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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 74 KB, 484x750, Infinite Jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3686034 No.3686034 [Reply] [Original]

Just started reading this

Is it going to start making sense anytime soon or am I going to just be wasting my time?

>> No.3686039

If you need someone to tell you the former, then yes to the latter.

>> No.3686113

I'm really getting the feel it's going to just be a bunch of post-modern pretentiousness with an indiscernible plot.

>> No.3686130

yes that is why it's highly regarded everyone is just faking it good job kiddo you cracked the case

>> No.3686136

The Infinite Jest is that people will keep buying and reading this shit.

>> No.3686141

I'll try and put it more kindly than the other guy: force yourself through the first two hundred pages. If you get to page 226 and still don't understand the plot, you probably shouldn't bother going any further.

>> No.3686147

There's billions of delusional mystics on this planet who pray to non-existent supernatural entities, I have no doubt that people would be deluded enough to place shit on a pedestal.

>> No.3686151

You're clearly harbouring some prejudices towards it. Just give up and go back to your Hemingway.

>> No.3686155

keep notes

>> No.3686162


For fuck's sake, this. And if you can't follow the plot, re-read previous chapters. Things should become clear.

>> No.3686171

Don't forget to read the footnotes!
They are, like, 80% of the plot

>> No.3686180

How familiar are you with post-modern literature

>> No.3686188

>ad populum

>> No.3687010

What he said wasn't a fucking syllogism

>> No.3687059

>I'm just reading this so I can say I hate it so I will hate it

>> No.3687115

Are you in highschool? Read a book.

>> No.3687118

It will come together around 300 pages in. Read all the footnotes, every single one. They're there for a reason. Most people on /lit/ haven't read it, so don't listen to them.

DFW does things with grammar and words that I haven't seen in any other authors writing. I laughed at commas, at the use of the word "like". The book requires commitment, but is absolutely worth the read.

>> No.3687139
File: 32 KB, 469x428, cornertrollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just started reading this

I have some bad news for you, OP.

>> No.3687143

or maybe he just doesn't like it

>> No.3687167
File: 84 KB, 500x500, nmh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this /lit/'s equivalent of /mu/'s In The Aeroplane Over the Sea?

>> No.3687175

I was just thinking of that exact question. Same situation, but ITAOTS is actually good.

>> No.3687208

>but ITAOTS is actually good

C'mon now man. It's average at best

>> No.3687217

Good point, probably changed his mind.

>> No.3687219
File: 334 KB, 1200x900, 3edgy5me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3687221

No need to get mad

>> No.3687227


>> No.3687260

How come all the really strange sonfusing books are international or national best-sellers...

I thought the average Iq was 100

>> No.3687272

>How come all the really strange sonfusing books are international or national best-sellers...
>I thought the average Iq was 100

Because of their reputation. The thing to take into account about Bestseller lists is that all the people buying those books haven't even read them, yet. So what does being on the "Bestseller list" represent, really? How good a book is? How could it. They haven't even read it. How popular it is? Again, they haven't even read it. So, really, all it signifies is that the hype was large.

I'd be willing to bet as high as 80% of the people who bought "Infinite Jest" never finished it--and that is something that is far more important to know than who bought the fucking thing.

>> No.3687291

You what? Intl. Bestsellers that you'd consider strange or really confusing?

>> No.3687474


No. Infinite Jest is a masterpiece. ITAOTS is a meme

>> No.3689947

naw, op.

Toss that garbage and read House of Leaves instead.

>> No.3690009

Took me 200 pages to start 'getting' the book. But that's just me. One of my personal favorites.

>> No.3690175

>ITAOTS, better than infinite jest?

>> No.3690196


I think all of us can agree, even those who don't like Infinite Jest, that House of Leaves is considerably worse.

>> No.3690207

>you would /lit

>> No.3690246

Have you got to the part where you realize it's all DFW jacking off onto your face?

>> No.3690272


HoL is the best weird fiction I've read since Perdido Street Station. Not sure why it's being compared to Infinite Jest. Maybe the footnotes?

>> No.3690275


>> No.3690280

Ayn Rand I know not to waste my time on, but I can't figure out if Infinite Jest is worth my time? Probably not.

>> No.3690394
File: 10 KB, 259x194, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good m8