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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.26 MB, 1936x2592, lp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3644499 No.3644499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is she so perfect, bros?

>> No.3644504

Because she has a pussy AND a reasonably high IQ. That ranks her above 99% of people I would potentially mate with.

>> No.3644505

I discovered the weddingring, even with all the flashy distraction.

>> No.3644508

fuck ryan gosling

>> No.3644512


Go to sleep Laurie.

>> No.3644513


>> No.3644516
File: 37 KB, 460x276, Laurie-Penny-and-Nick-Lez-007-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British accent
>Writes well
>Loves HST
>Fights for her ideals

>> No.3644519



>> No.3644528

Are we sure that's even a wedding ring?

Americlapistani reporting in. Do Brits wear their wedding rings on their right hands? I always thought that my people, who wear our wedding rings on our left hands, had inherited this custom from our Anglo-Saxon ancestors, but I could be wrong about this.

>> No.3644534

That song is fucking brilliant, thanks, I'd never heard of the guy before.

>> No.3644535


>not speeding toward some vapid midget walking into traffic with her ugly fucking head up her cunt
>not letting it all unfold

>> No.3644545

Does this author really post here?
I love how starved for attention /lit/goers are that they circlejerk over any author that references this board.

>> No.3644554

Yeah, left hand in Britain too.
She's not married, or even engaged. She's quite open about her relationships, and frequently mentions her sex life in articles and blog posts: She's recently split up with her bf, who is now fucking her ex-gf

>> No.3644560

I don't think she's ever referenced this board. Some /lit/izen gave her a link to /lit/ on twitter and she agreed to come here.

>> No.3644561
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I'm afraid "author" has been abused as an occupation and, henceforth, it is now believable this person is referred as such.

On the second issue, this is what /lit/ is. Do you think any worthy author actually comes here? Hell, do you think any human worth his/her salt actually visits or knows what 4chan is?

>> No.3644567

>I love how starved for attention /lit/goers are

Well, at least most of us haven't stooped to using a tripcode yet...

>> No.3644571 [DELETED] 
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You're making me reflect on my life.

>> No.3644576
File: 113 KB, 1024x1432, AzSo7RVCIAAhCqY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen the new Laurie Penny film?

>> No.3644578

Ahh there ya go.
>Hell, do you think any human worth his/her salt actually visits or knows what 4chan is?
>his/her, catering to women
Different folks, different strokes. /b/ is the only scuzzy board on 4chan really.
You have it ass-backwards. We used to have great tripfags back in the day. I remember back to the reign of Leto, son.
you can gauge the health of a board by how many tripfags it has

>> No.3644582

Try a tripcode and watch the quality of your posts go up.
Something you could benefit by.

>> No.3644594

>Try a tripcode and watch the quality of your posts go up.

The prosecution now presents exhibit A: Sunhawk.

>> No.3644604

The defense:
Sunhawk has been madly trolled recently. Check his trip. It's like 5 different people.

>> No.3644612
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incase that every happens to me, just remember Sxqo.
I'll keep it real

>> No.3644615

>The defense:
>Sunhawk has been madly trolled recently.

The prosecution:
The past two years of Sunhawk's archived posts, and exhibit B: Stan.

>> No.3644623

Nobody actually reads the letters and numbers after the trip name.

>> No.3644627

The defense:
Fuck Sunhawk and Stan. We had (K)*.
Maybe the greatest /lit/goer of all time.


>> No.3644635

I'rm waiting until this thread becomes something more literature-related. For now, sage.

>> No.3644637

im so fucking awesome

>> No.3644638

Change the first part to your name and you've done it!
I'll see you around!

>> No.3644641


its time to stop posting you boring twat

>> No.3644650

Yeah, you and a million other people.

>> No.3644653


no but really though, you have the charisma of dried fruit

>> No.3644655



>> No.3644657
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>I'rm waiting until this thread becomes something more literature-related.

Nobody on /lit/ has read her books. We go by her appearance, her parents financial status, one youtube video, and a skim through a token article on Britfag economics.

>> No.3644663

>its time to stop posting you boring twat
Well, what do you know. Stan can into irony after all.

>> No.3644664
File: 114 KB, 929x772, Meth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo mama don't wear no drawers!
I saw her when she took them off!
Standin on the welfare line, eatin swine
Tryin to look fine, with her stank behind
You can ask the bitch and she'll tell ya fast
Yo, I got STYLE with my nasty ass

>> No.3644674


>youtube video

yeah, mainly this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj9dA6E3fJw

>007 toldfinger

>> No.3644680

I think she's got some nice ideas about feminism, and some small amount of knowledge about economics, but that's about it really.

>> No.3644682


im awesome

>> No.3644683

>Not posting the remix:


>> No.3644697

In 2007 PTA was making movies like TWBB while QT was making movies like Grindhouse.

In 2013, I was making posts like >>3644664
and Satan was making posts like >>3644682.

>> No.3644704
File: 34 KB, 257x346, 1360542180306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official Laurie Penny Power Rankings:

>God tier
Penny Red

>Good tier:
Flesh Market
Film/book reviews
Guardian articles
New Statesman articles
political essays

>Shit tier
Anything for vice
Public debates/lectures

>> No.3644733


stangod circa 2013: http://fuuka.warosu.org/lit/thread/S3435699#p3437697

faggot circa 2013: http://fuuka.warosu.org/lit/thread/S3643084#p3644501


what a fucking retard

>> No.3644747
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There's a reason I deleted that post. I realized that Heinlein actually IS a Golden Age-era Sci Fi author.
I actually fact-check my posts.
As for YOUR POST, I'll quote Hemingway.
(from the Hemingway-Faulkner beef) Big words don't equal big emotions.
You wanna throw down, bitch? I'll throw down.

>> No.3644751

>Tripfag ego war.
Just what this board needs.

>> No.3644752

Where do her chubby thighs go?

>> No.3644755
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>> No.3644758


>its from teh same specimen herr durr im so fucking retarded someone put me out of my misery

>> No.3644763

It's time to stop posting.

>> No.3644770

that epileptic emu kung fu style

>> No.3644774


>> No.3644775

That guy mistakes himself for a professional.

>> No.3644779
File: 394 KB, 1436x1761, portrait-of-sebastia-junyer-vidal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really the best you can do, huh?
>no images to support your posts
>barely cohesive wordplay

>> No.3644789
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Her thighs aren't that chubby.

>> No.3644791


I've always dubiously viewed Derrida's claims of anti-logocentrism. Without a stable referential base, it's all he has left.

>> No.3644803


you have to realize that most of derrida's conclusions are kinds of Nietzschean-paradoxes, whereby only through contradiction can the full extent of some particular thing be grasped and elaborated

>> No.3644809
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>> No.3644810


>the irony
of a "purely performative" dialectic

>> No.3644812
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She was a depressive anorexic when she was younger, then overcame that and went through a chubby stage, and now seems to have evened out.

>> No.3644825


That's how I read it too, my background in Hegel helped with its counter-intuitive feel.

>> No.3644834

So. Where is the Pennyporn?

>> No.3644838


What part do you disagree with?

I'd love for this idiot to engage in a phil debate with stan.

>> No.3644839


I just puked a bit in my mouth

>> No.3644848

This is from the archive:

I knew what was coming, I knew the punishment would be intense, I quietly crossed the threshold. Standing ready was my beautiful Laurie, strap in hand, looking stern and angry and getting ready to punish me.

"grab the straps."

Grab the straps. I hated hearing that. It meant a long session, a session including strap-ons, canes, paddles, unable to move for hours. When Laurie settles into a session she really goes for it. My pants hit the floor around my ankles, my hands reached for the straps, my lovely mistress, hair recently returned to natural color, made the straps tight so I couldn't pull away. I was meat hung from a butchers hook.

I looked into Laurie's eyes and she looked back, sparks flew. Her lithe body, barely five foot two inches was taught from many years practicing feminism and yoga. She has small shoulders, firm breasts that match her stature, 34A. She tapers to tiny waist that flares into hips that hide a wonderfully tight butt, round and well pronounced. She has strong legs that are perfectly toned.

She circled around me a couple times, inspecting. She grabbed my under shorts and pulled them down to meet my pants at me ankles. She circled again, took my cock in her hand and jerked it a few times. I couldn't but begin to rise to her although I knew it would mean more punishment for getting hard in her hand.

Now, seeing her standing to my side, I saw her arm extended knowing the first lash was seconds away. It landed squarely across my ass and I sucked in a breath hard and fast. She was giving me a series of strap blows that I couldn't count. They were landing so fast that the sting of one didn't register before the next blow landed...

>> No.3644855

When Laurie stopped, she turned on the remote camera, the monitor was in front of me. My ass was flaming red and already bleeding in places. Now, monitor on, I could see the punishment being delivered. Her arm extended again as another series of fast hard blows rang out against my ass and upper legs. I continued watching each strike, almost hypnotized by the view of leather strap striking skin, skin ripping as it takes each strike.

She was still thrashing me aggressively, I could see the color of my ass turning a deep purple. Eventually the strapping would have to end and she would cool me with some ointment leaving me to anticipate the next round. When the moment came that she stopped strapping, the cool ointment being applied hurt, cool against the hot damaged skin.

She applied the ointment with one dainty hand, that was normal; however, she used her other hand to reach between my legs to fondle my balls, that was not normal. After she was satisfied that my ass was properly anointed, she came around my front and looked into my eyes; I looked back. Not sure what she saw in my privileged eyes, I saw something different in hers, not just the usual feminist look, there was something else, sensual.

She grasped my cock again and stroked it, then dropped to her knees.

"Don't you dare cum. If you cum, I will thrash your ass to the bone."

She sucked my cock into her mouth, licking and tasting along my length. Every few seconds she reminded me not to cum. "Not on my mouth, not on my face, not on my clothes, no cum." Then she would take me deep in her mouth and suck more.

As she sucked, I couldn't help but sway my hips into her...

>> No.3644861

"Are you going to cum?"

How do stop a fired bullet exiting a gun barrel? I exploded into Laurie's mouth.

"I told you not to cum," she screamed. Slapping my cock with her hand, she stood, walked behind me.

She checked the camera and monitor, picked her favorite paddle, and displayed it to the camera lens. There was nothing for me to say, I did cum and she told me not to, she was going to make me suffer. In the monitor I saw her taking a firm two hand grip, pull her arms back, and swing. The paddle landed squarely and firmly leaving a new large welt. She wasn't swinging as often with the paddle as with the strap. Each swing of the paddle came after she adjusted her grip. Two, three, four, ten, thirty, I lost count, the monitor showed nothing but a large purple welt that was my entire ass. The pain began subsiding as my nerves muted, I wondered how much more I could take.

The blows were fierce, my ass vibrated against each blow. Two more, three, five more, I was straining against the straps trying to stay on my feet. I took ten more blows before calling out, "Marx!"

Hearing Marx, the blows stopped being delivered. "Are you okay? I can't believe how much abuse you took." I was released from the straps and all but collapsed to the floor and crawled away to my recovery area. My breathing was still labored and feeling was returning to my ass. The pain was putting me on the verge of blackout when I felt ice packs spread across my abused ass cheeks. The sudden cold against my recovering nerves was more than my senses could take; I did go unconscious.

I don't know how long I was out, however, Laurie was still with me, soothing and comforting me. When she was in her feminist role, she was 100 percent feminist. But when she hears our duress word, she quickly comes out of role.

"Its going to be a couple months before you're healthy again, there is a lot of damage. We better be careful for a long while."

I smiled as she cuddled me.

>> No.3644868


lel, that idiot probably thought that me and >>3644791 were disagreeing.

>implying i'd humor some dickless retard's knee jerk reactions with a intellectual debate

>> No.3644872


>> No.3644927
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>When she was in her feminist role, she was 100 percent feminist. But when she hears our duress word, she quickly comes out of role.

>> No.3645004

thomas pynchon posts here too

preorder his new book

>> No.3645328

>implying >>3644838 wasn't you

>> No.3645342
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I want to naked-spoon with LP.

>> No.3645611
File: 132 KB, 296x422, Rory-Gallagher-Sound-Check-Music-Blog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again. I can't stop listening to him. I have spent from that post till now going through every live performance of him that I can find. Goddamn, I haven't been this impressed by a musician in ages. Thank you, sir.

>> No.3645630


herr herr that wasnt me negre tits, was posting on the gayest fucking thrad on /fit/ and took my triep off, forgat to spel when i returned

bemping useless thread

>defending this cancerous tripcode on gods green earth
>terrible airport sushi
>flight delayed
>posting about delayed flight on laurie penny thread
>if i see laurie penny in charlotte-douglas airport i swer to gods ill ram my arm elbow-deep in her cunt

>> No.3645638

>hardcore statist
>leftist who puts taxing the rich above actual labor movement
Nah. She's cute and I'd probably have coffee with her and discuss politics (and disagree) but she's not perfect.

>> No.3645654

You sure can 4chan.

>> No.3645656
File: 28 KB, 468x420, Albanian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Stan.

>> No.3645661

what significance does her pink hair have within critical theory

>> No.3645690
File: 20 KB, 379x252, girls smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3645695

>not being a statist

>> No.3645700


can you rephrase that?

why has that albanian been rendered in 3D?

>> No.3645703

I'm very glad.

>> No.3645708

not enough stans in this thrad goats

i dream of a /highschool/ with billions upon billions of stan

>> No.3645719
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who will stoat recruit next?

>> No.3645722

Same significance as Zizek's mannerisms

>> No.3645743

Yo, there's this little retarded girl (downs) in charlotte-douglas airport, sitting with her mad as fuck we-should-have-gotten-an-abortion dad screaming the words "it's so loud". i wanna tell her that the noise is coming from her but i don't know how she will take it.
>how she will take it
>laurie penny surrogate in charlotte-douglas
>double whammy
>pleasuring retarded girls on gods green earth

i want to write an erotica composed entirely of little retarded girls, little retarded lesbians

>> No.3645750


idk dude,
it has to be someone worthy of le honor

>> No.3645757


>> No.3645759


Where is Kantianism/Gewirthianism?

>> No.3645765

y r u @ airport?

>> No.3645767

did you know they can read your text messages and computer screens and shit w/ their nice as fuck airport security cameras, and like they have people whos all day job is just to read these things

i didn't know this until like yesterday (toured airport security camera room or whatever its called)

if somebody in airport security is reading this hello

>> No.3645769


please tell me you didnt just find out about based mesh

>> No.3645771

>teen grill stirnerist
embrasse moi

>> No.3645778

I did.
I could thank you.

>> No.3645779

i'm not a girl lol just a compulsive liar

>> No.3645783

should already be exterminated biological waste container tier

>> No.3645787

you can't ever come to my milkshop again

>> No.3645791

Oh, look! Another thread about /lit/'s Grimes. Probably by the same creators of yesterday's randfests and hungry caterpillars.

>> No.3645793

That makes this post useless.

>> No.3645797

your milkshop is shit

>> No.3645798


traveling from lexington virginia back to mia.
was at Washington&Lee Law. thinking about attending


thats fucked up dude.
you trying to get a job there or were you on a fieldtrip lel

>> No.3645823

Are there multiple Stans in this thread or is Stan talking to himself?

>> No.3645831

the latter ofc.

>> No.3645834
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>he doesn't know about post-identity

>> No.3645835

It's Stan fucking up with his wifi at the airport, not realising that his trip is on, and trying to reply to himself as Anon.

>> No.3645844

>implying I'm stan

>> No.3645849


OH FUCK, they caught me. my wi-fi stopped me from deleting the words where it says Name.
my wi-fi did this

thats pretty gey

put it back on dude wtf u doing

>> No.3645856


but technically you are tho

>> No.3645858

>put it back on dude wtf u doing

>> No.3645866
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Did you hear back about the short story /prose poem manuscript or are we going to self-publish?

>> No.3645871


i thought that was you lel, my heads are reeling from the sushi

>> No.3645883


have you noticed how, if youre quick enough, you can post within the same minute thus causing the illusion of different posters?

and i'm still waiting to hear back, probly ball out and self publish

>> No.3645886

it didn't even really happen

>> No.3645896

hrhr sugartits in charge of le dialectic

>> No.3645900


manually add the pluses? manually add the plusses

u have a serious problem and/or brain cancer

>> No.3645909

why can't I hold all these


>> No.3645916

satan !!1Fa7LzeI6u8 = !!lZetafI6z8s

>> No.3645917
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You a fan, a phony, a fake, a pussy, a stan.

>> No.3645919

This thread...

>> No.3645921


>> No.3645929

thats not true i could never handle so much nietzschean claptrap / djent metal but if you want to be me my trip is ##baudelaire

>> No.3645935



lele back to your fucking corner you little meatheaded shitsack



>> No.3645939


>> No.3645949

>le soundtrack when albany muffioso have your lit published


>> No.3645955

at publish it somewhere because i'd love to read it

>> No.3645960


>> No.3645964


no goats, probly something like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bgE2f7Vx2w

>> No.3645973


>That obscure trillwave rap


>> No.3646003
File: 133 KB, 640x427, pollock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's progress at work still

That's really nice for sunshine but sometimes I'm more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwmUOJR-GwA when I just had my customised mineral supplement script filled.

>> No.3646004


>> No.3646008


any details or is it all classified

>> No.3646011


its not supposed to be "good" and stop trying to prove that you're not me, stan


>the bug

dass it mane, poison dart works better imo

>> No.3646020

Has anybody commented on the fact that her fingers look like pale sausages yet? If no one has: that bitch has Shrek fingers.

>> No.3646022

sry zeta

>> No.3646029


This is not quite like it but it has the hue.

In the end it's mostly an attempt to lose all internal inhibitation in a structural sense but repress colours and stick with the monochrome. Disciplined chaos. Flat. Like making coffee and freezing the grinds left behind and putting them in your navel and watching the Triumph des Willens projected on the ceiling on a chaise longue while they warm up. These phrases are not truth apt but I'm merely trying to sketch. Stan has offered me a ticket (economy lel jew) towards collaboration but I'm afraid of the Miami colours.

>> No.3646041

>poison dart works better imo
Holy shit I forgot about that one. Delicious.

>> No.3646042

>furious backpedaling
>doesn't understand any of my references
>calls ME meatheaded shitsack

>> No.3646048

all of my dollars

>> No.3646050 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 626x792, stirner61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stan pls

>> No.3646056 [DELETED] 


>> No.3646062

how many do you have bby boy

>> No.3646071

$21 cash $36.32 amazon bux

>> No.3646113

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

>> No.3646140

iFeel like i've become truly post-modem

>> No.3646864

If you saw her naked you'd just go 'meh' and back to the chessboard.

>> No.3646866


>> No.3646884



>> No.3646908

I think someone emotionally wanking to the mental image of someone else dedicated to changing the capitalist colonialist social system needs to lurk more, unless it's in some secret De Sade'ian way I don't want to know about...