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/lit/ - Literature

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3681137 No.3681137[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was raised to believe that the world is an orderly place. My parents are idealist and posh and brought me up in a sterilized environment.

I am now on my own and finding it hard to comprehend that the world is such a chaotic disorderly place. Don't get me wrong: I manage more than fine on a day to day level, but cannot psychologically cope with the fact that the world is a completely different place from the image hard wired in my brain.

So, I come here to ask you for works of literature (philosophy would be fine too) that explore my condition.

Thank you.

>> No.3681164 [DELETED] 


>> No.3681192

Study IR.

>> No.3681199


What's IR?

>> No.3681215


>> No.3681219

You don't need a bump, you were already on the front page faggot. Why don't you watch The Sopranos or read The Grapes of Wrath and cry yourself to sleep, the world is cold nigger, too coldandedgy4u.

>> No.3681232

Not that anon but International Relations theory (hobbes et al)

You can also go the other route and read nietzsche and spinoza

>> No.3681240

i've had that feeling when i was younger. Nietzsche helped me with it. But i dont recommend if you're feeling depressed or have depression tendencies

>> No.3681254

>But i dont recommend if you're feeling depressed or have depression tendencies


>> No.3681363 [DELETED] 


>> No.3681385


"Hang on for some metaphysics. The Aneristic Principle is that of ORDER, the Eristic Principle is that of DISORDER. On the surface, the Universe seems (to the ignorant) to be ordered; this is the ANERISTIC ILLUSION. Actually, what order is "there" is imposed on primal chaos in the same sense that a person's name is draped over his actual self. It is the job of the scientist, for example, to implement this principle in a practical manner and some are quite brilliant at it. But on closer examination, order dissolves into disorder, which is the ERISTIC ILLUSION."

-Malaclypse the Younger, K.S.C., Principia Discordia

>> No.3681389

read the bible

>> No.3681393

Along with general philosophy like Nietzsche and the like, read some dark existentialist literature. You'll either want to slit your throat or make the world a better place.

>> No.3681436

>dark existentialist literature

Suggestions, please.

>> No.3681448 [DELETED] 


>dark existentialist literature
>implying these such a thing as light existentialist literature

>> No.3681450

Well, I already kind of want to slit my throat. Eh, I'll read it anyway. I have pretty thick skin and a strong will to boot.

>> No.3681451


>dark existentialist literature
>implying these such a thing as bright existentialist literature

>> No.3681454

Now why would he go and do a thing like that?

>> No.3681456

SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE. This book will change your life. It explores free will versus determinism and whether one should face the rawness and reality of the world or live in a dream to reject the reality they are forced into. Incredible book, must read. Written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

>> No.3681465

The Stranger
Miss Lonelyhearts
Notes from the Underground

Start with those and come back to me

>> No.3681473

How does one live despite the chaos?

I am a fighter, and will not commit suicide.

>> No.3681475

You have understand that chaos is integral to order. This is apparent in science (law of entropy) as well as the unexpectedness of life.

>> No.3681505


Equivocation fallacy.

>> No.3681515

Dhalgren has materialistic ownership versus self ownership as one of its large overarching themes. Also it has a lot of not terrible sex scenes.

>> No.3681524

Read demian by Hesse. It echoes what you're going through

>> No.3681532
File: 60 KB, 417x500, portrait_schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read my boy Schopenhauer. Not only does he have a dark brooding philosophy that brought upon the likes of Nietzsche, he also has killer sideburns! Bitches be all up in his shit nigga.

>> No.3681547


Bitches be all down in his stairwell.

>> No.3681689

Which modern philosophers explore the chaoticity of the world on a grand level?

>> No.3681697

I think Ian Malcolm did some work in that field.

>> No.3681730


From Jurassic Park?

>> No.3681744


William Lane Craig.

>> No.3681936



>> No.3681963

This sounds a lot like Waugh's A Handful of Dust. It starts out as a man unconsciously living in a comedy but falls in on itself about half-way when the guy realizes he's the joke. The ending will blow your mind and teach you something about the fallacies of sentimentality - the world view most well-meaning parents bestow upon their destined-to-be losers of children.

Not that being a naive loser is bad or anything

>> No.3682081

i know i'm skipping ahead but trust me, you will thank me later

>> No.3682115

I can agree with Notes From Underground, Dostoevsky is amazing. I would also say go for Crime and Punishment. The Stranger is very interesting, but I am not sure if it really is what the OP is looking for. Haven't read Miss Lonelyhearts.

>> No.3682143
File: 86 KB, 640x720, 113637_700b_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find myself writing many rhetorical questions.

What is a good alternative to writing rhetorical questions.

>> No.3682576


>> No.3682588

Alice in Wonderland?

>> No.3682595

what a shit fucking list

>> No.3682612

How is that a shit list?

>> No.3682616

>Avoid alliteration. Always.

Is this a serious suggestion? If so, why?

>> No.3682617

You know... I just find it really terrible that an ancient joke like that gets all watermarked and claimed fresh ownership. I've never been to the advertised site, its just that list has been around forever and the sort of appropriation that goes into tacking your name on it seems like, to use a very extreme and not that apt analogy, signing your own name to the mona lisa.

>> No.3682626

Embrace the chaos in all its delightful fury.

And get some books on Permaculture.