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File: 247 KB, 2042x1141, Brazilian_Patriotism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3638717 No.3638717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

...that you literates do not quite like racism?

>> No.3638732

... as compared to the rest of the chan - is this correct?

>> No.3638739


>> No.3638748

We generally seem open to any sensible discussion of race, but blind ideology or irrational hatred gets frowned upon and frequently redirected back to >>>/pol/

>> No.3638764


like i have a time to give a fuck about racism. Racism is for you americunts living la vida loca in siesta mode, worrying about the second coming and the muchachos eating your oreos.

>> No.3638765
File: 55 KB, 300x386, Jared Taylor - racist scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am generally considered racist.

>> No.3638787

Racism is not just for Americunts. Dostoyevsky was very racist towards the Germans and the Poles.

>> No.3638793

I scorn not so much racism as racists in general.

>> No.3638795

I judge people on their own merits, not the colour of their skin. While there is huge statistical data supporting blacks being violent and less intelligent I don't feel painting them all with the same niggery brush is fair to the minority. I don't think we should see people as races, just individuals.

Of course, I live in Ireland and there really isn't enough multi-culturalism here for it to affect me.

>> No.3638806
File: 50 KB, 500x500, tedstee0042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a racist.

>> No.3638807
File: 309 KB, 1600x1200, CIMG0619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there is a part of me that generally hates white people, but I try to take people on an individual basis.

>> No.3638809

Pretty much what i was going to post (swapping Ireland for England)

>> No.3638816
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I'm against racism but not opposed to some old-fashioned eugenics.

>> No.3638821
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>> No.3638827


>> No.3638833
File: 42 KB, 500x272, tumblr_lutv1iBTSa1qdgeci[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They use their fields mostly for pasture. Little is cultivated and even less is sown. The problem here is not the quality of the soil but rather the lack of industry on the part of those who should cultivate it. This laziness means that the different types of minerals with which hidden veins of the earth are full are neither mined nor exploited in any way. They do not devote themselves to the manufacture of flax or wool, nor to the practice of any mechanical or mercantile act. Dedicated only to leisure and laziness, this is a truly barbarous people. They depend on their livelihood for animals and they live like animals

>> No.3638834

I guess you could say that there are vague general trends among peoples, but since this says nothing useful about them on an individual basis it's serves no practical purpose in most cases.

I don't consider myself a racist but I do consider myself a culturalist in the sense that I prefer certain cultural traits above others. In that sense I take cultural values in consideration when I judge people.

>> No.3638844
File: 597 KB, 650x711, stirner78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racism is merely another spook.

>> No.3638853

>Dedicated only to leisure and laziness, this is a truly barbarous people

Sounds great. Where can I join?

>> No.3638860
File: 143 KB, 350x423, typical ire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pub, son.

>> No.3638870
File: 18 KB, 346x498, frica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barbarian peoples are best peoples.

>“The Hottentots, being persuaded that there is no life after this, labour as little and take as much ease as they can in this would. To hear them talk even when they are serving the Dutch, for a little bread, Tobacco or brandy, they look upon [the Dutch] as slaves who work the land of their country, and as people of no courage who shut themselves up in houses… whilst their people encamp securely in the open fields without stooping so low as to labour land. By that way of living they pretend to demonstrate that they are Masters of the Earth and the happiest people in the world”

>> No.3638884

the hierarchy of races cannot be denied,
phylogenetic categorization places niggers at the very bottom,
evolutionary biology aside, what historical or cultural perspective could ever justify an egalitarian approach? consider what sub-saharan niggers vs mediterranean caucasians
were doing circa 500 BC

>philosopher kings laying the foundation for western society
>the epic struggle for domination of the biggest banana tree, tyree's ancestor vs. chimpanzee

a look in today's society further validates the point. laziness and ignorance supplanted with "muh historical struggles", swing low, that sweet chariot needs to carry all these fucking niggers back to africa, all hair richard petty, white power

>> No.3638890

OK, I see I was wrong. You are the very same bunch of autist rejects.

>> No.3638895
File: 34 KB, 399x300, 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we master race now eelelelelelelee

>> No.3638898
File: 12 KB, 250x268, 250px-Neil_deGrasse_Tyson_-_NAC_Nov_2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phylogenetic categorization places niggers at the very bottom,

>> No.3638899
File: 54 KB, 650x451, meanwhile-in-albania-4a84bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3638903 [DELETED] 


YO NAME IS TOOOOOBEEEEEHHHHH #seekingforvalidationon4chan #kuntakinte

that'll teach you to come seeking validation on 4chan. le pangs of truth.tiff

>> No.3638907


leave my based albanian slave class alone, we've bred them for millennia.
my lineage, on the other hand, carries through Skanderbegs principalities all the way to Epicurus.
bitch, im royalty

>> No.3638908

please take this to >>>/pol/
I'm a regular there, and that is what that board is for. Keep it /lit/ in here I beg you all.

>> No.3638912

elelelelele I are the uber-ubermunch deity, worshipped by the Oracle of Delphi, bench 74 plate, Adonis reincarnate eleleleelelelel

>> No.3638915
File: 46 KB, 550x367, 209877553[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do stormfags, in general, hail from a shithole?

>> No.3638917
File: 21 KB, 550x400, golden dawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3638919


I didnt make the thread. Blame Tyrone for assuming that /lit/ is strictly a haven for liberal pederasts and niggerlovers, praise be to darrell waltrip, white power


iss true tho

>> No.3638924

can't tell if trolling or retarded

if you are a representative muhster race, I have to point you all to gas

>> No.3638925


>Stan posts indisputable facts
>Everyone cries.

Can you please address the substance of his posts, so that we might get somewhere with this?

>> No.3638928

There is no substance, there is only a mishmash of logical fallacies and poor reasoning. I'm pretty sure that's a bad troll.

>> No.3638929

Source: general 18th century person

>> No.3638930

What does a non-pleb Albanian look like? Are they just as swarthy?

>> No.3638935

skin shade Z between year X and Y were more advanced than whites

therefore whites are shit forever, skin shade Z masterrace!

>> No.3638936


haha, whatever you say
i'd love for you address any specific part of my post and see how you fare

>> No.3638937

--> >>3638935

>> No.3638939


im like a better looking version of colin farrell, basically

>> No.3638943
File: 9 KB, 135x150, aristippus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw übermensch intelligence with nigger mentality

>> No.3638949

sounds like some inferior monkey ideology. the truly noble are those who transcend hierarchy.

>> No.3638951

b-but where would I get my unearned ego boosts?

>> No.3638955

if you are a little boy you could boast about having a big penis, i suppose

>> No.3638965
File: 462 KB, 300x168, Hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always get better ego boosts from religion if you're religious. Other than that nationalism can work too. İt's depends on how useless fuck you are.

>> No.3638968

>ono muh rationality is contaminated with jaundiced hatred towards the differently pigmented
>deep down inside my harttt i kno its a matter of circumstance, environment and education
>b-but muh historical and cultural differences!!!!!!

>> No.3638994

The only race that I actually hate is the human race.

Bible thumping hicks are just as bad as nigs, same goes for those drunken irishmen, crazy chinks, etc.

>> No.3638999

We aren't a single entity.
You can't label the entire board as racist or non racist.

>> No.3639017
File: 13 KB, 220x330, TS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. How can anyone justify egalitarianism when we have you as an example? How can I hold that all men are created equal when here before me stands stinking the moral carcass of the gentleman from /lit/? Proof that some men are inferior. Endowed by their maker with dim wits, impermeable to reason, with cold pallid slime in their veins instead of hot red blood. You are more reptile than man satan, so low and flat that the foot of man is incapable of crushing you.

>> No.3639018

Rather than like/dislike, I think racism is fucking retarded. Anyway, I still don't see why is this shit supposed to be barely related to /lit/.

>> No.3639027

satan getting crushed top lel

>> No.3639048


haha stfu oniontits, we'll call you if we need your swiss cheese logic and cute pictures of chinks btw what are you doing here?
shouldnt you be fucking off somewhere to complete that 'paradigm shifting' discourse on a long-resolved topic that no one gives two shits about anymore?

>> No.3639049

>implying /pol/ are homo sapiens
6/10, you nearly got me

>> No.3639052


>generate massive amounts of asshurt
>getting crushed

uppermost strata of lel

>> No.3639057

>the epic struggle for domination of the biggest banana tree, tyree's ancestor vs. chimpanzee
My sides are in orbit.
No, racist as fuck. But I don't talk about race here, I come here for books. Race talk (whether it's actual race science or just racist jokes for laughs) belongs in /pol/.

Half of the people in this thread need to realize that and shut up. Unless you want to discuss the Bell Curve or something.

>> No.3639063

I'm indifferent to it really

It's a belief system that doesn't conflict with poetry, literature or philosophy

>> No.3639070
File: 280 KB, 900x600, 1363806935689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only race that I actually hate is the human race.

Anyway, I'm not a big fan of humanity, though. So I guess I kinda get your point.

>> No.3639071

Racism generally results from the nationalist viewpoint of: "my problems are everyone's fault but my own" so yeah - we generally do.

>> No.3639074

I was not racist until a new job brought me face to face with all the recent imports from Africa and Asia. My dislike of other races has nothing to do with skin colour or “dey take our jawbs” but their culture. Black Africans are rude, obnoxious idiots and a significant portion of them will steal anything not nailed down. Asians are dithering penny pinching assholes that will hold you in contempt for failing to learn their language whilst they refuse to learn even a word of English. The Indians are the worst; I didn’t have an issue with them until I was in the back office and saw how they treated the woman employee at the front desk. I was fucking floored at the utter contempt and dismissal those sub-humans came out with time and time again throughout the shift.

The cultural scum these fucking people bring in with them should be caught at the border the same way plant matter is checked for pests and disease when imported.

So yes, by most measures I am racist. I cannot personally assess every individual I meet or may meet and so I must take my personal experience and extrapolate for those I interact with in the future.

>> No.3639084


That's xenophobia, not racism and you'll cure that through travelling.

>> No.3639094

>a belief system
u wot m8?

Believing in proven scientific differences between the races makes you a racist these days. So you're either delusional or a racist.

>> No.3639096

I've met a lot of nice black Africans. And I've met a few Asians, but no negative experiences. i know a lot of whites. And I loathe like the 70%.

>> No.3639097

How would exposing him to these shitty people in greater numbers make him less xenophobic? They behave like this where they came from too.

Actually I take that back. I've been to Africa, and they behave even worse than they do in America because they're actually in charge of shit that matters there.

>> No.3639098


>Proven scientific differences


>> No.3639102

>that sweet chariot needs to carry all these fucking niggers back to africa, all hair richard petty, white power

This is the point where I losted it completely.

>> No.3639103

tumblr sjws pls go

>> No.3639104


It'll make him cling less tightly to his preconceptions about life and society. I've been to Africa and there's a fairly good reason it' so shitty. There's also plenty of nice black Africans - get off the beaten path in Morocco and you'll come across some.

>> No.3639105

Eh, believing in differences isn't exactly the same as believing your race is superior, or that all x are lazy/stupid/vile/uneducated.

>> No.3639108


Stormfag pls go.

Don't you guys get enough by shitting up pol and lgbt?

>> No.3639110

>It'll make him cling less tightly to his preconceptions about life and society. I've been to Africa and there's a fairly good reason it' so shitty.
Yes, because it's full of black africans. Going to Africa will make you racist if you aren't already, and if you are it'll make you a Nazi.

>> No.3639111

It is to social justice warriors.
Fuck off back to ribbit, filth.

>> No.3639115


bitch please, we just like fucking arse and got no qualms with the white power

>> No.3639116


No, it won't. It'll make you appreciate the shitty conditions they're all raised in and the power vacuums that created it.

>> No.3639119


>Implying /lgbt/ doesn't have fuckloads of troll threads at any given time by /pol/tards

>> No.3639120

You've never been to africa then.

>> No.3639121

Science can't prove anything.

>> No.3639127

>this is what racial egalitarians actually believe

>> No.3639124

Well it depends really. The thing that annoys me about racism on 4chan is that it's usually a bunch of white kids grasping at straws, trying to find some kind of empirical objective fact for why white people are awesome. I mean, let's just say "fuck niggers" and be done with it. You get my vibe, mane?

>> No.3639125

>implying faggots arent twice as racist as normal people
They're twice as likely to disdain having partners from different races as straight people, who are already immensely unlikely to do it.

>> No.3639126


Been to Morocco, Egypt & Saffa. Granted, parts of Saffa were an absolute shithole - but you don't have to have the best memory in the world to understand why.

>> No.3639128


>Implying this isn't bollocks.

INB4 a half arsed, biased pol.

>> No.3639130

I'm talking about black africa, not arab africa.

You're full of shit about visiting SA though. I also never once said there werent any nice blacks or arabs. They're simply the minority and most of them are dumb as shit savages who shouldnt be allowed to infest our country because they'll drag us down to their level given the chance.

>> No.3639133

It's cute how nigs try to imitate humans.

>> No.3639134


Plus, if it makes you racist then you're just a complete fucking idiot. Plain and simple. There's plenty of black people in western civilization who are all perfectly normal. It could make you xenophobic - hbut you types never really care about legitimizing things - it's all just a cover up for insecurity.

>> No.3639136


Saffa's a major tourism destination and you're well instructed on where to stay the fuck away from. What's so unbelievable about people going there?

>> No.3639139

We've had plenty of threads about how we'd never sleep with a black man.

>inb4 L01 1tz /pol/! they're everywehrez!!

>> No.3639141

>I dont believe facts that hurt my feelings.
Judging by the rest of this thread, you're in good company lad.

If you're actually interested just google it.

>> No.3639144


>Implying 4chan is representative of the rest of society

Shock, 2edgy4u 4chan users are largely racist.

>> No.3639147

>They starved because they were lazy and immoral!
>Not because we had rendered them impoverished through years of war and oppression, and were exporting their food to the rest of the empire by the shipload (having long since disbanded their colonial puppet-parliament that might have objected), leaving most of the population with a staple diet of one simple crop which fell to disease, and subsequently providing them with little to no assistance
>No it was definitely because they lacked industriousness
>Look at this drawing of a typical Irishman: his outline resembles that of a nigger! As you can see, our outlines, of course, do not!
>But enough about the beastly, idle Irish, I must go and whip the coolies who toil for me as I ride my rickshaw. God Save the Queen.

>> No.3639148

The crime rates that are higher than a war zone?

I never said it was unbelievable that people went there, just that he went there and didn't leave racist.

Granted, some people are amazingly ignorant and stupid but he didn't strike me as being THAT dumb.
>I know this one nice black guy
Anon pls.

>> No.3639150

Most of the stories involving lazy africans were written by the first european explorers long before we ever conquered them.

Cry more though, faggot.

>> No.3639151

The Hottentots?

>> No.3639161

drop the stormfront hurping and get back to laughing at satan.

>> No.3639163

>implying we arent laughing with him
His post was hilarious.

10/10, would oppress the talking apes with

>> No.3639171

Stormfront actually views Albanians as non-white muslim scum.

>> No.3639173

No they don't. I constantly get banned from lit for expressing my opinion. Seriously. I go from ban to ban. They must have an SRS mod.

UH OH! I said something you don't like! Better ban me!

>> No.3639180



You've got to be the most boring woman on earth? Why do you even post here?

>> No.3639185


Stan isn't a muslim. Apparently his family was part of the resistance against the muslims.

>> No.3639192


This post explains it better http://fuuka.warosu.org/lit/thread/S3633879#p3634245

>> No.3639193

I'm not a "racial egalitarian"

I don't believe in the concept of "race" at all

I'll go ahead and say that I am a white southern male for reference point.
I believe that different groups of people are defined by their cultures, and that some cultures are in their essence more barbaric than others. I do not like the materialistic black culture that permeates the media and affects me on a daily basis. The majority of the blacks I meet and see on the street are rude and animalistic. Is this because of their race? I think not. I see many white youth who wear the same clothing and act the same way. This is a result of the mingling of cultures and values between two distinct groups of people. When I went to Japan, I noticed that, in general, the people there lived lifestyles that were cleaner and more conservative than Americans, white americans.

>> No.3639198



>> No.3639209

This is sick behaviour.

>> No.3639210

It's a good thing facts don't require people's constant belief in them.

We'd all be in trouble if that were the case.

>> No.3639211


>Implying the Stan isn't awesome in that thread.

I wish he kept the joseph ratzinger trip.

>> No.3639230

I'm not a big racist but honestly I'm ferociously against multiculturalism and mass immigration in general.

>> No.3639231

I don't see the point in racism when there are people that represent the goods and the bads of every characteristic in every race, from physical attributes to mental ones. Most things that I tend to dislike about certain people are better described as socioeconomic rather than racial.

>> No.3639251

>no multiculturalism


>> No.3639272

>all non-racists here don't know anything about biology while all the racists don't know anything either except random shit they read from wikipedia and random papers they find on stormfront

>> No.3639283

>all non-racists here don't know anything about biology

>> No.3639294

so many thick skulls on this site

why do i even come here

>> No.3639325

>implying you know anything about biology

>> No.3639335

As the only black guy on the board at the moment apparently (I'm the one from this thread: >>3638429)

I feel I should kick in a few comments: first, the idea of an egalitarian society doesn't strike me as that promising either. I think a sort of color blind meritocracy might serve the turn better. It works in sports, technical fields and literature and the arts, It should be fine in most others i would think.

The perception of blacks as "further down the phylogenetic ladder" however might prove a double edged sword. It might, if established, be used as grounds for granting special privileges, benefits or opportunities. Might want to re-think that a bit.

Also, when someone is prejudiced against me as either a black man or as an individual, it's usually because they either perceive me as pretending to some perquisite or status that they beklieve I lack the qualifications for, that is they see me as an interloper, or they see me as inferior in some way and assume that any advantages or merits I may have above them are obtained in some way unfairly, by taking advantage of some loophole denied them.

This is basically a rationalization, and a specious one. It also doesn't create any advantage for them, since at best it's an egergious excuse for their own shortcomings, and at worst it will cause them to underestimate me, if they actually come to believe it themselves and not just use it to salve their feelings.

It's hard not to resent people who choose to judge my mental faculties and work ethic based entirely on perceived ethnic difference, but i try to take it as well as I can. And as for 4chan i think most of the racism here is for the sake of humor and shock value anyway, which is sort of amusing.

>> No.3639340

you don't

>> No.3639344


>> No.3639352

Answer the question about the biological differences and how it's influencing one's ability to learn

Please do.

>> No.3639356

i dunno let me go check le stormfront and le /pol/ XD and muh wikipedia

>> No.3639357

We're happy to discuss it, but the kind of unsubstantiated bullshit you see on /pol/ isn't really appreciated here because it's retarded.

>> No.3639358

i try my best to judge people individually.
and generally i don't like people who don't make the same effort.
but as crazy as it might sound i think racists are quite discriminated.
i just think that there is no such thing as "enough free speech",and that forcing one's opinion on other people is always bad...

>> No.3639362

Yeah, dude! Free speech for everyone! Want to join the Klu Klux Klan? Go for it! Free speech, dawg! Want to found a local branch of the Nazi party? Whatever you want man, I'm all for free speech! Pedophile? FREE SPEECH!

>> No.3639365

>forcing one's opinion on other people is always bad...

Stop forcing this opinion on me bro

>> No.3639370

>egalitarian society
>blind meritocracy
it's the same thing,dude.
those who think that being egalitarian means crippling the able to make the weak fell better about themselves should throw themselves on some sharp object.
you' re not one of them.
just wanted to say it...

>> No.3639374

>forcing one's opinion on other people is always bad
Jesus Christ, that's such a stupid fucking generalisation.

>> No.3639375

It's bad as long as the one you're forcing your opinion in isn't clinically retarded.

>> No.3639376


>> No.3639381

do you know the difference between stating one's opinion and forcing it on others?
btw do we really wanna discuss the limits of free speech?

>> No.3639384

No, not really. Because inevitably some retarded libertarian will enter the thread, and start espousing the idea that everyone can say as much as they want forever and ever and ever, without limit, regardless of content, and then the argument will be over because it's impossible to argue with a libertarian.

>> No.3639390

>the weak
>but i'm not weak!

>> No.3639391

not a libertarian.
but yeah,as long as feeling are the only things that is hurt,i'm ok with it.

>> No.3639394

omfg some sick animal abuser taught this ape how to type sentences in English I can't stop laughing this is fucking hilarious

>> No.3639399

as the black man from the post a few up from this one, you guys might like to know how black racism works.
First, there's no real belief that white people are either inferior or superior, but there is a deep prejudice that you deal unfairly with non-whites. It's probably close to the idea of how non-jews see jews. there's a sense of cliquishness; of closed ranks if you like.

this is what leads to the kind of paranoia that lets an asshole like OJ Simpson off a murder rap, or turns a dimwit like poor old Rodney King into some kind of martyr. It's like they're made to stand in for all of the ones that were unjustly attacked. It's stupid, but the whole system is pretty stupid,

I myself have been in the position of police finding me in a place they thought was suspicious and treating my calmness and politenesss ans though it were smugness and sneering. I've been, not harassed, exactly, but looked at suspiciosly and examined closely when I could find no logic to it other than being a young black man. It's hard not to hold it against people, and society as a whole, and a lot of people don't make the effort.

I honestly get the impression sometimes that people think I'm mocking them in some way, cops especially. Like I'm smart, so they think I'm just better at hiding my criminal behavior so they better look closer or something.

>> No.3639403

i actually consider myself weak.
i sure am weak physically.
but i have no problems seeing better people go ahead.and there are quite a lot of them...

>> No.3639406

hey, we're all apes. Just some of us have learned the rudiments of socialization and how to act civilized. Don't give up hope. Your sentences are strating to make a kind of crude sense.

>> No.3639407

more proof that anyone believes in some sort of strong/weak dichotomy are nutcases.

>> No.3639409

that's pretty edgy kid

>> No.3639411

>hey, we're all apes

spoken like an ape

>> No.3639414

I don't see egalitarianism and meritocracy as the same. I see meritocracy as rewarding achievement in a sort of free market of accomplisment. egalitarianism would reward any sort of accomplishment equally.

>> No.3639416

thank you, fellow ape.

>> No.3639417

not an ape

>> No.3639419


I think I'm sophisticated
'Cos I'm living my life like a good homosapien
But all around me everybody's multiplying
Till they're walking round like flies man
So I'm no better than the animals sitting in their cages
in the zoo man
'Cos compared to the flowers and the birds and the trees
I am an ape man
I think I'm so educated and I'm so civilized
'Cos I'm a strict vegetarian
But with the over-population and inflation and starvation
And the crazy politicians
I don't feel safe in this world no more
I don't want to die in a nuclear war
I want to sail away to a distant shore and make like an ape man
I'm an ape man, I'm an ape ape man
I'm an ape man I'm a King Kong man I'm ape ape man
I'm an ape man
'Cos compared to the sun that sits in the sky
compared to the clouds as they roll by
Compared to the bugs and the spiders and flies
I am an ape man
In man's evolution he has created the cities and
the motor traffic rumble, but give me half a chance
and I'd be taking off my clothes and living in the jungle
'Cos the only time that I feel at ease
Is swinging up and down in a coconut tree
Oh what a life of luxury to be like an ape man
I'm an ape, I'm an ape ape man, I'm an ape man
I'm a King Kong man, I'm a voo-doo man
I'm an ape man
I look out my window, but I can't see the sky
'Cos the air pollution is
fogging up my eyes
I want to get out of this city alive
And make like an ape man

>> No.3639421

sorry I don't read chimpanese

>> No.3639427

it's not a dichotomy.
i just think that if there must to be an elite,the actual best people should be part of it,and no one could give their place for granted,cause new people are always coming...

>> No.3639429

This is the kind of retarded attitude that ensures people will always be beating you to the well paying jobs, and to pleasure.

"oh, it's not my fault I failed. I'm just naturally weak."


>> No.3639430
File: 171 KB, 600x800, ernst6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No point in hating someone for their race/colour, chances are you'll find more valid reasons to hate them with time.

>> No.3639433

ooga booga

>> No.3639436
File: 283 KB, 1163x888, sheldonfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not having black friends

>> No.3639441

I had a black friend. Then he thought I was hitting on his girlfriend, who I'm pretty good friends with, and put me in hospital.

We're not friends anymore.

>> No.3639449

well, you'll get there. practice the whole opposable thumb thing. thats the first step.

>> No.3639458

>having black friends

only classless redditors do this

>> No.3639464
File: 41 KB, 600x750, 1nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3639465

despite the insult i see the advice in it,and i'm grateful,not joking.
what i meant is that anyone should have at least one shot to the top.or several.
and i am aiming to the top in my field.
but thank you anyway...

>> No.3639474

My dreads are longer and lighter, my skin's a little darker and I wear glasses. I envy him the vandyke though: mines a bit wispy.

Your boyfriend?

>> No.3639475

that really sucks!

>> No.3639491

what part, exactly?

>> No.3639516

>70% of non-whites I met are cool people
>5% of whites I met are cool people
>therefore whites are subhuman


>> No.3639519

your experience with law enforcement.

>> No.3639543

What about el popo negro?

>> No.3639552

I don't really blame them though. My friend frank is white an he gets hassled twice as much as me and he's a stereotypic comic book geek. In his case it's his smartassed attitude. it mostly irks me because frank could avoid the problem by changing his attitude and i can't change the thing that makes me stand out, not that I would of course.

And most of the guys the cops arrest do look a lot like me, and they are all criminals. Shoplifters at the very least, and drug dealers and users a lot of the time. It has served to amke me paranoid enough that i won't even carry weed with me. i give my friends money to buy it and smoke with them if i feel like it. The stigma of a drug arrest is something a black kid does not need in an age when your permanent record really is permanent.

>> No.3639560

Black cops are quite as bad. It's the genus "cop" that has the problem. black cops see black kids as an insult to them, making them look bad to their peers. And the dreads and tats and such make me look unconventional enough that it sort of erodes sympathy.

>> No.3639568

No, I have a couple of black and muslim friends and three black cousins.

>> No.3639586


Let me guess: you're a gypsy?

>> No.3639604

Nope, middle class white male

>> No.3639611

What's also possible: go to /mu/ and learn about obscure music there

>> No.3639615

>Black cops are quite as bad
That's what I expected.

What about inter-minority racism? I have no idea how that generally works.

>> No.3639619


Yeah, yeah, white or not, middle or low or high class, but, a gypsy, right?

>> No.3639622

It may be my imagination, but it seems these types of threads tend to die out when I (the black guy from above) start posting in them. It's not like Magic Johnson at a Klan rally or anything, it's just that the people who are trying to make biological, ethnological or political points seem to fade and I'm left discussing things with the name-callers and such.

Any idea why that should be? It's not like I'm following them home or talking to their girlfriend at a party or anything. When I'm talking gaming on another board and nobody knows I'm black, everybody is as civil or aas disparaging as they like, regardless of their position on Xbox versus PC or whatever.

Any thoughts on this phenomenon?

>> No.3639641

There's a lot of contempt for islanders among Urban blacks, but mostly because of cultural, not racial differences. haitians and jamaicans and any carribean islanders tend to have different work ethics and religious styles and such. and there's economic and educational separators too, since we tend to be better read and more inclined to further our education. I was born in mMichigan but raised by an islander mother, so I get both sides.

>> No.3639642

ehm no

>> No.3639661

if you wanna see name callers

>> No.3639665

Interesting, that's a divide that never even occured to me. What about black-asian and black-latin prejudice?

>> No.3639672

Oh, believe me, I know. But politics are supposed to be about exaggerations, lies and distortions in pursuit of policy. Hitler didn't really believe the jews were evil, he just wanted rid of them. An jeffersin davis didn't really think blacks were animals, they were just the basis of his political power.

>> No.3639681

Koreans hate you till you buy soemthing from them. Then they're fine with you. Hispanics just assume you're theives and drug dealers, which they're mostly okay with.

>> No.3639690


Are you sure? Maybe your parents lied to you?

For example, do you feel the urge to grow a mustache, wear black leather jackets, ride horses, fist fight, or drink alcohol uncontrollably? One of these? Some? All of the above?

>> No.3639744

>grow a mustache,
I can hardly grow a mustache

>wear black leather jackets,
No not really

>ride horses,

>fist fight,
I'm too much of a pussy to get into a fight

>or drink alcohol uncontrollably?
Sometimes, yeah

>> No.3639757
File: 102 KB, 480x349, gypsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There you go. You may be a gypsy. Stand proud!

>> No.3639768

And the other way around?

hurry up and buy i feer sorry for ya madda

>> No.3639777
File: 128 KB, 403x605, feell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I just realised I may be a gypsy

>> No.3639794

Eh I don't like race mixing. It's nasty. Other than that I don't have a problem with different races or people with different sexual orientations

>> No.3639804

There is a part of me that generally hates non-white people, but I try to take people on an individual basis

>> No.3639817

I wonder if this guy is actually serious.

I swear I never used to see these kind of posts until 2010 onwards.

>> No.3639819

This guy too.

who are these people? where are they from?

>> No.3639827

then your memory is faulty. 4chan has always been this way. you've just deluded yourself into thinking otherwise

>> No.3639833



>> No.3639835

Personally I prefer killing people with opinions I don't like.

>> No.3639836

nice rebuttal. get a hold of your butthurt

>> No.3639830

what's your problem with honest opinions?
would you prefer people to tell you what you want to hear?

>> No.3639831

I'm pretty sure you're the newfag here.

>> No.3639832

>being so butthurt that you samefag'ed these
are you non-white by chance?

>> No.3639838

I predict a shitload of bans in this thread. Undoubtable some ass-devastated libshit has already reported all the posts that don't look like revleft

>> No.3639856

how cute!

>> No.3639879

deal with it you right-wing nutcase

>> No.3639884

>being proud of advocating degeneracy and decay
>not wanting to kill yourself
you are the nutcase

>> No.3639890

The West is dead. Get over it.

>> No.3639895

You are both idiots but only one of you are a nutcase.

guess which is the nutcase

>> No.3639897


Do you know what that is?
Hint: thats a 0/10