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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 63 KB, 585x750, JoyceUlysses2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3678568 No.3678568 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: 10/10 books

>> No.3678573

the sound and the furry

>> No.3678578
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>> No.3678581

Ok, post the other nine and I'll post mine.

>> No.3678582
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>> No.3678583
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>> No.3678585 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3678587
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>> No.3678588
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>> No.3678592
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>> No.3678594
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>> No.3678596
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>> No.3678598
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>> No.3678603

pale fire

>> No.3678604
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>> No.3678608

this. literally, and epically, this.

>> No.3678639
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>> No.3678659

>literally, and epically, this.


>> No.3678724
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>> No.3678725

cat's cradle is more 10/10 than S5 IMHO

>> No.3678727
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>> No.3678741
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Yeah I knew someone was going to say something like this but I couldn't be bothered to inb4.

IMHO no way in hell is cat's cradle even close, Slaughterhouse's writing style alone is so much more vivid. The other three I've read by Vonnegut are Breakfast of Champion, Mothernight and Timequake which are not close at all to laughterhouse-Five IMO.

>> No.3678743
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ma nigga

>> No.3678744
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>> No.3678749


>> No.3678753
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>> No.3678761
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>> No.3678782


shameless political propaganda =/= good literature

The book wasn't even an accurate allegory. Just a simplistic play on emotions.

>> No.3678797 [DELETED] 

You beat me to it.

>A man can be destroyed but not defeated.

>> No.3678800


>A man can be destroyed but not defeated.

>> No.3678835
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Maybe not that significant but it's unbelievably beautiful.

>> No.3678855
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>> No.3678887

I see what you mean but I kind of ignore Orwell's hypocrisy.

>> No.3678892 [DELETED] 
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mein nigga

>> No.3678995

loved the threesome

>> No.3679022
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>> No.3679030


>> No.3679097
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>> No.3679102

Best book of the 20th century.

>> No.3679123


>> No.3679132


That's a good looking book

>> No.3679136

its just facile trash though

>> No.3679150
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>> No.3679158


haw haw haw

>> No.3679184
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I like Demian better

>> No.3679192

just going to post it

>> No.3679361
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>> No.3679471
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>> No.3680439

Fuck off

>> No.3680465
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>> No.3680474
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>> No.3680956 [SPOILER] 
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Look into your heart /lit/, you know it to be true.

>> No.3680970
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I found L'Envers et l'endroit / Les Noces much more moving than L'exil et le royaume.

>> No.3680971

Lord of the Flies.

>> No.3680984
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>> No.3680990
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I really do feel bad for people who've not had the joy of reading this book, and I feel even worse for those who've read it and were unable to comprehend the brilliance.

>> No.3680995

Seriously? I've tried and found it simply inscrutable. Any tips for cracking The Cantos?

>> No.3681901

Haha oops.

>> No.3681902

It's just your opinion which means fuck all though.

>> No.3681923

he's right though

>> No.3681925

fountainhead was better

>> No.3682465
File: 62 KB, 334x386, modernism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /lit/ think about Modernism being an art of the city? Through texts such as Ulysses and To The Waste Land

>> No.3682512

some people shit: a deconstruction of everybody poops

>> No.3682534
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pretty much anything by him.

>> No.3682566
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>> No.3682578

Invisible Monsters was absolutely retarded. What a disappointment

>> No.3682582
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>> No.3682596

I read that this book is hard, I really want to read Ulysses but I'm afraid of it, what you guys have to say?

>> No.3682603

you'll have to read some jovian or martian literature before getting into this earth book

>> No.3682606

I tried to read it, under mocking recommendation of my mother, when I was around thirteen. It put me off attempting to read anything deemed 'intellectual' ever since. I'm afraid to try reading it again in case my reading comprehension hasn't improved in adulthood.

>> No.3682712

It's not as hard as you think.

>> No.3682739

Oh yes.

>> No.3682746

your mother sounds mean...try again, it's quite good

>> No.3682765

Ayn Rand is incredibly bland and straightforward in her intentions so it's not a matter of comprehension.
She was batshit traumatized by a shit country with a thousand problems which she blamed entirely on communism.
Pretty childish stuff.

>> No.3683358

His first three books Fight Club, Survivor, and Choke had more shock value than literary content, not that I didn't like them. However, they seemed to follow a similar formula.

I found Lullaby to be most enjoyable though because it broke this mold for the most part, plus the parallel narratives were done nicely.

>> No.3683371

just buyed, i'm going to read it after i finish the book i'm reading right now, ZeroZeroZero (it's by an italian author who tell the story of the origin of the cocaine, the wars caused by it e and the thousands of lives destroyed by it, and the economy morphed by it.)

>> No.3683376

I think rant is probably his best book

>> No.3683380
File: 62 KB, 538x831, book-review-life-of-pi-L-vgkVP5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont know how /lit/ feels about this book, dont browse this board at all.

For me, definite 10/10 and deserves a place in the literary canon

>> No.3683400

the book it's actually good, it's a pleasure to read.
i've becomed a child every time i did a read session.
i don't want to see the film, i don't want to ruin the memory of it.

>> No.3683412

It wont, i swear.

Swore id only watch it after i finished the book.

It is the most spot on book-to-movie movie i've ever seen.

Only problem is you can't see his thoughts as clearly.

>> No.3683436
File: 95 KB, 432x628, tumblr_m3gc7kDNeS1rrnekqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat cliffhanger ending

>> No.3683469


nigga wtf are u talking about?

>> No.3683491

Shah of Shahs was the best read I've had in a long time.

>> No.3683492

Not a 10/10 ... Perhaps 7/10

>> No.3683497
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>his face when someone ripped the end out of his library book

>> No.3683957
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>> No.3684002
File: 26 KB, 326x500, Slaughterhouse-five by Kurt Vonnegut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets be honest, this book is masterfully written. Just because it's easy to understand doesn't mean it isn't fantastic.

>> No.3684004

This is my favourite book of all time ever

>> No.3684008
File: 21 KB, 200x280, 200px-OneFlewOverTheCuckoosNest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fantastic

>> No.3684052
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>> No.3684064

>just buyed

>> No.3684090

>tfw I have to buy or pirate these books because my public library gets mostly young adult fiction and graphic novels

In the science fiction corner, we have Stranger in a Strange Land and Dandelion Wine.

>> No.3684097
File: 42 KB, 260x400, petersburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best idle, cerebral game you will ever read.

>> No.3684103

That's a picture of Franz Liszt. What the fuck, Barnes and Noble?

>> No.3684106
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This shit thread makes my backlog grow bigger and bigger every time it appears.

>> No.3684109


>> No.3684118


>> No.3684258
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his amp went to 11

>> No.3684272
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But he was so sexy...

>> No.3684274
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>> No.3684277

Put a dildo on that jackhammer and you've about got it.

>> No.3684284
File: 10 KB, 168x254, tt7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm out of everything I have read I'd have to say

>Becalmed by Joris-Karl Huysmans
>A Season in Hell by Arthur Rimbaud
>The Ship by Hans Henry Jahnn
>The Petty Demon by Fyodor Sologub
>Opium and Other Stories by Geza Csath

>> No.3684285

not to mention patrician

reminds me of /pol/ and their obsession of THE OPPRESSED MAN

>> No.3684291

Just because those asinine nincompoops endorse an idea doesn't discount it. In general, there has been a gradual feminizing and anesthetizing of the male population in the past 50 years or so. I think part of it is that we're just descending back into more balanced gender identities, after the hellish hyper-masculine of the first half of the 20th century. The masculizing effect of third wave feminism on some women is another complicating factor though...

>> No.3684297
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I refuse to have this conversation.

>> No.3684298


rather patrish list you got there dude,
read csath in the throes of my oxy addiction two years ago
liked de Quincey better though...incomparable prose

>> No.3684301


>> No.3684302

Slaughterhouse five

>> No.3684305
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>> No.3684312
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>> No.3684316

why Becalmed over Huysman's other works? I loved A rebours and La-bas - I'd put the latter on my own tops list - but just couldn't get much out of that one.

>> No.3684325
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>> No.3684326


I've not heard of any of these save 'A Season in Hell'. Where the are you getting your recommendations?

Care to elaborate a bit on each? As in why you've chosen these particular works as your 10/10's over many better known books?

>> No.3684327
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>> No.3684350

See I love A rebours too but La-bas did nothing for me... I'll get back to you in a bit with something more in depth than I feel up to writing right now (I'm completely shitfaced)
As for where I find stuff: Goodreads, interviews with authors, wikipedia, lots of other places... One author usually leads to several others
My post to you disappeared for some reason but I actually still need to get to Confessions, I've been putting it off as my expectations weren't high but I'll get to it sooner now. thanks for the rec/reminder

>> No.3684354

I'll get back to you too btw

>> No.3684363

edit: ITT 2edgy4u books

>> No.3684377
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>> No.3684435

This sounds like a hilarious fan fic

>> No.3684437

I'd cite writers like Hemingway or Faulkner as Modernist writers who weren't complete urbanites (although stylistically they're at opposite ends of the Modernism spectrum)

>> No.3684438

Not a bad translation either

>> No.3684439

Rant is a real 10/10, additionally I think it best expresses this generation's worldview.

>> No.3684444

so much

>> No.3684451
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>> No.3684461

I just wiki'ed this. What the fuck?

>> No.3684470


First time I saw Brautigan posted on /lit/. Impressive - and a good read. But Trout fishing was better, I'd argue.

>> No.3684520

Furchtbar. Hermann Hesse is just awful. Boring and pretentious.

>> No.3684849

Agreed, very well written which makes lots of his other books seem less good

Brautigan has been posted lots before

>> No.3684864

I'm intrigued. Never heard f it. This is why I come to /lit/.

>> No.3684867

Personally I loathed the book. Give it a try though.

>> No.3684914
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>> No.3685860

Well that's different?

>> No.3685869

>Brautigan has been posted lots before

I wonder what happened to that one guy who used to post him in every damn thread a couple years back.

>> No.3685870

Oh damn, yeah. Also Nuori Johannes and Johannes Angelos, even though they are character studies.

>> No.3685885
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>> No.3685943


Isn't James Joyce s book of drivel and incomprehensible writing that the so called "intellectual literature elite" all claim only they can understand?

Kind of like the Pollock of literature?

>> No.3685947

No, not Ulysses. Finnegans Wake, perhaps.

>> No.3686266

Try reading that to you're nine year old when she sleeps.

>> No.3686512

Hesse's short stories are pretty good.

>> No.3686528
File: 7 KB, 182x276, BESTTHINGEVERFUCKINGCREATED,BETYOURTITS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3686530


>> No.3686552

No, it's the book that incompetent and lazy people keep saying that no one can 'understand it' and serves only to 'hipster bragging', so then they can go back to their Xboxes and their TV shows guiltless of their meaningless lives.

>> No.3686633
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>> No.3686640
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and #2

>> No.3686677
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Kafka on the Shore

>> No.3686684
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Go ahead.


>> No.3686697

I fucking loved this book

>> No.3686702
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>> No.3686712
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>> No.3686717
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"Book of the New Sun", Wolfe

>> No.3686726
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>> No.3686729
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captcha: The Flobser

>> No.3686733
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>> No.3686770

why 10/10 for sure

>> No.3686773
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>> No.3686780

Are there any books similar to this on Chechnya, or good books on Chechen life, political climate, religious views, etc?

>> No.3686783
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>> No.3686789
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What's the best Vonnegut intro for a person with a sort vein for sci-fi?

Not me, I'm planning a gift.

>> No.3686798
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>> No.3686809

Probably the Sirens of Titan, though the sci-fi in that is sorta pulpy and not very serious or realistic to any degree.

>> No.3686828

It's pretty fun, but no 10/10

>> No.3686838
File: 264 KB, 1009x1600, reader'sblockmarkson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that was exactly my thought. she is going through some heinlein and clarke phase so i was thinking in throwing some vonnegut there. and some dick if you catch my drift.

>> No.3686849

Remember doing a book report on this about 15 years ago in the 6th grade. Only got to the second chapter before I realized I'd never finish in time and wrote the report based on the synopsis on the dustcover. I got a B, but my teacher treated me like an asshole for the rest of the year.

I only realized later that I had completely left out any mention of racism and was treated like shit because my black teacher thought the only thing I took from the story was "Old Southern lawyers are awesome as shit and shoot dogs and stuff"

>> No.3686854

Objectivity and neutrality =/= good literature, too

>> No.3686877

"Hadji Murad" by Tolstoy was good.

>> No.3686891

you... seem to be the same person.

>> No.3686896

I liked De Sade's philosophical views on nature and religion best and the absurd sex scenes and libertinage perspective is just an icing on the cake. But those strong, some may call "deranged" bits that take up 90% of the book just make his opinions, when he finally takes his cock out of his hand and gets to them, all that much sharper.

>> No.3686897

I feel your pain. Went to find a book on Economics at my local library. All I found was Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, and two other books explaining why Adam Smith was an asshole.

>> No.3686956

what does "patrish" mean? thanks

>> No.3686959
File: 33 KB, 313x475, Cry, the beloved country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The judge rises, and the people rise. But not all is silent. The guilty one falls to the floor, crying and sobbing. And there is a woman wailing, and an old man crying. No one calls for silence, though the judge is not quite gone. For who can stop the heart from breaking?"

>> No.3686960


Any other Chechen literature worth reading?

>> No.3686990
File: 117 KB, 476x357, cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cry, the beloved country

Good film, too.

>> No.3687026


It's a sad book not because of iuts content, but because of its context. It was written before apartheid became institutionalized in South Africa and really took a critical look at the structure of their society. It pretty much predicted apartheid. It also made clear what needed to be done within the society to quell the violence, hate and inequality the blax faced. Unfortunately, as we see today, South Africa did not mend.

>> No.3687466

That is one of my most favorite novels.

>> No.3687526

10/10 for sure

>> No.3688187

the Acid Test is significantly more 10/10 than most books ITT.

>> No.3688315
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The rumors are exaggerated, to be sure. I can attest that The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man is perfectly readable, and I've seen some passages from Ulysses to verify that it is not that bad either. Finnegan's Wake is another story altogether, but I can only hold my tongue as I haven't made the attempt to read it yet.

>> No.3688349
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Agreed wholeheartedly.

>> No.3689566

nobody who makes puns has gotten laid. at all. ever.

>> No.3689624

Nice cover

>> No.3689639

get out of here you fucking hippies

>> No.3689698


Was waiting for this. Reading it ATM and really enjoying it this far.