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3632343 No.3632343 [Reply] [Original]

I'm studying German now, could someone recommend me some (famous) German poets?

>> No.3632373

If you simply want to get into german language? Rilke should probably be the first on your list.

>> No.3632372

I'm sorry, the German language can't make poetry.

>> No.3632374

German Romanticism: Novalis (!!!), von Eichendorf, Brentano
Rilke (boring as fuck)

>> No.3632375

Ich möchte, wann ich sterbe, wie die lichten
Gestirne schnell und unbewußt erbleichen,
Erliegen möcht’ ich einst des Todes Streichen,
Wie Sagen uns vom Pindaros berichten.

Ich will ja nicht im Leben oder Dichten 5
Den großen Unerreichlichen erreichen,
Ich möcht’, o Freund, ihm nur im Tode gleichen;
Doch höre nun die schönste der Geschichten!

Er saß im Schauspiel, vom Gesang beweget,
Und hatte, der ermüdet war, die Wangen 10
Auf seines Lieblings schönes Knie geleget:

Als nun der Chöre Melodien verklangen,
Will wecken ihn, der ihn so sanft geheget,
Doch zu den Göttern war er heimgegangen.
But: Goethe, Shiller Hölderlin for a start

>> No.3632377

Well, we call ourselves "das Land der Dichter und Denker", "the land of poets and thinkers". There are plenty of famous and important german poets.
Most of all Goethe, of course, who is overrated, but not overrated enough.
But there are also Schiller, Kleist, Fontane, Lessing, Brecht, Novalis, the other anon mentioned Rile...

My personal favorite: Gottfried Benn. Expressionism, early 20th century, pre-WWI. Give him a try.

>> No.3632378

oh shit I forgot Heine :(
also Benn is important and maybe Storm

>> No.3632384


yeah I was thinking of getting one of those bilingual ones to practice German

>> No.3632386

If Austrian poets are also accepted try:
Nikolaus Lenau
Georg Trakl
Ingeborg Bachmann
Konrad Bayer
Ernst Jandl

>> No.3632402

God dammit. I had all this written down and even had half the translation done, but then I accidentaly deleted it. Since I am too lazy to do it again, here, just have the german original:

Gustav Sack - Gott

Aus Furcht geboren und vom Wunsch verschönt,
ein Bild unsrer Vollkommenheit zu malen,
wurdest du Jude und zum Kannibalen,
der eifervoll dem Bruderfraße frönt;

dann nährtest du dich, opferblutgewöhnt,
von unsrer Selbstzerfleischung Folterqualen,
bis deine Wut verdämmerte zum fahlen
Gespenst, das hohl und wimmernd uns umstöhnt:

Oh Ding an sich! Oh Wahrheit! Letzter Grund!
Nun stirbst du - - dennoch fachte dieses Wort
all unsrer Sehnsucht Narrenschmerzen und

Gelüste an und unsre Welt verdorrt
noch in den Dünsten, die dein toter Mund
aushaucht, zu einem runden Narrenort.

I think it is a perfect example to demonstrate how the german language can play with prefixes and composition of different words that is not all that possible in, say, english. That's a reason why I had a hard time translating it. If anyone really wants it I might do it again though.

>> No.3632413


which collection would you recommend reading first?

>> No.3632429

I honestly am not sure. Everything of him serves its purpose. Isn't there some "Rilke - the entire work" collection?

>> No.3632440

Do you have a good level of German already? If not, poetry isn't really a good way to practice (I'm not saying it's not fun to read though).

>> No.3632467


August Stramm

Paul Celan

>> No.3632922

holderlin is good

he paid attention to Being

>> No.3632961

you definetly have to read stefan zweig. most underated german writing author ever!

i recommend starting with the Chess Story

>> No.3632966

Heine is known and suitable for beginners unlike Goethe. Problem is he mostly wrote about love.
Novalis poems are suitable too but I wouldn't recommend Heinrich von Ofterdingen for a beginner.
Brecht it is if you are a leftist

>> No.3633026

>we call ourselves poets and thinkers
>implying not every country does that

>> No.3633187

No idea. Does yours?

>> No.3633192

Rilke, Novalis, Holderlin

all u need

>> No.3633235
File: 33 KB, 500x333, lit-mishimasword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger. Approved.

>> No.3633246


>> No.3633266

A couple who haven't been mentioned: Stefan George, Paul Celan

>> No.3633267

Goethe et Schiller

>> No.3633351

Kollegah is probably one of the best poets alive