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File: 21 KB, 320x480, 525402_10200191827291424_1309930370_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3684442 No.3684442 [Reply] [Original]

My eyes, they bleed.

>> No.3684448

Not all that dream are sleeping.

>> No.3684455

Not all that have a brain do much thinking

>> No.3684457

shouldn't wander come before lost in that sentence?

>> No.3684459

which fucking part of the body is that tattoo on?

>> No.3684464

under the tit, the classiest place to get a tattoo

>> No.3684467
File: 110 KB, 500x568, jrr-tolkien-quote-leather-tag_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this is the original quote

>> No.3684476

Well that's women for you, probably hasn't even read the silmarillion.

>> No.3684479

As far as I know, she doesn't actually know who J.R.R Tolkein is.

>> No.3684496

That's a fucking awesome luggage tag.

>> No.3684885
File: 54 KB, 267x400, le sophist face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos are the best thing to happen to wearing your tastes on your sleeve since graphic t-shirts. I don't get why people would want to advertise their tastes, think that there is a quote unpleb enough to desecrate the flesh or that there is any reason to show your true colours and lose the delicious splendor of naked sophisms.

>> No.3684908


Oh do be quiet you prat.

>> No.3684919

I smell ink.

>> No.3684934

I smell opinions and unwarranted elitism.

>> No.3684938

Tattooed people are always so touchy about criticism. They're like people who have children. They don't want to hear anything negative about it because reconsidering their decisions would be terribly problematic.

>> No.3684942

>muh opinions

>> No.3684946

>let's go total relativism so that no one can criticise the bert camels quote on my chest

>> No.3684948

>>muh opinions

>> No.3685083
File: 34 KB, 721x491, 1319578730526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some tattoos are okay, most are just shit. I've never seen one that really floored me (in a good way).

The ancient Greeks knew the Persians were occasionally tattooed, and saw it as a mark of servility -an idea which I believe has been transmuted practically to this age. I guess it's a good thing that people are appropriating them in a way that subverts that idea (now it's not unreasonable for a doctor or some high society type to have ink; it's no longer the province of bikers, criminals, etc.). I still think most people tragic mistakes with tattoos.

For me, I don't know, I guess I'm too fickle. I like to stay a kind of blank slate, as opposed to one with all these images that people project their own preconceptions and histories on.

>> No.3685086

The more words you have tattooed onto your person, the more illiterate I believe you may actually be. What's the fucking point if you're not getting something at least halfway cool? I hate all the hackneyed poignancy and sentimentalism behind this shit.

>> No.3685108

My Granddad has this faded bluey-black, badly drawn mermaid on his forearm from when he was in the navy. I asked him if he got it signify an important date, or to remember his naval days, and he just said, "No, there's no reason for it." I asked him why he got it then, and just said "Why the fuck not?"

Despite being ugly, his is the only tattoo I've ever liked. No reason, or bullshit sentimentality attached to it. Just there because why the fuck not.

>> No.3685161

My ex wanted to get the lyrics of an Aussie hip-hop song tattooed down her back. Lel

>> No.3685183

Tattoos are one of the only things I consider an immediate deal breaker. How retarded do you have to be to think it's a good idea to draw or write something on your body permanently? It's just such a shallow and pointless thing to do.

If a tattoo is personal and meaningful, why express it in such a superficial way? If a tattoo isn't personal or meaningful, then what's the point?

>> No.3685203

It's not permanent, you're going to die, remember? Why are you so hung up on aesthetics?
Why are people who don't have tattoos so mad about what other people do with their bodies?

Your Granddad is cool.

>> No.3685207

Same reason I dislike people wearing ugly clothes, building ugly buildings or being ugly. It makes the world less beautiful.

>> No.3685213

Were you the one calling them shallow? Why are you so annoyed people don't share your opinion of what is beautiful?

>> No.3685215

Is that a boob or an enormous tumor? I can't tell.

>> No.3685216

That is so smudged I thought it was supposed to be the inscription on the one ring.

>> No.3685236

That's not even the Tolkien quote. Is she saying she's both lost and complacent?

>> No.3685237

I'm neither of them actually, but I roughly share their sentiments. I'm mildly annoyed by it because I have to look at them. I don't hate them for it or something, but I dislike ugliness. I have never seen a person with a tattoo that made them more beautiful. Even when I see beautiful people with sort of decent tattoos I always conclude that they would have looked better without them. Same goes for piercings. I just dislike looking at ugly things. I don't care about their opinion, I care about how they look, since I often have to look at them. This isn't limited to tattoos though. It also goes for people who colour their hair in a quirky colour and put stickers on their laptops and write on their sneakers and such. Tattoos are the most dedicated form of adherence to this general aesthetic approach. When I see a person with tattoos I know instantly that I will never be aligned with them, that they can never share my idea of what is beautiful and good in life. They can't appreciate the minimal, the natural, the effortless grace. I see the mindstate that leads someone to put ink on their skin or a sticker on a laptop not as some arbitrary difference in preference, I see it as a wholly opposed idea of what is worthy. It denotes not a single act but a general direction towards clutter, tackiness, chaos, barbarism and decadence.

This sounds exaggerated of course, but I hope you get my point. I admire beauty in form, not in decoration.

>> No.3685258

That's a lot of writing for something you claim to only be mildly annoyed by. You seem to be making quite shallow and opinionated sweeping generalisations about what other people do with their own bodies.

I get the impression half this board was beaten up by tattoo artists, as children. I don't believe any of the justifications for the dislike you lot give. You're all far too vindictive and enthusiastic about insulting tattoos if what you say is true.

>> No.3685261


Why do you think anyone should give a fuck about what you think is or isn't beautiful?

>> No.3685271

>It denotes not a single act but a general direction towards clutter, tackiness, chaos, barbarism and decadence.

That's completely fucking ridiculous. Get over yourself

>> No.3685272

this, so, so much this. at least you know who you're gonna want to avoid.

>> No.3685324
File: 847 KB, 240x275, 1360934677242.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is not my mother tongue, but shouldn't it be "Not all who is […]"? It seems to me "all" should be treated as singular.

>> No.3685356

So opie has anyone told her that the quote's wrong?`

>> No.3685362

"I hate people who write or paint. I have no idea why one would want to spoil the beauty of a blank page or canvas with barbaric words and images."

>> No.3685388

Yeah, if i was paper i wouldn't like that either.

>> No.3685394

It's a Tolkien's quote: >>3685324

>> No.3685397

Ok I didn't see that, that makes more sense that way. But still, is the "false quote" grammatically correct?

>> No.3685399

It's a delicate kind of feel, it required some explanation.

Because that would please me. Kind of a nonsensical question that can be asked after every value judgement. I don't expect the tribals to adhere to my wishes, of course.

Nope, it says a lot about a person. Just like wearing graphic t-shirts or having a funny teacup or taking those "I'm doing this dumb conventional photo pose that plebs do but I'm not doing it sincerely" pictures of yourself. All subtle signs of not carrying a key to the ivory tower on your person.

>> No.3685400

Wrong analogy, it's more like hating graffiti.

>> No.3685410

You're not other people either, so why would you object to them having words or images (i.e. art) on them? By the same logic you should object to art on paper, so why are you on a literature board?

>> No.3685416

>it says a lot about a person

No, it doesn't. You're making biased assumptions and sweeping generalisations to justify your preconceptions of people.

>muh ivory tower

Fuck your ivory tower.

>> No.3685419

Typical tattoo fag. People dislike literature and sculpture and architecture all the time. It's just the ones that have it engraved into themselves that get pissy about anything remotely critical and widely demand respect and acceptance.

>> No.3685421

>No, it doesn't. You're making biased assumptions and sweeping generalisations to justify your preconceptions of people.
So far I've been right 100% of the time. I'm going to stick with my generalisation until I find an exception.

>Fuck your ivory tower.
Typical inked barbarian. Get some stretched earlobes to go with it. Nothing like badly emulating tribal people to acquire a unique identity.

>> No.3685430

This thread shows very clearly that it's the people who dislike tattoos were the antagonists. It's a trend on /lit/ when tattoos are brought up. It must be indicative of some insecurities, because the justifications are weak and inconsistent.

Okay, Mr. Polis. You go ahead and keep judging people on their appearances. Us barbarians will have to cope without your enlightened opinion.

>> No.3685448

The justifications are enough since they correspond so aptly with reality. It's like white people with dreadlocks. You just can't miss.

>> No.3685452
File: 51 KB, 333x500, ankynzpHU1qiv4woo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think tattoos are beautiful. I know it's just personal preference, but I don't really like the typical tribal, lower back, or token butterfly/dragons that people get. I prefer old school sailor jerry types, prison style tattoos, full bodies, and loads of smaller black ink that make up a big one.

>> No.3685459

>implying I don't have the same tattoo as lars von trier

>> No.3685462

Hasn't he got 'fuck' across his knuckles?

>> No.3685467


They're really not. You sound like a bunch of bitchy models, upset at being upstaged.

Here's a hint: your parents basements are not ivory towers. Get a life.

>> No.3685469

>the justifications are weak and inconsistent.
No they are not.

If you choose to _permanently_ put some assugly picture on your body (an assugly picture that you would be disgusted to even put up on your apartment wall in normal circumstances) then you definitely have mental problems.

>> No.3685470

Why are you following her on instagram in the first place? I mean, it's great and i follow some people i know there, but why you, op?

>> No.3685471

Would you please display or describe your tattoos or provide an example of another persons tattoo that you do not find tasteful and improving them aesthetically?

>> No.3685475
File: 77 KB, 500x375, 63267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3685477

I used to talk a lot like these assholes in this thread.

Then I had a brilliant professor with one of his sleeves done up.

Correlation isn't causation, gents. There are intelligent people with tattoos, even if many of them are stupid assholes.

>> No.3685478
File: 14 KB, 225x400, the_rock_tattoos_dwayne_johnson%27s_tattoo_wwe+1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I don't really like the typical tribal
They can look okay on muscular people.

>> No.3685481


You're a clown. We can't even see what her tattoos are in this picture.

>> No.3685488
File: 56 KB, 446x600, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3685496

>The Rock's maori tattoo
>Typical tribal

>> No.3685498

So you assume that people with tattoos are bad people, and furthermore someone who disagrees with that must have tattoos? And what does my preference for certain tattoos have to do with anything? You're a complete moron.

>> No.3685503
File: 279 KB, 817x517, Picture-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3685504
File: 47 KB, 500x509, tumblr_lzyksh6tJF1rqsrw8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if they're not straight black lines, they're typical tribal because of their popularity.

>> No.3685507
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>> No.3685512
File: 447 KB, 850x850, cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dicks everywhere

>> No.3685516
File: 61 KB, 838x477, xed_dc_gal3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3685519
File: 278 KB, 888x888, tumblr_mhb9axFDxV1qdhrnao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. That was the point of my remark.

I have nothing against the idea of a tattoo, but i've never seen one that i liked. but wtf do they care

>> No.3685520
File: 1.01 MB, 850x1134, img_0949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all tattoos r ugly

>> No.3685528

"all" is always plural

>> No.3685529

Lel, smells like meth in here.

Not bad, just distasteful. I know plenty of nice people with tattoos. I'm friends with some of them. But as far as aesthetics and general life choices go they have all goofed.

>> No.3685533
File: 350 KB, 400x600, tumblr_lolnuy8rGy1qjosmuo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tattoos are so pleb

>> No.3685539

If an actual Greek saw that he would think your owner is probably pretty wealthy.

>> No.3685540

yes but its meaning is changed from the original.
Tolkien meant not everybody who wanders is lost, but the tattoo means not everybody who is losts wanders.

>> No.3685541
File: 246 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mlf7xlzcyt1r066xbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...in your personal opinion.

>> No.3685544

Yes, opinions are personal. This is obvious, we don't have to constantly whisper "subjectivity disclaimer" with every statement like a slithering faggot.

>> No.3685545
File: 222 KB, 600x900, tumblr_md58ym4Nmp1rjswu4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An "actual Greek"? What century are you living in, son?

>> No.3685550
File: 67 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mlh4seaQ9O1qc06afo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've changed your tune since the start of this thread. Or you're just not the person I was talking to. Either way, I don't care.

>> No.3685551

It's just that taking a tattoo as a tribute to the Ancients is like converting to Judaism as a tribute to the Nazis.

>> No.3685554

All statements are per definition subjective. It's not a courtesy to admit this.

>> No.3685595

hey man, this tattoo actually makes more sense.
think about it, if you're in the wilderness and you realize you're lost, assuming you're with a group, the thing to do is to stay put. "not all who are lost wander"
worx 4 me

>> No.3685609
File: 46 KB, 500x499, 1365898746291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3685682 [DELETED] 

>"all" is always plural


> Every

Every, like each, is always used with a singular noun form and therefore with a singular verb form in English because we are counting the things or people that we are talking about separately one by one:

Every child in the class plays a musical instrument.
Every instrument belonging to the school is tuned regularly.

everybody / everyone / everything

It is true that everybody and everyone refers to everybody and everyone in a group of people and everything refers to everything in a group of things. Even so, they are still perceived individually or as a totality, so the singular verb form is still maintained:

Is everybody happy with that? Does everyone understand my position?
Everything she owns has been stolen.

all - with singular verb forms

All is more often used with plural verb forms, though sometimes it is used with singular verbs. This happens when we are referring to all as a totality of items under consideration.

>> No.3685685

>"all" is always plural


>All is more often used with plural verb forms, though sometimes it is used with singular verbs. This happens when we are referring to all as a totality of items under consideration.

>> No.3685698

To me it sounds like she's recommending that anyone that's lost should just give up and surrender to fate

She's got 2,000(!) pictures on her instagram, did anyone tell her she ruined her tattoo? No idea how to access them.

>> No.3686560
File: 116 KB, 450x631, 1365002934674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, art for the artless.

>> No.3686978

>give an opinion
>yeah well who gives a shit what you think anyway
Seriously? I don't see him forcing everyone to get their tattoos covered up, he just doesn't like seeing them. What are you so butthurt about?

>> No.3688277
File: 393 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mkqp5ldAEo1s5hv8bo2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, before she got the tattoo done she used the "quote" (and I use the term quote loosely as she's basically just butchered it into a nonsensical sentence, claiming it as her own wisdom) underneath a 'seflie' of hers on Instagram and was told the quote was wrong. I think her reply was along the lines of "whos jrr tolkien? i just saw it on tumblr. it relates 2 me and my non-existant mental problems lol derp"

>> No.3688282

Also I don't, she posts about 300,000 pictures a day. This picture was shared amongst my friends who are avid Tolkein fans. I thought I would enjoy /lit/s reaction just as much.

>> No.3688285 [DELETED] 


Its a damn bra made in china

>> No.3688287

I see him going around telling people with tattoos they're stupid and ugly. He was butthurt about it first, everything since is a reaction to him.

>> No.3688288

so you know this person?



>> No.3688290

Now THAT's art.

>> No.3688292


>that feel when

>> No.3688295
File: 116 KB, 438x658, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think to get a tattoo you should accomplish something meaningful.

>> No.3688322

Like joining a Japanese crime syndicate?

>> No.3688334


That's more than almsot all of us in 4chan will ever achieve in a lifetime.

>> No.3688359

When I was 15 I got really bored and tattooed a crescent moon onto my forearm using the ink of a biro and a pin. It faded within a year or two.
Once I went around NYC asking people for acid. I had to wait for a while because apparently I was in the wrong neighborhood but after half an hour or so, this black guy with greyish-blue eyes and a huge tattoo across his face came and sold me some. He did look pretty cool.

>> No.3688401
File: 60 KB, 800x600, rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"...I see it as a wholly opposed idea of what is worthy. It denotes not a single act but a general direction towards clutter, tackiness, chaos, barbarism and decadence."


>> No.3688405

This. It's a preference. There's nothing inherently good or bad about tattoos. I have trouble understanding why some people get so upset about what others do to their bodies.

>> No.3688407


It hurts our eyes. It is a matter of public health. Like ugly buildings or huge billboards ruining the landscape.

>> No.3688423

So's your face. Problem?

>> No.3688437

Are you secretly implying tattooed people are prone to violence?

>> No.3688441

If it's violent to defend yourself against an attacker in a system where those are the only two options.

>> No.3688445

So you justify beating on peope because they dislike your skin decoration? Sounds like some of that ink seeped into the bloodstream.

>> No.3688457


You only like them because they're on an attractive woman though. You mistaking your erection for a deep appreciation for her body art. Find me an ugly woman whose tattoos you like.

>> No.3688691

Not on a personal level thank fuck. Actually, if they post all their feelings/daily ins and outs/problems on Facebook 3million times a day, would you count that as knowing them? I feel like I've been forced to know her and her shitty white girl problems.

>> No.3688694

I should also add that she's fucking crazy and dumb as toast.

>> No.3688710


Your mother didn't when she sat on my face.

>> No.3690118

That's a meaningful accomplishment.

>> No.3690278

Covers up the breast enlargement scars.

>> No.3691003

I think the fact that she sat on your face just about covers how she felt about it.

>> No.3691010


She moaned all the time.

And farted.

>> No.3691018

james pls

>> No.3691127


This is the exact reason I want a tattoo. "Why the fuck not"

I'm afraid of them honestly. I know they're permanent and I know that my tastes will change.

I have no problem with others having tattoos, I quite like the look. But I'm too caught up in the idea of regret to get one myself, despite considering one for years.

So I want to get one just to do it, a big fuck you to the whole idea. "Why the fuck not?"

>> No.3691139

>This is the exact reason I want a tattoo. "Why the fuck not"
same reason i killed me mum xD

>> No.3691155

I'm sure this has already been discussed, but I want to mention how hilarious the tattoo is as it is. She turned a semi-poignant line into a banal "no duh" situation. It's like getting "Not all workers work hard" on your funbag.

>> No.3692462


That's a fucking shitty idea, and the fact that you've given it this much thought probably means you'll regret it.

Now, if you want to get it because "why the fuck not" quit being such a prissy faggot and just slap it on. Preferably when drunk, because that's probably the only time you're ever going to have the necessary courage.

>> No.3692992

Lmao that's precisely why I thought I would share it with you /lit/ :)

>> No.3693039

The only words I've felt could mark my flesh were:

"[Look] upon the judgment of right and wrong as the serpentine dance of a dragon, and the rise and fall of beliefs as but traces left by the four seasons."