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/lit/ - Literature

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3642293 No.3642293 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get started writing?

>> No.3642302

Write an outline of your ideas.

>> No.3642308

inb4 he asks where2cop ideas

>> No.3642374

You put one word after another till you have a really long string of words that sounds pretty and makes sense when you say them all consecutively.

>> No.3642387

How to book:
>Protagonist character (ideal version of you) -Bond, Potter, Borne, Parker, Hemingway...
>Antagonist Character (Clichéd evil guy) Voldermort, Penguin, Russian millionaire, mad scientist...
>Conflict - Antag wants to kill, rape, maim, imprison, protag
>Protag vs antag
>Protag win, Antag is kill
>Conflict resolved
>Riches and bitches

>> No.3642397

where do I get ideas I checked everywhere but they're not quite "up there" as I expected

>> No.3642406
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1. Keep a common notebook handy so you can write down your ideas when you get them.
2. Watch movies, read books, (a wide variety and an unbelievable amount) so that you can have ideas and get a feel for the structure.
3. After you have a couple ideas, find one bit that you think is good, and form a story around it, it can be an event, a setting, a piece of dialogue, anything, it's called the story seed.
4. Brainstorm a bunch of things that can result from or lead up to the story seed, Think of how people could be affected, and for every strong way in which someone could get affected, you have a character.
5. Make an outline.
5. Make an outline.
5. Make an outline. (Repeating this for emphasis, you're not going to be able to keep all of this stuff in your head and if you try to write the whole novel by starting with a blank page saying "Chapter 1" You will screw it up.
Your whole novel will be bent around the first chapters, and working to service them, when the opening is supposed to be working to support the main body of the novel, the entire middle and the climax, You can change things from your outline if you want, but have an outline to change.)
6. Write out a rough first draft.
7. proof-read it polish it, fix errors, see where it's weak, move things around,
8. Write another draft
9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 until it stops being shit, make no mistake, it will be shit on the first draft. But that's what rewriting is for.

>> No.3642415


>> No.3642421

They're located at the base of your pelvic bone.

pull them out of your ass