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3639453 No.3639453 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ make of Lolita?

>> No.3639462

I think it's the only convincing love story of our century

>> No.3639472

bro do you even proust

lolita's good, it ends particularly well

>> No.3639479

>love story
have you even read the book?

>> No.3639486

if you think lolita's not a love story i bet we don't share a definition of love.

death in venice is good too

>> No.3639493

I'd let her tangle my thorn

>> No.3639514


Lolita wasn't written in our century, unless you're around 50 years old.

>> No.3639520

my century started in 2008

>> No.3639524


Lolita was written before 2008.

>> No.3639537

that's where you're wrong, I wrote it the first time I read it.

>> No.3639544

humbert is not in love with lolita.he's a pedophile.
at the end of the book he find her grown body less and less attractive.
how about the part where he considers knocking her up to have fresh new loli.
i don't know about your definition of love,but wherever you are, stay away from me!

>> No.3639563

learn to read the cover review

>> No.3639592

lol, so pedophiles can't be in love huh? Humbert, because he is attracted or repulsed by "mere" physical form can't truly love Lolita? tell that to anyone who's eye and mind has been caught by a stranger's face in the street. the pedophilia in lolita says something fundamental about beauty as always forbidden, always being lost, which is applicable to EVERY EXPERIENCE of beauty, not just that of the pedophile. if you think the experience of something as vague and powerful as LOVE can be checked by numbers on a passport you're an idiot. not to say the number don't play a role, but it's the role of the obscurity which reveals, the forbidden which attracts, the disease which doesn't wish to be cured... in other words a much more universal experience of desire than is contained in mere pedophilia

>> No.3639633
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>> No.3639638
File: 2.98 MB, 2000x5000, anon waifu val 2013 comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol, so pedophiles can't be in love huh? Humbert, because he is attracted or repulsed by "mere" physical form can't truly love Lolita?

I guess this means waifufags truly do love their 2D companions.

>> No.3639644

desire and attraction are not equal to love.
humbert first priority is to fuck little girls.
his attachment to lolita at the end is just about his dirty coscience.

>> No.3639678

Is the love of a man for a woman worth less then because his "first priority" is to fuck them? attraction doesn't really understand any priority except for the priority of the loved for the lover. If you're going to go start saying THIS relationship between two people is love and THAT relationship isn't you're going to need to present deeper insights than you have yet. Doomed love is still love, forbidden love is still love... politically sanctioned, tax-break eligible relationships are a dim and tiny perspective on the world of interpersonal relations

>> No.3639699

what about paying a little girl to fuck and stealing the money from her says "love story"?
have you read the book or are you just talking of love in general(badly,btw)?

>> No.3639700

of course. that's the purest form of love there is

>> No.3639732

What about it doesn't? The onus is on you here. Most people would say that a sexual relationship between two people that leads to obsession and total individual collapse has something in it that is recognizable as love. If you're going to say Lolita isn't about love because pedophiles can't love, I doubt very much the integrity of your own experiences with love.

>> No.3639748

i just realized just now that i've been trolled.

>> No.3639753

or at least i hope you are trollin...

>> No.3639752

It's the tragic story of a man hwo became a slave of his own desires. The greatest thing about this book is the fact that even though the main character is absolutely perverted and ruthless, you can't not feel sympathy for him. Imo this book is the greatest novel of the 20th century.

>> No.3639864

You seem to think that love is merely lust with a pretty name.

I feel bad for you.

>> No.3640691

Humbert loved her. I don't even think that can be argued. He was a pedophile, yes, but pedophiles can feel emotions like your average heterosexual can.

>> No.3640706


>> No.3640715

No - 'sexual' was a modifier for 'relationship', not the other way around. Profound internal disturbance through meeting with an external being is the truth of love and the truth of Lolita.

>> No.3640833

I'd say over 2/3s of the f/a/gs in that collage are normals who treat waifus as a big joke. They are ironically posting their poorly lit picture of them holding nasty dr pepper in front of a homuhomu reaction pic just to fit in.

>> No.3641228

That's a way to kill a conversation.

I have exact same opinions as him on the matter.

>> No.3641257

I guess you could say he loved the nymphette object he made out of her, he loved Lolita, but him loving Dolores is a huge stretch for me

>> No.3641295

One of those things I always hear about but probably wont ever look at, like Evangelion and Serial Expirements Lain.

>> No.3641297

it's up there amongst my favourites, it's a colourful read with tragedy, comedy and a great deal to say about love.

>> No.3641298

What a fucking piece of shit book. There wasn't a single fappable chapter in it. I was robbed.

>> No.3641314

It's frequently referred to as Plebita here.

>> No.3641320


2/10, way too obvious, sir.

>> No.3641322

Orly? According to the archive, your post was the very first to say 'Plebita'.


Have you been skipping doses again?

>> No.3641327

easiest b8 of my life m8

>> No.3641332


Well if we include this post, then it will have been mentioned three times.

Let's get this going.

>> No.3641350


You speak beautifully. Please be mine.

>> No.3641358

But couldn't you argue by extension that every man loves a woman as an object and not as a human being? Yes, he was obsessed with her in regards to her size and innocence, and maybe he did only love her as an object, but my understanding is that even men who aren't obsessed with little girls do this on some plane with other women.

>> No.3643038
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>> No.3643103

The prose were nice but it was a lot of unnecessary filler.

Humbert was obsessive.

Humbert just wanted his childhood, to be with the girl he loved when he was a child. It was an important piece near the beginning of the book, I thought. No one mentioned that yet.

Not enough about the trials, going to prison. It seemed like the author was more focused on putting words on paper than plot.

>> No.3643403

He wasn't a pedo, the girl was a little slut.

>> No.3643405


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