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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 525x294, ebert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3627105 No.3627105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Goodnight sweet prince.

RIP Roger Ebert

1942 - 2013

>> No.3627115
File: 44 KB, 300x400, Garbageman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't like the master
>liked 2012

and into the trash he goes

>> No.3627113

oh shit he's really dead
too bad

>> No.3627119
File: 116 KB, 400x536, 131294233990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3627127


>> No.3627143
File: 86 KB, 918x614, he's still got it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he was a terrible critic anyway

>> No.3627155

>thinking he wasn't better than at least 95% of critics


Watch Citizen Kane with his commentary, it's illuminating as fuck

>> No.3627159


I actually have the Citizen Kane Blu Ray and havent gotten around to watching the commentary yet. I know what I am doing tonight

>> No.3627164
File: 259 KB, 750x500, cancer_cant_force_roger_ebert_to_fear_death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the guy who could fit a football in his mouth?

>> No.3627193
File: 13 KB, 431x199, WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3627198


>> No.3627199

his commentary on Dark City is possibly my favorite commentary track ever, because its just filled with this effusive love for the movie's existence.

>> No.3627206

yeah, it's not like he made a career out of writing

>> No.3627214


/tv/ has a nice 300 post thread telling bad jokes about him. They don't like movies

>> No.3627220


>> No.3627227

Now he'll never admit that games are art.

>> No.3627230

A lot of cool people dying recently.

>> No.3627239

so have lots of other people I don't care about and are not relevant to /lit/

>> No.3627265


>> No.3627300

i bet armond white's runs that

>> No.3627424

Roger Ebert was a great writer. He belongs on /lit/.

>> No.3627446
File: 26 KB, 460x276, Shain-Gandee---an-object--010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel you

>> No.3627491

Roger Ebert is kill?

I'm giving this two thumbs up.

>> No.3627537

he really doesn't

and neither do you


>> No.3627730

Are you like a volunteer mod/janitor?

>> No.3627737

Shhhh....we let him pretend like he's special. We're all going to post this on /tv/ just because he said so!

>> No.3627752


He has a point in this case.
Who gives a fuck about professional critics?

>> No.3627765

Most mods and all janitors are volunteers.

He's more like a pretend mod or pretend janitor. Like a little kid wearing a costume pretending to be a real fireman.

>> No.3627774

He was a writer, we discuss writers on /lit/. Especially talented writers like Ebert.

>> No.3627790


You are right. He was an extremely talented critic, a very sensitive man, and a lover of all the arts: painting, literature, music, and of course, movies.
Many times, for example, he expressed his love of Shakespeare, like in his review of Richard III, in which he calls Shakespeare the greatest artist of all time in all the mediums of art. I always read his critics about the movies I watched, and although I didn’t agree with him all the time, I respected his opinions. This was a learned man, an honest and brave man (for to face such an overwhelming disease as he himself have faced, and to continue to live your life with dignity and productiveness is a major sign of courage).
He deserves our respect. And for the faggots who had their shitty tasted offended and got angry, I suggest you grow up: art is a human creation, and there is not science capable of saying what is good and what is not good – ascetics is not a science, is a field of philosophy, and philosophy, no matter how much times the philosophy faggots say that it is, is not science.

>> No.3627806


He was a shit writer and critic.
Of course there are fags who absolute enjoy genre fiction on this board as well so I shouldn't be so surprised that the /tv/ outcasts have come here to sing paeans to this retard.

>> No.3627823


Please, tell us who are the great writers? Who are this great man? Please, enlight us.

>> No.3627836


>great man theory

Get with the times gramps.

>> No.3627864


It was not an answer. I want to know who are the great pride of the pussy that his shitty taste offended. Let me guess...Joyce, Pynchon, Cormac, David Foster Wallace...

>> No.3627874

Kids giving him a bum rap because he said video games aren't art. They don't know the first thing about aesthetics but want to wail about art.

>> No.3627880


*that had

>> No.3627886

Right, those are called opinions. You said it though, he's a writer and on /lit/ we talk about writers.

>> No.3627895

Ebert had an extensive knowledge of literature and was a prolific writer. Most of you seem to hate or envy the man because he was actually paid to write his opinions where your opinions are posted anonymously on an image board.

>> No.3627933

He really was, wasn't he?

>> No.3627978


come on bud

>> No.3628018


>> No.3628069

reported racist scum

>> No.3628116


Good goyim, you must never forget the 6 trillion.

>> No.3628148

I always preferred Siskel so who cares

>> No.3628161

How fast are the Internet speeds in a trailer park anyway?

>> No.3628168

The Jews are keeping him in that trailer park.

Damn Jews, always holding the white man down!

>> No.3628210
File: 62 KB, 1600x1200, american_history_x_58501-1600x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feed the /pol/ scum...

>> No.3628220


>implying there is a /pol/ invasion

I'd wager that the majority of racial realists on /lit/ rarely, if ever, post on or browse /pol/.