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/lit/ - Literature

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3662639 No.3662639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what do you guys use as a bookmark?

I use a book of matches but I lost it.

>> No.3662650

Pipe cleaners.

>> No.3662673

>not remembering the page number

>> No.3662689


>not using a resource available to you

>> No.3662706

my ever erected penis

>> No.3662707

>not realising that our natural inclination towards thriftiness with energy means that all activities outsourced will rapidly deteriorate as a function of the organism itself

>> No.3662712

ironic receipts and business cards. for awhile a funny little yoga bookmark with japanese people in happy poses that came with almost transparent blue for some reason

>> No.3662713

You seem like the kind of faggot who serves coffee or tea (probably tea) in haphazard quirky thrift store mugs.

>> No.3662722


oh bc of irony

nah i was just fucking around. i went back and added to the beginning for a laugh. post-irony even haha ;0

>> No.3663193
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le da vinci reference

>> No.3663197

Spend the $1.50 folks.

Nobody finds the "Found objects" bookmarks to be cute anymore.

Buy a stack of index cards or a stack of post-it notes. They keep your place, keep multiple places in fact, and you can make notes on them. Instead of writing in the margins like an autist

>> No.3663230

I had a massive collection of bookmarks gathered, in a few months time, from volunteering in a charity shop's book room.

>> No.3663235

post-it/sticky notes

>> No.3663237

I use a folded over bit of gorilla tape.
I used to use scraps of paper, but it bothered me when they'd get bent and ragged.

>> No.3663238

I got like a shitload of bookmarks from bookdepository

>> No.3663243

I draw a nice big X near the corner top of the last page I've read in pen (my favorite writing utensil).

>> No.3663245

That's nothing. I tear off the corner. Sometimes, in my haste, I'm careless and may lose a word or two.

>> No.3663250

Pfffft... I tear every single finished page out of my book until I have only the book cover left, at which point I hang it over my bed as a trophy. Nobody has space for bookshelves anymore, but there's plenty of space on the walls. You can even use them to build a fort or stop a leak in the roof.

>> No.3663259

I imagine this as very similar to the butterfly room scene in branded to kill

>> No.3663265

train tickets if i have any handy
if not i just fold the corner of the page

>> No.3663270

I just remember where the fuck I am.

Fucking plebs.

>> No.3663273

>implying that's not a waste of processing power.

>> No.3663275

>Implying my processing power isn't vastly superior to yours because it is exercised better

>> No.3663279

>implying remembering a page number is on the same level as memory training and learning a different language

okay rain man, see you at the card tables

>> No.3663280

Implying I don't speak five languages and am learning more

>> No.3663282
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>implying greentext is a language

>> No.3663286
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>> No.3663293

It's not that hard to remember a few numbers.

>> No.3663294

I use a piece of trailer film I spliced out of a movie back when I used to be a projectionist.

>I made a ton of them, I should probably sell some one etsy or something

>> No.3663306

post-it note folded in half

>> No.3663343

still readin physical books I see.

>> No.3663351

I'm not saying it's hard, I'm saying it's pointless. You're only saving yourself minor effort. Which would be fine if that was his personal taste, but when he jokes like "What's this, using pieces of paper! The very idea!" you gotta take him down a peg.

>> No.3663352

Not reading it all in one go,
Sit down and work your way through war and peace and don't put it down until you're through!!

>> No.3663354

As if I wasn't joking in the first place.

>> No.3663360
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>but when he jokes like
It's /lit dude, learn to read, I acknowledged you were only joking.
I was only joking too.

>> No.3663365

It's all good. I didn't read your post too thoroughly apparently.

>> No.3663439

when i'm not reading on my e-reader i use a picture of the neighbour's cat, i got as a gift once. have used it for the past few years.

>> No.3663452

I use a packet of playing cards - it lets me bookmark 52 books at once.

>> No.3663469

An ace of spades.

I'd like to tell you there's some deep, symbolic meaning behind this, but mostly it was just what happened to be lying on the floor at the time.

>> No.3663648

I use a Kindle.

>> No.3663705

napkins, train/plain tickets, string, or dog ear

>> No.3663809

My girlfriend made me a bookmark where she hand wrote a quote from my copy of Song of Myself that i'd underlined in reading it, then laminated it with beautiful borders up and down the sides.

She uses a bookmark made from a slim shaving off of a tree. I brought her the bookmark back from Africa.

no couple like lit couples :)

>> No.3663835

phil couples are better

>> No.3663840

Anaheim Ducks Season Tickets

>> No.3663854
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I use my copy of Morphling as a bookmark, as I have long since quit playing Magic competitively, and simply view it as a game I play from time to time in no seriousness.

>> No.3663930

Normally I dog-ear, but I want to keep this book alive for a while, so I'm using a receipt from the yacht club

>> No.3663944

you're the pleb posting that ugly boat interior aren't you? and you dog ear books. it's all becoming clear now.

>> No.3663948

In fairness, I couldn't find the pic I was looking for
I was going for something more along the lines of the Dulcibella from The Riddle of The Sands

>> No.3663996

A very warn out "card intentionally blank" card.

>> No.3663999


I fold the page in half, then in half again and firmly press down the crease line.

>> No.3664000

>not just using a folded up tissue

>> No.3664007

I use a paper bookmark advertising a bookshop in Kodiak Alaska I found inside a copy of an Asimov book bought whilst in Brisbane or Cairns I can't remember (it was about 12 years ago). It replaced a piece of Paris hotel notepaper I had used for years that I found inside a WD Auden book I think, the notepaper was old off white and printed on in red and white, it probably came form the late 50s by the look of the design.

>> No.3664019

I press sleep mode and I just open it up where i left off.

>> No.3664022

Playing cards. I started with two full packs about 5 years ago and now have maybe 20 cards left. I lose quite a lot of bookmarks.

>> No.3664043

i use the receipt i received for purchasing that particular book.
this has caused some issues when buying multiple books at the same time and starting several before youve finished one.

>> No.3665364

I used to get teased at school and people took my bookmarks from my books just to piss me off. As such, I grew the habit of memorizing the page I stopped reading at.

>> No.3665375

I use a novelty picture card sort of thing from chuck e. cheese.

>> No.3665393

I use a $2 bill.

>> No.3665402

I don't use a bookmark. I don't find it hard to locate where I left off.

>> No.3665424

Escort service cards

>> No.3665435

Is that Sasha Grey?

>> No.3665447

I usually use a receipt.

My dad always read on the shitter, so he used toilet paper as a bookmark.

Sometimes I find some toilet paper in one of his old books.

I leave it where he did.

>> No.3665448

Didn't mean to quote there.

>> No.3665478

I do this but now I want to do this >>3665393
Good thing I got like 5 of them

>> No.3665488

>not flipping through the book to figure out where you were.

>> No.3665521
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index card

>> No.3665639

I let my toenails grow big for a bet once and when I cut them, I started using the big toenail for a bookmark.

>> No.3665653


I use my own penis. It is quite uncomfortable when I put the jeans on, but I pretty much never forget that I have a book to finish.

>> No.3665665

yu-gi-oh cards

>> No.3665823

Oh dear god...

>> No.3666119

A dollar bill.

>> No.3666146

Tickets. Any used one that's in my pocket at the time.

>> No.3666162
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An old postcard that came inside some Criterion DVD, an advert for Divorce, Italian style.

>> No.3667019

>still readin physical books I see.

Go read some more Paper Towns loser

>> No.3667173

a joker poker card. because i'm cool, fool.

>> No.3667224

Mostly old receipts for tobacco.

>> No.3667237
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I always do. I'm currently using a bookmark my boyfriend made me.

>> No.3667273

I use an imitation Tarot card misspelt "The Gate of the Santuary" copyrighted from 1990 that I found at the University College Hospital bus stop in London. It's a got a cool Egyptian theme that I like.

>> No.3667282

Oh, and a lot of old Oxford-Birmingham train tickets.

>> No.3667288

I tear a piece of paper from a notebook and fold it up

>> No.3667319


"Une combinaison de Kant et de ... Bosch, de Picasso et d'Einstein, de Rilke et de Genghis Khan."


>> No.3667340

Train tickets. I commute to school, which is free because muh socialist paradise.

>> No.3667356

I made my own bookmark, I used to be a huge weeaboo and made a nice drawing for myself.

I don't really like it, but everyone else thinks is the coolest bookmark ever.

>> No.3667372
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pic related
its my library membership card

>> No.3667391

what book is this?
I'm shit at french but this is readable so I must read

>> No.3667400

I dogear my books like the subhuman pleb I am.
If I ever borrow a book from a person or a library (which is rare; I like to own my books), I use post it notes and put them at the top of the paragraph I got up to.

>> No.3667405

My hipster-detector is going off the charts.

>> No.3667408

post irony = post hipster?

>> No.3667410

lol'd heartily.

>> No.3667416

It isn't, but it is easy to forget.
I don't want to have to worry about it.
I don't even look at page numbers unless I write a note to get something from that page.
It seems easier and safer to dogear the page than to remember the page.

>> No.3667537

It's from Ernesto Sabato's The Angel of Darknes swhere he explains that we should invente an art that blends danse's ideas to the screamings of geometry.

>> No.3667563

I'm always eating ramen noodles, so i just put a noodle in the place.

If i'm out of noodles ill just use a booger.

>> No.3667580

Usually index card. Otherwise receipts, old business cards given to me, or other random shit in my wallet.

>> No.3667598


Why wouldn't I write on the books margins? As long as the book is mine, I'll nonchalantly dabble on it, with no regards for whomever might read it in the future. What are you reading, the Quran?

As for bookmarks, I use whatever is available. Most of the time that means leaving the book open or spending a few seconds looking for the page whenever I pick it back.

>> No.3667671

the green card from the back of rizla packets, generally

although my copy of infinite jest has had a couple of sheets of toilet paper in it since i got distracted

>> No.3667695

a ticket of bus

before i used lefts and little flowers... but with the time become so fragil

>> No.3667732
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>> No.3667783

>bus tickets
>not living in a country with an electronic payment card for public transit
You living in third world or something?

>> No.3667836

I used to have this really neat bookmark that came with a moleskine notebook someone gave me for a present. The bookmark had all these titles of famous books and poems on it. I lost it though so now I use bicycle cards. I also have a stack of ordinary paper bookmarks from libraries and bookstores but I find the cards are more durable and look neat.

>> No.3667852

An American $100 bill #swag

>> No.3667855

I constantly use bookmarks.

>> No.3667970

Do it.

>> No.3667986


Who is the cutie in the gif?

>> No.3668012

Sasha grey

>> No.3668013

Still using the movie ticket from when I went to
see Fellowship of the Ring when it came out.

I'm a big fantasy pleb so it's my precious.

>> No.3668018

Holy shit, it's 12 years old.
Remind me to laminate it /lit/

>> No.3668027

...or one book at fifty-twice!

>> No.3668031

I'm fucking disgusted whenever I see Sasha Grey

>> No.3668261

I use a feather. I like it.

>> No.3668287

Post pics.

>> No.3668318


laminate that ticket mate.

>> No.3668348

>Scraps of paper
>Post-it notes
>Panda Express chopstick packets
Whatever is lying around and has little meaning to me. I lose my bookmarks all the goddamn time.

>> No.3668577

I have a bookmark with a timer so I know how long I have left to read for my booklog.

>> No.3668601
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The previous page. Fear me.

>> No.3668617

Marry me, Sasha.

>> No.3668619

>still sucking ALL that dick.

problem, officer?

fucking captcha: Printing

>> No.3668620


I don't know why, but this post made me shit myself laughing.

>> No.3668638

Old Metrocards.

>> No.3668641

Sorry, didn't mean to sage.

>> No.3668699

i spit over the last page and rub my dirty thumb over is creating a unique mark

>> No.3668740

the dryd skin of an humun

>> No.3668751

>board about discussion of literature
>most popular thread is about fucking bookmarks

/lit/ really is the plebbest of the plebs.

>> No.3668757


Also, boogers make best bookmarks.

>> No.3669236
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I use the outer packaging from a lindt chocolate bar.

>> No.3669271

>implying it's not full of witticisms and subtle self-mockery of the encompassing air of pretentiousness that shackles this board like a cage of credibility

>> No.3669272

No, it's just that this thread is accessible to all regardless of how much one actually reads.

>> No.3669277

Some old bookmark my grandad bought me years back with a couple kanji on it.

Can't read kanji well, but i'm starting to learn Japanese so I will be able to soon.

>> No.3669340

A promotion card to some clothing store with a picture of a pretty girl on it

>> No.3670170

Bend it back against the spine, then the book will fall open naturally to the page you were on.

>> No.3670207

A post-it note folded so that the sticky side is stuck to the other end of the post-it.

>> No.3670413

I still use a bookmark I got in my HS library about four years ago. It's just a plain, ol' paper bookmark with the word "read' written in many languages, including sign language. I want to see how long I can use it before it is torn to pieces due to overuse.

>> No.3670573

you monster

>> No.3670586

fellow folded post it note bookmark master race reporting in

>> No.3670652
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>> No.3670670

Just tear some corner from a newspaper or whatever paper material next to me. If none, flip the corner.

>> No.3670690

bus transfers, man

>> No.3670837







>> No.3670862

i believe it

>> No.3670877

So, Am I the only one here that can't stop before finishing a chapter? Which is a problem when books have little to no chapter, but man, I just can't stop in the middle of text.

>> No.3670913

Holy fuck

>> No.3670919
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