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3661396 No.3661396[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/, im a philosophy major, about finish my third year and im pretty much done with my degree. I can be here for two more years, and im thinking about what to study. I wanted to go with a math minor, but to pull it off id have to take out an extra 7k in loans for the summer. Worth it? Other major suggestions? I wonder if I could haggle them down.

>> No.3661436
File: 37 KB, 410x500, flaneur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to advocate welfare, leisure, the literary life or flaneurism to anyone, but they've always worked for me.

>> No.3661504

Maybe you should do an English minor. So few philosophers can actually write well. Anthropology, Poly Sci, or Psychology could also be relevant to a philosopher.

>> No.3661516


If he's planning to be an analytic (which I sincerely hope he is), I completely condone the math minor. Math and logic go very well together, and practicing and learning one improves your skill in both. Besides, if you know a thing or two about math, you have more material to work with when actually writing things, what with the logic of math and all that.

>> No.3661531


math minor at my very notable school is calc 1, a year of linear alg or multivariate calc and a math history course...

this would help him in WHAT WAY with formal logic?

You are overestimating what a minor can teach you!

Also, hermeneutics, genealogy, and phenomenology are hot topics in philosophy now only tryhard 1st year phds hate the continentalists blindly.

>> No.3661765

I did Biology and Philosophy and am going to medical school. But good luck cramming biology into two years...

>> No.3661768

Is the flaneur the proto-slacker?

>> No.3661777

Double Major in something that isnt completely useless

>> No.3661781

Cognitive science or neuroscience, because the philosophy of mind is where it's at.

>> No.3661831

I don't know, I associate slackers with a sort of messy large couch dwelling fastfood eating baggy pants stonerism. It has more negative associations than being a gentleman of leisure.

>> No.3661838

I minored in math, but it is not something you just "do": you must want it and know why

>> No.3661845

But what both have in common is the distaste for work and complete satisfaction with doing "nothing". I agree, though: Slacker has more of a negative connotation also the idea has been romanticized.

>> No.3661851

*although instead of also

>> No.3661995


once course in calc, a year of multivariate or a year of linear, and a fucking history course are not strenuous.

you must not be good with numbers

>> No.3662022

>hey /lit/, im a philosophy major, about finish my third year and im pretty much done with my degree. I can be here for two more years, and im thinking about what to study. I wanted to go with a math minor, but to pull it off id have to take out an extra 7k in loans for the summer. Worth it? Other major suggestions? I wonder if I could haggle them down.

Are you on a scholarship? I finished my major/minor requirements early and found myself in a similar situation. I'm just doing an 'intensive major' (basically, extra upper level major courses) and having my school pay for me to go abroad and finish learning a language. Maybe a second minor.

>> No.3662052

I say whatever you do, do not incur more debt for academic bullshit

>> No.3662070

what are you talking about?
math minor at my school is what you said plus
>no history course
>discrete math
>real analysis
>two upper level courses

the math minor at my uni is essentially a thesis and several upper level courses away from a BS

you must have gone to a shitty school. you sure it is accredited?

>> No.3662113


>> No.3662151


I am at the University of Toronto...it surely ranks higher than your uni...unless its UCL, ICL, LSE, Cambridge, or Oxford (assuming you are British since you said uni and all).

>> No.3662285

>calc 1, a year of linear alg or multivariate calc and a math history course...
mine requires number theory courses, diffy q calc 2 and several electives which have their own prerequisite courses

>> No.3662295


looks like some schools value minors and u of t wants to push the interested and capable into a double major.

>> No.3662327

US SChools? Allo or osteo? what was your cGPA/sGPA and MCAT? I'm gonna being applying next year

>> No.3662355
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lol no wonder you only need four courses to get a minor --- you're in canada

even the states have more rigorous reqs than that

>cares about ranking

>> No.3662450
File: 413 KB, 499x605, 1364025336428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

After talking to my profs and counselors, I have these options.

Go full blown mother fucker, double major with english emphasis creative writing, minor in math, minor in linguistics (cant major in math, not enough time to do a major outside of school of humanities, english probably the best out of the humanities)

The above, or take away one of the three: major in english, minor in math, minor in linguistics. If I take one away, I can work on other things, like more logic courses, and learning a third language while strengthening my second.

Btw I go to UCI, whatever its worth.

So, input?

>> No.3662461

Do whichever you would find more fulfilling. This decision is going to decide what you do for the next year, I don't think you should take advice on it from random people on an anonymous image board.

>> No.3662479

bump. Let's hear those stats, maybe your ECs too

>> No.3662484

Didn't Michael Chabon go to UCI for grad school? Shit, man, get in on that creative writing program and network like hell

>> No.3662674
File: 81 KB, 639x496, 1362874585601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, really? I thought creative writing programs are the always considered shit on /lit/?

>> No.3662684


>implying u of t isn't extremely well regarded

>implying reqs vary by country and not by university

>> No.3662688

I did a philosophy major, a physics major and a minor in classical languages. Why can't you do a minor?

>> No.3662693



in fact looks like even brits think we are better than ucl

>> No.3662708
File: 173 KB, 780x600, 1363743511508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see here meng

also, nice on the physics

>> No.3662719

how did you know im at ucl???

>> No.3662723


stay in school as long as you can, get as much loans as possible, its basically one long awesome vacation where you just learn shit for fun

Once you graduate and enter the real world, you gotta actually wake up early and work, it's terrible. No one told me getting a job is so awful.

Do courses that will allow you to get into grad school. I'm thinking of going back to school or fleeing to a cheap SE Asian country to teach english part time and live like a king on 500 bucks a month

>> No.3662728


Canadian hacker skills

I misread earlier poster talking about UCI (university of california irvine)

>> No.3662752


The track OP is on does not translate to the real world so well. It would be a waste of training if he did not go to graduate school. There is no real world for a successful academic... For instance I technically work 80 hours a year. Professors technically work less (maybe they change out a few power point slides).

Of course we have to write but aren't really paid to do that per se.

>> No.3662865
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 1362941250455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that stat is pretty shit

>> No.3663165


shit? its the 17th best in the world?

unless you are referring to the ranking methodology of comparing all places to harvard... which is pretty shit

>> No.3663194

no I mean the whole thing overall, the study itself it shit