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3662632 No.3662632[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/.
Do you agree that pleasure and the Good are different?

>> No.3662655

not really, but that's entirely subjective, and relies on some kind of common cultural experience to argue and underlying internalized moral fabric, which you, as the edgy-teer you presumably are, likely wouldn't want to take as axiomatic.

>> No.3662659
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of course. which idiot would think this?

>> No.3662662

I agree that you should do your own homework

>> No.3662663
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both are just chemical responses to stimuli, mystified and obfuscated using ideologies and symbols.

>> No.3662669

The Good is what is worth having for it's own sake. If pleasure is not the only one, it's certainly among them.

>> No.3662671

>relies on some kind of common cultural experience to argue and underlying internalized moral fabric
That is some terrible english

>> No.3662677

valid. i've had a long fucking day.

>> No.3662678

/lit/ pls
I need to answer with reference to Socrates and I've already used the leaky jar argument and the argument from Cowards and Brave Men/Fools and Wise Men

>> No.3662680

just come up with your own damn opinion, argue it, profit

>> No.3662681

Fuck your homework.

>> No.3662692

But I'm stupid and you guys are clever.

>> No.3662698

Yeah. When I tell you something is "good" I mean, "I want you to value that thing" when I say something is pleasurable I mean, "I value that thing".

>> No.3663400

I don't think you understood the question

>> No.3663411


Good and Bad does not exist; they are values, and all values do not exist in nature: they are creations of the human brain. There is no act that can be called good or bad - all of them depends of what people think.

Pleasure is the name given to a series of eletroquimical reactions in the human brain, the reactions responsible for the pleasent feelings that we know as pleasure.

>> No.3663417

spot on both of you

>> No.3663431

this question sounds suspiciously similar to one from an upcoming DECV philosophy SAC

>> No.3663433

let's imagine a situation where we meet a thousand extraterrestial races from all corners of the universe and they'd have the same moral values we do. could then an argument be made that "real" moral values exist because life gravitates towards them?

>> No.3663441

It distresses me that either my teacher or one of my classmates browses 4chan.

>> No.3663448

Of course, there's no debate on it.

>> No.3663472

>all values do not exist in nature

Nature is a creation of the human brain according to your own self-defeating argument.

your thought expressed in that sentence is a "chemical responses to stimuli, mystified and obfuscated using ideologies and symbols" according to your own self-defeating argument.

Nihilist kiddies sure are fun to debate with.

>> No.3663475

Yes, I do agree, because pleasure is a tyrant that will ruin a man and if it's given free reign.

>> No.3663480

>your thought expressed in that sentence is a "chemical responses to stimuli, mystified and obfuscated using ideologies and symbols"
How does that counter anything he said?

>> No.3663489

I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life in a pleasure machine.

So obviously I care about the way things actually are, not just how pleasurable my experiences are.

>> No.3663491

how does "how does that counter anything he said?" counter anything I said?

>> No.3663500
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Don't get cheeky with me m8

>> No.3663505

the brain in a vat argument is pointless because I'm not a brain in a vat I'm a brain in a body that has legs, a vat does not even have any legs

>> No.3663508

cont. if i was a brain in a vat I would not be able to go to the shop and by sausage rolls but I am going to go to the shop and buy sausage rolls, and when i eat food i feed my brain which needs legs to go to the shop to buy sausage rolls to feed it

>> No.3663535

But because a pleasure machine would be unpleasant, correct?

>> No.3663582
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Fo' sho'.

>> No.3663597
File: 25 KB, 320x222, nietzchefreud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is "The Good"?

>> No.3663601


Is sadism 'good'?

Is a heroine addiction 'good'?

>> No.3663602

>b-but muh relativism! muh materialism!

>> No.3663603
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define """""good"""""

>> No.3663607

hurrr go read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experience_machine

>> No.3663615

That thought experiment is just logically flawed as fuck. the reasons why people don't want to plug all have to do with pleasure / displeasure. It wouldn't be painful to know they are in a machine and not in reality, it would be painful knowing they were just floating in a tank separated from their family etc

>> No.3663621

That argument does not receive universal assent. I would spend my life in a pleasure machine to be honest. Give the pleasure machine to a suicidal or destitute or friendless man and he would undoubtedly take it.

>> No.3663623

That "wouldn't" should have been a "would'

I think the main reason people wouldn't want to be plugged into an experience machine would just be fear, which is a kind of displeasure

>> No.3663684

No, pleasure and good are the same in all cases. The pleasure, any pleasure, creates an immediate good in the mind of the individual perpetrating the action. In the future, results may occur from that pleasure which are bad (or displeasurable), but that is separate of the initial good action. But what feels as good or pleasurable is subjective. One must apply good or bad to the individual instead of the whole. In examples such as murder or drugs, the whole scenario cannot be labelled as pleasurable or dis-pleasurable as the individuals involved have different reactions.

>> No.3663688


If you don't have anything constructive to reply don't reply with a stupid non-sequiter or 'implying'

>> No.3663691

they're different inasmuch as one of those doesn't exist

>> No.3663702

within the course of pleasure it is related indirectly to the individual for surely the masses to experience pleasure at one time, which cannot even be done in natural habitat (an orgy) beyond the smallest of moments, is not possible.

the Good, to which you have capitalized, I shall liken to an alignment chart with Good meaning "acting within a set of guidelines that prevents the most suffering from the largest group of individuals one encounters"

to live, sir, as I do. to return to the sky to break through the clouds again throned.
if you must talk of philosophy it would seem you are too far from living it.

and look who's talking. i should be magic busing myself into areas away.

enemy dead
fiancee dead girlfriends dead
engineer dead, passanger dead
unrecognizable body dead: a man's an animal's?
Dog dead, bird dead.
Rosebush dead, orange trees dead.
Air dead, bay dead.
Hope, patience, eyes, sleep, movement of hand's dead.
Man dead. Lights go on.
He works at night as if he were living.
Good morning! He is a stranger ( as if he were living).

Dead without an obituary, secretly dead.
He knows how toi imitate hunger, and how to pretend to love.
And how toi insist on walking and how well he walks.
He could walk through walls, but he uses doors.

>> No.3663711

>implying heroin addiction is pleasurable

>> No.3663764

yes, but we can create a similar construct revisionistically. Pleasure as conceived by bentham is too simple, enjoyment however, I think is sophisticated enough to encompass all the ends worth pursuing, including in rare cases suffering, if a certain sort of edification is achieved through it. That way, under the banner of preference hedonism, my only contention remaining is that enjoyment is valuable, but is what is valuable good? It would probably end up being yes, so long as I can incorporate a retributive justice model usually more comfortable in deontological ethics.