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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 314x475, askthedust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3655912 No.3655912 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/ what do you think is Vera's role in the allegory of Arturo's downward spiral to a mad coming of age?

Is she a reflection of that part of himself which tries to search for sense in a less chaotic manner --as opposed to the childishness side of Arturo as embodied by Camilla?

>> No.3655960

Shameless bump

>> No.3656015
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O.k., so I guess I am the only weirdo here who likes Fante.

Sorry. I'll close the door on my way out.

>> No.3656045

Thanks for shutting the door, it's cold outside and we're trying to conserve the heat.
Never read but I'll bump for ya out of good will

>> No.3656055

Actually, looking into him for the first time now. I'm sorry that I can't suggest an answer for your question, but if I were to being reading Fante, where should I begin?

>> No.3656061
File: 54 KB, 600x351, kerospan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are a quality chap *brofist*

>> No.3656067


I am not the best person to answer that, bro. This is my first Fante but I understand that, based on his alter ego's name, he has 4 pieces which are referred to as the Bandini Quartet.

Perhaps start with this one? I chose it when I heard how high Bukowski spoke of him and of this particular book.

>> No.3656125

The Brotherhood of the Grape is the best I've read by him. In the Bandini series, Wait Until Spring, Bandini is the best.

The worst I've read by him (though they're not bad, just average) are 1933 Was a Bad Year and Dreams from Bunker Hill (the last Bandini novel). I wouldn't recommend starting with those.

>> No.3657365


Now that I'm done with Ask the Dust, would you recommend I follow up with the Brotherhood of the Grape?