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/lit/ - Literature

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3687212 No.3687212 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the most pedestrian people such staunch proponents of physical books?

Do they really think that rejecting digital books makes them seem more literary and well-read?

>> No.3687222

They're posting about Rowling, so seeming more literary or well-read is probably pretty far from their minds.

>> No.3687229

>Do they really think that rejecting digital books makes them seem more literary and well-read?

Yeah. It's why they have to invent stupid reasons about how they buy paper books to sniff them or "feel the paper". Jesus.

>> No.3687232

They said the same thing about news print.

Let them babble.

>> No.3687238
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You are the dumbest nigger in the world

>And I mean it in the classic sense of you being ignorant as fuck

The physical book is an aesthetic choice, some people like the look and feel of it more.

>Kinda like how you like your fedora and not shaving.

Anyway, your example has nothing to do with being well read, it's got everything to do with enjoy the feel and the physical enjoyment of a paper book.

>You're a pretentious asshole

>> No.3687249

I think the best option is to have both.

Some people prefer digital books, some prefer physical.

I prefer physical books but won't claim it is anything more than personal taste.

>> No.3687254

i've never seen a respected or accomplished author defend paper books. it's usually only the people who rely on the sales of their 800+ shitfest beach books like rowling. mind, of course, that they still allow their precious books to be digitized and adapted to hell and book because it nets them extra cash

>> No.3687257

>feeling it creak

What kind of books is she reading? They made out of wood or something?

>> No.3687267

Oh, you know, those 115 page YA romance vampire serials she reads don't have very good binding.

>> No.3687268

Preferring physical books to digital ones is a bit like storing all your data on floppy disks just because you prefer them. I guess that's an okay thing to do, if you really insist, but it doesn't make you much of a purist any more than it makes you a retard.

>> No.3687290
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When you accidentally leave your entire library on the train, remember making this post.

>> No.3687298

Why do you assume a writer of YA fiction enjoys reading YA fiction?

>> No.3687300
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>What are backups.


>buying ebooks

>> No.3687309


Wait, what? Physical books are still VASTLY superior to digital books at the present moment. This will likely change once a few kinds are worked out but at the moment I'm pretty sure the majority of people here still prefer the physical thing.

>being able to flip through pages with your thumb to get back to a passage you want to recheck instead of thumbing a leftwards arrow 45 times or touch-scrolling on a screen that's too small

>> No.3687310
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>> No.3687312

>Preferring physical books to digital ones is a bit like storing all your data on floppy disks just because you prefer them
No it's like preferring physical books to digital ones.

>> No.3687314

>being able to jump to pages using the scroller at the bottom of the screen

>> No.3687316

On this kindle you can just hit the "Go To" and accurately navigate to any location within the book, even searching by text. You can even use your thumb if you like.

>> No.3687318

You poor fucker. You must not know all e-books have a CTRL + F function.

Not only can I easily find the "passage" I want, I can do it without flipping through a bunch of fucking pages to find it. I can tell you how many times the word "abortion" is used in "A Confederacy of Dunces" within 15 seconds.

Stay with your chimpshit; just be sure to get out of the way of your superiors: Kindle master race.

>> No.3687325

is that docevil

>> No.3687327
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>Because kindles grow on trees
>scrolling instead of opening a book
>What ARE backups?

>> No.3687331

Why is your reading comprehension so limited?

>> No.3687334
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>Being this beta.
>I bet you thought the bluetooth was pretty neat too.

>> No.3687338


I prefer digital books but you're an idiot.

>> No.3687340

You know, stories were told verbally long before they were ever printed. Surely, there were people who rejected the printed word and preferred traditional storytelling. They were probably retarded and old.

>> No.3687342


You retards. You don't know the page number and you might not know a key word. What then? Or what if what you're reading requires multiple check-backs (a text book, or some modernist trash)? You gonna type the page number in every time you want to flip back? Write down the information on a separate piece of paper? Look at all of this primitive nonsense you have to endure when you could just flip back physical pages with ease.


Most of the reason you guys are so defensive about ebooks is because you can't afford to spend money on physical books.

>> No.3687348

>Or what if what you're reading requires multiple check-backs (a text book

>> No.3687349

>Write down the information on a separate piece of paper?
Most e-readers have a highlight function where you can create a separate in-line list of all the text you've highlighted and any notes you've taken about those highlighted passages.

Good luck highlighting a physical book instantly when you don't have a pen handy or it runs out of ink. Further, you can e-mail those passages and notes to yourself for future reference.

>> No.3687351

My Kindle, the most basic that they sell, allows me to both bookmark pages to quickly get back to them, and also to highlight and store passages as notes.

>> No.3687353

You can also bookmark things. Honestly, the only time using an ebook will cause you to waste extra time finding something is if you've entirely forgotten where it is in the book and are rapidly scanning every page for it.
>Most of the reason you guys are so defensive about ebooks is because you can't afford to spend money on physical books.
So now something not costing money is an inherent negative?

>> No.3687356

m8 I could just as easily get books from the library. Money has nothing to do with it.

>> No.3687358

buying 5 kindles is cheaper than buying the 300+ books I keep on it.

>> No.3687360

>Most of the reason you guys are so defensive about ebooks is because you can't afford to spend money on physical books.

why are you so mad that the internet has made literature infinitely accessible to anyone who wants it, but you're still convinced you need to buy books like a little blind consumer hog?

>> No.3687361

I still don't understand why we have these threads, do you guys actually care about how someone reads?

>> No.3687363

Bluetooth is made for truck drivers who can no longer talk on their phones due to new laws about handheld devices and driving. For that purpose it is excellent and irreplaceable.

>> No.3687364

>Most of the reason you guys are so defensive about ebooks is because you can't afford to spend money on physical books.
You know, there's a whole building full of free physical books called a public library. You can even take them home and keep them in your possession indefinitely. What a novel concept.

>> No.3687365

And then I connect to Amazon from another device and get them back.

>> No.3687367

>truck drivers
liberal arts majors

>> No.3687369

nice one m8. epic win ;)

>> No.3687371

Yeah, and the high-school dropouts have all become politicians.

>> No.3687372

Are you homeless? Riding around on trains reading tattered old paperbacks? Sorry, I'm living in the 21st century. I own and command my own personal transport vehicle and I read digital books.

>> No.3687370

I don't like reading from a screen. That's all there is to it for me.

>> No.3687376

no, we prefer physical books because it makes us feel smarter

>> No.3687381

I don't think you meant to reply to me.

>> No.3687382

Having shelves full of physical books makes me feel more intelligent than a Kindle on my desk.

>> No.3687383

Does it hurt being this pretentious?

>I mean, the loneliness of have no one around to talk to because you're too smart for everyone.
>>Your fedora is on too tight
>>>I forgot you don't go anywhere with your digital books.

>> No.3687388

>being on /lit/
>criticizing others for being pretentious and unsociable

>> No.3687389

Name a respected or accomplished author who is alive to defend paper books.

>> No.3687392

This. You can buy one or two e-readers a year and still be off cheaper than buying what you read.

>> No.3687393
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>> No.3687394

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.3687397

>defend paper books
Is anybody either 'defending' or 'attacking' other than internet nobodies with too much time on their hands like /lit/? It's not like this is a big deal. It's a consumer option.

>> No.3687398

>Being on /lit/
>Thinking everyone is living in a basement with a kindle stealing books off the internet just like you are

>> No.3687403

>stealing books
Is it even possible to steal something that you can otherwise obtain at no cost?

>> No.3687405

Yes, obviously.

>> No.3687407

You should probably read more. Expose yourself to some new ways of thinking.

>> No.3687408

I for one like own paper books, they are more satisfying to own and cherish.

>Also I've read enough sci-fi dystopian novels to know that if they ever wanted to all your e-books would be wiped out with no trace when they wanted to get rid of them.

1984 451 shit would only require an EMP over North America, claim it's terrorists, but then never replace the offensive "terrorist" literature.

>Just a hypothetical really, but I still like paper books.

>> No.3687410

Because electronics are fragile and easily broken and outdated. I dont like to have to worry about charging my books or breaking them by stepping or sitting on them. Or having the nonreplaceable internal battery permanently drained. Or have to fuck around with cracking software or god forbid bullshit amazon adds. The odds that any ereader will work and have all the books I had on it after two or three years without being broken or outdated is basically zero. I've had the some physical copies of books for over ten years.

>> No.3687411

Yeah, but
>I like owning paper books
is all you're saying and that seems to be all the picture in the OP is saying (I think, anyway, I'm not sure who's talking exactly)

That's hardly a 'defence', just a preference- because again, all this is is a consumer choice.

>> No.3687414


>> No.3687416

stealing an authors work off the internet means you aren't giving them money for their work.

>You're basically stealing their livelihood
>>You're treating them like fanfiction
>>>You're disgusting

>> No.3687417

B-but muh future

>> No.3687423

Do you really think that buying a book from a book store equates to more money in the author's pocket? Are you that naive?
And what about books I take out from the library? Are you saying that libraries are anti-author?

There's a library near my house that offers free e-book rentals directly from their website. I'm able to legally obtain digital copies of any digitized book they have on the shelf.

>> No.3687424

Could you find me a 'new way of thinking' that argues that >>3687403 is impossible?

>> No.3687425
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I was agreeing. It is a consumer choice. Some people still like to write letters with typewriters.

>Some people still like to listen to vinyl records.
>Because it's about the quality of the experience for people who aren't swine.

>> No.3687428

No, I'm only 'stealing' by copying a file if I would otherwise have bought it. Since I otherwise wouldn't have bought it, it's not stealing, it's merely the chance to some exposure. If I couldn't pirate I would have had a crate of books (like now) and no music. Fuck everything.

>> No.3687429

I think there's something autistic about reducing the experience of reading a book to merely viewing the words that the book is composed of, and obstinately refusing to see otherwise.

>> No.3687431

i don't think you know how anything works, but you're a very well-behaved shopper

>> No.3687435
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Is that really your argument?

>> No.3687437

But the story is what matters. Bound paper has just been easiest and cheapest method of consuming the story until now.

>> No.3687438

Autist spotted.

>> No.3687440

The only reason contemporary authors like Rowling defend paper books is because it helps them make money

You can't justify charging $25 for a digital book, but people will shell out even more than that for a hardcover or a "special edition" paperback

If the story were any good, why the fuck would it matter how you read it or what material you read it on?

There are people who claim books by Dickens are meant to be read out loud, but that doesn't stop people from reading the books

When it comes down to it, an ideal scenario for literature is instant access, convenience and versatility

Digital books offer these three in abundance, physical books much less so in comparison

>> No.3687441

I love you. I love you for saying what we're all trying to say.

>> No.3687445

I'm saying that I don't pirate books, I download licensed books legally from my local library's website. What's your argument?

>> No.3687446

I just can't stand modern aesthetics, including the endless digital accoutrements and minimalism.

Plus I enjoy having books around. And the idea that you can see what people are reading, they what you are reading in public ... I don't know, it sort of tells you something about them; with the e-reader phenomenon of course attending the ubiquity of online social networking, it's one more step in the direction of showing everyone everything about you online, but retreating from people in general in person. Just feels vaguely disconcerting to me.

There is no swimming against the stream with certain things, society will be shifting to e-books steadily and surely over the years, but at least for the time being I won't be among them.

>> No.3687447

again... is she actually defending them?

>> No.3687443

>Do you really think that buying a book from a book store equates to more money in the author's pocket?
Not that anon, but yes.
>And what about books I take out from the library?
IIRC libraries pay a very small amount every time the book is borrowed, so also yes.

>> No.3687444

Brilliant 300 IQ alpha male philosopher spotted.

>> No.3687449

Nigga, I practically lived in the library from age 12-16. I like books to keep for my own + they don't have much of what I read these days.

>> No.3687450

Too bad it's a shitty argument from someone who is so engrained in the traditional way of doing things as to blind himself to the original purpose of his own preferred medium.

>> No.3687451

Sure, she's saying that she will always prefer to read from physical books and will always intend to have her books published on and read from physical copies.

>> No.3687452


>> No.3687455

Why do you need a defense? What's the attack? If I wanted to buy an ebook, I would pirate it. Not just because I don't want to pay, I think information should be as accessible as reasonable and I would do my best not to support capitalist restrictions on the internet.

When I pay $5, $10, $80 for a book, it's for the physical book, not the information inside. I don't have any reason to pay for an ebook.
I've been considering paying $5 to get a digital copy of a game magazine (the issue is a full review on a publisher's work, it seems to be the only extensive information available in english), because the physical copy is $20, which is overpriced, and I can't find the pdf or scans online. But then if I did buy the pdf, I'd upload it because it should've been free in the first place.

I mean, it's going to be more common for things to be published ebook only, I just hope the piracy scene, or consumer ideology, will be able to catch up. If they did go that route, I hope they follow alt lit's website 'ebook' format rather than pdf, epub which are just poor interpretations of the classic form. I'm sure the change in publishing medium will have a large effect on the experience of reading literature and the literature that's written.

>> No.3687457

>Implying the means of accomplishing a given purpose cannot possess certain qualities that are worthwhile and worth preserving in themselves.

>> No.3687458

>reads gaming magazines
>is presumably not 12 years old
well, your credibility just went out the window

>> No.3687459

>Why do you need a defense? What's the attack?
That's precisely what I'm asking. People be blowing this shit out of all proportion.

>> No.3687460

>IIRC libraries pay a very small amount every time the book is borrowed, so also yes.
what are you even talking about?
>reading books by living authors
paperbacks are good for letting people on trains know what you're reading, for everything else there is a kindle. especially for anything 800+ pages

>> No.3687463

Are e-books really "taking off" the way people here talk? I know that whenever I go to Amazon to look at book reviews there are almost always several angry reviews about how terrible the Kindle edition is, or whatever. It seems like publishers aren't doing a good job producing digital editions. Now, I suppose people here may not be purchasing digital books in this way, but the majority of e-book users will be.

>> No.3687464


>> No.3687465

>Why do you need a defense? What's the attack?
I'd consider anyone's Luddite pro-physical defense and attack on progress.

>> No.3687462

What if it's a game theory magazine?

>> No.3687469

Maybe, but they're vastly outweighed by the actual purpose, which is to relay information in a convenient and affordable manner.

>> No.3687470
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Nope, the magazine is obscure and independent and the publisher in question is independent, Japanese, obscure and experimental. Come at me.

>> No.3687472

wouldn't it only get better? i would assume digital music started out with shitting 60kb rips and progressed to the FLAC /mu/ bullshit it is today.

>> No.3687473

>m-m-muh battery ran out

I'm flipping through Game of Thromes like it's nobody's business and you can't read your precious knee cheese b/c u battewy went ded.

>> No.3687480

All of you are plebs, I only read books on my kindle app on the Iphone 7

Get with the times oldfags.

>> No.3687481

seems like you're trying pretty hard there, i hope you don't pull a muscle

>> No.3687485

To make an accurate comparison, digital music would be iTunes, I think.

>> No.3687487

Physical books are affordable and convenient.

>> No.3687488
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>m-m-muh cellphone/laptop battery ran out

I'm talking to my friends in person like it's nobody's business and you can't talk to yours b/c battewy went ded

>> No.3687490

Fuck you really get me

>> No.3687491

But not as affordable and convenient as digital books.

>> No.3687494

The kindle is more pretentious because it's basically asking people to ask you what you're reading.

>> No.3687496

They're just as affordable, if not more so, because you can purchase older and used copies. You can buy used books on Amazon for $0.01. Comparing buying physical books to illegally obtaining e-books is dishonest and doesn't real speak to your preferring method of distribution working, unless you'd like to have it exist parasitically off of scanned print works.

>> No.3687498

really speak*

>> No.3687497


>> No.3687500

Affordable? Copyrighted ebooks are extremely overpriced. Do you think books didn't drop in price with the invention of the printing press? But then how could the publishers or authors make any money?

>> No.3687501

how so?
on a train, reading mein kampf seems more pretentiousness than reading an anonymous novem on a kindle

>> No.3687504

Please make sure to quality check your posts in order to make sure you are not misuse chan features like the quoting feature, like you did in this post. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community.

>> No.3687506


>> No.3687507

The matter of legality isn't an issue. I wouldn't pay for either even if it meant I had to steal a book from Barnes & Noble. You also ignored the aspect of convenience, which undoubtedly goes to digital books.

>> No.3687508

>buying ebooks
>buying books in general

>> No.3687510

If you seriously care about how someone else reads books one way or the other, you are a moron

>> No.3687513

I'm not sure what you're trying say.
Are you calling me a luddite?

>> No.3687514

Yes the matter of legality is an issue because publishers will only continue to embrace e-books insofar as they can generate a profit from them. If your argument that they are more affordable reduces to, "Well we can obtain them illegally for free," then I think that you are basically refuting yourself, as profit needs to be generated for their to ever be any eventual obviation of physical works. Otherwise e-books will be dependent upon physical books from which you can obtain your e-books parasitically as I said. E-books only have a chance of superseding physical books as long as people are buying them.

>> No.3687517

for there*

>> No.3687522

I care because the more people who cling to retarded attitudes about their preference for physical books, that means fewer books will be digitized

>> No.3687531

There's more than enough people with e-book readers to provide a financial incentive to digitize books.

>> No.3687532

>Major publishers continue to produce physical books
>Books are contiously scanned and uploaded
>People download the free ebooks
>Major publishers go out of business or switch models
>Publishers publish ebooks

I don't understand where you get off calling piracy parasitical. They're taking the cultural works and spreading it to a larger audience. Publishers set a price because it costs them money to produce, market and distribute a book, they're compensated for their service. They've no inherent right to set an inflated artificial value based on consumer expectations of an old model. The service the publisher is providing is different, and the price should be adjusted. Are they providing any service? They're working hard to hide behind copyright laws and consumer misinformation, I suppose.

>> No.3687535

>Not having both an e-reader and physical books
What's so bad about e-readers, anyway? You can always buy physical copies of books you like, you know.

>> No.3687537

market forces can suck my dick

>> No.3687539

Eventually the ever present drive to streamline and make everything efficient will lead to digitization regardless of the profit. As more and more books are added to the public domain, and older physical mediums (in other things besides books) are phased out to allow for digital mediums to take over, the idea of still having books as ink printed on paper will weigh too heavily on the minds of a completely digital world. Just as things like facebook (or a government run equivalent) will become mandated, so will the use of digital books. Before long, everyone's phone/handheld computer/brain chip will be capable of holding unlimited amounts of books, and you'll be hard-pressed to find any significant population still holding on to the ancient format of bound paper.

>> No.3687540

I know.

>implying owning either is exclusive
Ebooks are even nicer with stuff like bibliotik. If I dl something from there and like it, more often than not I'll buy the physical copy.

>inb4 piracy
Would you rather I buy the book from amazon and return it?

>> No.3687541

That's insane.

>> No.3687544

Oh, and even if all books were freely available on the internet, I'd still buy books until the price starts rising, and likely only download ebooks for research or if the book is rare/out of print.

>> No.3687545

Luddites gonna.

And make up more rationalizations.

Ebooks superior. No need for indexes just search.
No need to write off, just copy.
No need to move a huge library of paper when moving.
Have access to all my library everywhere.
Can share books without losing a book (=copying).
Much cheaper.

>> No.3687546


>> No.3687551

If there were a way to beam a book directly into your mind, would there still be people saying they prefer physical books?

>> No.3687552

I live in a place where as soon as I leave my home with an ebook reader, someone will steal it from me. So, I read physical books outside my house(mostly are in my own language) and ebooks inside my house(English or other language I can't otherwise read without importing it). I love both ways and I'm happy ebook exist so I can read some books I'd not be able to do so without spend too much money.

>> No.3687554

Are you implying he's a conspiracy theorist for suggesting that digital technology will grow more ubiquitous in the near future?

>> No.3687556

> things like facebook (or a government run equivalent) will become mandated, so will the use of digital books.
>not a conspiracy theorist

>> No.3687555

It's not a conspiracy theory, it's happening all around you. You think music will still be available in physical format in 30 years? How about movies? What makes books so special? That they've been around longer. Tough luck, convenience outweighs tradition in today's world of easy quick access to information at no cost. You really think governments will allow this to cause a crash of any kind in the industry? The industries themselves are obsolete as they are, and they know it. They'll try to fight to their last dying breath, but they know that eventually, they'll either have to adapt or fold.

>> No.3687557

Counterpoint: you think there's going to be a mandatory state-run equivalent of facebook

>> No.3687558

>Paying for things you'll never read more than once
I'll never understand. Pirate first, and if you buy it, like it. Or if you're a poorfag just kind of...not pay for it?

>> No.3687559

>as soon as I leave my home with an ebook reader, someone will steal it from me.
You should probably just kill yourself or move away.

>> No.3687560

Do you really only read books once?

>> No.3687563

Even if you're not a poorfag, why throw money away at another bloated industry under the guise of "supporting" an author? The author doesn't get shit when you buy their books.

>> No.3687566

I don't own an e-reader but I'm pretty sure most books are not available in digital format.

>> No.3687567

Some of them, yeah.

>> No.3687568

>public profiles which employers now use to screen employees before hiring
>police now use them to create a profile for suspects and criminals
I'm telling you now. In the future, everyone will have a public profile created at birth.

>> No.3687570

I use both, I have my Shelves of books for reading at home, and when I'm on the go I have all those books and more because it's more convenient. I don't see why doing both is impossible.

>> No.3687571

>implying I never read books twice
I'm sorry that I don't fit the Elitist's Code of Reading.

It makes me feel good.

>> No.3687569

You'd be surprised.

>> No.3687572

It's not that hard to conceive. It may not be facebook unless facebook is bought by the government, but everyone will have a profile with their name, picture, and some basic information, all connected to a cloud network. This will be set-up at birth along with social security numbers and family registrations.

>> No.3687575

>buying things makes me feel good
Huxley was right.

>> No.3687582

i work for amazon in the kindle returns department
and can honestly say i've yet to see any returned kindle have any decent books on it. they're always almost entirely full of the free downloads + james patterson/mom-type stuff

>> No.3687583

Owning things makes me feel good. Giving money to people who I'd like to have money makes me feel good.

>> No.3687586

No, I guess I like it for the same reason the anti-ebook luddites do, it feels good to hold, to see on my shelf.

>> No.3687588

Is not that simple to leave your family behind nor is it easy to leave Brazil to any country that is not in South America. I'm waiting to finish uni so I can try find a job oversea.

>> No.3687589

Well, I assumed you were some white American pussy living in a "black" neighborhood who assumed everyone was out to get him. I take back what I said.

>> No.3687590

>Giving money to people who I'd like to have money makes me feel good.
Who do you think gets the money, when you buy a book?

Unless you're buying it directly from the author, it's not the author.

>> No.3687592

Will Self and Nicholson Baker are both apposed to ebooks.

>> No.3687600

I'll still be here when your gadgets come crashing down and you look around dazed and confused; startled that there is in fact a world that exists beyond the network.

>> No.3687603

Says the guy typing it on the internet.

>> No.3687601

The network is far too profitable, people who desire to maintain it's existence will not let it come crashing down. I don't know what kind of science fiction novel you're living in, but these kinds of this don't happen when moneys involved.

>> No.3687602

Why are you on /lit/? Go read a book

>> No.3687605

Fortunately, I still have access to physical books, so I can enjoy the benefits of both

>> No.3687608

He could mean supporting the publisher, which often does mean indirectly supporting the author and other authors like him.

>> No.3687611

Sure, but it's not like the author gets a percentage of every book that gets sold. That's not how book deals work, not at all.

>> No.3687619

I think he means that keeping publishers in business will keep the book deals coming for future authors. It's a good point, but I think that's just keeping an obsolete industry in business. I think it would be okay if all authors went straight to self publishing and there was formed a real market for literary fiction online. This way authors would get more money and there would be no middle man required other than a small amount going to the file host site.

>> No.3687624

They wouldn't get more money, though. They'd get almost no money. Every author would sell exactly 5 books.

>> No.3687627

I don't think so. There would be curators just like there are for music, and a user friendly directory with good sorting options of the entire literature market would help bring up to the surface the books that people actually want to read. If anything, this modernization might popularize reading again.

>> No.3687667

I prefer real books because they allow me to flick through them. I also think being able to actually feel the book that you hold in your hands adds to enjoyment of reading.
In addition to this, they also keep old-fashioned libraries and bookshops in business. If ebooks ever took over, these places would either have to change or go out of business, and some of them may be run by people who are either technophobic or too old-fashioned to easily learn about them.
Finally, there are probably a lot of great books out there that have not been turned into ebooks yet. Did you know that there is, or at least was, a rumour that the "Harry Potter" books are not on Kindle?

>> No.3687670

my preference is audio book on CD or DRM free mp3 like podiobooks and LibriVox

I like dead tree books more than ebooks

dead tree books take up a good deal of room and cost money to move long distances but can easily be loaned can read another in the collection when someone is reading one.

ebooks are cheap to move and indie authors can sell licence to ebook for under $5 that would cost over $25 for a short run on dead tree book
ebooks give near instant access to most books in Public Domain through Project Gutenberg

the biggest downside of ebooks is you licence them more than you own them like dead tree books

I do not think either is better but both have advantages and dis advantages

Dead Tree Books more likely to survive the zombie Apocalypse and maybe we should have stayed with stone tablets or scrolls

>> No.3687677

I'm kind of stuck on this question.
I like reading real books but I like reading E-books too.
Especially,E-books tend to win when it comes up against hardcovers. No bookwrist.Definitely a plus.
But a book is still a book..I like the feel,the smell,etc. I'd be very very sad if paper books became extinct.

>> No.3687682

I think real books cause reading off an electronic device isn't that good for u. Also there's places like the old fashioned ones called the library where ppl can get books for free!!! Lol

>> No.3687705
File: 29 KB, 200x200, 65793_consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people only read a single book at a time. I can understand why they would be hesitant to shell out $100 or so to carry an entire library at one time.

>> No.3687738

People become attached to the positive escapist experiences they have while reading books and don't want to give that up.

>> No.3687764

It doesn't.
However, I prefer a hard copy in most cases.
The digital book makes a lot of sense.
I dig being able to write in my books, being able to place a sickynote on a page, being able to grab it and not worry about whether or not it's charged. I don't have to worry about being distracted by on-board games or internet, I don't have to worry about viruses.
I can lend a friend a book.
It seems more useful for me.
I don't see myself as superior to digital-reader users.
It just works better for me.
I will likely have some sort of reader at a point in my life.

>> No.3687768

All books are available in digital format, pretty much. If they can be bought, they are.

Use 1dollarscan.com to get books scanned. Whenever I wanna read a book that I cant find online, I just buy a cheap copy in the US and have it scanned. Then i get a PDF, and then i upload that to ebook sites, thus expanding the global ebook library. :)

>> No.3687771

Those are quickly made up in saved expenses on books, if they read any significant amount.

>> No.3687810

This. Notes on a kindle just arent as easy as writing in the margins or underlining/circling things or dog-earing a page.
I like hard copies for practical reasons.

>> No.3688608

Pynchon didn't want his books made digital

>> No.3688621

I don't know anyone that 'rejects' digital books, you ass hat. Some people just like the feeling of holding a hard copy in their hands, and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.3688655

Some people just want to drive gas guzzling SUVs, nothing wrong with that. Some people just like tropical hardwood furniture, nothing wrong with that. Some people just like tiger skin carpets, nothing wrong with that. Some people just like to dump chemicals, nothing wrong with that etc etc.

>> No.3688671
File: 11 KB, 276x320, Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious?

>> No.3688673

I agree. So what's your point?

>> No.3688677

he's talking about all the wasted materials and pollution created by the milling of paper, the cutting of forests and the chmical processes and gasoline use involved in the printing, transporting and packaging of books.

>> No.3688688

I believe he is saying some people wants the option where you destroy your natural environment.

>> No.3688698

The point is to suggest that these type of decisions can amount to more than 'just sorta like holding dis I just kinda prefer ivory chess pieces man that's all there is to it man nothing wrong with it bro'.

>> No.3688700

LOL. LOL! I hope that is his point, because if so, he's a fucking retard. He does realize that the construction of computers and e-readers and anything you need for electronic books is far more harmful to the environment than the production of books right?

>> No.3688703

Well, lucky me. That IS your point. You're a fucking retard.

>> No.3688705

E-reader (including all the servers to push the books to you etc) is more resource efficient as soon as you start your 21st book on it. Nice try though. Don't forget logistics are to be included in the comparison.

>> No.3688714

Maybe I just like my hardcover copy of rincewind the wizzard because it's physical and not dependent on being on some screen or electronics to exist. I can read it anywhere. It also has nice cover art.

>> No.3688717

Bullshit. The production of electronics are one of the leading causes of environmental degradation.

Also, you know what the leading cause of deforestation is? Pastures. For cattle.

>> No.3688730

>Bullshit. The production of electronics are one of the leading causes of environmental degradation.
Obviously, since most people have a shitload of devices and just a handful of books, not to mention all the technology that is needed in all kinds of professional ways. Like on the ships dragging your books around the earth, for example. Still, if you read a lot, the e-reader leads out to be less straining on the environment. it also contributes to a more fluid and free way of distribution and takes power away from established publishers and distributors.

Just look at Iranman with his digital Kharms smuggled beyond the censors via the glorious internet.

>> No.3688732

Actual/ physical/ leaf literature is the only way to prevent the loss of... Havent you read 1984? I mean, all the other stuff thats come to pass & you doubt whether the powers that be would very much like to have the ability to chang some books, erase others completely?

Im not being clear. Why dont you fear your precious literature being tyranized? Keeping it exclusively online makes that truly possible. Its not safe.

>> No.3688746

You should send two equally sized teams of people out, one to destroy all physical copies of Mein Kampf and one to destroy all digital copies and see who gets closest to success.

>> No.3688751

All you need to do is knock out the power-grid and you have successfully destroyed all digital copies of it.

>> No.3688761

Yes, all hard disks will evaporate. Lel. Also, you make it sound like knocking out all the electricity in the world is easy.

>> No.3688796

all the mining, manufacture and transport of a typical ereader doesn't use up a tenth of the resources, nor create as much pollution, as a yera of life for a jersey cow. For the damage a dog does in its entire lifetime, you could have eighty ereaders. Do some math.

>> No.3688811

This thread is fucking stupid. Just thought I'd drop by to let you all know.

>> No.3688814

Are you responding to the right post? I'm in favour of e-readers.

>> No.3688823

No one is in DISFAVOR of e-readers you twit.

>> No.3688831

I'm confused. Why are you complaining about dogs out of nowhere? The dogs are not the issue here.

>> No.3688845

There is no issue here. You're arguing against no one.