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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 69 KB, 640x960, girlwithhairaccessorypic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3641788 No.3641788 [Reply] [Original]

In my entire life, I don't think I've ever met a girl who read, whether she be cutie, cutie patootie, plain, or just plain ugly. Having said that, there's half a dozen qt and qtp2ts at my local Waterstones...who may or may not read. Hard to say with chain bookstores. Certainly I don't get girls come up to me twice a week, reading in public, like brownbear did (RIP). Bowgirl is cutie patootie.

>> No.3641798

How often do you go out, Sunhawk?

>> No.3641803

You have spoken with plenty of women who read on /lit/.

>> No.3641809


On average? Twice a week, into town (which is a long-ass way away). Not much point anymore, a lot of good stores have closed.

>> No.3641807

i constantly have a raging hard on at the local library

>> No.3641814

I don't think you've talked to many females.

>> No.3641813


Like I said, met. And onionring and Hannah don't count as 'plenty of women'.

>> No.3641817

Also I still don't like that girl's lips.

>> No.3641821
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Well, it's not like she would fellate you. Or even kiss you.

>> No.3641826

Don't know any females who read anything like as seriously as me, but I have known plenty who cream themselves over people like Haruki Murakami or Barbara Kingsolver, which I would consider to be at least semi-respectable (I mean, it beats the shit out of 50 Shades, right?).

Come to think of it, I've only known one person apart from myself - male or female - who reads in a way I would consider 'serious'. And he's kind of a massive douche.

>> No.3641827

Why do you think the only women on here are two trip/namefags?

>> No.3641831

But would she fuck me?

>> No.3641835
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It's a message board, and 4chan.

>> No.3641840


I guess. Huge bow = huge slut.

>> No.3641847

>mfw suncock is whinier than ever
>mfw he masturbates to girlwithhairaccessorypic.jpg
>mfw he must live in some 3rd world nation where attractive women don't read

>> No.3641850
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this is mfw

>> No.3641852
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There are plenty of girls who read, some of us even post here.

>> No.3641855
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bonus mfw #1

>> No.3641857
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bonus mfw #2

>> No.3641858
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I am skeptical. Oh well.

>> No.3641863

maybe the cute ones just run away whenever you're around so you never see them. i mean, let's be serious here. you're probably an ugly ass dude if you're spending your time thinking about shit like this.

>> No.3641864


By that logic, everyone on /lit/ is an ugly-ass dude.

Oh wait.

Well, hot dog.

>> No.3641868
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>tfw I can't even quietly ride a train without some beauty harassing me about continental philosophy and avant garde literature

>> No.3641870

not sure how old you are but i'll give you a tip. throw out your preconceptions of what girl you think you want to find and just meet someone and get to know them on a one on one level. if she's not your type then try again. it beats having your head up your arse, amirite?

>> No.3641876
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Yeah. If only that was true.

It would be great if girls really did approach while reading in public, but I doubt they do much. I live in hope though. Gonna keep reading on that waterfall area at the park.

>> No.3641881


/lit/ spends a lot of time with its collective head up its ass. Perhaps this is me too. But girls still don't approach me in public, though.

>> No.3641903

I've been approached by women from 16 to 76 years of age approaching me about the daily flavour of edgy literature I flaunted about nonchalantly.

Perhaps it's just that you don't have an alibi.

>> No.3641907

join a book club. use an online dating site. try spending time with friends who actually go out and are social. go see bands you like and meet women there. if you're insist on a park try getting a dog to walk. women love cute dogs. volunteer for fundraising for your local cancer society or some other cause you think worth helping. there are usually some good looking women helping out. i have no idea. these are off the top of my head.

>> No.3641910

>local cancer society
Seems very appropriate. According to my experience, volunteer work is a good way to meet middle aged women and hippies.

>> No.3641918

>Getting a dog to pick up women
That's not very ethical.

>> No.3641927

look, anon. i have a feeling sunhawk won't give a shit as long as he gets some salty vagina to slide his penis in and out of repeatedly and then ejaculate in a wild haze of euphoria and sweat then rolling off the woman panting from the exercise he just got while feeling his prick get smaller and more sensitive with the aftershock all while holding the hands of some new woman in his life.

>> No.3641931
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>not chatting up le single moms at the dole office

>> No.3641951

>Do you know any qts or qtp2ts who read?

Yes, several. They all either have boyfriends or have rejected me, though.

>> No.3641990

the only thing any bitch should be reading is the braille on my dick with her tongue which says suck it you slut suck it suck it

>> No.3641994


>> No.3642004

i've already tried /b/ there arent any local willing sluts there but thanks

>> No.3642012


>> No.3642051

lol! toasting in another epic sunhock bread! archive quick!

>> No.3642376

On girl I knew was a cutie in a kind of overweight, frizzy hair, plump face and never wore any make-up kind of way. She was nice, gentle and really apologetic too which I find cute. I'll find a pic if I can. All she did was read. We talked for hours every few weeks when we would meet up and could never end our conversations because we had too much to talk about and too little time. No matter how much I read up on a subject she would always know more.
Since then I've been hooked on women who read, a rarity anywhere. Even considering all previous girlfriends, she was the only woman I ever loved and I never said anything because I didn't want to ruin what we had. She once invited me to a Valentines Day singles party and I couldn't bring myself to go. I regret that so much. Now she's gone and the only person I can talk to books about is my grandfather who I love equally as much as her (platonically you sick fucks).
Now I'm sad.
Fuck you guys.

>> No.3642384
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>a cutie in a kind of overweight, frizzy hair, plump face and never wore any make-up kind of way

u wot m8

>> No.3642388

Yes, tons.

You just have to
1. Not be a neck beard
2. be attractive

>> No.3642393

What is a cutie patootie ? This is the only worthwhile thing I will get from this thread anyway.

>> No.3642396

Well MAYBE if you just read Infinite Jest in public that would change

>> No.3642407

I'm a bit surprised and disappointed that Sunhawk doesn't seem to have gained any real-world skills from having read so much. I would've thought that you'd gain an understanding of people and behaviour from reading widely that would get you over your problems.

>> No.3642408

he reads stephen king, what do you expect?

>> No.3642409

Well, chubby and rustic. She looked welcoming and was kind of aloof.

>> No.3642412

>having read so much
>has read 8 books this year

>> No.3642413

>On girl I knew was kind of overweight and had frizzy hair, a plump face and never wore any make-up.


>> No.3643433

Oh dear Anon..

>> No.3643441

seriously fuck you sunhawk

fuck you for making this shitty thread

>> No.3643445

One of the two or so chicks I know who reads anything past highschoolcore is literally 2attractive4me
like, I wouldn't be comfortable dating/fucking her (like that would ever happen) because I feel like being in the company of someone as attractive as her would just invalidate my own experiences of situations encountered together.

>> No.3643529

What does qt mean anyway?

>> No.3643562

i knew a girl who read sometimes but then now i don't know her anymore, or i guess i still know her but i haven't talked to her in like over a year. the last girl i dated didn't read at all, and I once lent her slaughterhouse 5 thinking she could read it because it's easy and short but in like 6 months she only made it 10 pages in. although to be honest i only know like 1 male who reads too so i guess reading is just not popular these days. if i saw a bad bitch on the beach reading underworld i think i'd say that's wife material right there. sometimes i feel like you devote pretty much your whole life to literature or whatever and it becomes like the only thing you care a lot about but then you look around and there is absolutely no one you know irl who you can talk to about it. and it gets so that when you go out and see your friends you have nothing to say to them when they ask you what you've been up to lately because there is no way to explain the subtleties of Didion's early essays to someone who hasn't finished a book in a year and to whom "journalism" is merely the to-the-point writing they find in the local paper.

>> No.3643581


>> No.3643589


>> No.3643591

This guy!

>> No.3643594


qt3.14 = Cutie Pie

>> No.3643978

Girls read more than guys idiot. They just don't like to advertise that they read for pop fiction and romance/ porn.

>> No.3643996

Saw my 2 favourite Watergirls today in Waterstones, beta'd with both of them. One I didn't want to serve me because I like her too much, and the other I didn't even bother with eye contact. PHAIL.

At least I got a book.

>> No.3644005

You have to post a self shot so we know what's happening.

>> No.3644013

Damn you, I was trying to resist going to Waterstones today. I buy too many books.

>> No.3644030

Is Bonjour Tristesse a good book to read in public to get qts to notice me? Feel like a lotta girls "relate" to Cecile because she's retarded like them

>> No.3644042

No you are retarded for thinking this way. What do you expect? She's going to come up to you and say 'Oh I love that book, what's your name?' It doesn't happen. The most she'd do, even if it was her favourite book would look at you until you notice her. That's it. I'm tired of these stupid posts.


>> No.3644045

My girlfriend reads
None of my romantic partners prior to her read so it's a breath of fresh air to date a well read girl

>> No.3644047

lol! toasting in another epic sunhock bread! archive quick!

>> No.3644049

Do you ever leave your house?

>> No.3644056

Every day. And I know to get laid, you've got to approach them. Do you know that, or do you prefer self delusion.

>> No.3644064


>> No.3644065

Enjoying celibacy bro?

>> No.3644069

I didn't approach my current girlfriend but probably 70% of those I've slept with approached me.

>> No.3644073

But 0% were random sd, you don't have a gf lol

>> No.3644074

You can believe that if you want.

>> No.3644155
File: 273 KB, 452x640, 5434586945_b817843ce9_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what trailing members of the alphabet actually believe.

>> No.3644195
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You just need a sexy accent. Intelligent women love that shit.

>> No.3644215

Would you prefer a girl who doesn't read, or a girl who reads books like Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Golden Compass, Chronicles of Narnia, The Uglies, and other books considered juvenile fiction?

This is at YOUR age, btw. I'm personally 23, and every girl I know who reads is talking about these kinds of books. Some also (or only) read 50 Shades of Grey, which I'm fine with. I know it sucks, but it makes them want to get whipped, slapped, and choked during sex, which I support

>> No.3644678

I know plenty of girls that read semi-"serious" literature - Haruki Murakami, The Curious Incident Of the Dog In the Nighttime, things like that. They are (surprisingly), on average, more attractive than the chicks who read smut like 50 Shades and The Hunger Games, or, god forbid, the female weaboos.

I don't know if this counts, but I also know a girl who is studying acting & theatre and is therefore very well-versed in literature, especially drama. I am dating her. It's hard to beat the feeling of discussing Brecht and Sartre with a female.

So don't give up, Sunhawk - you just have to be determined, and one day, you'll meet Her.