep thinking iconoclast which isn't it at all.

>> No.3688119


You're describing how a mind processes information, irrespective of whether or not there's information to process.

>> No.3688172

There's crossword helpers on the net, where if you put in a clue it'll tell you the answer, sounds like it could help with your problem / future problems..

>> No.3690771


No, that's not it. It's like iconograph or something. the imagery is encouraging interpretation but the clues themselves are extremely ambiguous.
You might see it used in reference to David Lynch, esp with Mulholland Drive.

>> No.3690795

Just make up your own:

i.e. antisoph.

anti: against
soph: some greek or latin morpheme meaning knowledge.

>> No.3690824



>> No.3691025

No, that's too general. It's in direct reference to symbols, icons, etc. with interpretative meaning. It's not that uncommon a word either, but what it describes is somewhat specific. Really bugging me that I can't figure this out.

>> No.3691124

stupidity is against knowledge.

That wasn't hard to figure out.

>> No.3691142

Stupidity is a lack of a certain amount of knowledge relative to who is calling the person stupid. It doesn't describe someone who is deliberately against acquiring knowledge.

>> No.3691220


>> No.3691248

Morally sound sage who is not mesmerized by edgy modern philosophy?

>> No.3691252

How does luddite fit in with those at all.

>> No.3691267

It's short for "luddite but replace technology with knowledge"