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/lit/ - Literature

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3633944 No.3633944[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not that it matters, I suppose, but I'm curious what /lit/ thinks. Use the chart in the picture for guidance, if you want, or not. I'd say he's mid-high brow. His stuff can be VERY complicated, but it never becomes super hard, plus, his complexity varies from book to book.

>> No.3633969

Is David Foster Wallace a watermelon, or a cat

sorry, I thought this was a thread for posting meaningless questions

(I'm not sorry) (and I didn't actually think that) (this is just a bad thread)

>> No.3633985

>Is David Foster Wallace a watermelon, or a cat
Quite honestly, Sunhawk thinks he leans toward being a cat.

>this is just a bad thread
Well yes, with shitheads like you posing in Sunhawk's magnificent threads.

>> No.3634142

I've never read any, but he's on my list
I would have put DeLillo in mid-high brow and Atwood and Murakami in low-mid brow

Because Delillo may raise my children
Whereas I can't into Murakami because I think he has problems
Atwood is mainstream in a bad way

>> No.3634322

>Because Delillo may raise my children
Whereas I can't into Murakami because I think he has problems


>> No.3634336

he's highbrow if you're paying attention
middle-high if you just read him to read him

>> No.3634402

Who are Dan Brown and James Patterson and why are they so bad?

>> No.3634422

>Who are Dan Brown and James Patterson and why are they so bad?
Da Vinci Code and Alex Cross.

>> No.3634439

Sunhawk, how the fuck can you make this thread and then post this in another:

"It all depends on what you want to do.

If you want to look at Madame Bovary to pick out examples of free indirect style, you can do that. If you want to find metaphors in Tolstoy, you can do that too. If you want to pick out rhyming couplets and alliteration in Hamlet, then by all means do. But don't make the mistake of saying 'this is a good book because I found an example of X'.

By sorting works into a positive/negative grading you are making a subjective statement; albeit one which may have some consensus, but one which is artificial.

If you have to have a categorisation of 'value' in literature, you will first need to stipulate your criteria: 'We shall form a 'value grid' and chart metaphors, clause length, ratio of narrative to exposition, and use of parenthetic clauses'. Now, using your criteria, you can chart literature within your model, even having consensus once you show you requirements to others. But, you cannot say that the book with the most points is the best(good), and the one at the bottom is 'the worst(bad)."

>> No.3634448

That chart seems to use various -brows as just a way of rating something's quality, which to my understanding (I admit I'm no expert) is not how lowbrow/highbrow etc. work. (And maybe it's intentionally doing that to troll me). For example Pynchon marries some really highbrow scientific and mathematical ideas with the occasional lowbrow humor. DFW works pretty similarly.

>> No.3634515

lol! toasting in another epic sunhock bread! archive quick!

>> No.3636211

complexity =|= opacity
DFW = bandana-brow...

>> No.3636215

I love Sunhawk threads.

>> No.3636327

It's fucking Sunhawk central on /lit/ today.

>> No.3636335

Yeah this is like the tenth Sunhawk thread in 24 hours.

>> No.3636336

I am Sunhawk

>> No.3636344


>> No.3636346

Real Sunhawk here.

>> No.3636355

Holy shit, Sunhawk's tripcode is sunhawk.

Sunhawk #sunhawk

>> No.3636359

Sunhawk,, I expect better from you. This post sucks.

>> No.3636361

I love dan brown

>> No.3636362


>> No.3636367

I'm Sorry.

>> No.3636375


>Trolling one of the few tripfags we have
>You can tell the health of a board by the number of tripfags it has

>> No.3636380

>Holy shit, Sunhawk's tripcode is sunhawk.

Well, Fuck!

>> No.3636390

Aren't you the guy that likes Snow Crash. Yeah... nobody's gonna take you seriously.

>> No.3636397

Where does Joseph Conrad go?

>> No.3636401

I still haven't bothered to read Joyce

>> No.3636407

>Art that become popular or mainstream (such as ASOIAF) is instantly despised on 4chan

True fact.

>> No.3636417

I know I'm posting in a Sunhawk thread but City of Glass by Paul Auster was way 3deep5me.

>> No.3636421

Maybe now that faggot will stop polluting this board.

>> No.3636424

And you know the truth, but I'd be willing to be $15 that you have not read Snow Crash.
Oh you've probably read the plot synopsis on wikipedia and maybe some reviews on amazon, but as for the actual book? No.

>> No.3636428

Sunhawk, why are you hell-bent are reposting your idiotic color belt thread so damn frequently?

And how is Pinecone highbrow? Historical/scientific allusions doesn't make a work "highbrow," especially when blended with all the "lowbrow" humor/cultural references. It transcends the brow dichotomy, and you really don't have to be a rocket scientist to read his books.

>> No.3636429

>tripfag says the health of a board is directly correlated to the number of tripfags

Fuck off. Tripfags destroy boards.

>> No.3636435

>You can tell the health of a board by the number of tripfags it has

Yep. More precisely: the less tripfags, the better. Tripfagging in this post for sage-related purpose.

>> No.3636451

I have read the book. Three years ago. I don't remember much of it. It was long, it was very much plot driven. It had someone on a skateboard or something, I think he had a japanese name. And as I said in the other thread, I remember the Russian guy having sex with the 15 year old girl.

The concept wasn't special, the plot wasn't great, the characters weren't that memorable and the 'hip' pizza delivery stuff, and setting didn't age well.

There was also the showing off of knowledge. Although I did kinda like what he did with Babel.

In any case, I can't really take it seriously as virtuous literature.

>> No.3636459

>Sunhawk, why are you hell-bent are reposting your idiotic colour belt thread so damn frequently?
It wasn't me.

>> No.3636467

>yet another anglocentric tier list

Maximum pleb.

>> No.3636471
File: 6 KB, 129x199, 1364927352724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about anglocentrism on an American website

>> No.3636477

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.3636478

Yes it was. Please stop pretending to be me.

>> No.3636487

Shut your whore mouth, Sunhawk is God.

>> No.3638047


>> No.3638093

>Vladamir Nobokov

>> No.3638113

According to the schema, he was definitely middle brow.

>> No.3638168

>Vladamir Nobokov

>> No.3638175
File: 22 KB, 205x300, 1363100387596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vlodomor Nobokov

>> No.3638178

Secure tripcodes are for jerks

>> No.3639631

So what if you, oh I don't know, want to have fun? Like reading Brandon Sanderson or some other fiction writer that's in it for fun rather than pseudo-intellectualism?

>> No.3639649
File: 11 KB, 302x448, Business man in a rush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vargas Llosa in... in... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Douchebag. Try arsenic and do us all a favor.

>> No.3639669

Say that to my face in real life, see what happens

>> No.3639694
File: 178 KB, 640x480, scared-to-death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3639703

I thought Infinite Jest was harder than Gravity's Rainbow.

Sure, Pynchon's writing is dense, but at least that shit was linear.

>> No.3639739

Would Stieg Larsen be Brown-tier?

>> No.3639754

Jesus christ pynchon is fuckin' entry-level mid-tier at best

why the fuck do you people deify him i'll never understand

>> No.3639763

to clarify: not that he's terrible, but he's far from this impenetrable ubermensch he's made out as. He's solid but nothing more, and he's not really difficult at all

>> No.3639765
File: 10 KB, 302x167, plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plebs, plebs everywhere!