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/lit/ - Literature

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3661696 No.3661696 [Reply] [Original]

Essential Japan Lit thread right now.

>> No.3661710
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Book of the 5 Rings
Haruki Murakami

>> No.3661960
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how about the things on the recommendation chart

>> No.3661982

>Haruki Murakami

jap lit for american readers.

good chart
unnecessary thread

>> No.3661987

What makes you think Murakami isn't essential? Are you even Japanese? Because I am, you stupid pretentious weeaboo.

>> No.3661991
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Pic related it's you.

>> No.3661992


dazai is cool, guys

>> No.3662034

You do realize that you criticized Haruki Murakami then complimented a chart recommending Haruki Murakami?

If you want to criticize his writing, style, message, tone, prose, that's fine. I'll entertain that, but the criticism I keep hearing on here that "That's Jap lit for American readers" that reeks of a little hipster mentality, as if I should be concerned of how he's received in his own country. And that's not to accuse you of being a hipster, it's just that I'm not going to stop reading it out of a desire to get more "Authentic" literature. As if I was a foodie trying to get "The real experience" and not just chasing the best read I can find.

>> No.3662040
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Wouldnt a hipster be more interested in him because he is less popular in Japan, and therefore more "obscure"?

>> No.3662047

I'm just saying it's a little hipster to consider popularity in the equation at all.

>> No.3662050 [DELETED] 

ah, just the thread i needed.
is there a way to get a hold of Sugawara no Michizane's poetry, or is it too old?

>> No.3662061

Kokoro by Soseki

> there's a /lit/ recommended reading list, and "essential japanese" is a category

>> No.3662092 [DELETED] 

>p-please respond

>> No.3662207

recently on NHK (japanese public news channel) they had a special about murakami in translation and the differences that appear. for instance "Zou no shoumetsu" is translated as The Elephant Vanishes even though shoumetsu actually has several meanings in Japanese, vanishing just being one of them. it can also be a polite/poetic way to say dies.

also in the same story, in japanese he writes about 5 people together on the 5th of may. written in japanese it would like something like 五人五月五日 (not exactly) and is something akin to alliteration that is lost in english. finally, one last point they mention is that in japanese, the subject is not often mentioned (for instance, "I came by train." would be "Densha de kita." where the subject would be implied), but murakami tends to often use subjects when he writes in Japanese giving his writing a peculiar feeling for Japanese readers that is lost on an English audience because the subject is standard.

i'm not speaking to the quality of his work, or whether or not it is japlit for americans or whatever, i just thought it was interesting

>> No.3662221
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>> No.3662742
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>/lit/ will never acknowledge the existence of Sentou Yousei Yukikaze as a legitimate work of Japanese science fiction

>> No.3662801
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I know it's in the chart, but it also has a lot of other postwar author and presents a much more wellrounded exposure to jap lit.
I didn't say anything about my opinion of his work, but the guy is putting it by 4 fucking books on feudal samurai code and we're discussing essential japanese lit, what I mean by american readers is that it appeals much more to western sensibilities than the Japanese, similar to Jarmusch or Lynch's popularity in european circuits. I don't care why you read what you do, I like Ryu Murakami and Osamu Dazai because I relate to their lives and stories, but their popularity and recognition is relevant because its proof they widely represent and appeal to the postwar Japanese.

That's an incredibly stupid post. Please don't post about "hipsters", you've no idea who the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.3663040

>that fat wrist

is dat translated into eigo?

i'm reading musashi right now and the translation/prose is pretty fucking terrible.

>> No.3663612
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First and second book are available in english.

>> No.3663638

I love Kawabata, so -

Thousand Cranes
Snow Country
Beauty and Sadness


Temple of the Golden Pavilion


No Longer Human
The Setting Sun


Some Prefer Nettles

And Soseki - I haven't read any.

>> No.3664047

Does anyone have any recommendations for Japanese poetry that I could read in the original Japanese? Where should I start?

>> No.3664266


Theres a few old classic compilations of poetry, look up the Maoyushu, or however its spelled. Look up the kojiki (oldest japanese book, tells the creation myth of japan) on wikipedia and you should see the other old books, click them and youll find it. also look up basho, famous poet.

>> No.3664422


I'm a huge fan of Kawabata, to the uninitiated I'd probably recommend starting with snow country.

>> No.3664436

second. I don't know why but snow country was just so.... something.