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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 371x582, Harry_Potter_and_the_Philosophers_Stone_Book_J_K_Rowling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3685338 No.3685338 [Reply] [Original]

I need some escapism, What do you suggest?

>> No.3685345

Video games.

>> No.3685347

Russian Roullete

>> No.3685353

Discworld until Snuff. You don't want to read Snuff.

>> No.3685358

I usually take drugs

>> No.3685363

read pretty much everything of Terry Pratchett and it's getting boring

>> No.3685375

Zelazny's Chronicles of Amber or Le Guin's Earthsea Quartet. Compelling escapism with literary merit.

>> No.3685379

The Potter series really went to shit in the later books.

>> No.3685436

Oh jeez so much this.
It started stumbling a little in the 5th, and it just took a nosedive in the 7th.
If she didn't try to wrap the plot up, she would have done well. The first 4 were preddy good.

>> No.3685440

Video games

>> No.3685443

I actually liked the seventh, it had a lot of flaws, the Wizard Red Dawn section sort of languished on and the whole bank robbery section felt pressed and a bit contrived. But I think overall it did well.

>> No.3685444

Video games are inferior escapism. The actual gaming elements just get in the way.

>> No.3685454

I didn't like how she seemed to pull the Deathly Hallows out of her ass in the last book.

>> No.3685457

The first 4 books knew what they were doing. The latter books just wobbled inconsistently not sure if they were going to be a boarding school escapist series or a SUPER SERIOUS young adult series.

>> No.3685474

Didn't really bother me, I mean its not like I got mad in book two when the chamber of secrets was brought in out of thin air, or in book four when a thousand year old tradition of the trwizard tournament was pulled out of nowhere. Book five gives us a hall of prophecy that was never alluded to, monster undead winged horses that can conveniently transport someone from school grounds to the ministry in 10 minutes, etc.

I mean I suppose you could take issue with all of those, but it seems like your problem would just be that the author didn't write a comprehensive encyclopedia of the fictional world and its history for you to read before the story proper.

>> No.3685509

I had an issue with her pulling out something as plot critical in as the Hallows in the seventh and last bloody book of the series. It wasn't even that necessary to begin with, book six already asspulled the Horcruxes as a means to kill Voldie.

>> No.3685525


>> No.3685532

Meh. I mean the hallows weren't that significant, they represented a temptation of power that took hold over Voldemort, Dumbledore, Grindelwald that Harry was able to turn his back on. In so far as the wand turned on its wielder was a feature of wandlore which was expanded in the book though alluded to earlier.

I don't really have a problem with it.

>> No.3685585

The Secret History

>> No.3685598
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Here OP

>> No.3685748

So aptly named.

>> No.3685770
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Snuff wasn't so bad even though it was obviously not up to snuff.
Science of Discworld 4: Judgement Day however was downright bad and I wonder if he's actually that far gone or if the disc parts was written by Stewart & Cohen as well. The character's personalities and dialogues were all over the place, the new character and antagonists as well as the conflict itself was ridiculous in characterization and handling.

I was actually a bit depressed after finishing it.

>> No.3685809

A Song of Ice And Fire?

>> No.3685833 [DELETED] 

Joe Abercrobie.

>> No.3685840

JOE. Joe Abercrombie.
>tfw I can't even write a name correctly.

>> No.3685935
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>Let Me In by John Ajvide Lindqvist

Its called 'Let The Right One In' you plebeian. I bet you didn't watch the original film either

>> No.3685936

Being able to wander in explore interactively with the world makes up for mechanics.

>> No.3685955

If you want something a bit like (early) Harry Potter, I recommend Septimus Heap.
It's kids' fantasy, but it's kids' fantasy done right.

>> No.3685978

/lit/'s low brow guys used to love Dresden FIles. Pretty good books if you like hardboild and or magic

>> No.3686104

>The actual gaming elements just get in the way.

A video game made after 2005

>> No.3686134

87 chapters of camping. Ron's going now. Oh Ron's back. nbd guise

>> No.3686135


>> No.3686221

Video-games. Even at their best they still invite pure indulgence.

>> No.3686311

>read the english version
>writes it by its name
>gets called pleb for calling something as it was listed

>> No.3686471


In similar vein, there's The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne.

>> No.3686480

You need to play a PC, open-world RPG or adventure game from the 90s.

>> No.3686515

Infinite Jest

not even kidding. Its maximalistic style allows you to live in the world created by the book.

>> No.3686535

>trolling ppl to read that shit
Escapism is fantasy not reality.

>> No.3686538
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this right here. It's incredibly beautiful

>> No.3686557
File: 61 KB, 326x500, let the right one in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>english version
you mean the americlap version
because americlaps are too dumb to read more than three words at once

>> No.3686583

How in the hell do the mechanics get in the way?

>> No.3686591

>you mean the americlap version
I downloaded the audiobook from demonoid ages ago. It was named "Let Me In" i listed it in my books as such, is that a problem? You should be happy that i shared such a good story with you instead of ridiculing me for having listed it as a different name.

>> No.3686803
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>the audiobook

>> No.3686821
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>> No.3686829


>> No.3686832

What are you arguing over? It wasn't even a good book.

>> No.3686842

>It wasn't even a good book.
Get out
All those weird boners you got during the story and felt dirty about afterwards when you found out she was a he...

>> No.3686850

>muh fap material
Says it all really.

>> No.3686948

I didn't fap to it. I just got weird boners and its /lit/'s fault.
You guys suggested that book to me in the first place, along with the Black Jewels Trilogy... which was the weirdest rape boner i every... not even Peter. V. Brett's Warded man series when the girls's dad raped her and that guy getting raped could compare.

>> No.3686965
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I don't think I've had a why? boner in 5 years. Conditioning is pretty cool.

>> No.3686983

>when you found out she was a he
more like "when they were fucking twelve years old"
unless you think being attracted to a male is somehow worse than being attracted to a child, in which case you are pretty fucked up m8

>> No.3686997

Conan by RE Howard
All the Wodehouse, especially earlier stuff (though my experience is only with that and his last novel)

>> No.3687032

>ctrl+f heroine
>0 of 0

It's just a little pin prick.

>> No.3687041

Try spelling it correctly.

>> No.3687047

If your heroine has a prick, no matter how little, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.3687054

check your privilege you transphobic cismonster

>> No.3687085


le corsican connection face

>> No.3687082

Yes being gay is worst than being pedo.
Being a gay pedo is the worst of the worst.
Go and give your support >>>/lgbt/

>> No.3687090

What is >>3685598
Read the fucking thread instead of "f3"ing, no one can be arsed t type out a wall of text when they can just post a pic.

>> No.3687209


> worst than

>> No.3687213

Well in say Bioshock infinite the escapism is poisoned a little by the fact that the main guy has just killed like 1000 men and women to pay off a debt. It takes you out of the experience

>> No.3687827
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>> No.3687887

The american version of the film is better.

>> No.3687902

The Barsoom books
Prisoner of Zenda
Tarzan the Terrible

>> No.3688729

Because of oink oink