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3674488 No.3674488 [Reply] [Original]

You have ten seconds to give a reason why determinism isn't a load of conjectured bullshit.

>> No.3674499

you're just an evolved ape

>> No.3674506

>implying determinism and free will are mutually exclusive

>> No.3674510

They are.

>> No.3674515

>what is causal determinism

>> No.3674516

Even if free will is real, it is limited by countless factors outside of any human's control. Why make a fuss over it?

>> No.3674517

because strings

>> No.3674529


>> No.3674758

What he said science. For free will to exist it means that will most have the ability to create true randomness.

Read: How hard it is to achieve true randomness.

If free will exists its only because it is a quantum phenomena which still subtracts from preconcieved notions of free will.

>> No.3674798

OP asked about determinism. Why is anyone talking about free will? Indeterminism =/= free will.

>> No.3674807

>true randomness


>> No.3674841

the burden is on free will to explain how agents are outside of causality. quantum indeterminancy doesn't suddenly entail free will it merely means you can't perfectly predict events

>> No.3674855

The universe is a probabilistic chaos.

>> No.3674909

remove yourself compatibalist scum
>implying compatibalism doesn't collapse into determinism the second you apply any rigor to it

>> No.3674910

perhaps come back to this thread when you are 10 years older

>> No.3676401

Saying that determinism is bullshit is determinist by itself.


>> No.3676402

which determinism

>> No.3676408

I spend my ten thinking, guess I failed

>> No.3676422

I still don't understand why people care about determinism. If it isn't the case, nothing changes. If it is, nothing changes.

>> No.3676446

>For free will to exist it means that will most have the ability to create true randomness.

True randomness wouldn't help free-will at all. It means your choices would be completely arbitrary and have no rhyme or reason behind them.

Free-will is a will in accord with some sort of standard or goal you've chosen, not impeded by outside forces.

Free-will can only occur in a deterministic world where a brain is sufficiently conscious of different possibilities and different choices available.

We are determined to have free-will, to a certain extent, given certain limitations.

>> No.3676450 [DELETED] 

>I still don't understand why people care about determinism.

Some people are curious about the world and their nature.

>. If it isn't the case, nothing changes. If it is, nothing changes.

Knowing the truth of either case would have consequences for the individual and their understanding of reality.

>> No.3676463

>I still don't understand why people care about determinism

either because they are determined to care about it, or because they choose to care about it.

Both are quite different and figuring out which is the case is meaningful to them.

>> No.3676485

Err because determinism or indeterminism being the truth are absolute roots of most stoic philosophy.

>> No.3676490

determinism is an ambiguous term

fucking wikipedia scholars discussing 10 different things while thinking it is one


>> No.3676501

OP here.

Every branch of determinism, causal or otherwise, is bullshit.

But then you're clearly the same type of dumbass who likes to drop in, shit out some passive aggressive diarrhea, and then never be heard from again. Get lost son.

>> No.3676514

I'm a pleb so I don't get that. All I know is that whether or not everything is determined, you must act as if it isn't.

>> No.3676520

But there is much greater joy in assuming that everything is determined.

>> No.3676540

How is that? I'd rather think I can change something than think that what I do doesn't matter.

>> No.3676545

You need to familiarise yourself with causal determinism friend. Being certain that all things outside of your desires are out of your hands takes the sting out of "good" and "evil". Everything outside of your desire is just neutral, natural occurrence. Desire good and it comes to you, desire badness and that comes to you. This doesn't necessarily mean that you are doomed to a life of failure or success, your will still exists, but you can't lament what happens as it was determined in the perfect laws of the universe.

>> No.3676546


>> No.3676551

what did your boyfriend slide his dick into your ass or something

>> No.3676560
File: 35 KB, 407x482, laughing spook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound upset

>> No.3676565

you are a type of an uneducated babby that creates a pointless thread doomed to failure by its premises and gets mad when someone points it out

yeah, discuss wikipedia articles with those tards and swivel in your own shit, serves you well

>> No.3676576

Yeah, prove my point more you child. Flailing angrily at this stage.

How about moving back into some circlejerk bookshelf thread with your woeful posting style?

>> No.3676596

nice to see the butthurt babby discussing the topic again

what a fucking trainwreck, and i called it

>> No.3676610

>/lit/ threads
>ever not a trainwreck

Pick one, especially with fucking morons like you shitting up the place. If you're so eager to see some debate how about you weigh in with your shite opinion? Of course, you won't. You'd rather take the most boring snipes.

>> No.3676615

another great post on the topic

you are a fucking joke, have you no shame? just stop

>> No.3676650

Coming from the dickhead who just loved to sidle in with his worthless ramblings, doesn't hurt a bit. What an awful way to needle someone. Come in, criticize a thread for not having enough opinions, then refuse to give your opinion. You are an embarrassment.

>> No.3676674

because cause and effect

>> No.3676749

how does it feel to have a thread with 50% samefagging?
you have no shame, you are a disgrace

>> No.3676762

No, you.