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3674036 No.3674036[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

George Orwell general

>> No.3674038
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>> No.3674046

Is that the complete lockdown and door-to-door raids in Boston?

>> No.3674073



>> No.3674092

I don't want to sound too cynical, but I think America is going to have a lot more explosives going off soon.

>> No.3674094

Wait, what the fuck?

They're seriously searching every house in Boston? What the fuck?

Seriously, what the fuck?

>> No.3674095

Since when is going into a civilian's home and making sure there are no dangers present a raid?

>> No.3674096
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>> No.3674102

I doubt it. most of them are too apathetic to do anything seriously political.

>> No.3674107


>> No.3674111

Americans, presumably.

>> No.3674115
File: 38 KB, 388x258, Charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans play hide and seek

>> No.3674116

I don't see why Americans would begin making explosives.

>> No.3674121

It was speculated to be a white supremacist group, since that day has some historical significance to Americans.

>> No.3674123

If they weren't doing shit like this and were just waiting for the guy to turn up, people would be whining about how oh-bah-mas government is too useless and pussy to protect its citizens and catch this terrorist.

But they are doing it, so they're Ingsoc. Murica.

>> No.3674126

I doubt it. I don't think anyone in America really expects something like a city-wide door-to-door search for one man.

That's really old-fashioned. <pretentious reference>It reminds me of Turandot's "Nessun Dorma". It's the stuff of fiction.</pretentious reference>

>> No.3674127

>Since when is going into a civilian's home and making sure there are no dangers present a raid?

They are not knocking on doors and asking nicely if the owners would like them to check under the bed. They have full blown martial law, everyone confined to their homes, while the police and military demand entry into every house of a city of over half a million to look for one guy. It's nothing to do with safety, it's a performance to show the strength of the state.

>> No.3674130
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1 bomb and america sells their rights on the spot

nation of cowards

>> No.3674133

They were Chechen muslims. Last time a Saudi did something they attacked Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran, prepare your anus.

>> No.3674134

>This is the thought process libertarians actually have

>> No.3674140

what part of that post made you think I'm libertarian?

>> No.3674141

I like it, Murrica. Rights are for faggots, it's spartan time.

>> No.3674143

>terrorists on the loose
>m-muh privacy you have no right to enter my house

ye daft cunny

>> No.3674144

>Authority is bad
>Muh freedoms

>> No.3674147

>1 bomb
>implying yuropoors have rights to sell

>> No.3674154
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They wouldn't listen.

>> No.3674155

And this inane shit belongs in /lit/ because... ?

>> No.3674157

I support social democracy

rights for privacy don't depend on one's place on the Left-Right scale

but you wouldn't know, I forgive your clapping ways

>> No.3674158

...because Orwell warned us.

>> No.3674160

A few months ago people on this board were bitching about 'Murricans not giving up their gun rights, now you're bitching about 'Murricans momentarily 'giving up' their rights to catch terrorists.

>> No.3674161


>not watching Boku no Pico on full volume
>not sitting semi naked with a large bowl of cheetos on your bare stomach and a jug of mountain dew on the arm rest
>not casually waving the armed soldiers through with a mild look of discontent, roll of the eyes, and continue like nothing is happening

>> No.3674162

>walking down the street, see someone with a camera
>walking into store, see camera
>walking into casino, see a camera in the ceiling
>Amusing Ourselves to Death
What's that?

>> No.3674167

Oh, Hobbes, you demanded a supreme monarch. Is it any wonder they didn't listen?

>> No.3674168
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>mfw americans call britain a police state

>> No.3674169


>> No.3674172
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as much rights to sell as the americans, nowdays

>> No.3674174
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why would you need privacy if you have nothing to hide?

>> No.3674176

This man, I would have a competition with my friends (lel) to see who could present the cops with the most bizarre setup.

>> No.3674179

Do you Americans have number plate recognition cameras? Serious question, because we have them over here now.

I don't mind them as much as the average speed checkers though-- the ones that register your plate at point A, again at point B, calculate your average speed, then send you the driving ban.

>> No.3674182
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I'm not the one being raided by police and military, dear murrican, you are

>> No.3674185

I don't get why people have something against speed limits and their enforcement. They are there for a reason. Think of the idiots you share the road with, you wouldn't want them to do what they want, would you?

>> No.3674186

We've had them for a while. Pretty rare though. I don't think there's a single one in my state. Maybe 1 out of every 40 stoplights has a camera on it though.

>> No.3674188

It was a sincere question. Also I'm from the United States of Europe.

>> No.3674192

Maybe but driving is fucking boring when you have to go the over speed limit.

>> No.3674210
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They are in Watertown

>> No.3674224

where John McClane at

>> No.3674227
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>terrorists face when he killed himself somewhere in a sewer

>> No.3674238

what the fuck is going onin these pictures, have americans gone completely mad? You've lost your soul America.

>> No.3674248

Honestly, I'd let cops walk around my house for a few minutes for a full day off work.

>> No.3674251

>Maybe 1 out of every 40 stoplights has a camera on it though.

Oh, those are different. We have the cameras on traffic lights that catch you even if it's 3am on a completely empty straight road. We have normal speed cameras everywhere, with a usual 30mph speed limit (You can usually get away with 33-35). Then we have numberplate recognition cameras that have nothing to do with speed, they just monitor where every car is. Then we have average speed checkers. Then lastly, we have the mobile cameras -- where the police go and hide behind a tree somewhere to catch motorists.

Cameras also double for car defects and seatbelts -- it's illegal to drive without wearing a seatbelt, so we'll get charged for that too.

>> No.3674252

>You've lost your soul America.

We know. We don't know what to do about it.

>> No.3674254

it's actually fahrenheit 451 but you people are all specious illiterate idiots anyway so w/e

>> No.3674257

What is wrong with what is happening here except for some fanatic blowing people up?

>> No.3674260

they're searching for an armed fugitive

>> No.3674262

Oh no, shit's not that bad yet. In some states driving without a seatbelt is illegal, but they can't stop you solely for that.

>> No.3674266

>What is wrong with what is happening here

I want to be able to enjoy my home in peace, without being treated like a criminal who is harbouring a terrorist. I want to be able to tell a cop that my house is secure, without having to submit to a five man team barging into my house with assault rifles to go through every room.

>> No.3674267

>can drive a huge truck without a seatbelt with a shotgun in your hand cows everywhere eating hamburger at 18yo
>beer at 21
>fumer de joint pas du tout


>> No.3674270

So what exactly is happening in these pictures? Are the people letting the police in or are they forcing themselves into unwilling peoples homes? They can't supply warrants for each individual home since reasonable suspicion is needed. Does martial law mean suspending due process and letting the government do whatever the fuck it feels like?

>> No.3674271

>without being treated like a criminal who is harbouring a terrorist

>> No.3674277
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>> No.3674280

This is all a test.

A test to see how Americans will react once this kind of thing becomes common (martial law, and the stripping away of rights).

Everyone is cooperating, and letting these police in without any qualms. Well done, you've played right into their plan. You are docile. You are compliant. Thank you Boston. The nation is next...

>> No.3674283

Almost an hour and a half later and we're still without context for the images.

Someone care to link an article?

>> No.3674285

They're personal photos from Bostonians. They're door-by-door searching the entire city of Boston. You could easily google something that says they're doing this.

>> No.3674291

>Beer at 21
We legally can drink 3 years before you guys. Doesn't matter I guess though, we all start drinking at 14/15.

>> No.3674294

British fellow here. Is that really what's going on? It seems extreme, and I can't imagine people standing for it.

Correction, I can't imagine that people haven't made enough of a fuss that this is the first I'm hearing about it

>> No.3674297

>Is that really what's going on?

>> No.3674298

>It seems extreme


>> No.3674313

Thanks for clearing that up

>> No.3674319

Once Americans think teh mozlems are trying to steal oru FREEDEMS they let the HEROES do whatever

>> No.3674328

Some chick at my work today said we should kill every Muslim and that she would probably kill someone if they told her that they were a Muslim.

>> No.3674334
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Germanfag reporting in. We can drink at 16.

>> No.3674336

What? It's whats going on. Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.3674342

So you can buy beer at 13?

>> No.3674344
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>> No.3674345

Do you know what martial law is?

>> No.3674348

Americans can't drink because of that whole novelty value it has for your kids. Wowow we got a bottle main lets get fucking traaashed le beerpong le drinking games shots shots wooooh

>> No.3674359

lel yes the authorities should just assume we're all autist kantians

>> No.3674376


>> No.3674377

>implying martial law is being implemented

If you think this, you don't know what it is.

>> No.3674382

Damn. They were trying to pass it to 16 here in Australia but no dice. It's hard to decide whether it's good or bad for it to be legal, people are going to get it either way.
Ahh wut?
I think the whole worlds youth is like that anon.

>> No.3674388

>They have full blown martial law
>Is that really what's going on?
>Me: "No"
>Yes it is
>Me: "Do you know what martial law is?"
>There's no martial law do you know what martial law is?
>Reading comprehension

>> No.3674391

>I think the whole worlds youth is like that anon.
Nope. Europe strong. Drinking games get in the way of drinking.We just pour it down our gobs until we die.

>> No.3674403
File: 113 KB, 646x485, l.man at the bar iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le beerpong le drinking games shots shots wooooh

lol. Apparently Americans play games where drinking is some kind of punishment. Like if you do x, you have to have a sip of beer. I think whoever told me that must have been joking though.

>> No.3674415

Yeah bullshit. When I say the whole worlds youth is like that, I don't mean everyone does it.

I rarely do drinking games but I have a few times and I'm sure most people have at least once in Europe.

>> No.3674425

>When I say the whole worlds youth is like that, I don't mean everyone does it.
This kind of confusion is why genocides happen.

>> No.3674427

The whole point of American parties is to get stupid drunk the fastest way possible. There is hardly any real socializing.

>> No.3674436

But what if the Kebab was hiding in one of the houses and had a hostage and the people were too afraid to say anything? Wouldn't be good for the police to have a look?

>> No.3674437

Anon I think you're confusing "parties morons like I go to" with all parties.

>> No.3674441

You watch way too many teen movies.

>> No.3674445

What if every single time anyone does anything like kill someone/some people, cops come to everyone's house looking for them incase he's got someone hostage in the house. You would have cops searching everyones homes daily, everyone should just start living in glass houses, cops can just look and see everything is fine.

>> No.3674446
File: 60 KB, 570x605, o-DZHOKHAR-TSARNAEV-BOSTON-BOMBER-SUSPECT-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But what if the Kebab was hiding...
He is from Chechnya, he's a Russian Jew. This is a pic of him.

>> No.3674448

>everyone should just start living in glass houses
Don't be silly. We just need CCTV mounted in civilian homes.

>> No.3674461

It's called Xbox Knect

>> No.3674464

but mah glass business!

>> No.3674470

They've just found him.


>> No.3674483

they just said that its being broadcasted on the internet

>> No.3674484

>There's a problem with your downlink. It's being broadcast on the internet


>> No.3674485

>The whole point of American parties is to get stupid drunk the fastest way possible.
Even then you fail. Slav bros have mastered that.

>> No.3674487

He was dead this morning.

>> No.3674494

You know, moving to Canada has always just been a joke of mine.
But now...
Its an option.

>> No.3674502

America: Amusing ourselves to death.
Canada: Boring ourselves to death.

Pick your poison.

>> No.3674504

>They have full blown martial law, everyone confined to their homes, while the police and military demand entry into every house of a city of over half a million to look for one gu
Please, stop with the dramatics. Watertown has a population of 32k, and they haven't searched outside it. Furthermore, there isn't martial law. Even when Gov. Patrick stated that people should remain indoors, it wasn't a LEGAL ORDER. You could walk around outside just fine. No one would stop you. Police didn't care.

>> No.3674512

They are just about to kill him, but the cops are panicking because they know that thousands of people are listening to them online.

>> No.3674522
File: 213 KB, 859x461, based pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ has just had it's 50th thread about this to hit 2k. The last one hit 2k in half an hour.

>> No.3674526

/pol/ is only good during these game threads.

>> No.3674539

He's in custody.

>> No.3674591

new threads at 5k posts, there has been quite a few

but i think stickying generic happening threads just makes an excuse and place for shitposting

although before the stickying began at some points every single front page thread was on the issue, it was like /b/ post a new thread and watch it hit page 10 in seconds without a single reply.

insanity. even now only 1-2 non boston threads on front page at any given time.

thats probably the reason for this thread, /pol/ is now /b/ and unusable

>> No.3674609

I was surprised how bush-league people were with the mics when I had it on during the day. It's like they had one designated guy to tell people to watch their mic because it happened so damn much.