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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 432 KB, 2204x1500, tattoo idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3654243 No.3654243[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have any tattoos /lit/?

Pic related, my next one.

>> No.3654259

Because tattos are for rednecks.

>> No.3654266

I've always wanted to get something history and military related, but can't think of anything.

I kind of wish we had evidence of Roman legionary tattoos so I could get
or something. But I guess those damn Greeks and Romans didn't like defiling the body.

>> No.3654269

Why does anyone have tattoos? That's a better question.

>> No.3654281


Ugly, tacky, associated with a certain kind of people, look terrible as you age,

>be interviewer
>see interviewee has a tattoo
>bye bye!

>> No.3654285


Jokes on you, i'm joining the Army, they don't care about you having tattoo's.

>> No.3654295
File: 57 KB, 600x550, 14825929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get on my level.

>> No.3654302

what would i tattoo?

>> No.3654306

>giving a fucking about what others think
Sounding pretty insecure there anon

>> No.3654321
File: 49 KB, 343x450, hunter web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3654326
File: 55 KB, 453x604, tumblr_lyrbyq9k4B1qcm6bvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3654328
File: 286 KB, 565x651, gonzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3654333

Having a tattoo automatically makes you a cultural pleb.

>> No.3654334
File: 31 KB, 450x583, thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3654338

>cultural pleb.
You, sir, can take you buzzwords and dildo your asshole with a broken bottle.

>> No.3654339

not when it's done right. it's almost never done right. don't forget: ppl are plebs.

>> No.3654342
File: 229 KB, 460x310, 1365445325455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ these are awful

>> No.3654344

gquialo george

>> No.3654345
File: 101 KB, 541x960, pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3654350

That one is really good.

>> No.3654353
File: 37 KB, 480x326, nietzsche+tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3654356

Tattoos are never right, since they're _always_ a light form of a self-injury dissociative disorder.

>> No.3654357


hahaha oh wow

>> No.3654358

>potentially giving up a job so you can have a stupid blotch of ink on your arm
>implying anyone on the planet doesn't regret their tattoo's when they get older

>> No.3654364

My back has giant "V" with three bars going over it and my chest has a 4cm diameter dot.

>> No.3654365
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>> No.3654369

>Implying you've experienced life outside of your parents basement.

>> No.3654373
File: 357 KB, 491x640, tumblr_m5n7lqTAAq1qga6k4o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone on the planet doesn't regret their tattoo's when they get older
Come say that to my face, boy.

>> No.3654375

>implying anyone on the planet doesn't regret their tattoo's when they get older
That's what laser removal is for. If you have a decent artist in the first place, there will be no scarring at all.

>> No.3654382
File: 35 KB, 600x450, up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.3654388
File: 50 KB, 500x663, tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Tattoos just look better when you get older.

>> No.3654389

project more

I'm sure there are exceptions, if the tattoo's actually mean something, but 90% of the tattoo's I've seen my peers/friends get have been cringeworthy. All I think when I see a mediocre or poorly done tattoo is "He's going to grow older and hate himself for that"

Why bother if you're just going to get it removed? waste of money
Tattoo's aren't cheap, and if they are, they're probably shit

>> No.3654397


>> No.3654413
File: 31 KB, 500x375, bleedingedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3654421

If she knew it's the symbol of the pope...

>> No.3654434

these tattoos are okay, the rest are bad

here's some guidelines if you don't want a shitty tattoo:
>no colors
>no words
>no shaded portraits (>>3654334)
>always leave some whitespace
>no cliche symbolism

literally every tattoo that doesn't follow these guidelines is bad. if you think otherwise, you are wrong and have a terrible sense of aesthetics.

>> No.3654443

cross of saint peter dumbass

>> No.3654456

Get an ace of spades with a Q in it OP.

>> No.3654461
File: 42 KB, 333x500, tribal-tattoo-design-for-man-arm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no colors
>>no words
>>no shaded portraits
>>always leave some whitespace
>>no cliche symbolism

>> No.3654462

That guy isn't fit enough for that tattoo. His chest sags like a pair of small titties.

>> No.3654466

That's why the pope uses it, smartass.

>> No.3654492

tribal bullshit is cliche

>> No.3654501
File: 359 KB, 1024x768, tumblr_l146ycFIIn1qb5101o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mu/'s favorite

>> No.3654504

Wouldn't it just be S.P.Q.R.?

>> No.3654505


The only reason people get tattoos is because they care about what other people think of them.

>> No.3654502

Cut marks. Sexy.

>> No.3654508


Oh, the same argument bronies, autists, and fedora wearing neckbeards use!

>> No.3654512
File: 18 KB, 400x300, yes_i_said_yes_i_will_yes_Yes I Said Yes I Will Yes_tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess /lit/ favorite would be...

>> No.3654527

Fucking lol

>> No.3654538


>> No.3654542

if it was just the hunter s bat it would be cool

>> No.3654555

I never understood this "you'll regret it when you are older" argument when it comes to the skin.

Well, of course your skin will look worse and saggy, but that doesn't make the tattoo itself bad, it makes your skin bad(even without the tattoo!) So what's the point?

"Don't have a tattoo, because later you won't feel like showing it off", as opposed to what? Showinf off saggy old skin?

I don't even have a tattoo.

>> No.3654557

like most criticisms, it's to make the person feel better about themselves

>> No.3654589
File: 36 KB, 442x218, lastwordsofgotama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like simple text tattoos in ancient languages, no fancy/colorful images. This is my first.

I'm thinking of something in ancient Greek next, so i have an east meets west thing going. Any recommendations? I was thinking either γνῶθι σεαυτόν or ο δέ ανεξέταστος βίος ου βιωτός ανθρώπω. But they are kind of generic stock socrates phrases and I am looking for something more original.

>> No.3654592
File: 67 KB, 800x463, asdfeasdfsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet her quentin didn't pussy out like some poof cunt and kill himself. bet he gave to er nyse n deep like,

>> No.3654597


At least one you got the reference...

>> No.3654599


"Oh, when you're sat in a retirement home, shitting yourself and breathing through a respirator, you might not like your tattoo any more."

>> No.3654601

The only tattoo I would ever consider getting is a small yin yang somewhere where I could see it myself as a reminder but since I think it goes against the ideology behind that very symbol I will never get it.

I don't understand what's the appeal of dirtying your body with ink, especially with some intellectual bullshit when it's blatantly obvious you're trying to show off how more cultured than others you are.

Oh well everyone is free to do whatever they want.

>> No.3654605


she just liked the book.

>> No.3654623


like she'd tag herself with that particular line just to show support for william's deft hand... why not pick something off benjy's oh so quotable rhetoric? or that one racist uncle? i quote him all the time, but no, she had to pick that one. precisely because she's had her minge bruv-pounded nice and good.

>> No.3654632


Sorry to interrupt, but can you tell me what book that is from?

>> No.3654636

Comedy gold top lel
best of all time

>> No.3654645


the sound and the fury

>> No.3654647
File: 64 KB, 500x519, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never really felt like i needed another tattoo after i got this one

>> No.3654648


no its from ulysses

>> No.3654650


point stands?point stands

>> No.3654657

What a gaylord.

>> No.3654666


>> No.3654669


The mediocrity of the books reflects the mediocrity of the art. It fits together perfect!

>> No.3654672
File: 73 KB, 516x598, 1315599535821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3654673


>> No.3654677


>hrhrhhrhr i r so petricien, do i fit in yet

le recommendation of suicide.mobi

>> No.3654679


i cringed

>> No.3654682


none of you have any reason to exist

>> No.3654686


you might have a tumor

>> No.3654689


Those books are pretty bad though

>> No.3654690


That's a photo of your arm innit?

>> No.3654691

i just don't like drm i guess

>> No.3654695


yea i know, whats your point?

>> No.3654701

But it's a shitty tattoo. I actually liked Catcher in the Rye and 1984 but why would you get a tattoo of the physical book?

>> No.3654702

>implying i'm joining the US of Shit's Army.

>> No.3654703


lel, no those books are shit

except 1984 which is mediocre

>> No.3654705

because a tattoo of my kindle would just be silly?

>> No.3654735


he paused, wondering why that vapid fucking cunt needed his approval so badly. he had terrible heartburn from last nights binge drinking and felt like jumping the fuck off his balcony, in this beautiful day of april.

>> No.3654743


>binge drinking

Me too. Where were you?

>> No.3654745

I don't think getting a tattoo is "against the ideology behind" yin yang or tao in any way, bro. But the way you speak of it afterwards makes it clear you don't really like tattoos anyway.

Also, this "show off how more cultured than others you are" is just empty, man. Some of the tattoos posted here give me that reaction as well, but that reaction has no concern to the real intentions of the person or the effect of the tattoo. You make it sound as if every expression of "high culture"(leave it as blurry and meaningless as anything here) was in itself, an expression of the ego. But then again, with that conclusion, one would retreat from expressing it exactly because of the concerns of the ego.

Say one had a real profound connection with Nietzsche's profile picture. And, oh, how inspiring it is, that guy wants it on his shoulder. But halt. If one saw that, one would not think of him as having a real profound connection with that image and instead, would think of him as a jerk instead, right? Well, it's self-defeating in some way (is this what people call a catch-22 situation?). Because if it was a real profound connection, the person wouldn't stop to think about that, right?

In any case, we can only speak about ourselves and our reasons and worry about or show off our own skin. The others, we can point and laugh or admire or whatever, but always at the distance of the other.

You wouldn't do it to show off as intellectual, would you? So there is no such danger.

>> No.3654749

There is no need for a tattoo.
Maybe I will get tattoos around my neck (below collar line) and up to 3/4ths of my arm (sleeve line rolled up once) because I think it is awesome. But nothing with too much of a meaning. Meaning in tattoo's is just full retard.

>> No.3654747

in april* or april day

just jump. you're a terrible writer

>> No.3654753


i had told myself that i'd stay home last night, but at around 11 i started getting restless and called this pretty loudmouthed slag that lives two floors down and we went to churchill's pub where we saw some shit local punk band and drank around 49 beers

>> No.3654759


bet im better than you, you upjumped fucking poof

wanna throwdown, pick your topic, we'll go right now

>> No.3654768


Why would that not work?
In this beautiful day in April sounds redundant. Of April sounds better.

>> No.3654776

i woke up in some strange bed with a very bad hangover, which is really pretty typical. I don't even really like having sex unless I'm drunk. I saw that she had a copy of point counter point on her nightstand and decided I would probably read that while I was sorting out which clothes were mine from the pile on the floor. I made it all the way to the street before I realized she must have drove, and had to go back up and knock on the door and ask her for a ride home.

>> No.3654781

nobody says a day of april. a day of april. say that out loud. it's just not said. it's bad dialog

>> No.3654782


he was probably getting back at me for hurting his faggot feelings at some point or other, you have to realize that 99 percent of /lit/ hates me.

and obv it sounds worse, he clearly has no aesthetic tact,

>> No.3654784

this is my first day here :)

>> No.3654786

dont get down on yourself stan, /lit/ likes you, just not when you do dumb internet cool guy shit or get into dumb slapfights

but you're a good poster when you dont do that

>> No.3654806


Lose the trip and we might like you better.

You should trip only when the tread needs it.

>> No.3654807


brilliant, very convincing. sidelining the fact that in this day of april is grammatically fucking correct, you idiot teenager, let's say it's not and i went against convention. don't you know that strict adherence to formal standards would pretty much erase 50 percent of post-ww2 literature?

>> No.3654815

ok have fun being technically right, and sounding like a ponce who says things nobody actually says. that's my only point. it's inauthentic in its pedantic adherence to what is correct over what is actually said and thought

>> No.3654819


i don't think you understand...why would i want to deprive myself of this beautiful relationship?


...are you serious?

>> No.3654822

so much for throwing down. i win by default

>> No.3654826


instead of "in" or "of" "april day" reads better

>> No.3654833

Because I'm not a low class nig/redneck

>> No.3654836


This isn't always the case, but a lot of people who make that argument aren't saying they won't like their tattoos when they're older because they're going to look worse. Rather, they realize that people's personalities aren't static and as they age they might begin to regret getting that tattoo that says "Live. Laugh. Love." or "You Only Live Once".

>> No.3654837

welcome to /lit/ where 99% of us are the 1%

>> No.3654838


>things nobody says

thats some criterion you have there...
i bet your favorite authors are bukowski and tao lin.

>> No.3654840
File: 912 KB, 100x100, 1355276261660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3654841


thinking the 99% is a type instead of a series of largely exclusive tokens

>> No.3654842

whatever. it's an affected and dishonest turn of speech that i find genuinely offputting in anything written in the last 40 years. i bet your favorite authors are rand and melville

>> No.3654846


yeah, i'll give you that.


this was me btw, switching between boards

>> No.3654849

that was also my suggestion. why are you giving it to him and picking a fight with me?

>> No.3654864
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 1357424252913.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black tulip was a sign of prostitutes in ancient times. why would anyone want to use it nowadays except if he/she is a prostitute

>> No.3654868
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x765, trystero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3654870

>being this retarded


>> No.3654873

Desperate and stupid people trying to be more "unique" because they are too stupid to be authentically charismatic.

>> No.3654875

>Everything I do is designed to impress others, so that must be what motivates everyone else as well!

Did you know that some people actually just like art and/or physical pain? I don't even have a tattoo or anything, just wanted to maybe help you clear that misconception up.

>> No.3654886
File: 60 KB, 254x238, 1365278020493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>credible source

>> No.3654899
File: 47 KB, 304x500, illustrated-man-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everything anyone does is to impress others whether you are aware or not since we are a social species.

Some actions taken to illicit this attention are classier than others. Tattoos are clearly not one of them.

Unless you are this man.

>> No.3654908


>fleur-de-lis isn't common knowledge
Jesus Christ...

>> No.3654919

>People get tattoos expecting them to never be seen by anyone or never showing anybody the first chance they get

lol so buttmad.

>> No.3654929

Is that the Beethoven song? it goes na na na na na na na na na, na na na na, na na na na

>> No.3654941


Wikipedia is a pretty credible source.

If you doubt it then you should at least look at the sources wikipedia gives and then judge.

>> No.3654943
File: 9 KB, 192x262, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>common knowledge

being a pleb who gets his info from wikis. go read a book or ask a historian and come back child

>> No.3654968

Lol don't get buttmad. I have Encyclopedia Britannica on my computer, and it is infinitely worse than wikipedia.

Wikipedia is the shit.

>> No.3654974

I do. Got them when it wasn't hip. And you can tell, they are old..
But it's part of me and my skin.

>> No.3654988

Wikipedia is shit. Specially for anything that needs a bit more of a context with translations, ideologies, history, etc. Little knowledge, just loads of information. Serves to cite things around and as first encounters with stuff.

Though the fleur de lis is indeed common knowledge as fuck much before it... So much that if there is a misconception on its significance today, it has long been made solid in people's head to overshadow any previous ones.

>> No.3655005
File: 5 KB, 150x200, _2752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wikipedia is shit.
Name a better encyclopedia. Go ahead, I'm listening.

>> No.3655010

It's the symbol of the french monarchy since the carolingians, if I'm not mistaken and is also Quebec's national emblem. No need to check wikipedia to know this. It indeed is common knowledge.

>> No.3655015


>> No.3655018


Its a superficial point of entry and should be treated as such. It seldom is though.

>> No.3655019

>being this misinformed
>being this deluded

iTs a S7mbol of m0n d1ck, son

>> No.3655054

Because I'm an iconoclast.

Show me a symbol and I'll tell you why it's stupid.

For example: you should only get the fleur de lis tattooed on your body if you're a part of French royalty, otherwise you're just telling the world that you're a Ouiaboo, or that you don't know what the fleur de lis represents, which is much more likely.

Also, getting a compass rose tattooed on your body is pretty stupid, since it's only purpose is to let people know which way north is, so putting it on a surface with no landmarks sort of invalidates everything that it stands for.

Also, not literature.

>> No.3655073


>using wikipedia to prove wikipedia is a credible source

>> No.3655104
File: 14 KB, 250x354, kurt-godel-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean you can't use something to prove itself right?

>> No.3655120

I got a fleur de lis tattoo cause I was in webelos

girls think webelos is cool right

>> No.3655132

What I don't get, is those chinese characters. They can mean anything.
Why would I have some sign I don't get (could mean pig) on my left shoulder, than rather some abstract sign, a smiley, yin&yang, whatever

>> No.3655160

>you should only get the fleur de lis tattooed on your body if you're a part of French royalty
What if you're from Quebec?

>> No.3655167

All the girls masturbate to the thought of having a Québécois bf.

>> No.3655178

I want to get all the constellations tattooed on my front and back, south and north hemisphere respectively.
Just the starts, no lines marking the actualy constellations.
How fa/stupid do you think I'll look?

>> No.3655179

ulysses pls
that cries tryhard so fucking hard

>> No.3655187

Then you should get "QUEBECOIS PRIDE" tattooed on your forehead.

I'm joking of course, because no one from Quebec is proud of their heritage.

>> No.3655188


Not where I'm from. They'd prefer an authentic French bf. The French Canadian accent isn't as pretty as the French French accent.

>> No.3655196

I think he was kidding. Quebec is the shithole of Canada.

>> No.3655201


I think it is, actually. Understanding Tao means being in harmony with nature and avoiding anything unnecessary when possible.

In my understanding putting ink in your skin goes against both of those.

>> No.3655205

Not that there are betters... In fact, I think wikipedia is so different from other encyclopedias, we can't compare. When I think of encyclopedias I think of published tomes of miscellaneous stuff, "round education", knowledge from people who travelled, researched and delivered. Wikipedia is a web formation, with information from the far side from people who are already there, never published, but always published. Different qualities, different problems. Encyclopedias are dead forever, I think wikipedia is a new thing. I just think people shouldn't look at it as if it was neutral, just as much as we may find old encyclopedias naive on their own. Sometimes you can get useful simple information, but what you may also encounter (and I find this very dangerous) is what you think to be simple information, presented as simple information, when in fact it is very complex subject, full of opinions, messy translations, or even philosophical work, that a compendium (any), can begin to scratch it.

And if people were shitting on wiki, I'd probably praise it. Not to rebel, but to balance it out. It's just how I roll.

5-8/10 sounds like a fair rating to me. Not as high as some people wanted it to be.


>> No.3655209
File: 102 KB, 480x349, gypsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I am neither an animal to be tagged nor an imbecile to mark my body permanently.

Stay pleb.

>> No.3655231

I WAS kidding, we're like the polacks of America.

>> No.3655240
File: 974 KB, 2222x2212, Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, you can.

>> No.3655255

Oh god, oh god my sides. I've never laughed this hard in my life.

>> No.3655291

Perhaps. But then again, the same could be said about putting ink on a piece of paper. That's why I mentioned that the way you spoke of tattoos already gives that it's not something you look forward to do at any time. While it remains "putting ink" or "dirtying your body", it sure as hell will be vain, unnatural, not "de". But there are maybe other ways to see it. Much like plucking a string or sitting down and doing nothing, which can be phrased in different ways, not only in different sentences, but phrased into different modes of thinking that can surprise as being most natural and noble atitudes.

>> No.3655354


Yeah I understand what you mean and I see some wisdom in that, I was just expressing my opinion on this particular thing.

You're right though I'm not exactly into tattoos or any other bm so my opinion will be obviously biased.

>> No.3655359

That's because you have 'received views[1]', and can't prevent yourself from mentally labelling those books as 'bad'.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Received_view

>> No.3655406


I don't think you got the reference...

Kurt Godel showed that Hilbert's program to find a complete and consistent set of axioms for all mathematics is impossible. Math cannot prove itself correct, moreover, P may not equal NP.

If mathematics cannot why should anyone suppose the bible could.

>> No.3655426
File: 7 KB, 259x194, simpsons punchline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3655967
File: 134 KB, 800x531, HUSTLE BONES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/mu/'s favorite tattoo
>not these

>> No.3655976


There are so many things wrong with this lady that I don't know where to start. The trashy nail polish? The prison marks on the arm? The tiny breasts? Whoa, I became my grandfather!

>> No.3655987

>1984 fan

>> No.3656027

Coolest tattoo ITT.

>> No.3656363

That's the point......

>> No.3656375

This. So much.

>> No.3656386

Pedro el escamoso? que putas jajajajajajajajaja

>> No.3656404

>tfw of Quebecois and Montreal Iroquis descent but my dad pissed off all our living Montreal relatives so badly that I would be turned away if I were to visit them

I just want to visit Montreal and be bohemian and get a qt Quebecois GF but my asshole dad had to destroy their refrigerator and let a raccoon loose in their home while on a quest to get bald eagle eggs for the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

>> No.3656406

to be fair, McRide does have really cool tattoos.

>> No.3656443
File: 1.24 MB, 1840x3264, 2013-04-13_23-54-10_344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just one. randroid reporting operational.

>> No.3656457


>> No.3656468

That's not exactly true. Escaped slaves had the letters "FUG" branded on their foreheads. Do that.

>> No.3656471

Because they're vulgar.

>> No.3656485


7/10 would tap

>> No.3656513

I've yet found neither words nor symbols fit to stain my skin.

>> No.3656520

neither and nor are old age words. theyre inconcise.

4/10 - would not value your opinion

>> No.3656536
File: 155 KB, 400x505, 1359922192176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Complains about word choice.
>>No capitals.

>> No.3656559
File: 762 KB, 300x170, 1360032557781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rides hard about literature.
>thinks grammar and capitalization matter