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/lit/ - Literature

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3686567 No.3686567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ support free speech? Including free speech of people who disagree with your beliefs/views?

>> No.3686570
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>not literature

>> No.3686571

Of course it is. I'm referring to books or any other literature that disagree with society, and this of course spills into other views and beliefs.

>> No.3686574
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>> No.3686577
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What your favorite book op?

>> No.3686588
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Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn rand.

>> No.3686589

This is probably coming from the /pol/ thread here >>>/pol/3193876.

Sage hide and move along.

>> No.3686594 [DELETED] 

Oops >>/pol/3193876

>> No.3686599

No, I don't agree with free speech.

If someone is publicly announcing something that will harm or severely disadvantage me, I want to shut them up.

>> No.3686600

Goddamn keep fucking it up.


>> No.3686602


That's called "freedom of the press."

>> No.3686604
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But are you 100% sure?

Anyway what if I was from /pol/? Can't we have a mature discussion?

You hate free speech, don't you?

>> No.3686609

That falls in line with threats of violence, which is illegal for obvious reasons.

>> No.3686612

I guess I do. However, if I'm the leader of the government, and someone starts saying things that are not just harmful to me, but harmful to humanity, and then if people actually start listening to this moron, then yes I might do something about it.

>> No.3686617

I'm all for freedom of speech as long as I have the freedom to kick someone in the face if they insult me.

>> No.3686630

But that's not justified. It would be justified to insult them back to the same extent. An eye for an eye.

Even if what the person claims is true?

>> No.3686646

I don't know, OP, do you believe that someone has the right to shout FIRE in a crowded theater if the resulting stampede would kill numerous people in the crush to get out?

Do you believe that the freedom of speech of the man shouting (knowingly lying) is worth more than the people who would be killed as the result of his actions?

>> No.3686659

We apparently can discuss philosophy, this is a philosophical question. Carry on.

>> No.3686663


Is this thread about literature?


Then fuck off. And fuck /pol/. I hate mullets.

>> No.3686664

Why does /lit/ hate Ayn Rand? She's one of the best authors of the 20th century.

>> No.3686670

Das Kapital by Marx.

>> No.3686678

I believe that speech is not something we should take lightly. It should not come freely but with deliberation and weight.

I say, let loose the censors, then we will see what of the dime-store anarchists has true conviction of his ideals. Then we'll see what things matter enough for a man to stand up for them, instead of sitting back in a comfortable armchair.

When speech is free, we cannot truly say anything. Free speech is the hyperreal.

>> No.3686765

I've been speaking free all my life. Society rewarded me with an income for it.

>> No.3686796

>>Does /lit/ support free speech? Including free speech of people who disagree with your beliefs/views?

Yes, and as far as I'm concerned both of those things are the same. We'll both say what we think and we can discuss or argue if we need to; and it's possible that we may disapprove of each other's attitudes, but that's the way it goes.

Over time I have met a few people who seem to think that "free speech" means "I will say what I want and no-one else can object or respond or ask me to explain or justify my views because that's infringing on my free speech," which I find baffling and pretty childish.

>> No.3687972

If it was a criticism of my government, then it wouldn't be true.

>> No.3687982

>Over time I have met a few people who seem to think that "free speech" means "I will say what I want and no-one else can object or respond or ask me to explain or justify my views because that's infringing on my free speech," which I find baffling and pretty childish.

This. Free speech surely includes, you know, the right to object - even loudly, and even en masse - to someone else's use of free speech - not on the grounds of their right or ability to say it, but certainly on the content of what they say.

>> No.3687986

Those people are usually Republicans or Libertarians

>> No.3688012

>adverse to violence

might makes right in these hyper subjective times, silence by death is still silence, you've won nothing when the battle is over who can impose the most power upon the other when you're standing for subjective stuff that doesn't impose itself naturally. you can't game you get washed and that's that

free speech is cool and always produces the most vibrant culture but what is and what isn't is a product of force and force is okay as long as you don't delude yourself about things

trying to digest and humanize things is stupid, society is natural because it exists, it is a product of our inherent character as socially pressured yet creative beings

>> No.3688020

No, why would I? You're acting like I've never read the history of Weimar Germany.

>> No.3688024

Gramsci, mate, Gramsci

>> No.3688025

>harmful to humanity

you have so much blood pumping through you

you will never be free, you are the product of so many minor conquests and brutalizations and terrors inflicted as man worked himself out across dozens of millennia, you are and always will be a terror and a silencer, you are a creature of brutal conquest and exclusion in the name of life, this is what the universe wants

>> No.3688029

>hurpa derpa

>> No.3688161


Delete and try again, OP.