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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 315 KB, 783x640, tripspeech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3678686 No.3678686 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3678723

after reading lost four times in one sentence i threw up a bit in the back of my mouth

>> No.3678726

it's called anaphora you fucking plebeian

>> No.3678732

it's called bad writing. lol. go fetch a cock fuckface

>> No.3678733
File: 79 KB, 492x294, tripenvy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3678734

define discuss

no, actually, just fuck off

>> No.3678739

You have my support as long as you truly commit to making quality posts, r9k friend.

>> No.3678742


pls kill yourself, you titanic bitch

>> No.3678750
File: 216 KB, 658x392, tripbatman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3678757

nazi sculpture is so damn ugly

>> No.3678760

lel, the cock connoisseur speaks. how many pints of jism have you swallowed today?

>> No.3678762
File: 41 KB, 446x600, 1317688272001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image boards are fundamentally unimportant and not worth mythologizing. Why the fuck are you doing this?

>> No.3678764

>cock conoisseur
>Virgin 20/m/UK !VIRGIN/FJM

You're not a very good reader are you,champ?

>> No.3678769

cocksucking, alas (for you), doesn't count as losing your virginity. but don't worry, once you've sucked 500 dicks (you'll get there) you'll be made honorary non-virgin.

>> No.3678803

helas, monsieur. this is written terribly. perhaps there is some value in the ideas expressed beneath the writing? ah, monsieur, no one cares about your fucking ideas... a man without style might as well give up on expressing ideas at all. he can keep them to himself, attired as they are in as many cliches as it is possible to fit into a sentence, like the OP, or braiding them with the analphabetic 'motivational speech' of hollywood movies.

>> No.3678810
File: 335 KB, 783x520, tripwayne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attired as they are in as many cliches as it is possible to fit into a sentence,
>braiding them with the analphabetic 'motivational speech' of hollywood movies.

Swag, swag, swag, motherfucker can't all this swag, swag, motherfucker, swag

>> No.3678997


Stay patrician, /lit/. You sure are the epicures of the world's art.