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3675974 No.3675974 [Reply] [Original]

one of my biggest frustrations is not being a humorous person, I know to appreciate good and intelligent humor, black humor, British humor (Big Train being one of my favorite shows) but I just don't know how to apply humor in real life. And when I try I just go full retard.

Is there any book that will help me perceive what's behind and how and when to apply humor?

>> No.3675984

A contrived sense of humor is the sign of true pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.3675983

Some questions:
1. do you try often? and
2. do you get laughs at least once in a while?

>> No.3675988

You cannot learn that kind of stuff with a book. IT is the result of an immense play of social forces that we are far from being able to understand.

So, you cannot acquire that "sense of humor" but you sure can get rid of that frustration. Start by trying to see their relation.

>> No.3676011
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1. I try sometimes yes, but it's just not the same humor that I enjoy to read, watch or listen. I only have to ability to appreciate rather than put in practice.
2. Not as much as I would like since I don't have many friends.

>> No.3676023

hostile/offensive/subtextual humor is the sign of lack of ethics
it's the most common, disgusting trait of our species; yet somehow it is highly praised by the society

>> No.3676026

not that guy but maybe comedy podcasts could?

>> No.3676027

Would you like to elaborate on this?

>> No.3676039

>"hostile/offensive/subtextual humor is the sign of lack of ethics"
>"it's the most common, disgusting trait of our species; yet somehow it is highly praised by the society"
>Implying this is surprising
>[seemingly] implying the overwhelming majority of the human race is not preposterously unethical

>> No.3676053

you know, i had a feeling someone would reproach me of the word 'somehow'. kudos to you.

>> No.3676054

>it's just not the same humor that I enjoy to read, watch or listen
Many times, the humor you see in T.V. or read about won't catch up in real life. Sometimes economy of words and quickness have a lot more weight than sophistication in the joke (in fact, sophistication is often a hinder)

We were at school and for whatever reason someone gave a compliment about my character (quiet, etc.). Someone had mentioned, for whatever reason, the wizard of Oz and in those days my exgf had become increasingly resented with me. So she commented that I was like the wizard of Oz to which I replied fast "I wonder who would play the wicked witch".

In my opinion, her joke was much more intelligent that mine but delivered in a brutish manner. While mine was dumb but delivered swiftly: I didn't mean the wicked witch, I meant the wicked witch of the west but that wouldn't serve economy, she also didn't fit the profile of the wicked witch of the west, but it was implied that I was calling her wicked witch.
Lesson is: don't make fart jokes but don't try your jokes to be too intelligent. They have to be said according to the enviroment you're in

And this seems like a great reommendation. It will at the very least help you get a hold of pacing in joke telling or humorous narration of events

>> No.3676057
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>tfw being a knowledgeable funny cunt is your only virtue

>> No.3676060

Kudos to me for being predicted? I'm not sure how to properly construe that. It seems to me that it was pretty much called for.

>> No.3676068

Any recommendations?

>> No.3676072


I don't know where you're from but the people where I'm from really seem to like my dry, subtle humor. But I'm from a mid-sized suburb in the US and that style of humor still seems to be a novelty here. In using this style I've found that I've been able to trick people into thinking I'm more intelligent than I really am. I'll make some sort of commentary on something that, if delivered in another way, wouldn't seem like a very clever quip. So my advice to you is to just make pithy comments on things without showing much expression. That's what works for me.

>> No.3676073


make fart jokes

>> No.3676079

fart jokes need to be built over something else (usually sophisticated) to really work, otherwise they are tasteless and unfunny

>> No.3676077

it was a genuine, non-sarcastic kudos for correcting me.

>> No.3676084

All right. You never know, especially on these boards.

>> No.3676086



(like, a really loud, wet one)

>> No.3676094

I would say I didn't laugh but I'm too invested (being one side of the argument) for anyone to believe me. On my defense: I've never seen anyone other than an undesireable laugh or make simple fart jokes. In my entire life. Good fart jokes that are built inside anecdotes though. THose are hilarious

>> No.3676098

Try not being a socially awkward loser for one. Once you get that down, I imagine the rest comes naturally.

>> No.3676099

> I've never seen anyone other than an undesireable laugh or make simple fart jokes.

lol seriously? An "undesireable"? Jesus I was just kidding around before about fart jokes but that is some bullshit.

(To be clear: I don't take it as a personal insult, but it seems like a strange and weird and hostile way to see the world and I don't trust the judgment of anyone who sees the world in those terms)

>> No.3676102

Not at all. The world is great and I didn't mean (I thought this was clear) that making a fart joke makes you undesireable. What I meant is that in my experience people that make simple fart jokes have happened to be all around undesireable people, meaning full of undesireable traits (not simply the fact of telling and liking simple fart jokes). They just seem to fit a broader pattern, that's all

>> No.3676110

wtf with mark maron
no pressure to be funny

you look nice today
collings and herrin
the complete guide

walking the room

ricky gervais
peacock and gamble

sick and wrong
distorted view

the universally enjoyable are at the top of the list

>> No.3676111

Big Train is sketch show humor which requires multiple people to be in on the joke and perform it to others.
It can not be transferred to real life situations.
Humor is best when not forced though, stop trying to be so funny. It will make you funnier.

>> No.3676115

just become Mark Heap and you will be funny

>> No.3676116

have you ever been inside a woman?

>> No.3676132

has a woman ever been inside you?
(either helped by an artificial appendix or naturally9

>> No.3676137

The best explanation I've read of joke mechanics is in Edward De Bono's book on creativity. Jimmy Carr also wrote a book about jokes a while back that from what I've heard sounds like it's quite good on why we laugh and the history of jokes, he seems to have done his research.

The trick to wit, though, is practice and getting a feel for what works in a situation. Sometimes you can get away with a bad joke if you're quick and it's unexpected, or you can just keep quiet and come in at the right moment with something really good. Keep trying and eventually you won't go full retard any more.

>> No.3676168

I was the funniest guy around once. Then I got a nasty case of existential crisis and it changed me completely. Can't bother with being outogingly witty anymore, it feels artificial to me. Doesn't mean I cut myself or anything, simply being humorous is as tedious to me as being grumpy.

No regrets.

>> No.3676180

Yes to both questions.

>> No.3676190

well then your problem isn't really a problem